An ambassador is a diplomatic official of the highest rank, appointed and qualified as a representative in residence by one government to another.

Philippians 3:20 says for our citizenship is in heaven. We are ambassadors of heaven on earth. So our citizenship is not of earth, we are citizens of heaven. We are connected to heaven and our authority comes from heaven. We are citizens of a heavenly kingdom but living on earth.

God has given us the word of reconciliation. What is that word?

Jesus is not holding your sins against you, he sees nothing wrong with you, and it does not occupy his mind. He loves you and wants an intimate relationship with you; He wants you to experience his abundant life.

Repentance is a change of mind as the result of hearing God’s voice.

An ambassador is a person who knows God through personal encounter, a mature believer. They speak from personal experience what a relationship with God is like because they have encountered heaven, the spiritual realm or dimension of God’s kingdom. Their spirit is seated with Christ in heavenly places, while at the same time their soul is upon the earth and becomes a gateway between heaven and earth, representing that government and demonstration of that authority.


1 Corinthians 5:19 It was God [personally present] in Christ, reconciling and restoring the world to favor with Himself, not counting up and holding against [men] their trespasses [but cancelling them], and committing to us the message of reconciliation (of the restoration to favor).

20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we pray you in the abundance of Christ, be reconciled to God.

We will never experience the abundant life unless we are reconciled to God. When we are reconciled to God, then we have committed to us the word of reconciliation.

To be reconciled means our soul has come under the Lord Ship of Jesus over our spirit. Our soul is the way we think and feel, our own free will to choose to walk with God or to live unto ourselves, to choose what we want to do, what we think is good for us and what is evil, where we are not acknowledging God in the decisions we make.

Our soul is not compatible with God and must be transformed, which is a change of life form. The miracle of transformation from an earthly form into a supernatural form which is expressed by the radiance of our countenance.

We are to beseech those God leads us to, to be reconciled to God. To beseech means to comfort, encourage, help and aid a person into a relationship with God, to be reconciled.

To reconcile is to change from enmity to friendship. The enmity is not in the heart of God, but in the hearts of people who do not know him personally.


Through the death of Jesus Christ, he has reconciled us to the father, but it must be outworked in our life through appropriating the finished work of the cross.

Even though our spirit may have been saved and enlightened where it is aware of God in it, our soul can still be at enmity with God, until it goes through a process of sanctification where it is set apart to God for his personal use.


The people in the world feel alienated from God, their heart condemns them. And religion has not portrayed the heart of our Father, so what they have heard about God from other people is not true. People feel rejected by God or blame him for the trauma they may have experienced in life.

It is the things inside of people’s hearts that are keeping them from coming to him, that they might have life. If they truly knew the nature and heart of God, they would run to him, and ask him to purify their hearts so that they could see him, and by seeing be transformed into that same image so that they could reflect it in the earth.

To be an ambassador, we must be able to allow the life of heaven to flow through us, out into the world around us, so that the kingdom of heaven has come near them.

The gifts of the Spirit are given to us, so that God can demonstrate his love for people by healing their diseases and sicknesses, casting out demonic spirits that trouble their minds, and healing their broken hearts, through the ministry of His Spirit.

Being an ambassador is about proclaiming and demonstrating God’s Kingdom. So Jesus has chosen us as his representatives out of the world, so we are not of this realm. We are not of this world.

John 15: 19If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

We do not have to be tied to the restrictions of the natural realm. Because the spiritual realm (the realm of the kingdom) is a higher authority than the natural realm. This physical realm is held together by the power that comes from that spiritual realm.

God is Spirit and God is eternal and God is infinite, and the natural realm is a temporal realm which has time and a space, which means it has a beginning and it will have an end, it is finite.

Everything that is wrapped up in this time (once we come into eternity) will be left in this time. So Satan and sin will be left in this time. So there will be no remembrance of it in eternity.


John 20:21 Jesus said to them peace be with you as the father has sent me, I also send you.

So, we have been sent on a mission. This makes us ambassadors or citizens of another kingdom (heaven) living on earth. That means we are gateways of heaven on earth bringing heaven to earth.

Because heaven is a spiritual realm, and we are spirit and we have the Holy Spirit within us we are connected to that realm of heaven. And we can be a gateway to bring what is in heaven to earth.

When we lay hands on someone and see an instant miracle, it is bringing what is in heaven (no sickness, no disease) to earth, through our lives and through the power and authority that can flow through us as ambassadors of that kingdom.

To be an ambassador, we have to be able to allow the life of heaven to flow through us, out into the world around us, so that the kingdom of heaven has come near people.

The gifts of the Spirit are given to us, so that God can demonstrate his love for people by healing their diseases and sicknesses, casting out demonic spirits that trouble their minds, and healing their broken hearts, through the ministry of His Spirit.

Being an ambassador is about proclaiming and demonstrating God’s Kingdom.

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