Growing in grace and favor

Jesus lived in dual realms, but since he laid down all his divine attributes and took on a human body and was led by the Spirit. He could only do what his father in heaven was revealing to him to do. What his father did, he did. What he heard the father say, he said.

But his father continually revealed more and more. Jesus grew in grace and favor throughout his whole life.

John G Lake did a study on it, he said His miracles continually increased, and the Lord told me his revelation continually increased.

John 1:16 For out of His fullness (abundance) we have all received [all had a share and we were all supplied with] one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and even favor upon favor and gift [heaped] upon gift.

Now the interesting thing about this, is that Jesus said we would do greater works than his. And I am aware of some of his disciples who did.

Now when Jesus started his ministry until he finished his ministry, the city of Jerusalem was worse off at the end than the beginning.

Why is this? Because in his earthy ministry he only had authority on the earth but not heaven.

Now when Jesus ascended to his father and was coronated (to crown (a sovereign) as King of Kings he came back and told his disciples that all authority in heaven and earth was given to him. He said go and disciple nations. Not just people, but the nation itself.

When Jesus was on earth, he said the kingdom was near, but after he was crowned and given a kingdom the kingdom is NOW!

The kingdom is not near, it is here. We have seen it in Ephesus, and the whole of Aisa heard the Kingdom is here.

We have seen it in the Argentina revival. I came to San Antonio to study under a man that was a missionary to Bomb Bay. The whole city was converted, because he interceded for it and he heard a crack in the heavenly places, the ruling fallen angle over that city was displace, and there literally was an open heaven over it because the veil over it was removed, the darkness over it lifted over it and everyone was aware of the king and his kingdom.

Ephesians 2: and raised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.

We sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. What does it mean to sit together? To sit on a throne as a King.

God laughs at his enemies! What a joke! Jesus already defeated Satan. It is our privilege to enforce it.

Who are you? We are kings and queens! People get caught up with positions, I am a bishop, a pastor, I am a prophet, I am an evangelist.

Who are you? Permission has been granted. Go ahead and say it! I am King, or I am queen and then say your earthly name or your new heavenly name. I am King Benjamin( son of my Fathers right hand)  

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