Waking up your inner man

There is an activation I like to do that really develops the muscles of faith by rejoicing. Whenever we are developing people for life in the spirit are preparing them for battle, confidence and boldness must always be part of the training.

Read this activation through twice before you do it. Do it with all the strength and passion you can generate.

Imagine you are lined up, shoulder to shoulder, in rows, as an Army in formation stands. Close your eyes and imagine you are on a battlefield:

Imagine that you are on the battlefield. Your army is small, especially in the face of the massive force that opposes you. You’re outnumbered. You are outgunned. They are bigger than you in both number and physical size. A thought flashes across your mind: you’re going to die. With everything stacked against you, you realize your only hope of survival is to run away. But you are a warrior: retreat is not an option.

In your heart, you decide you will fight as best you can. If you’re going down, you’re taking as many of them down with you as possible. You feel your face turn to flint as you prepare yourself. The resolve inside of you turns your blood cold. You push any fear out of your body: you don’t need it; you don’t want it. The butterflies in your stomach are now frozen in the concrete of your resolve. You turn your gaze onto the tallest, meanest – looking enemy you can see. Thats the one you’re going to kill first.

Now look 18 inches above that enemy soldier. It’s Jesus, grinning and waving at you. When you make eye contact with him, he winks. The enemy has no clue that he is there – it’s a private joke between him and you. The Lord flips you a thumbs up. He’s really going to enjoy this; you think to yourself. In your spirit, your resolve is joined by boldness and faith. Everything is different now because the King is here. This is going to be a good fight, because you’re going to overcome all odds and win.

In your inner being, with your mouth closed, look at Jesus. Show it on your face, wave your hands if you wish, stay quiet. Inside you, shout his name. Praise him! Every fiber of your being is shouting to him. Let every part of your old caution, negativity, and fear dissolve in the face of his Majesty!

Now look at the enemy army. There is a confused a look. There are timid, outnumbered. The enemy had been infused with confidence. They are now the ones who are worried. What are you up to?

When you look at Jesus’s face, you proclaimed his goodness. Now, looking at the enemy, I want you to declare what Jesus would do to them. They’re toast. It’s over. The name of Jesus will be victorious no matter what they try. The King is here!

Begin shouting towards the enemy using your inner voice. Shout out his demise. He is powerless! Jesus has defeated him! The battle is the Lord’s; the victory is ours! The cross has overthrown his power to rule. He is a conquered enemy.

The Lord has vanquished him. We are over comers by the word of the Lord and the blood of his testimony

Shout! Shout! Shout out his defeat, until every part of you is on fire with passion for the battle. You cannot lose because Jesus is already conquered.

Now! Look at the enemy. See the fear in their eyes. See their confusion, their questioning when they look at you. You seem bigger to them, stronger, bolder, more powerful. When they look at you they are staring defeat in the face.

How does it feel to you? What happened on inside you? If you really participated in this exercise fully, something’s changed. What is it? What woke up on the inside you? Journal your thoughts and feelings.

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