Focus provides high definition

It should not matter how much the enemy spins us around in life situations. Christ is the center of who we are, which means we have a fixed point to which we always return. The Holy Spirit will always make Jesus our focal point for response. In Christ, the enemy is never allowed to determine our focus. We use the enemy to define the current experience of majesty that God wants to bestow upon us.

When we define a circumstance we are stating the meaning that it holds for us in a relationship with God’s majesty. What would it take for us to believe that the Lord is unceasingly magnificent towards us? What kind of lifestyle will that produce? We define our lives by the plans, purpose, and intentions of God. All our circumstances are part of his clarity towards us. They call us up to a higher place of significance in Christ. Problems show us Gods pre-determined purpose. Problems are designed to make our promises more visible. Every problem is therefore part of an upgraded experience that God has set aside for us in the current situation.

The Holy Spirit is the personification of focus. He takes everything that belongs to Jesus and reveals it to us in life. He specifies what belongs to us because of the circumstance. He describes to us how we should come before God and how we should stand against the enemy. He is our helper in all things. We are never alone, ever! As we learn what we need to move forward, we also learn who we are becoming now in Christ.

Every life situation carries an upgrade and who Jesus is for us and who we are becoming in him. We are literally learning how to grow up in all things in Christ. He is becoming an increasingly stronger part of our appropriation of His fullness. The fullness of Christ provides the conduct class where we develop abundance in our thoughts and actions. When the Holy Spirit defines our circumstances, He also designates what belongs to us in the situation. When He designates, we learn what to pray for in the problem. We have not because we ask not-James 4: 2. He tells us what to ask. Usually, we have not because we did not hear the Holy Spirit telling us what He is providing.

When the Holy Spirit defines our circumstances then we must work on our own definitions in line with His intention. This is our first response. We now state the meaning of the situation back to him. Our language is: this is what God is doing for me, in me, and through me, using this situation. We describe the purpose of God in our own actions and response. Then we used those thoughts in our rejoicing, thanksgiving and worship. This creates a huge alignment between our hearts and the Holy Spirit and eliminates the space where doubt would normally be lurking.

Everything about the Christ life is connected to height. We are seated with Christ in heavenly places-Ephesians 2: 5-6. We learn to set our minds on things above, not on things on the earth-Colossian 3: 1-3.

In Christ we have elevated status, permission to overcome and legal authority over the enemy. We are raised up in Christ to occupy a place far above all that would seek to bring us down. This involves a mindset, an approach to majesty and a language that is aligned to ascendancy as a lifestyle.

The activities of the enemy therefore can only concentrate our focus on the sovereignty of Jesus. Joshua and Caleb understood this point perfectly when they declared their own definition of the conquest of Canaan to the people of Israel. Numbers 14: 8- If the Lord is pleased with us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us; a land which flows with milk and honey. Only do not rebel against the Lord; and do not fear the people of the land, for they shall be our prey. Their protection has been removed from them, and the Lord is with us; do not fear them.

That is a definition based upon the designation of God! Most of their generation never aligned themselves with that definition and perished in their poverty mindset. In Christ we never start with a deficit. We begin with His fullness, and we align ourselves with the current expression of that in our present position.

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