Thus, saith the Lord – we believe

A word from the Lord has come to this generation distinct from any word He has ever spoken. The times of restoration prophesied by all the holy prophets since the world began are resting upon us now.

 It’s a time to rise and believe to do great things. We can be anything God says we can be. We can do anything God says we can do. No other people on the face of the earth have had greater promises or a greater heritage in the Word.

 This isn’t based on our merit but by the grace of the Lord. No limitation is upon us, because the word of the Lord has come and has loosed us from the bondage of time and every restriction normal to human beings.

This freedom is affecting not only us, but also the whole world. Men in this last generation have been able to fly to the moon because God is lifting limitations. The saints of God are still laboring with the false sense of chains that God says are not there, but the children of the world are wiser in their generation than the children of light. They have sensed that limitations have been lifted.

O house of God, you’re limited only in your own conceptions. You are unlimited by virtue of a word from the Most High who has declared that this is the day of exploits, the day of greater works than Jesus Christ performed. What will those greater works be?

No one has been able to think of any greater work than raising the dead because faith has never risen beyond it. Our imaginations aren’t wild enough. We read in I Corinthians 2:9, … Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him—specifically, the destiny God has prepared for this generation of His Remnant.

God will reveal the greater works unto us by His Spirit, so that we may rise by a word from the Lord and walk in a different day than has ever come forth, a day of no limitations. Though it may sometimes seem tedious to talk about breakthroughs, God is causing a body of people to rise and do many exploits in the name of the Lord.

Businesses will spring up; money will flow. New methods and ideas will come in the realm of the physical, of health and strength, of diet and a new life. Children will be born in the Body, who from their infancy will walk in knowledge that now takes years of college work to master. Days of acquired wisdom will come, and with them new methods of teaching and training our children. New sciences will come forth in the field of ecology lest the world destroy itself in its own garbage. We need only to realize that we have a word from God that has commanded us into these greater works and we can do them.

Believe! Rise to new heights! Mount up in the Spirit of the Lord to say, “We are Your children, Lord, and for us all things are possible.”

One of these days some young man will throw a mountain into the sea because he really believes the word of the Lord. A tree will be uprooted and planted in the sea. No one will understand how it was done, how something seemingly pointless and valueless was suddenly done because some young sister or brother believed God.

The word of the Lord must be in our hearts. God wanted Joshua to know this too. Joshua knew very little about being a general, for he had not departed from the tabernacle since the glory fell upon it. Thirty-two nations, any one of them greater than Joshua’s undisciplined army of ex-slaves, had to be defeated.

The word of the Lord came to show Joshua how to prevail: “Be strong and very courageous, diligent to walk according to all the law which My servant Moses commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may prosper wherever you go.

This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not tremble or be dismayed. The Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:7–9). Joshua replied, “What do I have to do?” He received a word from the Lord, and was to meditate on it continually.

The first Psalm describes the destiny of a person who meditates upon Him. The scoffer, the ungodly and wicked man is contrasted with the man God is bringing forth who will find that anything he touches will prosper. God blesses the godly man in all seasons: his leaf doesn’t wither, he brings forth fruit in due season. What an amazing man! A man whose roots are in the Word upon which he meditates day and night. God’s word becomes his food, his sustenance, his prosperity.

That’s what this walk with God is all about. There’s a word from God to this generation. Those who hear the word that God is speaking now, and do not believe it is a word from God, will wither and die. We believe it, and as God is speaking to us afresh, a living word is coming forth in this generation. This is the day to believe the word of God.

When we have a word from God do we go out to battle? No, we don’t have to. Christ has already overcome it all; the victory is His. We stand and say, “Thanks be unto God Who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (I Corinthians 15:57).

We have another battle that is very real: the battle between us and God. There is continually a battle in our own minds, “Will I believe the word of the Lord?”

Paul exhorts us in Ephesians to put on the armor of God, the shield of faith whereby we’ll be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one (6:13, 16). “Fight the good fight of faith and lay hold upon eternal life,” he says in I Timothy 6:12. The battle you and I are fighting is not so much against principalities and powers; they’ve been defeated by Christ on His cross.

The battle is really one of faith to believe in their defeat and see it enforced. That victory is enforced by believing in the complete, absolute victory Christ has given us. In the world ye have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33. The word from God is all we need to walk in victory.

We’re not trying to bring forth some strange order that will be able to counteract the forces of evil by virtue of our resources and abilities. That would be foolish in itself, because of the activity of Satan’s host. We’re relying on the truth, “Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world”(I John 4:4). All we do is enter in with faith in our hearts.

Good Scriptures to stand on are Heaven and earth will pass away, but My word shall not pass away. Matthew 24:35, and Forever, O Lord, Thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89. Claim it now, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Some of you have had prophecies over you and have wavered in them. If you are going to see them fulfilled, you cannot waver. James 1:5, 6 tells us, If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. In his moment of unbelief, the wavering man is moved by every circumstance around him. Let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord; James 1:7.

The person who receives from the Lord is the person who believes God. When I ask of God, I believe God will give it to me. I believe the Lord will help me. When He’s given me a word, I can do it because He told me to do it. He makes Himself available for me to do it.

Do not be deceived in thinking prophecies are coming to instruct men. God isn’t commanding people with natural ability to accomplish any word for the Lord. If the word of the Lord would come to you and say, “Go down to the corner and get the Sunday paper and bring it back,” you might automatically answer, “Fine, I’ll do it.” But be careful how you say that, for there will be a hundred things to prevent you from bringing back that newspaper if you are obeying a word from the Lord. When you come back you will have to say, “I had a word from the Lord and He sent grace to me to see it accomplished.” Then the Lord will be glorified.

God does not prophesy anything that can be done by the natural resources of an individual. We do not even look to our human wisdom. The word He gives has to be done in the grace of God from beginning to end.

God says to one person, “You’ll be a prophet;” to another, “You’ll be an apostle;” and to another man, “You’ll rise and walk as an elder; you’ll walk as a deacon.” You make that word happen by believing it and becoming what God says about you.

You walk in a word because it is all God. He is Lord and you are the bondservant, so you listen to Him and believe Him, being confident you have a sure word. If confusion enters in, dig in until you know without a doubt you have a word from the Lord that is going to be fulfilled, and then hang onto it. Everyone has made mistakes in that area—they have not made sure of the word of the Lord and then stood on it.

God intends that we be rich in faith and heirs of His kingdom by walking in the word He gives us. The only man who will miss these riches is one who is so filled with unbelief that he cannot embrace that word. Were I in this walk with unbelief in my heart I would stand before God, crying and repenting until God took it out. If I had so much confusion that I was continually unable to get with it, I would cry, “Lord, I can’t walk in Your word until it is a revelation to my heart. Speak it to me, confirm it to me, until I know it is a word from You.” In this age every word is going to happen to a people that are diametrically opposed to the tide of unbelief and confusion caused by the lying spirit of Satan that comes to deceive the whole world. When Satan says, “Hath God said,” those believers have the answer: “Thus saith the Lord, ‘It is written.’ ”

In the wavering moments, the times of abandoning the word, say to the Lord, “I repent. Forgive me. I’m going to be Your believer, Lord. As I wait for a word from You, and it comes, I am going to believe it and rest on it. I will use every Scriptural method to see that word confirmed to my heart. Then I will depart not away from it.”

It is good that the sword of the Spirit, the word of God, reaches down to the very joints and marrow of our bones, cuts deep into our heart, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of our heart. It reaches so deep that we never have a defeat or a battle that isn’t wrapped around believing God’s word.

We’re either going to believe the word of the Lord or we’re not, but we want to believe it. In our heart and in our spirit we know we must believe; we must not waver or doubt. Rebellion and withdrawal, confusion and defeats are all evidences of unbelief. How can we see the lingering symptoms, the persistent circumstances; how can we be buffeted on every side and not be moved unless our heart has embraced a sure word from the Lord?

To the extent that we have been moved or defeated in moments of testing, to that extent we have exercised unbelief “Lord, we would be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.”

We know there is much more we can have, and in due season we will reap if we faint not. In these days of carnality and wickedness, nothing is more debauching to an individual than to stand before God with a wavering, confused heart of unbelief.

Without faith we cannot please Him. How much farther would we be in this walk if we had not wavered along the way? How many times have we had to learn our lessons because our own unbelief led us in the wrong path? Into how many dead ends has our confused heart led us, when the word of the Lord would have led us by a sure path?

“We know we are not worthy to be Your Remnant, Lord, that You didn’t chose us for that reason, so we ask You to forgive us, to cleanse us and make us worthy by Your grace. We know this walk is right—that is all we do know, Lord.”

We know we have heard a word from God and though we don’t understand all of it, we are still going to trust the Lord with all of our heart. We are going to believe. We would faint unless we believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living (Psalm 27:13).

“When I have no leading or feeling, when I have no witness of the Spirit, no confirmation from anyone, still let me abide faithful in the words that You have already spoken, Lord, and let me stand still to see the salvation of the Lord.”

Every person has to stand on the basis of faith. We stand together in that faith.

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