Whenever we do something for the first time we cannot make a mistake, because we are learning. Wanting to know how to improve skills, understanding and capacity are the keys to succeeding. When we love the learning we are less likely to fail and are more capable of improving.
It’s possible to fail at everything and still become the best, if we love the learning and maintain our pursuit of excellence in the process. When we don’t learn we can make bigger mistakes and increase our chances of becoming a failure.
The distinction between failing and becoming a failure is blame. We blame the teacher, the trainer, the mentor and the pastor for not being able to pass a test, learn the job, or grow in spiritual life. Blaming means holding others responsible for our shortcomings. We find fault with the equipment. We criticized the environment, the system, and the organization. Finding fault is at epidemic proportions in our society. Every level of human endeavor seems to have its blame culture
if we are going to succeed we must be honest in our personal approach to learning and acquiring relevant skills and capabilities loving the learning means being excited about developing it involves asking questions about how to improve your concerns taking responsibility to upgrade. For the common denominator in all our mistake not to recognize that is to eventually become a failure .
If you are worried camera apprehensive and overly concerned about Failing you will not enjoy the experience of learning.
In Christ, we have closure I know our failures and are free to believe the best about ourselves. Take some ground in your new man and ask the helper for support in your learning process. He is a genius!