Our identity

The whole issue of our identity is about our coming into full maturity.

Hebrews 10: 14 For by one offering he hath perfected (past-perfect tense-the finished result of the action, To complete, make perfect by reaching the intended goal, a spiritual condition brought about by the action) forever (two words in the Greek 1- motion into 2- continuing throughout eternity,) them that are sanctified (continuous or repeated action, to make clean and pure, to purify, to set apart exclusively for Gods use).

In the kingdom realm of our Father we are already perfect. This is a spiritual dimension that we have access to. It is the infilling of the Spirit. When we are filled with the Spirit we are filled with His perfection.

The infilling of the Spirit is the life of God in heaven, flowing into us, and his life is perfect. The infilling of the Spirit opens the spiritual dimension of the kingdom to us.

It is through the sanctifying or transformation process that we experience more and more of God’s perfection interpenetrating us.

Everything we receive from God is by grace through faith. His righteousness is given to us as a gift, and we partake of it as we enter into the kingdom. The kingdom is a spiritual dimension that we are enabled to step into through sanctification.

But Holiness is a choice to surrender everything to the Lordship of Jesus over our spirit, so that our soul comes under submission to the life flow of God into our spirit, so that our soul does not act independently of the Lord.

Therefore sanctification is a process of surrender and yielding to the flow of God’s Spirit into us. Our soul does not want to lose control; we have to lose our soul, so that it can enter into eternal life.

Our soul is the part of us that is earth bound. Our spirit is right now seated with Christ in heavenly places, but our soul has no awareness of it, until it becomes transformed from the inside out. Our soul has been programmed from the outside in.

Our spirit has to grow in its capacity to appropriate God, and our soul has to be transformed through surrender to the life flow of God into our spirit, so that our soul can receive what we already have in the kingdom realm of God’s Spirit.

Our soul is the part of us that is self-conscious. So when we are struggling with character defects or sin, we become conscious of who we are not, and we cannot get free.

As our spirit grows in its capacity to appropriate God, our soul-life changes, our soul stops trying to get its needs met through the effort of self, because that is the pathway of the knowledge of good and evil, trying to become like God apart from God.

When Jesus died on the cross the whole adamic race died with him. He became the first born of a whole new race of beings. We have already been perfected; we just do not believe it because we are focused on what we are not.

The moment our soul acts independently of God our spirit becomes aware of it. We are living in our soul, so we have to step back into our spirit. We have to learn how to be continually aware of our spirit communing with God’s Spirit, so that our soul no longer acts independently of God.

Transformation or change comes through our awareness of the presence of God. So it is a process of dying out to that which is not like God’s character by not focusing on it. When we become aware of negative thoughts, or thoughts not inspired by God in our heart, we have to disconnect from them and then they lose their intensity and power.

As we learn how to practice the presence of God, we become aware of his thoughts flowing into our soul.

For example my friend’s mother just died, and his brother that does not yet know the Lord intimately, was having a hard time. I do not know what he is feeling, but Jesus feels our pain, and I experienced what Jesus was feeling because he identified with him. And I cannot describe it, it was total loss, the loss of your best friend or loved one, but there was nothing negative in the feeling, I was aware of the presence of the Lord in it, but it was overwhelming, so I choose to turn it off.

So because I am an administer of God’s kingdom into the earth realm, I speak the comfort of God into the situation, by allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through me words into the earth realm. My brother’s mother did not seek to exist; she just entered into another dimension because her soul is no longer in her body but with the Lord because she trusted in him.

We need to realize is that the Father is looking for mature sons. He is looking for Lords and kings. The earth will respond to our position in heaven.

We have to access that spiritual dimension; right now the emotion gate in my soul is able to feel the life of God flowing out of heaven into my spirit, then into my soul.

I am working on the gateways of spirit, soul and body to get them open and flowing with the life of God. My mind and emotion, and conscience gates in my soul have received a lot of transformation.

I have to work on the imagination gate in my soul, I have been cleansed of the negative things, and am believing for God to be able to project things upon it in the daytime, he is able to do it when I sleep.

I just haven’t taken the time to practice, because I am focusing on writing.

As we develop our capacity to receive from heaven, then the earth will begin to change, because we are suppose to be governing the earth.

The function of the fivefold ministry was put in place for the building of the body of Christ, for the maturing of the believers until that which is perfect has come.

That which is perfect has to do with the ability to access the heavenly realms, so that we can then release that in the earth.

We have been mystically united with Christ. I do not call myself a Christian. That is what the world called the Disciples of Christ. Today believers call themselves-Christians, but religion has not portrayed the nature of Christ, so I call myself a mystic, I believe I have access to the supernatural realm’s of God’s Kingdom.