What is God replacing in you

Some people are going through intimidation (being frightened or pressured) in a particular situation and are seeking how to deal with this debilitating negative emotion.

In the Kingdom that we inhabit, all negativity has been laid on Jesus. He bore it in His own body and soul so that we could be free. He was separated from the Father in a sense when He was experiencing His soul being made a sin offering. He was actually experiencing what we can feel when we have not experienced the unconditional love God really has for us. So, in a sense He was separated so that we could have a relationship with God. In reality the Father never left Him but was with Him in the dark cloud that covered Jerusalem for three and 1/2 hours. But He took upon Himself our separation and cried out my Father, my Father why have you forsaken me?

The good news is that Jesus did not die for us. He died as us! He took all our afflictions, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual upon Himself.

Our old nature is dead and intimidation with it. That curse is broken by sacrifice. Our new nature is learning to abide in our true identity in Jesus. We merely have a default habit that causes us to repeat a defeat rather than upgrade to a new behavior.

In the Kingdom we inhabit there are no negatives, only positives yet to be explored and appropriated. God is in the business of putting things into place in our lives that belong to His identity so that we can become like Him.

What if we are not intimidated? What if the real issue is that we have not fully grasped the identity that we have in Christ? The words the Lord speaks to us by revelation of scripture or insights of prophecy are designed to elevate our perception of what it means to be Christ like in our thinking and perception. In Christ we never have to fight a negative because He has already defeated it!

We never deal with a negative thought in the way it attacks us. The enemy would seek to use that thought to occupy our attention and bring us low. In Christ we get to take that thought captive and replace it with a better one. This is what we call renewing of the mind. Our mind is not renewed by battling against a negative thought. It can only be redeemed by receiving the mind of Christ and thinking the way that He would, because He is our life.

We have the mind of Christ. So, the issue becomes, what is He replacing in us that allows us to overcome a negative? What if intimidation is being upgraded to courage so that we are astonished at the power of Jesus in us.

Jesus makes all things new so that we walk in newness of life. We cannot be captured by an old habit when we have a new nature, unless we are deceived. Abiding in Christ means that we are only engaged with putting on the new man. This identity is renewed in the knowledge of Christ. Our old man is dead (Romans 6: 11) We are putting away the old, not trying to fix it (Ephesians 4: 20-24: Colossians 3: 9-10)

Whatever is the opposite of intimidation (which is only a form of bullying) is actually what the Holy Spirit is establishing in us. The life of Christ will always move in the opposite spirit to the world, the flesh, and the devil. When reviled, we bless; we love our enemies; we practice joy in adversity. In Christ we have the privilege of turning every negative into its opposite, so that we can experience the nature of God in us. Every time we feel intimidated in our soul we can rejoice in our spirit because we know we can partner with God in upgrading who we are in him. This is really encouraging and purposeful!

We are learning to turn intimidation to our advantage. That is what favor empowers us to do. We turn the tables on the enemy so we can profit from the attack. This is our heritage in the Lord.

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