We have two relationships with God

Unless we realize that we have two relationships with God, one in eternity and one in this time and space realm we are not going to understand what YHVH is teaching us through the written Word of God, the Bible.

We need to realize that our life has already been lived and that we agreed with God in eternity to come to the earth for the purpose of coming into sonship.

This planet has just the right conditions for us to experience how we have to depend upon His ability or strength to overcome the things that prevent the development of love.

So what we are learning is how to trust our Heavenly Father and how to express our love for Him and then how to love others, and believe for them to come into their destiny- of being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.

And this qualifies us for our secondary destiny which is to rule and reign with Jesus Christ over the natural creation.

Ephesians 1:4According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

The literal translation in the Greek reads;

Ephesians 1:4 a place-how origin-relate (to select-chosen) us remaining in place-intimate union-primary idea of rest in him prior to origin kosmos (creation of earth, universe, time and space) we exist holy and without blame (blemish, fault, spot), faultless the presence of Him remaining in place-intimate union-primary idea of rest agape (divine love)

In eternity God chose us in Him (Christ) before the creation of the heavens and the earth. We exist in that realm holy and without blame in the presence of God in love.

The word according is talking about a place-eternity, before God created time and space and how in the eternal realm of our existence, He chose us in Christ.

In Christ is referring to remaining in a place of intimate union with Jesus so that we remain in a state of rest, realizing in ourselves we can do nothing, but as we learn to yeild to his Spirit working in us we can do all the things that the Lord has called us to do. Where it is no longer us that live but Christ that lives in us and through us.

This is the relationship that we have with the Father in eternity, we are in His son Jesus Christ and exist holy and without blame in an intimate love relationship with Him.

We were sent to earth to develop this relationship, and have it worked out so that it would come into manifestation in the natural realm, and we would be able to function in the government of God over the natural creation which involves not only this planet, but also the universe.

So this is the relationship that we have in eternity. We exist holy and without blame in love.

Now if we don’t allow this relationship to be worked out in the natural realm, then we miss out on our destiny.

And our spirit returns to our place in eternity, but we lose our soul which came into existence when our spirit entered into a natural human body.

We lose out on the opportunity of becoming a manifested son of God in the natural realm and ruling over the natural creation of God.

What happens to our soul after the death of our body is another subject that I will teach on privately when I am able to present it clearly from the written word of God, if the Lord allows me to, but not publicly because what I just shared is controversial enough, but is essentially to free us from self-condemnation which hinders the developing of our love-relationship with God here on the earth in the time realm.

We have two relationships with God, one in eternity and one here on earth.

The divine provision was made for us before the foundation of the world when the Father chose us in Christ, we exist holy and without blame before him in love.

We existed as a spirit before the foundation of the world and the Father chose us and sent us into the earth at the most exciting time to be born in the history of the world.

When our spirit entered our body the soul was created and we were born a human being. We come into this world with an awareness of the spirit realm but our spirit soon falls asleep, some earlier than others, so that we forget who we are in the realm of eternity. My spirit fell asleep about the age of 7

Ephesians 1 5Having predestinated us unto the adoption of sons by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

Predestinate means to decide before hand to foreordain. This is talking about our destiny. We were predestinated into the adoption of sons.

The adoption of sons, the king James says children. In the Greek-the adoption of children is one word that consists of two root words 1-full grown son 2- the placing as a son.

Our primary destiny is to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ or to grow up into him in all things.

Our secondary destiny is to be placed as a son which refers to our ruling over the universe and the earth.

Categorized as Identity

By The General

I am set in the Body of Christ as a Teacher and called to be an Apostle

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