It’s time!

Now is the accepted time. Today’s the day. We are learning to be present in the moment in Christ. This results in that we are up to date with regard to his current purpose.

Paul statement of focus was this: this one thing I do. Forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead. I press on towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus-Philippians 3: 14-15. Paul’s one thing is an objective with three purposes! This is the primary point of focus. It increases our intention. It covers every eventuality within the objective. Focus opens us up to the process we need to take to realize the goal that the father wants us to achieve.

An upgrade has three stages. Firstly, we must move on from where we have been. Closure is a vital part of advancement. In Christ we are present/ future and not present /past. Focus enables us to know our distractions and move beyond them. Focus produces priorities. We move from the inner center of presence to the outer place where we engage with the world around us. Failure to establish the inner core relationship means that we are overwhelmed by external events rather than by the nature of God within, in Christ. In him we live and move and have our being. Great focus always comes from Great Presence.

When we reach out to what God is doing in front of us, it is our focus that creates energy. Our focus is derived from the passion of the Holy Spirit for Jesus (John 16:7-15), and His pleasure in declaring and demonstrating Christ within. Revelation changes our focus and increases power. What we focus on gives us the power to pursue. We zoom in on the real picture that the Holy Spirit sets before us.

As we take hold of what we are seeing in regards to our upgrade we have to learn to press into Christ in our advancement. We face two battles over everything. One battle to take ground and another to hold that new territory. It is one battle to get free and another to stay free. Many people win the first battle and lose the second. Our breakthroughs and upgrades must be established in our lifestyle. The first battle was where we had an encounter with God and something tangible occurs that creates new momentum. After this comes a series of situations designed to take that breakthrough into all our life situations by an ongoing experience. There is no breakthrough without follow through. If we do not turn encounter into an ongoing experience, then we have met God but have not been transformed by him. We will default back to our previous pattern of behavior when the pressure is on us.

When we recognize how fast time goes by, then we must cooperate with the Holy Spirit to redeem the time by taking advantage of God’s presence, now! Time is a valuable commodity. Foolish people waste time. Good people find time. Great people make time for the realities of God. Redeeming time is crucial, time is the currency of our lives, not money. Our prophecies and promises are the medium of exchange in the Kingdom. Favor is the legal tender that they generate.

When we take time to rethink the purpose of God towards us, we can step into a new, more powerful place of beholding and becoming.

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