The fruit of the Spirit is our divine advantage

We are in Christ learning to live from heaven to earth in our salvation experience. We are learning the joy of the Lord in all circumstances. Joy is unlimited delight. It is his gladness rooted in His Majesty.

His cheerful disposition is grounded in the omnipotence of his strength. His joy becomes our strength! His infinite knowledge is the origin of his pleasure. He sees the end from the beginning. He see’s us already perfected in Christ.

He not only has the ability to know everything, but he also knows how to live in everything. His being fills all in all (Eph 1:23) because he knows what he wants to be for us in every circumstance.

We are in the business of enjoying how to live in his presence. Our primary purpose is concerned with using everything to become like Jesus. In this context for life, we are advantaged in every possible way. Life on earth is designed to showcase our new DNA. We are new creations in Christ: all the old way of focus has passed away; everything has become new-2 Corinthians 5: 17. Our key focus is the nature of God.

We lead with his nature. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control-Galatians 5: 22-23. Against such things there is no law! Nothing can overcome the nature of God. Nothing works against the nature of God.

The fruit of the Spirit is the very definition of presence. It is the first line of defense in warfare, and the catalyst for overcoming in the beauty of God. His great love provides all our defining moments and reinforces our most profound learning experiences. Everything that God is in himself is what sets us apart to be different in the world. His nature empowers our faith and trust.

The fruit of the Spirit is a constant, not a variable. It is a fixed lifestyle not a fluctuating one, it is not a situational charisma that is only developed by events. We are becoming faithful to the nature of God. My heart is fixed oh God, my heart is fixed, – Psalm 57: 7. Life in the Spirit is not spasmatic; it is as unchanging as God is. It is not an erratic influence but a permanent disposition.

Releasing the fruit of the Spirit in our lives empowers us to become like Jesus in inclination and character. In the fruit of the Spirit we learn the divine advantage of our DNA in Jesus. When we practice the fruit of the Spirit, we cannot become negative, weary, worn down and despondent. Instead, the fruit of the Spirit enables us to take advantage of every situation that arises. We can afflict the enemy with our DNA in Christ. It is where we pressure the enemy through our identity.

The father always pairs our circumstances with a particular fruit of the Spirit. We have long-suffering attached to joy 1 Colossians 1: 11. Trials are yoked with joy; Faith with patience-James 1: 2-4. Peace is paired with trouble- 1John 4: 18. Kindness is particularly effective against all forms of negativity-1 Peter 2: 1-3. Gentleness is teamed with the restoration of sinfulness-Galatians 6: 1-2.

God has assigned aspects of his nature to every circumstance of life. The fruit of the Spirit is attached to every purpose of the enemy resulting in divine advantage for all God’s people.

When we focus on God’s nature as our first response to everything, we receive the key that opens up all circumstances to the blessing and favor of God. We preserve in his nature, rather than trying to preserve in the situation.

Continuing in primary purpose (conformity to Christ) puts us above the circumstance. We overcome when our goal to become like God is greater than our need for a resolution of the problem.

When God ties a problem to a particular aspect of his nature, he is putting an important key into our hand. He is detailing the process of how we get to the outcome. He is defining what he wants to teach us about his nature. For example…

1 John 4: 16 we have come to know and have believed the love, which God has for us. God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. By this, love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment; because as he is, so also are we in this world. There is No Fear in love; But perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. We love, because he first loved us.

When fear is present in us, God attaches it too perfect love. When we focus on fear we are undone by it. When we focuse directly on love then fear is dealt with as a consequence.

The stronger our attachment to love the more mature we become in this aspect of God’s nature. We live in the fruit of the Spirit that is assigned to the problem; not the problem itself. As we persist in the designated fruit, the problem comes under the rule of our internal DNA in Christ. We find the appointed fruit that is present; use it to become Christ like; and we expel a problem indirectly.

All the most wonderful things Of God come to us via testing. We are in a constant refining process, where only the heat changes. The best way to live is to be focused on the nature of God as the goal of everything. Do not stray from primary purpose, which is to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. Cultivating his nature is one of the primary keys of the Kingdom. When we combine negative situations with the fruit of the Spirit it is so we can allow our internal DNA to rise up within and overcome. We learn to persist in God’s nature, not preserve in the problem.

The real test is not the resolution of the situation, that’s the byproduct; it is the development of God’s nature in the fruit of the Spirit. Do we manifest the divine nature in the trials of life?

In your current situations what fruit of the Spirit has been assigned to each difficulty? We need to realize that joy has been attached to everything-James 1: 2-3, but there is also a particular fruit of the Spirit assigned to us, to be developed in us in the circumstances and situations we face.

The aspect of God’s nature assigned to your problem details the process of your journey. What is God revealing to you right now, concerning what He wants to be for you?

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