
We are learning the language of heaven, how God communicates with us.

Faith is the Greek word- pistis it means the conviction of the truth of anything. The root of this word is peitho-to convince, to be persuaded, to listen to, obey, yield to, and act in accordance with.

We need to understand the difference between faith and believing. The word believe in the Greek is pisteuo- to entrust a thing to a person. The root of this word is pistis, which is faith.

The eternal life of God flows out of heaven into our spirit. Contained within the life of God is the faith of God. Our spirit has certain senses, and one of these senses is faith.

Our spirit has different senses, fear of God, intuition, revelation, worship, hope, faith, reverence, prayer, and first love.

When our spirit becomes alive unto God, it senses the love of God and this spiritual sense becomes a gateway, and access point between our spirit and God’s Spirit.

When we talk about opening our spirit to God we are talking about the first love gate in our spirit, we are talking about an intimate relationship with God, where there is a flow of love going back and forth between our spirit and God’s. If we do not get this gateway open and flowing, the faith of God will not be imparted to our spirit. Faith works by love.

The life of God, the river of life, flows out of heaven imparting faith to our spirit. Then the life of God flows through our spirit, into our soul through what is called the gateway of faith in our spirit.

Our soul has different gateways, will, choice, emotions, mind, imagination, reason, conscience. The life of God flows out of heaven, out of the spirit realm, out of the unseen realm into our spirit and then through our spirit into the gateways of our soul.

The life of God flows out of heaven, within that life is the faith of God; it is a fruit of His Spirit imparted to our spirit. God’s faith comes out of heaven; it comes through the communication of God’s Spirit to our spirit. Faith is imparted to our spirit as a substance, as a divine essence it is imparted to our spirit.

Faith is imparted to our spirit; it is not imparted to our mind. It has nothing to do with the mind at all.  Believing (pisteuo) has to do with the mind, but faith has nothing to do with the mind.

Faith comes to us in a flow of God’s Spirit where we become aware of His Presence. Our spirit is the part of us that is conscious of God, and as the life of God fills our spirit, through that infilling our spirit becomes aware or senses what God is saying to us, which imparts a spiritual substance called faith. The root of this word is peitho-to convince, to be persuaded, to listen to, obey, yield to, and to act in accordance with.

The faith of God has to come to us; it comes to us in an awareness of his presence. And in our awareness of the Spirit of God we hear his voice; however that is communicated to us in a way that we are convinced. We know that we know that we have heard from God, it is imparted to our spirit. Faith has to come but it also has to work. It has to be imparted to our spirit and then flow into our mind, where our thoughts become God’s thoughts, which is a process called believing. The process of the renewing of the mind brings us to the point where God’s thoughts are our thoughts, our thoughts are God’s thoughts

Faith has to come but it also has to work. Faith comes by hearing God’s voice to us. It comes in many different ways, through preaching where God quickens his word to us, through someone prophesying to us, through meditation, through waiting on the Lord. Faith comes to us through an encounter with the Spirit of God, in a communication of his will personally for our life.

Now faith is a substance. The Greek word is (hypostasis) and it means substance or the essence of God. It is the faith of God; it is not a human faith. It is a divine substance, it is a divine essence. It is a spiritual material, the substance used to make things.

Faith is divine essence, faith is the substance. Faith is not a mental attitude; it is anything but a mental attitude. It says faith is the substance the (hypostasis) the material. It is used in Hebrews 1:3 where it says that Jesus is in the express (hypostasis) of God. He is in the express image of God. That word image is the same word. Another words, it’s the form, the substance. Jesus was the substance of God, the form of God.

Hebrews 111Now faith (conviction” of the truth of anything) is the substance (a standing under, the substructure, basis, essence) of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Jesus is in the express (hypostasis) of God. He is in the express image of God. That word image is the same word here for substance .Now faith is the (hypostasis), it is a substance. Faith is the substance of the thing hoped for. Faith is not a mental attitude, it is a power, it is a spirit substance.  When faith is imparted to us by a spoken word into our spirit it is not just some kind of mental thing which we now understand and we now believe for. It is a substance that has been imparted. Faith is an impartation of God to our spirit. It is an impartation of the substance of God.

God created everything out of himself. When God now wants to accomplish something on the earth and create things in the earth, he no longer chooses to do it on his own, but he has chosen to impart his faith into our spirit, so we have to learn how to operate like God operates as a spirit.

 If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation. Our spirit has been created in the image and the likeness of God, so we have to learn how to operate like God does.  Because we are a spirit being, we have to learn how to move and operate in the spirit.

 If our mind or our emotions dominate, our spirit cannot move in faith, we can’t flow in faith.  Whatever we do in God has to be always be done in faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God. We cannot please God unless we learn how to move in faith. So our spirit needs the cooperation of our soul and our body. If our soul runs contrary to our spirit, we have to learn how to bring our soul and body into subjection to our spirit. Otherwise our spirit is imprisoned and cannot flow. If we going to learn to walk in the spirit we have to learn to release that which God puts into our spirit.

Now if all we were was a spirit created in the image and likeness of God, there would be no problem. But we are spirit, soul and body. The releasing of what God has placed within our spirit requires the cooperation of our soul and our physical body. Otherwise it’s not released.

The release of faith comes through all three parts of us. If we are going to walk in the spirit our soul and our body must cooperate, the soul and body have to be subject to; they have to cooperate with our spirit.

People have this idea when Jesus came to the earth he was the son of God and he could do anything. But the Bible tells us that he left all of that, he put all of that aside and he walked on this earth as a man, as an example of how we can walk when we come into the same relationship that he had with the Father. Jesus had to operate in faith. Jesus moved in faith, because he had an intimate relationship with the Father where he heard his voice, and he saw what the Father was doing.

God created all things out of himself, out of his own substance, out of his own being, out of his own spirit substance he created everything that is.

 If we want to move in faith, we need to understand how God creates. God first thinks, see’s, imagines, then he speaks, and it comes to pass.

 In Romans chapter 4 : 17 God calls those things which are not as though they were, calling the things which  are not apparent in our physical realm as though they were.

Now because we are made in the image and likeness of God we are the same species. The Bible says we are to do the same things as Jesus and even greater works. But we do them in God not apart from him; we are just cooperating with the flow of His Spirit through us.

When God imparts faith into our spirit for something he wants to do, that thing now exists in our spirit. It has been imparted in substance form to our spirit.

God made everything out of himself. We are now in the image and likeness of God and God imparts substance into our spirit. The problem we have with faith, is trying to believe. Faith is not the same as believing, it has nothing to do with believing. Faith is an impartation of substance. It is the (hypostasis-substance) of God.

Just like Jesus was in the very image God, the hypostasis of God, faith must be in our spirit as a substance. Jesus was real. He was the (hypostasis) of the invisible God. Now it’s the same word that is used here, divine essence. Faith is the substance, the divine essence and so when God speaks a word into our spirit, it is a spirit substance, a substance of the thing hoped for. It is the spiritual material in which it is going to be made out of.

 Faith is the substance, the spiritual material, the image of the thing hoped for; it now exists in our spirit when faith is imparted. It is the substance of things hoped for. It goes on to say the evidence of things not seen.  Evidence is the Greek word elenchos which means proof or evidence that the thing now exists. Faith is the proof that the thing now exists.

The very fact that faith has been imparted into our spirit is proof that the thing exists. We haven’t done anything yet, accept receive a word from the Lord. The only thing that has happened is that faith has been imparted into our spirit.

Faith comes as a word from God to our spirit. When God’s word comes into our spirit, that thing now exists. The fact that faith has come to us is the proof. The Bible says that the thing now exists. But we haven’t done anything. We haven’t tried to believe. We haven’t tried to have faith. It just came when God spoke into our spirit.

The problem is that we often go through some sort of mental gymnastics of trying to believe when faith has not yet been imparted to our spirit. It’s important to understand this. Faith comes when God speaks a word, the substance the (hypostasis) then is imparted to our spirit, a very substance, the divine essence of God, is imparted into our spirit , that is the evidence that the thing hoped for is now a reality. If we miss this, we miss everything. If we don’t get this we don’t get anything in connection with faith.

The way that faith works, is like the rain watering the earth so that it brings forth fruit. Faith is imparted to our spirit like a seed, which grows and flows into our soul, and through our body as we speak it forth in the earth, where the unseen spiritual realm ( angels, demons and other spiritual beings) becomes aware of not only what is in our heart but the words of our mouth in line with our heart.

 Unless we learn how to hear God’s voice, his faith cannot be imparted to our spirit. When God speaks a word into our spirit, inherent in that word is faith.  When God speaks he is creating an opportunity for us to participate and cooperate with him, to bring something to pass. When God speaks something into our spirit, substance is imparted and that creates an image in our spirit. It creates the visionary image in our spirit of the thing hoped for.

 The image of it is now in our spirit.  Jesus is the hypostasis, the image of God. So when God speaks he imparts faith to our spirit, he imparts substance to our spirit; he imparts the image to our spirit. Now there must be transference of that image in our spirit onto the screen of our mind. The life of God containing the faith of God flows out of heaven into our spirit and then into our soul, our mind, imagination and emotions.

 Now we can begin to see the thing hoped for, or what we are believing for. It comes from our spirit, and it is portrayed onto the screen of our mind, and it creates a vision of our heart. That vision, that image, that picture, that vision of our heart is the visual evidence that the thing now exists. The visual evidence that the thing now is in existence, we can see it, it is in existence, it is not just a figment of the imagination, it has come from our spirit , it is substance, that image now on the inside is portrayed onto the screen of our mind. That image is a visual proof that the thing now exists, we see it. Then we have to now coordinate our spoken word with the vision of our heart. We have to speak it out.

The last stage is to speak it out, to confess with the mouth as well as believing with our heart. So our tongue linked with the vision of our heart controls our life. It can control our world. Our tongue linked with the vision of our heart controls our world, it will come to pass in the natural realm, as a man thinks, so he will become. As we think we begin to speak. Out the abundance of the heart what happens? The mouth speaks. The mouth speaks out of what is in the heart.

 Now in Mark 11:22 Jesus said this, these are the words of Jesus, we must listen to what he said. In the Greek it reads have the faith of God. Have an impartation of faith he said. The Greek says have the faith of God, not have faith in God. There is a difference. Have God’s faith imparted into your life. Then he said  that whomsoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed  and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he says.

People say well I believe God, but I am having a problem with doubt. I really do believe what God says is true but I’m having a problem with doubt. Faith is something we have. Believing is something we do, once we have faith. Faith is something we have, it is an impartation, it exists in our spirit. Believing is something we are responsible for, once we have faith. And if we believe and don’t doubt in our heart we shall have what we say. We need to look at the root words. The Greek word for doubt simply means to separate, to oppose, to make to differ. Doubt is not doubt as we understand it. When he said if you don’t doubt in your heart, he was saying if you don’t have a differing vision, if you don’t have a different mental image, we can control that.

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