All God has said, I am

There is something about this, that you are immortal until your work is done. If you don’t hit resurrection life, at least nobody is going to take you away as long as you are set to do the will of God, until God says, “That’s enough. You have done My will.” I thought of the passage, “Father, I have finished the work which Thou gavest me to do” (John 17:4). That is the one thing that I have had above everything else in my life: I want to finish the thing that God gave me to do, and it is not finished. You guys really need me. You are so far behind even yet in the actual realization of what I can teach you. You hear the words, but there is something of the reality of it that has to be given. I don’t mean that you are lax or anything; it is just that the ministry at this point has to lay on hands and impart the thing that is to be given. It can be done. It you have it, you can give it. And there is so much we have to give.

We are going to work incessantly. We have been learning about that word “incessantly.” It refers to so many things in our lives. I just feel that we should really realize the vast picture of what we are in and get it to really flowing. There is so much that yet has to be done. We don’t realize yet how complete the revelation has been. For over a quarter of a century it has been a complete revelation. I know we would never need another Word if we could just train these people—the prophets, the priests, and the kings—train them to see exactly what has come and let them be skilled scribes in it. They could go back and search out the Word. As far as the Word is concerned, I wouldn’t be needed anymore as far as what has come. We would have the ministries who could carry it on. But as for this Word of the Kingdom, it is a whole new book. This is where we literally take what was prophesied, and we make the people living epistles (II Corinthians 3:2–3).

This impartation, the thing that has to be done—we’ve got to get at it. We have to go into the greatest period of rejection we have ever seen. This thing to resist and reject is very, very difficult. It is like trying to resist a tidal wave. You just get swept away with it unless you can position yourself someway. The battle hits you physically, mentally, emotionally.

There is some weird thing that Satan is moving in, because of the intensity and the finality of what happens to him in what we are doing. We are changing the course of six or seven thousand years. Do you understand this? Do you really realize what we are trying to do? If I open the door to the Kingdom, that means that we put Satan in the bottomless pit. The angels will do it at our command. I have been wanting to just take Psalm 103 and talk about it, and go through all the benefits and all the blessings. But when you get to the end it talks about all the angels of God that do His will in the earth (verses 19–21), and you realize that that is the culminating thing; in our authority we are going to direct angels.

You see, at this particular point, the angels, according to Hebrews, are to be ministers to those who are the heirs (Hebrews 1:13–14). We have read that. We are the ones they are to minister to. We have to understand this. If you use the word “dispensational,” somehow it loses some of its force. But it comes alive if you say that all of the age of ages pivots on two times: Golgotha’s brow, and the travail of the sons who come forth—events that are centuries apart but definitely related. When He said, “It is finished” (John 19:30), it was so great; it was so tremendous. It was finished. That means that now, in the fullness of this time, we make it happen (Ephesians 1:9–10).

It takes a great deal of faith. When you come to intercede, pray over one another’s faith. Impart to each other faith. Keep working at that one thing above everything else, that in your faith, you are appropriating more faith, and you are bringing to pass that ultimate will of God in the earth.

The thing that has been real to me is that there was a point with Elijah when, even after that death threat, the angel ministered to him; and there was just a touch and a strength and he went on into a whole new level of ministry (I Kings 19:1–18). And I prophesy that the next level of ministry that you are entering into is this dominion over the elemental spirits.

That is what Elijah did, and he anointed kings. He anointed kings of countries that were not even related to Israel, kings over Syria and so forth.

It’s a dominion that is coming on a much greater scene. You are going to establish the worship in our hearts, and this ministry of impartation is going to work. In the commissions you are giving, you are building the foundation for another thousand years.

The other thing that was really real to me was that in that passage in Isaiah on the fear of death, the promise said, “Behold, I and the sons Thou hast given Me are for signs and wonders” (Isaiah 8:18). I feel that what we are here to do is come in closer and be the family that is going to render Satan powerless. We are one with you in that.

I am very much into this flow. It is almost like we shift gears, or pull levers. We start drawing from God in a way we have never drawn before. It started with an instance where I went up and pointed my finger at a brother and said, “Be it.” From that time on he has been totally different, because he realizes that he can be it. That is what I have to do with every one of you. I have to take everything that has been taught, everything you have hidden in your heart, every Word that you have believed, and walk up to you, lay hands on you or yell at you or shake you up in some way, and say, “Be it. Be what God said.” There has to be within us that which we call appropriation. But we must simplify the words down: “I am.” God gives you a Word and you say, “I am.” That is what we are going to do.

We don’t have enough to resist and reject Satan at this point. But it is in the travail that we bring it forth. We don’t travail to bring down Satan; we travail to bring forth ourselves. We are going to be it. You don’t think that is difficult? I could look around and I don’t believe I could find one person who could honestly say, “All that God has said, I am.” That is true of me, too. But you see, if this is the threshold of a new level of the Kingdom, it has to be the threshold of the greatest creativity we have ever seen. There has to be something with such tremendous faith that we say, “Let there be” (Genesis 1:3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24). Be it. Become it. Say it: “I am.”

You don’t know how much we need each other. That interdependent need is so great. None of us really realize that, including myself. It’s dawning on me. Maybe I am going to be the first one to really get the depth of it, but this is so deep, how much I need you. But with it has come the revelation of how much you need me too. You need me. You have to have the Word; you have to have what I can impart to you. You have to impart to me and deliver me. All the Kingdom is a big womb in travail. We bring forth one another.

When you tell us to be everything that God says we are to be, there is one thing that we all have a Word to do together. We all may have individual things, but the main thing that we are looking for right now is that we are going to be something to you. By the Word you are telling us to be it, and that’s what we be today—which means that we accomplish it. We are going after it, because we are going to see something for you today. I refuse to believe that it’s going to take a long time.

We have to get this thing over with so that we just start blowing up all the dams and get the flow. It’s like everything is ready to go. The machinery is made, as far as the minds and the memories and the Word that is so real to people. Now all it takes is that amazing, electrifying anointing of the Lord that just turns it loose.

Your hands are going to complete it; and having done all, you are going to be standing (Ephesians 6:13). You are going to be a living, standing manifestation. We may have the Word, but we still have to have it personified in our midst, in oneness, living. The Living Word has to be on earth.

In the days of the Kingdom, the trees shall clap their hands for joy (Isaiah 55:12). We are going to see everything change. We are going to see that we just stand and talk, and see the people clap their hands and everything turn into something wonderful.

We are blowing up a dam so that the thing is going to start flowing and everybody is going to start moving into something really positive. I mean it. You talk about dedication; you had better begin to stop and think, “Are we really dedicated enough? When we get this victory are we prepared to go all out for this?” I think we are. I think the people have come to the place where they have given their lives for this thing that God is doing and for the Word, and they are ready for it. Once the door is open, you watch it. There is going to be a Kingdom stampede.

The travail weaves us into the destiny of what we loose. That was the Word you gave us—that by entering into this travail, we don’t get removed from it.

You begin to realize how God is speaking. The judgments of God are in the earth, and the people will learn righteousness (Isaiah 26:9). That is what the Word promises. If there ever has been a time when we need to get rid of all this demonic, satanic mechanism, it is now. It is an intricate system. We have no idea how vast the network is. But we are going to break it down.

There is a principle that I learned way back at the beginning of this walk. It came like a vision or a parable in which the Spirit was saying, “My people are deceived. When they eat a banana they eat the peel and throw away the fruit.” That was back in the early fifties. Think about that; it’s true. We get into a battle and we fight all of our battles over what Satan wants us to battle over. But we miss the big heart of the thing that God is trying to show us: “This is your victory.” Does this make sense?

We have been affected by every distraction that Satan has sent; but I think the strengthening that you are getting is a covering, the protection, the strength for you to speak to him. He has to hear his judgment.

Satan is creating things that just stymie you. In other words, what I am trying to say is that those who all their lifetime were subject to the fear of death are being delivered (Hebrews 2:14–15). And I’m delivered. I am not afraid of him; but I think he is afraid of us, because we definitely have the victory over him. I know what I am doing. It’s the wrath of God against that devil. I have no tolerance left for these satanic things that come against us. None of you should either. There should be no tolerance—no tolerance at all.

There was something in the Scriptures about that, in Acts 13:4–12. Paul came to the Island of Cyprus, and Sergius Paulus was converted. Then a man who was a witch came up and began to try to subvert him. Paul turned around and said, “You’re not going to see anything”; and God struck the false prophet blind. God just struck him blind right there.

We don’t realize that judgment doesn’t come in the earth because there is still a measure of tolerance in us. We still draw back. There is something in the human heart that Satan preys on, and makes us feel, “Ohh, God is full of love. Ohh, He’s so precious.” So we endure. We have something within us that goes back to be tolerant of Satan; and probably the worst thing that has ever happened has been the doctrine of the restitution of all things, that even Satan is going to be saved.

The Scripture speaks of the place prepared for the devil and his angels (Matthew 24:41). God didn’t actually prepare a hell for us. The devil is coaxing us to go along with him into it.

What we ought to do is get into this thing with everything that is within us. You talk about being violent—we have to be violent to the point that there is no tolerance left in our spirit. We have to come to the end of tolerance.

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