We are a house of God

We are a dwelling place of God, a house of God. God desires to interpenetrate and dwell within us and share His life with us and ultimately live through us, to reach out and touch others and change the world in which we live through the administration of His Kingdom.

When our spirit becomes alive to God in the time realm, the senses of our spirit become conscious of the inflowing of the Spirit of life.

Our spirit then becomes a gateway to God’s heavenly kingdom. Our spirit can sense what is happening in the unseen realm of God’s Kingdom.

Our spirit is dimensional, it is seated in the heavenly places in Christ, we have to learn how to allow our spirit to ascend and sit upon its heavenly throne in the Spirit realm.

When we learn how to ascend in our spirit into the heavenly places in Christ and receive mandates from God, we can then descend and plant the heavens upon the earth.

Our spirit also has gateways to our soul .Our soul has gateways to our body .Our body has gateways to the world. When we become a whole person, where the life of God is flowing through the gateways of spirit, soul and body into the world, then we become a gateway of heaven into the earth. The kingdom then becomes established in our life and through us expands throughout the earth.

Our spirit is a dwelling place of God, our soul has to be transformed so that it becomes a dwelling place of God, and our body has to be quickened by the Spirit, and the record of sin removed from within it, so that the death process in it can be reversed.

First there must be reconciliation between our spirit and God, Then reconciliation between our spirit, soul and body and ultimately between us and creation.

What is our spirit? Where does our spirit come from? What is our spirit made of? Where is our spirit? What does our spirit do? How do we engage our spirit?

Our spirit is our eternal essence; it came from eternity and will return to it. Our spirit is the purest representation of our true self. It has a consciousness of its own, it is our life essence, and our soul has to be swallowed up into that consciousness, so that it has no self-consciousness separate from it.

Our spirit entered the cells of our body at conception and our soul was formed around it.  Our soul is the result of our spirit entering a physical body. Our soul is distinct from our spirit, our unique individuality, which gives us self consciousness. The soul is our own personality. It is our natural created life; it is what makes us human.  Our self dwells in the soul.

Our soul and spirit are interrelated. Our soul is to reflect who we are in our spirit. The soul is the interpreter between the spirit and body. Our soul becomes kind of a switchboard to interpret what the physical senses receive, as well as what our spirit senses receive.

Just like our spirit, the soul is composed of a spiritual substance and has all the necessary elements to survive and function, even when our spirit is dormant inside of us.

From the moment of conception, our spirit, coming out from God, enters our mother’s womb, and the soul is formed which is directly related to our blood. Through our blood we receive the record of the iniquity of our ancestors.

Our soul develops taking on the nature of our human parents through the D.N.A in the blood and is shaped from the outside in as it grows.

We are born into this world as a human baby. Our spirit is still conscious of the world it came out of. When babies are born, they are able to connect and engage in the spiritual realm, they can see angels and the things in the spirit world, but they can’t actually see in the physical realm very well, they have to learn to do that. They have to learn to process what they see in the natural realm as it is projected upon the screen of their minds.

As babies begin to grow up their awareness of the spiritual realm begins to diminish because they are not taught to see in the spiritual realm, they get the spiritual realm tore out of them. You are just imagining that, it is not real.

The soul begins to develop from the outside in as the soul interprets what the physical senses perceive and the spiritual senses begin to recede.

When a baby is born, the soul begins to develop from the outside in and begins to take dominion over the spirit until it gets full control. 

In the first years of life, the baby greatly perceives the spiritual world since the spirit is complete, and the soul is still being formed. The spirit has just come out of heaven and originated in the heart of God and is very sensitive to him.

When our spirit comes out of heaven it is fully formed, but is in a state of innocence, like Adams before the fall. We have to choose the way of the tree of life, which is the pathway of relationship and intimacy with God in which the seed of the tree, the D.N.A of God is implanted in our spirit, because God becomes our covering.

But since we are born a baby, the abilities of the soul are not yet fully developed, the ability to see in the natural, the ability to process thought and emotion, the ability to choose, the ability to understand human language, the ability to walk and talk, behavior patterns or structures are still being developed. During this process, the parents, the environment, social conditions and culture will play a radical role in the shaping of the soul.

When parents do not know how to form the child according to the designs of the Spirit of God, they will shape the tiny soul with all kinds of limiting structures. They will bind it with cultural molds, ways of thinking, fears and manipulations. The result will be a soul completely inadequate to discern and to relate to its spirit. Little by little, as the child develops, they will start to lose the innocence with which they felt and the communication with our heavenly Father.

The soul becomes conformed to the pattern of this world and its principles. The little child’s reality will stop being supernatural and they will begin to see the world with its laws and limitations as the true reality of their existence. The malformation will continue to increase in their sin (the loss of their true identity) and their behavior patterns and habits.

As the soul takes on a structure different from the spirit, there will be enmity between the two. The spirit falls asleep and the soul becomes incapable of operating in the ways and designs of God.

1 Corinthians 2:14 – but the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

The soul will then feel alienated from God and if the soul or heart is not hardened to God, it will choose another path offered by the God of this world which is a religious spirit, the pathway of dead works and religious observances to try and feel accepted by God, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

When our spirit is not alive to God in the natural realm, the soul becomes programmed from the outside in. Its perception of reality is focused only on what the physical senses identify, and the mind develops belief systems from the world around it, or takes on the beliefs of the different religious systems.

In the soul’s fallen state, the mind cannot perceive things that come from God, nor can it understand them. The connections between the mind of the soul and the spirit have been broken.

We all come from a fallen and deeply religious nature inherited from our natural ancestors because Eve     believed the lie that she could be like God, apart from God.

This is why religion, which cannot perceive the things of the spirit, but exalts in the knowledge of the soul that does not come through personal encounter with the Spirit of God, will keep us on the wrong pathway.

Our spirit has to first be reconciled to God through encounter and then our soul has to be reconciled to our spirit so that we can once again become aware of the unseen realm of God’s kingdom.

When our spirit entered our mother’s womb it produced the soul. Our soul is the part of us that translates what our spirit is sensing and what our body is sensing.

The problem is we have never been taught or learned what our spirit senses are and developed them. So our soul has been shaped from the outside in through the senses of our body.

Now as our soul begins to interpret what our spirit senses it is renewed from the inside out. This is called transformation where we begin to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.

As we learn how to open our spirit to God, his life flows into it and the process of the transformation of our soul begins to take place and we become a new creation in the earth.

The problem is that our soul is incompatible with God when it is conformed to the world. The Adamic nature we inherited from our natural parents is incompatible with God’s nature, the divine nature we inherit from being in Christ.

We are blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ, so that in that realm our old man or our old nature has been crucified with Christ. But we have to take the divine provision in the kingdom realm of God’s Spirit and begin to apply it to our lives in the natural realm.

Our soul has to be dethroned from our lives because we have been under self-government. When our soul is in this condition it is not able to interpret what God is communicating to us, we have to first of all give up control, give up self-government.

The condition of our soul, because it has been in charge of our lives, does not want to relinquish control. We have to be willing to trust God enough to surrender control to his government or management of our lives.

This is why we must encounter the presence of God through the first love gate in our spirit. Through encounter we experience the presence of God, which enables our soul to relinquish control.

Through encounter the thoughts and feelings of God flow into our soul, which are on a higher level or deeper level and begin to renew it.

Our brain begins to be reprogrammed through divine encounter, so that we have new experiences and memories which become an anchor to journey deeper into the realm of God’s Spirit.

Heaven flows into our spirit and then into our soul, so that the river of life transforms the heart, so that we become willing and make decision based on the revelation we are receiving from God.

Our soul then begins to be reconnected to our spirit in a healthy way so that our soul can begin to decode and understand what proceeds from the dimensions of the spirit realm of God’s kingdom.

Once our mind is renewed through the impartation of the spirit, it will believe that the spiritual world is the true reality that governs our life. We will enter into dimensions that have no limits, to begin to go from grace to grace, strength to strength, faith to faith, glory to glory, experiencing the manifestations of God in our lives.

Our spirit is a dimensional place that God dwells in. Our spirit is a lot bigger than we may realize.

Luke 17: 20And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: 21Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God (definite article-the God-the supreme Divinity) is (occurring now-to be) within (entos-inside)(from the root en-a fixed position)you (in regard to yourselves).

There is a place within our spirit where God dwells; it is called the kingdom of God. This is a fixed position, he will never leave.

Now outside of the kingdom of God within our spirit is a door. This door is in our spirit. This door is like a veil to the unseen realm, or the spiritual dimension of the Kingdom of God within us.

The handle of the door is on our side, we have to open the door. God will not force his way into us.

This door is called the first love gate in our spirit. It is a two way gateway where heaven or God has access to us and we have access to heaven.

So there is a place in our spirit where the glory of God dwells, where the kingdom of God is, but we may not be aware of it, unless we learn how to open the door.

When we open the door, then the Spirit of God begins to fill our spirit and our spirit begins to sense the presence of the Lord. When our spirit begins to sense the presence of the Lord then our soul will become aware of it.

Our soul is our conscious awareness. Our soul is aware of what our spirit senses and what our body senses. We have to set the mind of our soul, our conscious awareness upon what our spirit is sensing. We have to learn how to focus our conscious awareness upon the flow of God’s life coming into our spirit.

Our spirit has senses, our soul has senses and our body has senses. These senses become gateways in which the Spirit of God or the life of God flows through us.

We have to become aware of the gateways of spirit, soul and body. We have to understand how God created us, so that we can learn how to be continually filled with the Spirit, so that God can flow through us into the natural realm, so that we can be a gateway of heaven into the earth.

There is a gate in our spirit called the first love gate where God flows into our spirit, which gives heaven access to us and us access to heaven. Then there are gates in our spirit in which the life of God flows into our soul where we can become conscious of the presence of God. Through our conscious awareness of the presence of God, then God can flow out of us through the gateways of our body.

We have eight major spirit gates , seven soul gates and five body gates and this makes up numerous combinations of how the life of God flows through us.

Our major spirit gates are· Revelation · Intuition · Fear of God · Prayer · Reverence · Faith · Hope · Worship

Our soul gates are-· Conscience · Reason · Imagination · Mind · Emotions · Choices · Will 

Our body gates are sight, hearing, taste, touch, Smell.

We can look at each combination of gateways to see how they work together.

We need to begin working every day on these gateways in order to understand them, to open them, to activate them, to cleanse and purify them and to unify them.

John 14: 18 I will not leave you comfortless (orphans-fatherless): I will come to you. 19Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see (discern, experience, also visual perception) me: because I live, ye shall live also. 20At that day ye shall know (allow, be aware of, feel, perceive, and understand) that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you. 21He that hath (continual possession) my commandments (directions), and keepeth (eyes fixed upon in order to obey) them, he it is that loveth (direction of the will-finding one’s joy in) me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest (from en, “in, intimate union”, and phaino, “to shine”) myself to him.

Because I live you shall live also-this is mystic union. Our heavenly father God commands us to love him because this is the doorway into the realm in which he lives, and gives him access into our heart.  

In order to fulfill the first commandment, we have to experience personally what it means to have the first love gate in our spirit open and flowing. What God commands us; He enables us to do through His Spirit.

First love is the eternal love of God. It is a divine love and not a human love. It is a self-less love that is totally focused on another person, and not itself.

This love has to captures our heart in such a way, that it becomes the focus of our attention.

How do we open the first love gate? Our spirit is directly related to our will in the new birth of our spirit. Our spirit is directly related to our voice. So all we have to do is say, Father I want to experience your divine love, I want it to have first place in my life. I ask you to reveal yourself to me; I want to experience your presence. I want to experience your Love. And then just keep believing that we are going to experience Him.

Once we become aware of our spirit, the part of us that is God conscious, it stays open as long as we are looking to the Lord, it is becoming God dependent.

Opening our spirit is just becoming aware of it, becoming aware of our spirit in fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

In the book of revelation we see that the church of Ephesus had left her first love, she was told to remember from where she had fallen, to repent and do the first works.

They became so busy working for God that they lost that connection between their spirit and God’s Spirit.

Because the Ephesians had experienced first love, they were told to remember it. If we can remember what it was like when we first got saved, then our spirit has the ability to experience it again. This is why it is important to journal our experiences with God so that we can revisit them.

First love is experiencing the presence of God, where He becomes more real than our surroundings. First love is experiencing the presence of God in such a way that we are partaking of the nature of it.

In His presence we experience His love for us which passes our ability to comprehend how someone could love us so much. We begin to experience His Joy which surpasses any pleasurable feelings we have known so that we cannot describe it adequately with words.

In His manifest presence there is a fullness of joy, we are totally satisfied, and we have no other desires in that moment in time. When we are in His presence we can feel His love for us which breaks us, it causes us to weep with tears of joy. In a meeting with the Lord His love is imparted to us and all we want to do is give Him everything.

There is nothing greater in this world than to experience first love. It will cause us to abandon all, to become willing to do anything to stay in His presence. We will not let anything remain in our heart that will hinder that visitation.

First love is the revelation of God’s love for us in a personal way where we experience Him manifesting Himself to us, we become intoxicated with His Spirit. Our emotions are energized with God. It is called joy unspeakable and full of glory.

First love is the doorway into supernatural experiences with God. There is an excitement in this love. It is the joy of our salvation; it is the penetration of God into us. It causes everything to look different. It is an encounter with God where we experience the fruit of the Spirit.

If we have ever experienced the presence of God in an overwhelming way, it was because this gateway in our spirit was open enough for God to come into our world. It is called being filled with the Spirit where we have drunk so much of God that we have become intoxicated.

This is a two way gateway, not only can we experience God literally coming into us in such a way that we can hardly stand, but God can take us into his world where we go into a trance or have visions, we become a mystic.

Learning how to love God is the journey we are on, it is called loving God with all our spirit, soul, body, heart, strength, everything within us.

The Holy Spirit is going to teach us how to do this; we just never had any teaching on it.

If we seek the Lord with all our heart we will find him, it is called having a meeting with the Lord.

We have to learn how to worship Him; this is the fastest way for Him to show up. We have to learn how to sing a new song every day until we have a meeting of the Lord in it. We have to really start learning how to love people, because we will meet the Lord in it

When we have a meeting with the Lord, there is no mistaking it; He becomes more real to us, than our awareness of anything else. No matter what we are doing, we are experiencing God in it.

We need to come to the place where we are always looking for Him. The people who have been in love on the human level know all about this. You cannot wait to see the one you love. The moment the phone rings we run to answer it; you are always listening for that phone to ring. You are always looking at that picture of the one you love.

 That’s the way we live, we are always thinking about that person, looking forward to the next time we meet. It becomes a heavenly obsession when you’re in love with someone who really loves you. This is how it is suppose to be with the Lord. This is part of what it means to know the Lord. Our hearts cry out to have a meeting with the Lord, we want to hear His voice, and it is not a burden to do that which pleases the one we love.

When we are expecting a meeting with the one we love, we get dressed up; we are on our best behavior. These are the people that are looking for Him; this is the bride of Christ, that prepares herself so that she is ready to be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. It is being rapture or having an ecstasy and we do not have to wait for the second coming to experience it.

When we love the Lord, the cry of our heart is draw me Lord, and I will run after you.

It is the cry of the bride who finds that in a moment of slumber He is gone, and she can’t find him—she runs to and fro and the watchmen of the city abuse her, but cannot stop her, she will not stop until she meets him, she is lovesick. (Song of Solomon 5:5–8).

If our spirit is alive unto God, there is a hunger in it for God, there is a driving force in it, and if we are not aware of it, we need to stir it up. This should be our strongest desire, to have a meeting with the Lord. If it is not there our spirit is asleep, or other things have entered our heart and have distracted our focus on Him. The Lord’s presence is not far off; this is the time of His Presence.

Our growth in the lord is an awareness of His Spirit, in our awareness of His Spirit; His Spirit is transferred into us.

So the Holy Spirit is going to teach us how to wait upon the lord, how to meditate upon the Lord, how to worship the Lord, how to practice the presence of the Lord, so that we become more aware of Him, as we behold His Gory we are changed into the same image.