Make yourself vulnerable to God

Because we are in Jesus and He is in us, we are learning the lifestyle of the power of the one with the one. Jesus is the substance and source for our spiritual development. In him we live and move and have our being-Acts 17: 28.

That means we are completely open to all the fullness of God in Christ Jesus. Of his fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace-John 1: 16. Our goal in life with God is to reach such a saturation point that we are filled so that we overflow to all around us.

Fullness signifies an abundance of life, blessing and favor. Enough for ourselves and the people group to whom we are sent. It represents a completion, a wholeness, and extensiveness in the loving kindness of God that compels people to know him. We’ve become His visual aid in the Kingdom. We resonate with his voice in the earth. We, his body, demonstrate his abundance in all our earthly connections-Ephesians 1: 23.

We come to the place of absolute truth as we learn to know the love of Christ, which surpasses knowledge, and are filled up to all the fullness of God- Ephesians 3:19. It is our daily privilege to make ourselves vulnerable to God’s fullness, knowing that He loves to fill all in all with himself. Whatever we need to become like Christ, it’s fully accessible and available only in fullness. We appropriate more of His nature in every circumstance of life as He reveals who He wants to become to us and in us in this circumstance. When we make ourselves exposed to God’s passion for us, then our delight in Him is the fruit. We learn the joy of the presence of God.

Our person plus God has all the power and authority necessary to overcome. We are vulnerable to the Christ within. We are not vulnerable to the enemy at all unless we choose to be.

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