Are you an eagle or a chicken?

The four faces of God are a type of the four faces of man. The face of an eagle, the face of an ox, the face of a lion and the face of a man. We see the four faces, or four characteristics of four images, each face portrayed in the four gospels. We are looking at the face of an eagle in this message, portrayed in the gospel of John. We are to become like an eagle.

In revelation 4;6 the four living creatures were in the midst of the throne and around the throne. These faces are a result of being continually exposed to God. These are manifestations of the sons of God coming fourth in the last days. We are to be an eagle Christian, a flying eagle.

There are two classes of Christians portrayed in the Bible, eagles and chickens. We have a part to play in this, we have to choose who we are going to be. Are you going to be an eagle Christian or a chicken Christian?

An eagle is an incredible creature. It is built to rule in heavenly places, it is the king of the air and rules from the heavenly places, and nothing can touch it. Chickens are babes in Christ, those who have not matured in the things of God. In math 23 Jesus said often would I have gathered thee, as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, but you would not. This is referring to a people who could not hear his message or heed his call. They had missed their day of visitation.

Chickens are earth bound, their eyes are on the ground-the things of this world, and they gather in groups and are fenced in. They really don’t hear what God is saying in there day.

A chicken can fly but usually doesn’t. Their flight is very short, and they do not get much higher than the roof of a house.

The eagle is made to soar, they cannot survive in a confined captivity, that is why they leave the organized church or denomination. The eagle must be free. If you capture an eagle, it will begin to die. They are not made for confined spaces. There are a lot of chickens on the ground, but not many eagles flying around, it can be a very lonely place(forerunner’s), but the Lord is gathering his eagles together.

The eagle is made to fly in heavenly places and look down on his prey (the enemy cannot touch him, has no place in him, is under his feet).

Eagles do not flap their wings; they learn how to catch  air- currents. Isaiah 40- this is what happens when we learn how to wait on the Lord. they who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount of with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

Renew their strength-in Hebrew-exchange their strength with the Lord. Catch the air current and flow with God.

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