Heaven is attracted to Jesus in us

One of the greatest ideas of the father was to put us into Jesus and Jesus into us. The father and Jesus love to make their abode in us – John 14: 23

We are the residents of God and as we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to love Jesus and keep his words, then heaven becomes attracted to us. The cloud of witnesses is watching us and will interact with us. The seven spirits of God will tutor us into sonship, and the angels will minister to us and serve us.

If we are in Christ then heaven’s fascination with him makes our life extremely interesting. We are learning to pay attention to Jesus because all our freedoms flow from that direction. This is why we are not to be detracting to the old nature, because it’s dead. It was crucified with Christ on the cross. We are not to be pastoring someone who God has already deemed to be dead – Romans 6: 11. That would be like babysitting a corpse!

If we have died with him, we believe we will also live with Him- Romans 6: 11. We are walking in the newness of life learning to be alive only to God-Romans 6. We are therefore not declaring what we are not, but proclaiming who we are in Jesus.

No one can be ordinary when they are in Jesus. It’s not allowed! Heaven comes to us because of our placement in Jesus, not because of our performance as believers.

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