In almost every area where the Lord is dealing with people or even just setting them aside for the moment, problems suddenly erupt which look like utter disaster. Yet people go along on their merry way thinking they will keep it covered. God will not allow it to remain covered. This is a day of revelation. It is a day of transparency, and the things that lie smoldering under the surface are going to erupt so that God can deal with them. What a marvelous encouragement it is to know that God will not leave anything in our lives, down below the surface, that can defeat us. Jude calls people of such nature “hidden rocks in your love feast” (Jude 12). When rocks are hidden below the surface they endanger the boat passing above them, because they cannot be seen until the boat has struck the rocks and capsized. God does not want any “hidden rocks.” He does not want anything that will defeat you later; therefore He brings it up that He might deal with it.

Honesty, openness, and frankness are without a religious air. I thank God that we do not find it necessary to put on or create an image that appears religious—not to any one, at any time, or in any place. All we need is to walk with God in honesty and simplicity of heart. Do not try to impress anyone. Just walk with God and let the fullness of the Lord come forth.

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