Word of knowledge

A common question that I get when teaching on the Word of Knowledge is “How do you know that you have received a word of knowledge?” The Bible say that the Holy Spirit will bear “witness” with our human spirits. You know that you know, there is no wondering in God.

This inner witness is what I call an inner knowing. Suddenly, you will receive a “without-a-doubt type of knowing” that He is trying to transmit to you. It can come in the form of a thought or an impression on your mind, or it can come in the form of a vision or a picture in your spirit.

A Word of Knowledge is a Holy Spirit given revelation about a fact, a current circumstance, or something that took place in the past. 

This kind of word can reveal the whereabouts, conditions, nature, or thoughts of a person, place, or thing, even when it is impossible to know it in the natural. This can be especially true of words given for healing.

A Word of Knowledge is simply the Holy Spirit downloading His specific knowledge to us on something that we would have no natural ability to know through our own knowledge. It is supernatural insight being given directly to us by the Holy Spirit Himself.

The Holy Spirit can impart a word of knowledge to cover anything from something very trivial, such as where you may have misplaced your keys, to actual life-saving knowledge on how to solve an impending crisis or emergency.

This gift is valuable for our everyday life. This gift will help you overcome difficult circumstances if you find yourself in a scenario that you feel like you have no way out. God will reveal something great to you and will show you something that reveals a significant information for the future.

God wants you to go through your life with ease and know everything you need for the future.

A Word of Knowledge is simply the Holy Spirit downloading His specific knowledge to us on something that we would have no natural ability to know through our own knowledge. It is supernatural insight being given directly to us by the Holy Spirit Himself.

A Word of Knowledge includes supernatural revelation by the Holy Spirit about something that is important to God. While not solely discerned, the information includes specific facts that will help bring God’s knowledge through a manifested form into your life or into the life of someone you’re ministering to and sharing God’s heart with.

In today’s church, words of knowledge have been one of the least pursued of the revelatory gifts, and yet they are among the most powerful gifts that believers can practice. The gift of getting knowledge from divine revelation helps define an “aha” moment that tells us, God is real, He is here, and He loves you. It creates space for people to be in awe and even shocked by who God is and how intimately He loves them in the mist of all of humanity. Because all of humanity passionately seeks after knowledge and information about their lives, knowledge becomes one of the most valuable expressions of God’s revelatory gifts.

God has thoughts and intentions towards each one of us, towards this earth, towards governments and towards occupations. Scripture tells us that He discloses His secrets to those he trusts. He relates information (his secrets) about other people and groups, secrets that reshape the direction of someone’s life or a government’s reign.

Discernment begins with the direction. If you know the intent and heart of God, then you will know how to proceed in every aspect of life. The gift of discerning of Spirits is like an early detection system for the army or military.

Many people get confused about what they’re pursuing when they think of a “word of knowledge” and then just wind-up forming everything together as a “prophecy”.

A word of knowledge is actually a very different part of the revelation gift. Prophecy is a word about the future that shows the plans that God has for someone or a group/region/business. With prophecy, people’s affections lie in the fact that God knows them and has plans for them. Knowing God’s plans and future for their lives gives people the opportunity to partner with Him to see those plans fulfilled.

A word of knowledge includes supernatural revelation by the Holy Spirit about something that is important to God. While not solely discerned, the information includes specific facts that will help bring God’s knowledge through a manifested form into your life or into the life of someone you’re ministering to and sharing God’s heart.

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