The need of the hour

Religion without reality is like hope that slowly diminishes into lethargy and mindless acceptance — a deception that this generation is not buying into.

What we give this new generation must not just be doctrine but reality. It must work. If they are to walk with Jesus it must be real to them, not some mystical one-off experience.

This generation of new Christians must be taught how to walk with the Lord in the Spirit. Living in two worlds must become second nature. We must prepare them for a life in the Spirit, with a destiny and calling to change this world. They must be taught that this planet is worth dying for. The problem is that we can only teach others what we are walking in ourselves.

New revelation for a new generation

HEBREWS 6:1 Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, 2 Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. 3 And this will we do, if God permit.

Here, Paul the Apostle tells us that as Christians we must go on to higher and better things in God’s kingdom, but first, we must be grounded in the doctrine of Christ.

We need to know what the doctrines of Jesus Christ are and have them established in our lives. There are varying depths of experiences in the Lord. A person’s knowledge of salvation can be very superficial; the same can be said with water baptism and the baptism in the Holy Spirit.

Yet with others, these experiences can be profound. Often through the passing of time, the greater depths of spiritual experience and reality can be lost.

There are levels of understanding in many of the spiritual experiences we enter into; there are greater depths, greater heights and a greater reality that God is seeking to unveil to this age.

We do not disregard the basic foundations. However, this generation needs a deeper revelation of these foundations — a greater depth and reality.

The apostle Paul is saying that before we can go into the greater realms of the Kingdom of God, we must be established and grounded in the doctrines of Christ. These foundations have to be laid in our lives.

We need to revisit the first principles.

believing God for deeper revelation and understanding that in turn, this will position us to enter further into the fantastic realities of the KINGDOM OF GOD. These are:

The doctrines of Christ

Repentance from dead works

Faith towards God

Water baptism and the baptism in the Holy Spirit.

Laying on of hands

The resurrection of the dead

Eternal judgment

We need to understand that these are not just truths that we believe in. They need to be truths that we live and experience daily in our walk with God.

There are greater depths that God wants to reveal regarding water baptism that will totally transform our lives if we experience this daily and walk in it.

The same goes for the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment.

These are not just truths we believe in, they need to be a daily experience. The church has not yet fully understood and experienced the revelation contained in all these truths.

Further knowledge and insight into these foundational truths are about to be unfolded to the church, which will greatly impact its walk with the Lord.

Revelation is Progressive

ISAIAH 28:10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:

Ever since the reformation, God has been revealing more truth and understanding, and this is even more so in our day regarding the doctrine of Christ.

When the church experiences the Feast of Tabernacles, there will be an explosion of truth through revelation that will propel those who receive it into realms undreamed of in God. Yes, we need to re-dig some of the old wells and also move on to greater insight and revelation.

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