Preparing for the Harvest

I have been aware that the spiritual level of the church is rising, though this was not always discernible to the natural mind as much confusion and division still control the church.

There has never been a time like this – God is preparing to invade the church and this earth like never before.

There is a call of the Spirit to all who will hear.

This call is a call to get to know the Lord in a way that is real.

Learning to walk with the Lord is an absolute essential for the days that lie ahead.

Over the past few years, we have heard much of the coming harvest. However, I have seen very little preparation for the coming great harvest of souls that God is preparing to reap. It seems like a substantial number of the body of Christ is expecting this huge ingathering of souls, but very little preparation has been made to accommodate and steward this harvest.

There is a universal expectation of an impending move of the Spirit of God that will sweep millions of souls into the Kingdom, but we act as if we don’t believe it.

When the Soviet Union opened up to religious freedom, many sects and cults were ready to move in, armed with their strategies and vision of which the church was woefully unprepared.

It is true that in many parts of the world we are seeing a large increase in those coming to the Lord, but this is nothing compared to what is looming on the horizon, in terms of the magnitude of the impending harvest.

Time is running out

This harvest will destroy many churches and governmental faculties.

The churches that will collapse will be manywhich were not ready for this harvest.

The governmental departments that in the past had handled the needs of its citizens — mainly social services will collapse.

This harvest wave of millions of people will destroy the church as we know it now.

The church is about to undergo a complete reformation, and when the Lord has finished with it, the latter will bear no resemblance to the former.

In one generation, the Lord will change the face of the church in this world.

The new force of Christians in the earth will began to take over many of the roles of government in social services.

Along with this great harvest, many of the seemingly rock-solid institutions of this modern world will began to collapse.

Many superannuation funds will collapse, government pension funds will dry up, many banks will go under, and after a while, governments can no longer bail them out.

Many governments will be bled dry financially by the enormous costs created by the consequences of earthquakes and flood damage as great storms ravaged many nations.

The devaluation of currencies will add to these crises.

During this time, the true church will began to flourish. Many of God’s people will have prepared for this upheaval.

Orphanages will spring up, along with hospitals that which not only catered for the physical needs of the people but also their spiritual needs.

The church will take over all worldwide governments’ social services departments.

Joseph ministries will began to flourish, and huge resources will be made available to the church.

A new paradigm, a new mindset is needed Pastors and leaders must take on a kingdom emphasis and mindset.

The Church Age must give way to the Kingdom Age.

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