Learning about the world of the Spirit

Every new level presents its difficulties, because people are accustomed to one atmosphere and then they step into a whole new one. Can you tell the difference between reading the Old Testament and the New Testament? In the Old Testament, with its stories of wars and kings and judgments, all the things that happened were on one level.

And then the New Testament opens and you find the Lord Jesus Christ going about casting out devils (Matthew 8:16–17). That was a new level.

In the Old Testament you didn’t worry about the devil in Goliath. You didn’t go to cast that out; you just wanted to cast a stone in his skull and kill him (I Samuel 17:49). It was on a physical level. But to come into a new level was quite a different thing.

What people are not understanding is that the Kingdom of God goes from one level to another. And in these different levels we face different things.

Now, what does this mean to you? It begins to explain why you are confused about the things that you are facing now. You feel, “Why is everything so different for me? What has happened? I used to be able to cope with everything, and now everything seems to be so different.” To tell you the truth, it’s because we are on a different level.

It was very different for people to move from the Old Testament to the New Testament, and it is just as different for us to move from this level of the restoration of the Church into a new level that is leading to a greater expression of the Kingdom of God upon the earth.

That is why you wonder, “What’s happening? What’s happening to me when I tune into somebody?”

Let me give you a practical example. You say, “Lee, I used to pray for you and you were somewhere afar off. But now I feel like I’m really one with you and I have access to you; and when I tune into you I really feel the assault, and I get into so much battle. What’s the matter?”

We are on a new level, and we are facing different things on that level. I have moved into a new level; and as you become one with me, you are drawn into it the same way, and therefore your battle is different than it was. It is no longer so much soulish feelings and so forth, but it becomes a real battle against principalities and powers (Ephesians 6:12). And in oneness we begin to share the same conflict (Philippians 1:30), as well as the same anointing and the same flow.

You say, Lee, I feel I have access to you, but why am I going through so much battle?” Because you have access to me. Don’t you think that you should share in the same conflict that I do? “Not me, all I want to do is give you a cup of cold water.” Then you will receive a prophet’s reward, too (Matthew 10:41–42; Mark 9:41). Believe me, you will have identified yourself with the prophet and you will share the same battle and the same reward, even though what you do may be no more than giving a cup of cold water.

From the very beginning, the people were met by a revelation, and they came into oneness together, a oneness with me. Many things have happened, and you can’t help but wonder why any of them ever stayed through all the things that happened; they went through so much. But some did leave. Some who even prophesied the Word of the Lord left. And there are various degrees—some of them left forever because they abandoned the Word; but others still have the Word and they are going through things, and they can be brought back in easily. But some who are here, who have borne the heat of the day (Matthew 20:12)—they sweat through it, they work hard, they labor—you couldn’t drive them off with a stick. You couldn’t make them leave, because they are so one with the Word and it is a revelation that has come to their heart.

I am concerned about teaching you things of the realm of spirit. If you are entering into a new realm of the spirit, I want you to know how to function in it. I want you to know how to discern what is happening to you. I don’t want you to be confused, to get hit and wonder, “Why am I being hit?”

When you get into a new level, you have to find out how to cope with it. You have to find out what comes against you in oneness. You are one with me. Then everything that I am going through, you are going to get too. And you can either absorb it and almost go under, or you can all dilute it, evaporate it, toss it back on the Lord to take care of it for you, so that we become one another’s strength. And that is what I would like to have happen, because at this particular point in this oneness, I need some people who know how to take what is coming against me and dilute it, evaporate it, just dispel it, so that we can continue to do what we are doing right now—have the fun, have the joy, have the blessing.

I just don’t believe in the heaviness of this spiritual warfare that we are in. I think there is a way, by our coming into this oneness, that we can learn how to just throw it off. Individually we are not going to be swamped by what comes, but we reach out to one another. I am not talking about the soulish thing of bonds where people just suck the life from each other; I am talking about the life in the spirit where we are one another’s strength, and we can just throw off the battle. We are going to do it.

We can get so involved in oneness that we don’t really understand how many things come against us. It took me a little while in this last step to appreciate this, because all through the years it has been true, but lately it has been more evident that I have been carrying and ministering to a lot of people. And I wonder sometimes why I have no set sleep patterns anymore, why I will be awakened and things will flood in. It happens again and again. There isn’t any end to it. I am carrying you. But the big thing is that I know you are carrying me, too. You are carrying me.

In our oneness we are adjusting to a very, very difficult thing: the fact that we are really one and we are touched with one another’s infirmities (Hebrews 4:15, KJV). We are touched with one another’s battle. We bear one another’s burdens, and the strong bear the infirmities of the weak (Galatians 6:2; Romans 15:1). God has a way of bringing us in, so that these great convulsions of the Kingdom which are taking place right now, the changes, are going to be a period in which we will just shoot the rapids, go through together, and be filled with the Spirit to do the will of God.

What is happening is something that should be explained to a lot of people. Because we are moving more in the realm of spirit, many of you are approaching what I used to term a “free spirit.” A free spirit can be a person who is more aware of things of the spirit than anybody else, and because of that it can be a greater problem to them; they can be more sensitive to things. For instance, years ago when I first began to understand the things of spirit, I could see that when a little child with a free spirit would ride past a mental institution or a hospital, the child would go into hysterics, because his spirit was free enough that it was touching everything around it. Just in riding down the street his spirit was doing that.

When mentor first became aware of a free spirit, way back in the very early fifties, he remembers going east of the San Diego area; and he tuned in and said, “Over that hill there was a great massacre, and their spirits are still crying.” The people with him knew about it but didn’t say anything; then finally they said that they knew it was true. Later, he read about many of the things that had happened there. The greatest Indian massacre that ever occurred in Southern California had occurred just over that hill, and he had discerned it without knowing anything about it. But you see, he was in tune with it. His spirit touched it. he was sensitive to it. That is what we discover in the realm of the elemental spirits. There is not only a discernment of the spirits, but we want to find out, “Why were they entrenched? How did it happen?”

I am telling you something that you need to know. You have to know the elemental spirits that are around you, because you are going to be more aware than ever before. The Hawaiian Islands are a place of spirit. But you don’t need to be afraid of that; they have been here all the time. You have survived already. But you are coming into a new level of awareness. Now how are you going to cope with it? What are you going to do with it? Don’t you want to see the level that you are on? Don’t you want to be able to sense the levels that you are coming into? Don’t you want to grow into it with a new awareness? You say, “I didn’t think of it that way.” But at the same time you are saying, “We have to leave the old level.” It’s like leaving a burning building. God is not going to leave any of the old remaining, except that the foundations of righteousness and the Word are going to be in our hearts as we are taking this step up into the new level.


The books of the Gallic wars of Caesar tell how he crossed the Rubicon River. When he did, he gave the order to burn the bridges. This was in the dead of winter, so cold that if any of his armies wanted to turn and run, there was no place to go. They would perish in the cold waters because the bridges had been burned. Have you ever heard that phrase, “burning your bridges behind you”? That story is where it came from.

That is what God is doing now. He is saying, “Burn the bridges behind you and move up into this next level. Sure, there is going to be warfare; there are going to be many things to take, but I have prepared you for it. I have given you the land; go in and possess it. It’s all yours” (Joshua 1:2–4).

Learn where the enemy is, who he is. Learn how to fight him. Learn how to resist him (James 4:7; I Peter 5:9). Learn the immunities. Learn what shields and armor you have in this warfare (Ephesians 6:10–20). I think it is going to be a lot simpler than it has been, because we have been in a transition between one realm and the other, and we have been more vulnerable to the warfare because we did not understand it.

Today I said, “I absolutely declare it: I did not come over here to get into spiritual warfare. I am absolutely rejecting it, because we have moved into a new level and we don’t have to submit to this enemy anymore. We are not going to walk in anything where we are vulnerable. We have the victory in the Lord Jesus Christ, and we are going to walk in that and manifest it” (I Corinthians 15:57).

Are you feeling that this is where you are? There are other things we could talk about, but the main thing is this: just because you don’t know yet how to move on this level, don’t be afraid. It is natural to be afraid of something you don’t understand. You say, “Well, it sounds so spooky. I don’t know what to do. I’ve never done this before.” That has been the story all the way through. Joshua said, “We have not passed this way heretofore” (Joshua 3:4). But that doesn’t make any difference; somebody has to break through sometime.

Don’t be afraid; go in and get the victory.

On a lower level you can say, “We have learned to live and deal with things on this level!” But we are not going to deal with problems in the same way up on this higher level.

We have reached the spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places, the principalities and the powers (Ephesians 6:12); and we are beginning to release the restraint the principalities and powers have had on the elemental spirits. We are going to be able to control the weather. Everything is changing.

We had better realize that we have been thrust into it, and we had better be spiritual people. We had better learn the things of the spirit. If you are going to be a spiritual person, learn to see in the spirit, to feel in the spirit, to discern, to come alive.

We have moved into the spirit world. Let’s pray for each other. Let’s get eyes to see it. Let’s be able to discern it. Let’s begin to function in this world, because the things aren’t done by natural governments, corporations and so forth as you might think; there are spirits and principalities.

To live in the level of the Kingdom we have to learn how to move with Authority.

God may have positioned you someplace where you look and feel as if you’re a Daniel in a den of lions (Daniel 6:16–22), but that doesn’t matter; God is going to take care of you. God is going to help you and you are going to be a voice for the Lord. Many of you are put in places like that and you don’t realize it. You could say, “I don’t have any important place.” You do.

The Lord has been slowly but surely moving everybody into a place where they are going to be functional. And they are going to be a part of the Kingdom. This thing is going to become something different than what we have seen.

You may wonder and say, “Well, the third generation has taken over.” The third generation is going to be the answer to the first. The Hawaiian people are going to have their opportunity because of the faith of the whole Body that stands behind them. I haven’t been spending as much time in services as I have been in walking around through the night, loosing the Islands, just declaring in the spirit, in the name of the Lord, what has to happen. And people say, “How’s the battle?” I am in a great battle. I am not here just to play nursemaid to people; but if we can see this thing loosed, the people are going to be loosed too. I am here to see these Islands set free. They have to be set free.

I mentioned to somebody the other day that usually the people here in the Islands don’t talk to each other that much, but wherever I go, they open up to me. They are open to me. Do you know what it is? God has given me something that the people are opening their hearts to me. For instance, wherever we go and begin talking together, like in a restaurant, the next thing we know the Hawaiian waitresses, or the singer, or someone else will come and practically sit down and eat with us. They are so open to us. It is God who sets before you an open door and no man can close it (Revelation 3:7–8). There is going to be a door open, and these Islands are going to be free.

Way back in the history of the Hawaiians there was a true worship of the true God. And there are Hawaiian people today who have that mystical ability—things that are almost keys that we’ve got to find, things that the Lord is trying to show us. We have been identifying the controlling spirit since we has been here. Even though he has been in services, he has really been focused into the heart of the Hawaiian. And the first thing that hit me, within two days after we came, was this spirit of fear. It is such a blast on you; and it tells you, “You are invading; you must go away; you cannot touch this. What are you doing here? Go.” You must know that what we are feeling is a domination over everybody here, and it is not the true Hawaiian spirit. God is doing this right now, because it’s almost too late. The people are waiting for us to set them free.

In the old Hawaiian culture, we were taught to be fearful. And we were placed in a position that as we grow old, the spirit of fear lingers with us. What you feel is what kahunas, or spiritual bad ones, are placing in the atmosphere. Now with our faith we can overcome this. You have seen the spiritual side of what the Islands are faced with, the background of the fearfulness that any one of us has in Hawaii—whether we are pure-blooded Hawaiian, Japanese, haole, or whatever. But it is the spirit background that has been native to the whole Hawaiian Islands. And this is what we’re after.

We can play around with the leaves and branches, or we can get to the root. The only thing the enemy has is delay. A time of delay. Already everything is here to change things. We have the vision, and I say we can redeem the time (Ephesians 5:16). We can create the atmosphere; we can take it back retroactively. But it has to go to the root.

It has to go to the root. We talk about the root being fear; but the basic thing that Satan does here—and the principalities and all of these spirits that war—is bring division, until there is always division, until there is always suspicion of one another, and that makes you fearful. And you are not going to get rid of that fear until you say, “I love my brother; I love the Lord; I believe in the Lord; I believe for my brother,” and you take the faith. The faith and the oneness is going to dispel the fear, because division is an expression of fear, just as fear is an expression of division.

This is the most divided people in the world. How they even live together on the same island I don’t know. I am not just talking about the true Hawaiians; I am talking about the whole island, everywhere. The whole thing is so totally divided, and that is why fear reigns everywhere. Everybody is afraid of everybody and everything.

But there is such a spiritual awareness; these people are so spiritual. We have been teaching people to move in the spirit, and these people automatically have the spirit side. We are teaching principles that they can apply to what they know. And it seems that there is a true thing of spirit knowledge in the Islands that the world has not come into.

They live in it so much that if you just meet a person on the street and talk to him, you find that he knows more about the spirit world than the people on the mainland do. It’s their life. It’s normal.

When we don’t walk in the flesh but in the spirit, we can loose people to walk with the Lord. And it relates back to the culture—the religious world has come to a point where the people can’t believe it anymore.

I have called it “institutional Christianity.” The big denominations have become institutions, like big business; and the people can’t believe in that anymore. But you see, out there are the free people, and they have a lot of faith. That’s why the Lord is telling us that we cannot become a denomination, or we will never reach those people out there. Some of them have more faith than you have seen. A lot of these people have real faith, but they are not a part of institutional churches or Christianity or lodges or denominations. They just can’t get involved with it. But they recognize authority when it comes.

They do have this though, that they have been burned so many times that they are suspicious even when they see the true. It is just amazing—the minute that we speak, the world seems divided between the evil and the good. They are either going to believe and be with us, or they are going to reject us (John 15:20; Luke 10:16).

Let’s get into the spirit realm. I would like to see this third generation just sit with the first generation and help them—not just for their own sake, but for them to help the first generation take the layers off—to loose them, to help them, to get right down to the heart of it. Then we can move from there. Once they can function, then they will know how to help the others function too.

Let’s walk in faith, with no fear. If you are fearful, you open the door to it. Don’t be afraid, but know that we are hitting a new realm, and that cautiously we walk into it.

What a step we have taken forward! Do you know what we did? We opened the door and we walked in. In a sense you have all entered into a certain degree of freedom in your spirit, and that makes you more of a free spirit than you were. We are all going to protect one another. Don’t let any division come in your thinking; don’t let anything separate you. As we are one, we are going to be protected together.

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