What the Lord creates in us grows progressively out of his abundance and our imagination-Ephesians3: 20. We cannot plan beauty, elegance or excellence. It is the fruit of our response to being rooted and grounded in his love. It is normal, inevitable expression of an identity greater than our own working in us through our circumstances. We are in Christ learning to be Christ like. Christ is in us demonstrating His Majesty, sovereignty and supremacy.
We must imagine God in our space, sharing our circumstances and upgrading our identity as we travel together. If we are in Christ, so are our circumstances. Every problem reveals who Jesus is for us. He shares our space. Sometimes we step into his space, and we learn to overcome step by step. It’s a process. Other times he invades our space, and we have a different encounter that involves a quantum leap forward in our experience of him. The father decides which experience we will have. Totally Spirit, our helper, discloses what is to come and guides us into our personal involvement with Jesus-John 16: 13-15. Jesus stands before the father interceding for us to make it – Hebrew 7: 25.
We are learning to see as God sees and become what he imagines in us- Exodus 7 :1. Circumstances enable God to upgrade us into the place of his choosing. Most of our best upgrades begin in the place of his fullness connecting with his dream for us. That dream inspires our imagination to partner with what the Holy Spirit is revealing to us about Jesus.
What does that shared space look and feel like to you? Imagine Jesus in your space. What is he saying and doing? Who are you becoming in him? What is being upgraded in you? What can you see?