Be thrilled with your tutor

I will teach you the lesson of beauty. The beauty of having a right spirit in union with me. It is a great life I’ve given you. I will teach you how to abide in me, the joy of dwelling in me, and the beauty of just being in me and with me

You must simply accept the upgrade of anointing that I willingly bestow. Learn sensitivity with the Holy Spirit.

The key to learning is to be thrilled by your tutor. Let the enthusiasm of the Holy Spirit fill you up. He loves to increase you! He loves to show you who you are going to become next. He loves to declare the fullness of Jesus to you.

He has all your upgrades in his heart. That is why he is permanently and perpetually excited about your life and your identity. He adores his role in your life. He happily goes about the business each day of developing a mindset in you that releases your identity at the next level. He loves to show you your destiny, and move you towards it.

The key to your development and the speed of your growth, is for you to become as enthusiastic about your identity as I am. I love who you are now, and I love the you that is coming. I love the you that is being transformed, and I love the you that is emerging because of the transformation. 

Assignment – ask the father to give you a revelation of the personality of the Holy Spirit. Compare and contrast what you receive with what you have been taught. What is the difference, and how will it affect the way you relate to the Holy Spirit?

Commission – how will you minister to other people out of the personality, nature, and gifting of the Holy Spirit?

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