Overcoming a poverty spirit.

I am removing a poverty spirit from your heart. A poverty spirit keeps you trapped in a lower form of being. Poverty is not about economic deficiency. True poverty is the acceptance of meager possibility.

There can be a poverty of imagination. A deficiency in courage. A death in personal vision. A barrenness in the will that keeps you passive and beaten down. Poverty is accepting a limitation and being governed by lack.

My people convince themselves that they lack resources, but the reality is, they do not go out to meet my provision. They take no steps of faith, they wait for provision to come.

I have placed provision, not where you stand, but in the place, you are about to tread. It is in front of you, beloved, one step ahead of a poverty mindset.

Never let yourself be defined by externals… Your bank balance, your resources, your environment. Be defined internally by my permission. Then, such as you have… I will always multiply.

I want you to re – think your assumptions about what is or is not possible… In the light of your favor, and your faith in my intentionality. Your personal assumptions will either defeat you or inspire you to live in me.

Take ground in my permission. Enter into agreement with my intention. Internal harmony with my purpose is the basis for all warfare to succeed. Contend with the enemy using your promises. Believers are not passive… They apprehend!

Your promises sharpen your courage in the battle. Warfare must always reveal your inheritance. It opens up new territory or establishes your present claim; because I am territorial, so is my word. Your promise has territory attached to it. That is why the enemy contends against it.

In order to defeat you, he must prevent you from inheriting. To do that, he must cast doubts on the promise you hold. My people are a shadow of their potential, because they believe a lie. The promise is designed to release you from fear into joy.

Fear is always present in a fight. It has to be somewhere. When you live above fear, it becomes a weapon in your hand, and you drive it into the heart of the enemy.

Do not for a moment be intimidated by the enemy, for it is a sure sign to him, and to you, that you are not believing in your promises. Doubt attracts attack. The enemy seeks to do more than depress you. He seeks you for an ally. Warriors cannot be turned. Their heart is fixed on me.

Warriors live in the laughter of their King. They inhabit a place of carefree joy. They walk in the exuberance and enthusiasm of the Holy Spirit. They hear me singing, and they learn the words. They hear me singing the songs of deliverance, and they join in.

All warriors are singers. The song of the Lord is glorious, and it is dangerous to our foes.

Assignment – when you think of a poverty spirit, what does that phrase mean to you? Where has your life been blighted by poverty thinking, and how will you correct that with the help of the Holy Spirit? Examine the problem areas of your life currently. Where has the father placed your provision, and how will you step into it with his support?

Commission – how would you rethink your assumptions more positively? The father is being extremely intentional with your life. What agreement should you make and keep in line with his desires for you? Promises are available… Ask! How would you use God’s promise as a weapon of war? What is the place of laughter that the father his set aside for you?

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