The living Word

I have been writing since 2011, so the messages I share on Facebook are from years ago, as I edit my website, and share some of the things I have edited.

I have so much written that I am trying to preserve it, but it is stale manna, as far as the ministry is concerned because it was spoken to me and not to you.

So, I am going to allow the Lord to speak through me to you. Because if your life is not totally changed as far as the ministry entrusted to me is concerned, I am a failure.

You will notice two themes if you read any of the 1,900 messages I have written on my website. The Living Word and walking with God.

What is the living Word? It is God speaking to you directly through an oracle of God, until that word is written on your heart, and you can hear God yourself.

Unfortunately, the word being spoken and taught today is a mixture, mostly human and a little of the divine.

God’s Words are not human words. When God speaks, He imparts Himself through the Words He speaks. To hear the living Word of God is to become that Word. It is called instant change, your life is never the same anymore, God has deposited more of His nature into your life through the Words He has spoken to you.

It is called revelation, God revealing to you what has been hidden, but now has been revealed to you. Revelation is not just knowledge; it is Power to change you into the image of Jesus Christ.

Revelation is not just thoughts entering your mind, it is God’s feeling entering into your emotions, so that you feel Him. It is God’s will entering into your will so that you desire to do His will. It is the impartation of God’s heart into your heart so that you experience a new heart. It is the love of God embracing you, so that you feel accepted, you feel wanted, you feel honored, you feel that your life has meaning and purpose.

Revelation imparts the love of God to your heart. It imparts the joy of God into your life that you are incapable of expressing to others how much it means to you. It imparts the peace of God to you that surpasses your understanding and removes all fear.

The gospel is good news, there is no bad news in it. If what you are hearing is bad news, it is not the gospel of the Kingdom of God. There is a new age coming into manifestation and love wins. Sure, there will be some birth pains, but when the baby comes forth, all that is soon forgotten.

The word gospel in the Greek when the New Testament was written is like a little news boy selling papers. Extra, Extra, read all about it, you will not believe what has happened, it is going to sound so good you are not going to believe it is true.

When the New Testament was written the first word recorded concerning the gospel is repent and it is a theme throughout the New Testament.

The question is what is repentance, and why are we commanded to repent? Repent is not a negative word, it is the most positive thing you could ever experience in your life.

Mathew 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, repent (command for continuous action, active tense, 1-change of condition-transition 2-to perceive with thought coming into the consciousness.): for (the reason for, because) the kingdom (the rule of God) of heaven is at hand (the completeness of the action, to approach-is here).

The word repent in the Greek is metanoeo-it consists of two words, the first word is meta- it is mostly translated as- with, it means close association. It speaks of companionship, fellowship.

The second word is noeo -which means to perceive with thought coming into the consciousness.

The word repent speaks of the change that takes place in the mind, when we open our heart to the influence of the Spirit of God.

Every word that God speaks contains His Spirit or essence in it. God imparts Himself in the Words He speaks.

When Jesus said repent, the Word was filled with the very love of God. It is the Love of a Father who so deeply cares about the welfare of His children that He is willing to lay down his very life for them.

When Jesus said repent-He was saying listen to me, I love you, your thinking is not right, if you can hear what I am saying, the words I speak will transform the way you think.

Repentance is a change of mind from evil (that which is harmful) to good, from good to better.

Jesus is saying repent- (change the way you think), because the kingdom of heaven is now here.

We are commanded to repent because the kingdom is here in the realm of the Spirit. We have to be able to think like God thinks so that we can enter into the kingdom realm of the Spirit now.

It is like some one offering you a million dollars and saying repent so that you can receive your inheritance, and start cashing the checks, so that you can appropriate your inheritance.

What is sin?

The word sin in the Greek is hamartia a noun-which means to be without a share in. It comes from the root word and is equivalent to hamartánō to sin which is a verb which comes from the root words a– without and meros meaning a part due or assigned to one, a lot, inheritance or destiny.

So, sin means not a part of or not having a share in your inheritance, the finished work of Jesus on the cross.

So let the Word of God penetrate your heart, He died as you on the cross so that you can experience the abundant life which is the fullness of Jesus Christ in your life.

Categorized as The Word

By The General

I am set in the Body of Christ as a Teacher and called to be an Apostle

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