God meets us more in our imagination than He does in logic

To move in passion…. To live passionately… we must develop intuition. Intuition is a state of mind and heart, that takes us into a higher place than logic or reason. Logic and reason are base camp number one on the climb up Mount Zion. They must be left behind if we are to reach the summit of divine thinking.

God is much too clever to be an intellectual. He lives in a high place of wisdom. Wisdom is far superior to knowledge. It is an affair of the heart. When our mind and heart combine, we receive enlightenment.

This is a way of thinking that is present/future-wrapped in peace, allowing for joy and full of radiant intuition. It allows us to operate from a place in the Spirit where faith is easy, and we have already overcome.

Logic and reason make us poor and keep us earthbound in our thinking. Logic and reason make the best of external circumstances. They calculate odds and supply us with a best possible solution, based on information available.

As spiritual beings we are allowed to touch heaven through the name of Jesus. We are seated with Christ in heavenly places. We are practicing an ascended lifestyle. We live from heaven to earth. We are therefore above certain things already.

We live above the enemy not under his power. We have access to a way of seeing, thinking, and experiencing that is not limited by logic.

God gave us a way of thinking that is unlimited. Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we could ask or think, according to the power that works within us… Ephesians 3: 20.

What is it that is abundantly beyond all that we can think of? What is the power within that can do that? What is beyond rational thought?It is our imagination.

God gave us imagination so that we could escape logic as a rationale for life and living. Think of every invention, every advance in technology… none of them began in logic. Someone, somewhere, saw something that could not be seen in the natural realm and then made it visible.

It is logical for a wooden ship to float, but what about an iron one? The first Telegraph. Internal plumbing. Radio. Television. Space travel. Telephones. Computers. The Internet. X-ray machines. Photography. The list goes on and on and is enormous. All those things came from imagining. It’s even called imagineering. Seeing an image and making it real and discovering in the process how God makes science work. It’s the science of how God bends the universe to His will. How the real world of the Spirit is based on God’s intuition, wisdom, will and His essential nature.

God meets us more in our imagination than He does in our logic. In fact, He is our imagination and intuition. Wisdom is the spiritual way to think. Imagination, not logic, is the doorway to practicality.

Logic is not reality. It’s just a non-intuitive version of it. Imagination creates. It breaks the limits of possibility. We think in a different space.

Passion, creativity and dreams all rise out of our intuition about ourselves, and the permissions we have from the Father. They connect our present with the future so that we can see what the Father is saying about who we are now and who is emerging in us in the future. These thoughts are rooted in our imagination through the prophetic input of the Holy Spirit.

When God invited Moses to- “see, I have made you a God to Pharaoh and Aaron shall be your prophet” (Exodus 7: 1), it was an invitation for Moses to imagine. He got to see something that had not physically occurred yet but was nevertheless a done deal in the heart of God. Dreams, visions, and prophetic language enable us to escape the crushing power of earthbound logic and experience God in the creative power of His imagination.

When you dream, what do you see?

When you sit quietly in the presence of God what opens up to you?

Take some moments to escape the ordinary grind of logic and rationale, access the bigness of who God is for you.

What can you see in His relationship with you?

Take a passage of scripture that the Holy Spirit has made compelling and real to you. As you read and ponder over it, what do you see yourself becoming in the light of this word?

Write it down. Now imagine that happening. What do you see now?

This is how God teaches us to see what He sees when He looks at us.

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