Knowing how to receive under pressure is a great key to have in your possession

Conventional thinking wants to receive everything in advance. However, the Lord will simply not allow us to plan everything out beforehand. We count the cost in advance but we receive our provision on the way. This is precisely why Jesus described himself as the way!

In order to walk by faith we must learn to trust and rejoice as our major focus of activity. Walking with God is about becoming sensitive to his name and nature. Do not try to plot a path or work out a specific strategy. God does not work to our preferences. He empowers us to live in his purposes.

Conventional thinking always tries to turn an intuition into an acquired rational deduction. When that happens all the anointing drains out of the moment. We must understand that the development of trust into faith is most crucial to the father in every large enterprise.

Trust becomes faith, as we perceive the favor that is now present for us in relationship with the Lord. Every twist and turn on this road is concerned with our cultivating our expectation of God into a tangible reality of connection and provision.

It is a privilege to trust the Lord, so we can only do so if we are delighted at the prospect of being reliant upon his goodness towards us.

When we are not engaged in trust, we limit our possibilities instead of being enlarged by them. Each enterprise has its share of impossibilities that need converting into material resources. God has a vested interest in us learning the joy of that conversion process.

We are at our most responsible when we are trusting the Lord and seeking the next step to take in his favor. The world has nothing to teach us about trusting the Lord. It does the very opposite! The world has a business rationale that eliminates trust and faith as a possibility for living. The world is concerned with what is possible, feasible and practical.

There is a logical, reasonable approach that refers to what may happen without prevention by serious obstacles. It seeks to eliminate the risk factor. The Lord loves obstacles because it is at these places where we discover what he wants to be for us. In heaven’s language, risk must be present so that we can grow in faith. What the world sees as things to avoid, the citizens of heaven perceive as the only way forward into exploring the fullness of God. The way of the world is to bend all possibilities into our favor by using any crafty plan and artifice to achieve the required goals. Compromise will reign instead of trust. We cut down our dream into manageable proportions so that we can achieve it ourselves. We ask the lord to bless the way that we want to work to achieve his purpose rather than trust the ways of the lord. We conduct a feasible study so that we can determine the easiest way to achieve the goal. The plan that is most workable becomes the most desirable and therefore in conventional Christian thinking, the most spiritual.

In worldly terms practicable applies to that which can be done with the means at hand and with the conditions as they are. We go as far as is practicable in the circumstances. There is nothing wrong with any of their conventional thinking. It is simply not the way of the Kingdom. God loves obstacles, impossibilities and risk. Where worldly thinking seeks to eliminate those things to make it easier for us to achieve our goals; the Lord includes those things so that we can discover him and grow in trust, faith and favor.

The primary goal of God in all circumstances is that we become like Jesus in how we perceive, think, speak and act. In him we live and move and have our being. He allows the impossibilities so that we can be enlarged in him.

The initial idea that we receive is seldom the real one. It’s simply the precursor. It’s the one that we can receive now. God gives it to us to get our attention and make us think and act differently. The initial idea is highly possible, and we get excited. Actually, it is a preparation, there’s something more but only the obstacles can reveal it to us. Obstructions are designed to school us and how to experience abundance. God uses them to train us in a childlike trust, joyful faith in expectant favor. Obstacles are very important. They are excellent in empowering our rejoicing and thanksgiving which, in turn, accelerate our praying so that we ask and keep on asking, knowing that we will receive-Luke 11: 9-10.

When obstacles present themselves we are learning one of the laws of life in Christ Jesus, which is: one of the father’s great passions in his enthusiasm for our encouragement. He loves the unexpected! It is where we learn and trust and to anticipate his blessing. An enterprise that can appear to be unplanned, undesigned and chaotic is actually our training and proving ground to enable us to grow up in all things.

This is the issue here! We want to plan, predict and design our way forward into accomplishing the endeavor because our primary purpose is to travel safely, without risk. The primary purpose of God however, is relational and not functional. In Kingdom thinking we need to plan, purpose and design our rejoicing, thanksgiving and praying so that we are in alignment. The only true safe place is in the heart and affection of God. He loves worship and trust as a lifestyle. He adores one step at a time, relational focus. He wants us to experience him on the Journey.

It is interesting to know that at a time when the vision is bright and shiny… the process of how we can attain it is usually in conflict and chaos. We come under pressure to limit God, reduce the vision and become altogether more sensible. This is where God becomes our only source and we learn not to compromise our relationship with him. We learn the joy of dependency instead. This is just a test. Does our intentionality to receive match God’s desire to give? It is absolutely vital that we are able to receive under pressure. When the calling, dream or vision comes under threat they can often be the signal to ask God for more! When the vision is undergoing a contradiction ask for an expansion. At least in worship, in rejoicing we should ensure that we are fully walking in primary purpose.

Never rely on people when it comes time to believe God for his finances. Many Christians developed the ministry of hints! Only God can be our source. If he uses other people that’s up to him. We, however, should not spend our time recruiting when we should be rejoicing.

Our best connection is between our favor and God’s heart. We will not have to elicit support from the world if we have found favor in heaven. Trust the father’s intuition and intention. Trust his great heart for you. He does all things well!

At this time what is God’s primary purpose for you? How will you develop trust into faith? What previously future words may have a now application? What is your current obstacle teaching you? Why are obstacles important to the Lord? How are you being schooled in favor? What are your current tests? Use these and other questions to open up a dialogue between your heart and the fathers.

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