Presence is always tangible

Presence is always real whether we are feeling His company or believing that His Spirit is in attendance. By faith we receive Him because of the truth of His word, whether we feel Him or not; I will never leave you nor forsake you. I am with you always, even unto the end of the world (Hebrews 13: 5, Matthew 28: 20). Faith makes God manifest. He said he would never leave us therefore He is here! Faith does not need emotions but is complemented by them. What we believe for is eventually made real in solid form. God loves to materialize and make His presence felt in our heart.

At the dedication of Solomons temple (1 kings 8: 11), God came and filled the place and no one could stand on their feet. Tangible presence affects us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. God is real and that reality can overwhelm us on any given day. Moses saw a burning bush and heard the voice coming out of it-Exodus 3: 2-4. Elisha saw horses and Chariots of fire-2 Kings 6: 17. Paul was knocked off his horse and blinded for several days by the brilliant light that surrounded him-Acts 9: 3-9. The disciples on the road to Emmaus felt their hearts burn within them when Jesus was present but hidden-Luke 24: 13-32.

The fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5: 22-23) interacts with our emotions as we engage with love, joy and peace.

God’s Presence goes with us and we experience His rest-Exodus 33: 14. Peace interrupts our circumstances. All anxiety and fear is suspended by Presence. We live in the stillness of majesty and celebration in the quietness of the spirit.

Every situation has something tangible to release in either faith or feelings. Both these extremes bring us to the exact same place in terms of manifestation. It is quite simply door A or door B into the throne room.

There is only one voice to be heard from heaven. It can be audible, loud enough to be heard physically; or discernible, preceded by faith in the stillness of our spirit. I love both and have experienced both. Voice has the wonderful capacity to make us feel good about ourselves. His presence makes us glad. There is joy, pleasure, delight and laughter forevermore.

It is vital to enter His Presence. When was your last tangible encounter with God physically and emotionally? Ask and keep on asking for a fresh impartation into your feelings.

When was the last time you believed His Presence was with you regardless of feelings? It is wonderful to trust the word of the Lord and expect His Presence because He cannot lie. Faith is not better than feelings, just different.

To be wholesome requires both ends of a paradox to be enjoyed enthusiastically. Faith and feelings make us normal, fruitful, powerful, and deeply relational.

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