Proclamation on the level you are at, is the key to the next level

In the Spirit we must talk our way into everything. We must speak out loud the word of God! What we believe must be spoken aloud into the atmosphere of our circumstances. We speak from the inner man of our spirit into the outer world of our life situation. Faith comes by hearing and confession. Declaration and proclamation are vital in the ongoing battle to govern our circumstances.

We confess what God has said about our circumstances. In other words, we find a promise in the Bible covering our situation.

We have not yet understood the power of the spoken word of God. When God’s spoke out loud the natural creation came into existence! And He is teaching us how Creation responds to our words when they’re filled with love.

We declare to the enemy who we are in Christ in this particular situation. We proclaim to the Lord in thanksgiving who He is for us in the scenario in which we are involved.

If the voice of our inner man is still, the voice of the outer man of our soul will be heard and it usually isn’t good because our soul is in the process of transformation.

Our inner man of the spirit it’s the part of us that connects to the presence of God and hears His voice. The outer man of the soul is more in tune with the world around us and is susceptible to any negative voice, information, and perception.

That is why we must understand the difference between our spirit and our soul which only Jesus “the Living Word” can reveal to us. If our soul is in tune with the world, it can have an uncooperative and opposing effect on our spirituality.

Life in the Spirit is concerned with the art of abiding in Christ, the vine our life source. Our proclamation of who God is for us goes hand in hand with his perceptions of our identity on the level that we are on. We have two relationships with the Lord, the one right now, where we are at with our walk with the Lord. And one with the Lord in our future, years from now, and also who we already are in Heaven. Everything the Lord has created lives inside of Him, he has the ability to live inside of time and outside of time. He is the beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega (Rev 1:8.) In our walk with the Lord, we go from grace to grace, revelation to revelation, strength to strength and glory to glory. We are in the process of transformation, the renewal of the mind. That means we all still have areas of deception in us. The fully renewed mind is manifested in the natural realm, as the transfiguration of Jesus on the mount of transfiguration. Mark 9:2 Now after six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John, and led them up on a high mountain apart by themselves; and He was transfigured before them. 3 His clothes became shining, exceedingly white, like snow, such as no launderer on earth can whiten them.

As we learn how to walk in the revelation of who Jesus wants to be for us right now, today, then it becomes firmly established by what we speak and how we act on it. Continuous proclamation opens us up to the upgrade the Father has designed for us.

When we prove out on this next level, our experience of God right now becomes our way of life, then the next level comes into view and the whole joyful process begins again but higher up. Planet earth is the school of the Spirit, so we are going to be tested, to see if we are walking in the present word the Lord has revealed to us.

We live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. When the word He is speaking to us now, becomes the way of our life, then He gives us the next word to live by. And as we practice it and it becomes established as our lifestyle, then the Lord says come up higher and gives us another word which we are to live by. So, we speak that word out loud, we meditate upon that word, and we become that word.

This is what it means to walk with God, He give us a word and we walk in it until it becomes written on our Heart. And then he says come up higher.

Through promises, through prophecy and inheritance words we are awakened to the next level of our upgrade and identity. In confession we learn how to live in the circumstances victoriously, by appropriating an aspect of the divine nature. In declaration we master how to stand in opposition to the enemy. And in proclamation we embrace the identity and the resources that come to us through the Lord Jesus on the level we are at in our growth in God.

Confession is when you verbalize how God loves and cherishes you, and who is becoming in you. Proclamation is when you verbalize what God is doing in you, because you know God cherishes you; It is all about trusting His nature. Declaration is verbalizing what you know is going to happen. We declare to the enemy his defeat!

We have to follow on to the know the Lord, we have to walk with him in this life, and become his friend. Most of the church does not even know the Lord. I can tell because of some of the doctrines they believe. The ultimate test is not the logos of the word, but the rhema of the word. When we come into an intimate relationship with the Living Word (Jesus) the personification of the nature of God, we test everything to see if it conforms to the love of God. God is love, and everything he does, is motivated by love, because he is LOVE!

Most of the revelation the Lord is giving me now on the spiritual level I have attain is considered heresy by the church at large. So I cannot even share it, because they are not able to bear it which means to hold on to it and keep holding on to it. There are deeper revelations hidden in the Bible, mysteries which Christians do not understand. The Holy Spirit leads us into all the truth, but he relates to us according to our spiritual growth in Jesus. Just like in the natural, we do not teach our children certain things, until they come of age.

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