The truth that sets us free is always rooted in proclamation

Sometimes it’s not enough to speak truth into our circumstances. We must shout it out. We must become militant in our confession.

Your inner man of the spirit is attached to your vocal chords. Truth must be proclaimed.

Firstly, to God in worship. It is a critical part of our rejoicing and giving thanks.

Secondly, we must declare to the enemy the truth of who we are in Christ, and the purpose of God in our present circumstances.

When we hear proclamation, our faith rises and we take hold of promise and purpose. Proclamation is for everyone, introvert and extrovert. Rejoicing has no personality type. It is the inner man of the spirit rejoicing aloud in the favor of the father. Introverts must practice proclamation. Extroverts must cultivate contemplation. Your whole man must be in tune with who God is for you.

If we fail in our proclamation, our victory may be less then we require. The measure that we give ourselves to in responding to God is the limit we set for our breakthrough.

Always, always goes the extra mile in obedience.

Aren’t you an introvert or extrovert? What do you need to do to overcome your personal reserve in proclamation? What proclamation does the Holy Spirit most want to put into your mouth at this time?

The Holy Spirit is incredibly enthusiastic about you!

Ask him to reveal that part of his nature to you. What would it mean for you to see him in this way? How would it change your relationship with him? How does it affect you in your current circumstances?

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