The apostles doctrine

Unless we are founded in the Apostles doctrine. Our theology will be off. We will teach, preach, evangelize, prophecy, have heavenly encounters, that will be off-causing more division in the Body of Christ.

When we have a heavenly encounter, most of our experiences will be interpreted by the subconscious part of our brain, which influences what our spirit is sensing, so there will still be a mixture in what our soul is interpreting. Because our Physical body is still on the earth.

When our body physically dies, then our soul will clearly see what our spirit is sensing.

We were a spirit being in heaven before we came to earth to become a human being with a human body. We have an inner man our spirit. And an outer man our body.

When our spirit entered our body, the soul was created which is a switch born interpreting what our spirit is sensing and what the brain of our body is sensing.

Our brain is like a computer that has been programed by our experiences here on earth, so there is a subconsciousness that has been programed, that has to be deleted, and re-programed through revelation which is light revealed from God’s spirit to our spirit which will erase wrong programing.

Then our brain needs to be re-programed through the renewing of our mind through the WRITTEN WORD OF GOD, revealed by the author of the Bible, the Holy Spirit.

I here people saying Paul said, Peter said, John said. NO! The Father said, they were just vessels and oracles of God- His mouth piece in the earth. The Bible is the hand book for proper theology as long as the Holy Spirit is the one teaching.

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