We are always defined by the intentions of God

To do well in the Spirit your heart must be attuned to the purpose of the father.

His heart and affections for you must govern every facet of your being. To walk in the Spirit is to walk in the acceptance of a loving God who sees you as much beloved child.

Brilliant fathers have great intentions towards their children. They think ahead and they live with them in the present.

The father has great plans for you-Jeremiah 29: 11. His intentions say a great deal about you and the quality of life he desires to give you.

Prophecy is the future spoken in advance. Dreams and visions open us up to the claims of God. He has designs on you.

You are made for a specific purpose. As you being to realize that purpose, all the intentionality of God begins to open up to you.

Meditate on prophetic words, dreams, visions or scriptures that God has given you.

What do they say about you? What can you determine of God’s intentionality for you?

What impact will these intentions have on your presence/ future lifestyle in the Lord?

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