The working out of our destiny

God has a destiny for us and he wants us to experience that destiny and see it outworked in our lives. Our destiny is to rule, to bring God’s kingdom to earth as it is in heaven. This is God’s plan and it has never changed. Adam messed it up, we mess it up, but Jesus came to return us to our original plan and destiny. Fill the earth, subdue it and rule. Gen 1:28.

We are to bring what is in heaven to earth, through our lives. It is the churches destiny to rule, not so much in earthly government, but in spiritual authority bringing Gods kingdom to the earth, which will change earthly government.

Isaiah 2:2 the mountain of the house of the Lord – talking about the church – will be raised up above all the other mountains, all the other authorities that are vying for power in this world, God’s kingdom is more influential than them all.

1 peter 2:9 we are a chosen race to rule, a royal priesthood. We have been chosen by God to fulfill his purpose.

The destiny to rule is through an intimate relationship with God based on love.  It is not power or political stuff. It is through relationship with God based on love. Love must be the motive for all rule and dominion. Bringing forth his kingdom is all about love.

This destiny flows through a strong spirit, our spirit being needs to be strong and built up. Destiny can be blocked by a dominant soul.

We have to deal with the blockages in our soul that stops the flow of God’s Spirit through our spirit bringing the kingdom upon the earth. Our soul needs to be restored.

The destiny that we all have is that God’s glory is to be manifested on earth and beyond the earth through the sons of light.

1Corinthians 6:17 – the person who is united to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. It is God’s intention that we have such an intimate relationship with him that we are one. No distinction between us and him. If you have seen me you have seen the father, you have seen Jesus.

His will and his purpose, his kingdom is outworked through us because we become so in tune with him, that he lives through us. But it takes time to come into this intimacy; it is called the pathway of relationship. The Holy Spirit penetrates into us where we participate in an identical life.

There is a process in how we relate to God and how his Spirit flows through us.  The life of God flows out of heaven into our spirit activating all its senses. Our spirit senses certain attributes of God which fill it and flow through it.

Our spirit senses the fruit of the Spirit, God’s love, joy and peace fill our spirit; expand our spirit and flow through it.

As the life of God flows into our spirit our spirit becomes very intuitive (knowing things instinctively, knowing things automatically, knowing things directly, without having to be fully understood with our mind) we intuitively know how to handle situations that use to baffle us.

As the life of God flows into our spirit, our spirit senses the holiness of God or the fear of God and our spirit is filled with it and it flows through it.

As the life of God flows into our spirit, our spirit senses feelings of deep respect and devotion to God and manifests reverence to God.

As the life of God flows into our spirit, our spirit senses what the Holy Spirit reveals to us. The revelation of God flows into our spirit. It is Spirit to spirit communication. The Holy Spirit reveals what was a mystery to the human mind. The information of God is revealed to our spirit in awe and wonder. It is an amazing and valuable experience, the revealing of something previously hidden or secret to our mind.

As the life of God flows into our spirit, our spirit senses the thoughts of God producing trust and confidence in the nature of God. Faith from God is imparted to our spirit.

As the life of God flows into our spirit, our spirit becomes alive with hope; it has a sense of confident expectation.

As our spirit is filled with the life of God, our spirit senses the presence of God. And in our conscious awareness of God’s presence we communicate with God, we develop two way conversations with God. Our spirit communes with God in prayer. We ask God questions, and receive answers as our spirit senses what he is saying.

As our spirit senses the nature of God, it senses the majesty of God and worship flows through it unto God in a surrendering and joining and yielding to the Excellency of his lordship over it. We worship God in spirit and truth.

When all our spirit gates or senses are open and flowing with the life of God they lead us in saying to God I choose to surrender myself to you. And this is what God wants us to do. It is the opening up of the door, for the Lord to fill us with all of his fullness.

As the senses of our spirit become activated through the inflowing of God’s Spirit then that life has to flow from our spirit into our soul, so that all its senses become activated, and this is where we encounter blockages.

Our soul is our conscious awareness and there are things in our soul, that our soul is aware of that oppose the life of God.

We have our spirit and our conscious mind and between the two is this area of the subconscious, or our heart. In that area there are memories, there are certain belief systems and values and desires and Jesus described it as soil. Which has had lots of things sown into it.

This has come through our natural DNA, which is from our parents, that sets up defense mechanisms and coping mechanisms and patterns of behavior that come from what we believe.

We’ve had a whole lot of experiences of life when we are being brought up which trained us to operate in certain ways.

So things like our reactions, our attitudes, our responses, fear, worry, all those things come from the outside in and manifest in our minds.

So when the life of God flows into our spirit we have an opportunity of surrendering to God so that he can deal with the things in our heart. Those things that lie to us and challenge us so that everything starts to get transformed.

Then our behavior patterns start to come from the Revelation of the truth of God’s word of who we are. Our mindsets become based on what God says to us in a flow of His Spirit.

The problem in working out our destiny is that if we don’t deal with all those things in our heart, we are going to continually have triggers which trigger how we think from the outside in, and that is where the conflict takes place.

Our mind or brain has been programmed to think from the outside in. We are sensing what is happening on the outside which cause us to respond a certain way. When things on the outside are contrary to what we want, they trigger certain responses in us, and we behave a certain way.

When we are living from the inside out, we are communing with God aware of his presence on the inside of us and the things that happen on the outside do not affect us the same way because our awareness of God on the inside is greater. So, we can deal with them differently and respond in the spirit and develop triggers that cause us to go deeper in the spirit, to go deeper into the heart of God. We have to be willing to allow God to transform us from the inside out.

Our soul has emotions; emotions are on the inside and deal with our esteem, our worth, whether we feel loved, security, acceptance and value. All those things operate within our emotions.

Now as a result of unmet needs which means as a child or in relationships we did not get what we should have got which was love security and acceptance, encouragement and all those things, we end up with low self-esteem or disappointments in our life which result in feeling insecure, rejected, being dependent on other people, codependent relationships to try to meet the needs that we have got because we are full of unmet needs.

Because God has not been able to meet our needs, we look to the world, and we get hurt. Guilt, shame all that stuff takes place from the things that happen in our soul, they are emotions.

Then there are loads of unhealed hurts, things where people have hurt us, let us down, caused pain in our life and we have not learned how to forgive. Because of unforgiveness, they set up anger, bitterness, resentment, all those things in our emotions. They are all emotional things.

Those emotions can completely rule our lives, if we let them. So we have to deal with them. We need healing for our emotions. Our emotions affect what goes on in our conscious mind and they trigger things all the time.

Our behavior doesn’t just happen, our behavior comes from the things that are on the inside of us, stored in the computer of our brain and God wants us to be restored and changed and have those things renewed. So, the strongholds and all the things there get dealt with.

We also have a will, and if we sin or are in rebellion or stubbornness our will is damaged and effectively becomes a barrier to what God wants to do.

And this sets up things like unbelief, in-decision, control, doubt, fear, lots of things in our life. As we deal with them God wants to replace that with humility, confidence, patience, boldness, courage, determination, perseverance, self-control which is all a result of his Spirit flowing into our spirit. We can be changed if we allow God through a flow of his Spirit from the inside out to transform our life.

We need the Holy Spirit to search our heart in detail in these things because we need to know how we operate; we need to know what’s going on the inside of us.

We need through the Holy Spirit to peel back the layers in order to see what’s going on deeper down inside. This is necessary, but we don’t try to change ourselves from the outside in, because it will be a battle that we will lose over and over again. We change from the inside out as God fills those areas of our heart with Himself.

If we try to change ourselves from the outside in, then we will be trying to change ourselves by our self. We need to allow God to change us from the inside out. Therefore we need to learn how to surrender, to surrender ourselves, to surrender to the presence of God on the inside so that the presence of God on the inside flows through our lives transforming us.

Our mind or brain has been programmed to think from the outside in. We are sensing what is happening on the outside which cause us to react a certain way. When things on the outside are contrary to what we want, they trigger certain responses in us, and we behave a certain way.

When we are living from the inside out, we are communing with God aware of his presence on the inside of us and the things that happen on the outside do not affect us the same way because our awareness of God on the inside is greater. So we can deal with them differently and respond in the spirit, and develop triggers that cause us to go deeper in the spirit, to go deeper into the heart of God.

God is on the inside of us, the kingdom is on the inside, and Eden is on the inside of us. Eden means pleasure. Every encounter with God is accumulative.

Things on the outside, beautiful things, like a beautiful baby, the beauty of the natural creation, good food and the list goes on and on trigger an encounter we had with the presence of God, and we are in the presence, we are in the spirit.

All the natural good things in life, things that cause natural love and joy, trigger the love and joy of God which is on a deeper or higher level. A trigger is something that brings back a memory of an encounter with God, so that we can revisit it. Or a trigger is something that causes our awareness of God to increase.

Even the bad things that happen outside of us can cause us to go deeper into the heart of God, because God becomes our only source of real life and joy. If we do not experience the presence of God in us, we are going to feel empty. As we learn to live in this place even pain can be a friend, because it pushes us deeper into the center of his being, because if we are aware of the presence of God nothing really matters the same anymore.

We go through experiences that bother us and cause us to respond negatively. But through these experiences we learn how to look to God through them and as we come out of them we have more of God in our lives. If we had that same experience it wouldn’t bother us the same way anymore.

So if we experience pain or misunderstanding we don’t want it to stop until it has done its full work, because our focus is totally on the Lord.

This type of pain is real pain and it is coming from the outside in. it may be persecution, rejection, insecurity or overcoming an addiction or habit, a number of things, but it pushes us deeper into the heart of God, where we experience him, and we grow spiritually because of our contact with God as we are going through it.

God is causing it to work out for our good, he is not the source of it, but he is with us as we go through it, so that it no longer has any power over us, and we come to the place that we rejoice always, because no matter what happens, we are enabled to also live in a different realm, the kingdom realm of the spirit.

As we learn how to walk with God our spirit will eventually grow to such an extent that we can actually supersede the natural realm through understanding the spiritual laws of the kingdom of God and the ways of God where we come into a maturity that Jesus walked in.

He walked in an intimacy with the Father where No person could touch him physically unless the father and himself allowed it, he could disappear, he could speak and people would fall over from the power released in his voice. He could read people’s minds through a flow of the Spirit within him. He was aware of what was going to happen before it happened through a flow of the Spirit in him. No sickness could touch his body; he could walk on water and control the weather. He could levitate, and trans-relocate, but everything he did was in union with the Father.