Prophecy 6

Rejoice in the Lord who hath raised thee up together; and thou shalt perceive in the days to come that none of thee shall arise to walk in the Lord perfectly save that thou shalt see that thy brother and thy sister shall be thine instructor in the Lord. Behold how they shall help thee, and they shall pray for thee. At the burden of many shall each one of thee come forth. For thou shalt be laid upon the hearts of many, and then shalt thou rise and prophesy and sing before the Lord and rejoice in Him.

Thou shalt not stand nor fall by thyself, for thou shalt stand by the grace of God that is ministered to thee by the various members of the Body of whom thou art a part. Shall it not also be true of thee that the Lord shall raise thee up together, and thou shalt be able to rejoice in the victory that cometh unto one as though it were the victory of all? For it shall indeed be the victory of all. When one shall stand in the hour of battle, thou shalt know that it shall be by the prayers of many that he shall stand.

Look unto the Lord. Look unto the Lord with great expectation. For the Lord would have thee strive with a perfect heart for the unity of the Spirit that shall build thee together. For though there shall be diverse thoughts in minds, shall they not be exposed? Shall not the Lord cause thee all to speak the same thing? And if there be a diverse way in thee, shall not the Lord uncover it? In order that ye may walk together with a single heart, ye shall behold how that the Lord Himself shall circumcise thine heart. The Lord shall cause thee to be melted together into one loaf. Yea, so shalt thou be bread to be dealt to the hungry of the world.

Rejoice in the Lord, for the day of victory hath come unto thee. For a little season many of thee are in manifold temptations; for a little season the trials are upon thee. For thy tribulation worketh patience; and when patience hath had its perfect work, shalt thou not be perfect and entire, wanting nothing? Behold, the Lord would bring thee to the place where thou shalt be wanting nothing; therefore doth He cause thee to submit unto tribulations, unto temptations that come thy way. When shall the end of this be? “Yea, there shall be an end to it surely,” saith the Lord. Then shalt thou move forward in the place that the Lord has for thee. Be not of a doubtful mind, for thou shalt know that thou art not yet in the place that the Lord wants thee to be in when all of these things continue to come upon you.

When the day cometh that thou shalt stand perfect and entire, wanting nothing, then shalt thou find thy heart directed unto ministry that thou hast never even perceived in thy heart before. This shall be the victory that the Lord bringeth unto thee. For a little season rejoice in thy tribulation. For a little season rejoice in the cross that comes unto thee, for the latter end shall be joy and rejoicing in the Lord.

If thou shalt glory, glory not in the little revelation and prophesying that cometh to each one of thee; for it is but a trickle compared to what thy God shall bring. But if thou wilt glory, O house of God, glory in thy tribulations, and glory in the cross that bringeth thee to the end of thyself; for then shall the Lord shine forth in thee in His glory and in His fullness.

It was the Word of the prophet that the Lord came by the anointing to appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He might be glorified. Isaiah 61:3.

It is not yet perceived by thine own heart that behold, though thou art mourning, shall not the Lord say unto thee, “Blessed art thou that mourn, for thou shalt be comforted”? The comfort that shall come upon thee shall be the joy of the Lord, and the garment of praise shall overwhelm thee.

Yea, thou shalt no more mourn for the ashes of thy life and say, “Behold, my efforts have come to naught, and I am mourning in the midst of ashes.” But the Lord saith, “I will give thee beauty for ashes.” It hath not dawned upon the heart of man how that the Lord shall beautify Zion. There shall be an attractiveness upon everyone that dwelleth in Zion. There shall be a beauty that shall adorn them.

Men shall wonder and say, “What is this beauty that I do behold on them?” The Lord shall give beauty for ashes, and He shall bring the oil of joy instead of mourning; there shall be great joy in the house of the Lord.

When thou shalt hear mourning everywhere, thou shalt hear how the world shall languish in the midst of tribulations. Behold, how the screams and the whines of men shall come up, for the things that shall transpire shall be too grievous to be born. But they that wait upon the Lord, yea, they that are dwelling in Zion, shall they not know the oil of joy upon them?

It shall not be in circumstances that they shall rejoice, but by the great joy that shall come from the Lord. Great shall be their expectation, and great shall be the day of their rejoicing.

The world shall mourn, but thou shalt rejoice. Thou shalt rejoice exceedingly, for thou shalt behold unfolding before thine eyes the wonder and the glory of the Lord as He buildeth Zion in His righteousness, and as thou art brought forth as the planting of the Lord, as the trees of righteousness that shall stand and endure when other things shall pass away. O rejoice, rejoice, and let the spirit of praise even now engulf thine heart that thou shalt rejoice exceedingly in what thy God bringeth forth in thee.

Behold how it is written that in this hour men’s hearts shall be failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming to pass on the earth. For is it not written that the very powers of the heavens shall be shaken? And if their hearts shall be failing them for fear, thou shalt understand the great concern of men that they are concerned about the stress that is causing such heart failure and death among the people. It shall not be so among the people of the Lord. Thou art not to be troubled with their troubles. Thou art not to be under the stress of their pressure, but thou art to look unto the Lord who shall bear thy burden. He shall give thee release from all of thy fears.

Thou shalt not be burdened down by the stress which bows other men’s souls down; but thou shalt cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee. Thou shalt look unto Him who shall be the light of thy countenance.

He shall be the peace of thy heart; and because thou shalt continually turn thine heart unto Him, shall He not keep thy mind and heart in Christ Jesus with a peace that passes all understanding? (Philippians 4:7.) If thou shalt do it, behold how great shall be the rest and the peace that shall be unto thee. But the wicked cannot rest; their hearts are like the troubled sea which casts up mire and dirt, because there is no peace for the wicked. Yea, thy soul shall rejoice in peace and in the abundance of righteousness which shall be rained upon thee from the Lord.

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