Spiritual warriors change atmospheres

Every Christian is called at the very least to be a soldier in the Army of God. Soldiers are called to counter evil with the overwhelming, overcoming good that flows from a heart in love with God. No matter what situation a Christian soldiers is in, they must live from their spirit. Soldiers bless everyone around them and contribute to a positive spiritual atmosphere.

The devil is the prince of the power the air – Ephesians 2: 2. He lives in the atmosphere! He operates to change the climate of faith into unbelief. He seeks to alter the mood of people away from the fruit of the Spirit to something more negative and sinister. He desires to be our substitute for God; therefore, to make us like him. Anytime he can release our flesh instead of our true spirit, he has achieved a purpose, however temporary.

The enemy knows that he doesn’t have to beat the church, just deflector her from her own God-given destiny. A people without inheritance have no substance. For people to grow properly we must first change the atmosphere and then create a new environment that produces people of quality not just quantity.

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free – Galatians 5; 1. Any church, ministry, or leadership that is not releasing people into their own destiny, identity, and inheritance cannot produce a warrior; and possibly, not even a soldier.

Warriors fuel the atmosphere. They inflame passion by the way they live their own lives. What you are in your own destiny you exhibit quite naturally. Warriors are unconscious models of a kingdom that is far above all principalities and powers.

The first stage of warfare is to change the atmosphere around us where we live, work, and worship. We do that by releasing as much of the blessing of God as possible, each day. We are ambassadors of reconciliation representing a joyful, gracious, merciful king who has paid the price for freedom and blessing to be bestowed on all people at all times.

This is the good news. The righteous anger of God against sin has been satisfied by the death of Jesus. Mercy and truth have kissed each other, and judgment is suspended on earth until the Day of Judgment occurs in the heavens.

Spiritual warriors fight so that all people may receive the blessing of the good news. We seek to change the atmosphere over people’s lives so that they may experience the glorious benevolence of the rule of God. Through our love, joy, and peace, we push aside negativity, unbelief, and selfishness; so that we can pray, prophesy, and spiritually bless everyone with whom we come into contact.

The plan of the enemy is to create misery, take away hope, and develop a climate of despair and helplessness. We overcome evil with good. We must of necessity position ourselves daily in Christ in order to reveal the nature of the kingdom. Good soldier’s fight the space around them to create a clearing were Christ can be seen.

No Christian has an excuse to moan about the enemy. After all, as 1 John 4:4 says, you are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. Every soldier should want to be a thorn in the side of the enemy. We can make a difference.

Assignment – what is the prevailing atmosphere in your own heart? Identify positive and negative aspects that are currently influencing your view of God, self, others. How will you reinforce your positive, mental, emotional, and spiritual internal atmosphere with God? What is the opposite of your current negativity, and how will you allow the Holy Spirit to transform you in these areas? In your home church or current spiritual environment, what is the present ruling atmosphere?

Commission – working with the Holy Spirit and personal friends, develop an action plan and a strategy to transform your personal and corporate atmospheres.

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