Broken spirit

Did Jesus say, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the Pharisees and the Sadducees and all the important people in the world?

Luke 4:18 Jesus said, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised..

Why did Jesus preach the gospel to the poor and broken hearted? Because of their broken spirit, they were the people that could hear.

Psalm 51: 8 Make me hear joy and gladness that the bones which you have broken may rejoice.

One person can come to a service and hear joy and gladness; they are rejoicing. But the neighbor sitting next to them does not hear it. Why do they not hear it? Their hearing is directly related to their spirit.

The person with a right spirit will know when God is speaking. They will have this deep innate realization: “God is in this Word. This is a Living Word from God.”

A person who becomes bitter in spirit will suddenly say, “Well, I do not know about this being a Living Word. A person’s attitude is in their spirit. Our spirit has to do with our attitudes and intentions.

Let this be our cry: “Lord, I need to hear joy and gladness. We want to be near to you so that we can communicate with you.

Psalm 34:18The LORD is nigh (near- of place, of time, of personal relationship) unto them that are of a broken (to break, break in pieces) heart; and saveth (to give victory to) such as be of a contrite (humble, repentant-deeply sorry, crushed) spirit. 19Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.

Psalm 51: 17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit,( breaking to shatter, to bring to the moment of birth) a broken and contrite heart(to crush, break in pieces,  bones broken, the whole structure of the life shattered) O God, You will not despise( to treat with proper respect).

What does it mean to be poor in spirit or have a broken spirit? To be poor in spirit means we are totally dependent upon the flow of God’s Spirit into our spirit. Unless our spirit is communing with His we have no strength, no fellowship of life.

To have a broken spirit means that we are in a place of humility, and carefulness so as to maintain a right spirit with the Lord, so that we do not sin against the Lord. We have a repentant spirit that is listening and yielding to the Holy Spirit.

A broken spirit is soft and pliable, able to be shaped and molded. The opposite of a broken spirit is a proud or bitter spirit, a person with a hard heart.

If our spirit is humbled, broken, and crushed before Him, we are enabled to be the carriers of His presence. We put the ark on our shoulders and carry his presence into every situation. We are enabled to hear his rebuke, to be corrected, to walk in the fear of the Lord, so that wherever we go it is not the richness of our own talent or ability that matters, but it is the fact that in our humility we are carrying the presence of God into our every conversation and encounter. Everything we do can be to His glory and praise because we are carrying the presence of the Lord.

The opposite of bitterness is brokenness. The bitter resist everything; the broken experience the Lord in it. Nothing of God’s presence penetrates the hard heart.

A broken spirit is more perceptive, because a broken spirit does not evaluate circumstances by a reasoning process. A broken spirit evaluates everything in its relationship to the Lord.

If we do not have a broken spirit, we evaluate every circumstance, wondering, “Who’s to blame? Who’s at fault? Why this? Why that?” Anything less than a broken spirit will be less perceptive because it looks for answers in the wrong direction. But a broken spirit does not do this; it continually looks to the lord. When we are broken before the Lord, we see what we ought to.

The broken are now listening. God has their attention; they have an ear to what the Holy Spirit is saying.

If we have had our bones broken, we need to rejoice! Now we can hear from God. A broken spirit is very perceptive; its revelation and judgment are better. Thus the broken spirit becomes a vessel of divine compassion. A heart that is bitter contains little to bless anyone.

When we learn how to have a broken spirit before the Lord we find that we can tune in to Him: it is not experiences; it is a relationship. In our relationship with the Lord, and in our closeness to Him, we weep before Him. We are broken in our spirit; yet we have a joy.

When we learn how to maintain the broken and contrite heart we will learn to live in Him. Jesus said, If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you … Those are just words, until one day our spirit is so broken before the Lord that we notice we are abiding in Him; we are learning to live in Him. He promised, If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. John 15:7.

We then have a new comprehension and a new understanding of why we went through sufferings. When we cry out to God, we can hear His voice. We can touch Him. He is very near us. Then we become His vessel of divine compassion.

It takes a continual, persistent, maintenance program of our spirit before the lord, to be able to hear his voice continually.

Once we are broken in spirit, we should try to stay that way. Too many times we are broken in spirit, and it heals up too fast. Then we are outside of the blessing God has for us. The varying degrees of perception are determined by the depth of our brokenness.

We do not always want to stay in that low level where we are broken before the Lord. We feel, “When this is over with, I will go to work for the Lord.” Then we get busy and preoccupied in trying to accomplish things. We may go along for a little while, but suddenly the bottom drops out again. We would never hit these alternating cycles of ineffectiveness and effectiveness, if we would stay effective by being broken before the Lord.

The minute we become strong, then we will be made weak. But when we are weak before the Lord, continually dependent upon him, his strength will be manifested through us. When we have nothing to boast of, but being before His presence, then every good thing can happen.  

As we look back to the stories of David, we see how wonderfully God used him, in spite of the terrible sin he committed. He saw this woman on a rooftop taking a bath. David committed adultery with her and when she told him that she was going to have a child, he sent her husband into the heavy battle and had the army withdraw from him at a strategic point, so he would be killed. David was guilty of cold-blooded murder. We’ve seen people rejected for deeds much less serious. Why didn’t God reject David? Because he also repented deeply.

We don’t want to be quick to judge another person because they have committed a terrible sin. We need to look to their spirit, and if their spirit is honestly broken before the Lord, there is mercy for them. How many times shall we forgive them? Seven times? No seventy times seven.