Check yourself out. What level of peace, joy and laughter is in your life at this time? How much energy, faith and passion are you walking in?
Tiredness, weariness and doubt can all lead us to a place where we live under our circumstances instead of above them.
We cannot unconsciously slip into a negative state of mind that affects us emotionally and physically, our spirit convicts us of it, unless it is asleep.
Look around at the people who are hard to be with relationally. What are the visible factors at work in them? What is the root cause of their weariness?
How do you plan to extricate yourself from that condition? What can you be to someone who has allowed weariness to affect their personality?
In Christ we have a delegated authority to destroy the works of the devil!
How’s that working out for you? What is the next place in your life where you must develop authority in Jesus Christ?