Inheritance – Destiny 5

Individual inheritance. 

Identity, Redemptive Gift & Destiny.

Who am I – my identity.

How am I made – redemptive gift.

What am I made for – destiny or birthright.

Rom 8:29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. It is my destiny to be His son.

Journey from slavery of childhood & infancy to the maturity of sonship. Where are we on that journey?

Do I feel, think, act like a son?


General characteristics that show the difference in behavior between someone with a spirit of slavery and someone with a spirit of sonship. 

The root issues are in the heart. 

A spirit of slavery is often the product of both poor nurture and unresolved woundedness, but it can be generational.

Heart of a Slave/Orphan Category Heart of a son.

See God as Master IMAGE OF GOD See God as a loving Father. 

Independent / Self-reliant DEPENDENCY Interdependent / Acknowledges Need Live by the Love of Law.

THEOLOGY Live by the Law of Love.

Insecure / Lack peace. 

SECURITY Rest and Peace.

Strive for the praise, approval, and acceptance of man.

NEED FOR APPROVAL Totally accepted in God’s love and justified by grace.

A need for personal achievement as you seek to impress God and others, or no motivation to serve at all.


Service that is motivated by a deep gratitude for being unconditionally loved and accepted by God.

Duty and earning God’s favor or no motivation at all.


Pleasure and delight.

“Must” be holy to have God’s favor, thus increasing a sense of shame and guilt.

MOTIVE FOR PURITY “Want to” be holy; do not want Anything to hinder intimate relationship with God.

Heart of a Slave/Orphan Category Heart of a son.

Self-rejection from comparing yourself to others.

SELF-IMAGE Positive and affirmed because you know you have such value to God.

Seek comfort in counterfeit affections: addictions, compulsions, escapism, busyness hyper-religious activity.


Seek times of quietness and solitude to rest in the father’s presence and love.

Competition, rivalry, and jealousy toward others’ success and position.


Humility and unity as you value others and are able to rejoice in their blessings and success.

Accusation and exposure in order to make yourself look good by making others look bad.


Love covers as you seek to restore Others in a spirit of love and gentleness.

See authority as a source of pain; distrustful toward them and lack a heart attitude of submission.


Respectful, honoring; you see them as ministers of God for good in your life.

Difficulty receiving admonition; you must be right so you easily get your feelings hurt and close your spirit to discipline.


See the receiving of admonition as a blessing and need in your life so that your faults and weaknesses are exposed and put to death.

Heart of a Slave/Orphan Category Heart of a son.

Guarded and conditional; based upon others’ performance as you seek to get your own needs met.


Open, patient, and affectionate as you lay your life and agendas down in Order to meet the needs of others Conditional & Distant SENSE OF GOD’S PRESENSE Close & Intimate.

Bondage CONDITION   Liberty.

Feel like a Servant/Slave POSITION.

Feel like a Son/Daughter.

Spiritual ambition; the earnest desire for some spiritual achievement and distinction and the willingness to strive for it; a desire to be seen and counted among the mature.

VISION To daily experience the Father’s unconditional love and acceptance and then be sent as a representative of His love to family and others.

No choice. 

Fight for what you can get!

Sonship releases your inheritance!

Category A Slave A Son.

The Response to Pain.

– Runs from pain – Seeks to avoid problems – Sees the cost of failure.

– Embraces pain strategically – Sees opportunities in problems – Sees the benefit of failure.

The Perspective on Work.

– Obeys orders – Looks at the right way to do a job – Consider consequences.

– Solves problems – Looks for a better way to do a job – Sees possibilities.

The Use of Resource.

– Sees cost – Wants to receive from those who have – Cares for himself.

– Sees value – Wants to know how they got there – Understands social responsibility.

The Nature of Their Relationships.

– Talks about self – Expects more from others than from self – Extends honor upwards.

– Talks about his team – Personally raises the bar – Extends honor downward.

The View of the Future.

– Looks for immediate gain – Seeks comfort – Wants to be liked now.

– Sows into the future – Seeks fulfilment – Will let history be his judge.

The Exercise of Power.

– Is disloyal when he succeeds – Gives favors – Seeks supernatural for self.

– Initiates sharing success – Shows favor – Use the supernatural for others.

Check list to identify demonic strongholds & mindsets.

That are defended & empowered by familiar spirits.

Resulting in behavior patterns.

Downward spiral to an orphan heart.

12 Steps of progressive behavior.

This has shaped us & blocks our destiny.

Humans are designed to be survivors.

Develop coping mechanisms.

Develop protection mechanisms.

These are the layers, walls or skins that apparently keep us safe.

They become behavioral blind self-prisons.

They are stumbling blocks to our destiny.

How does a slavery mentality or an orphan heart form?

Nature – Generationally genetically.

Nurture – upbringing, parental & relational influences – programming by words, attitudes & treatment.

Traumatic events.

12 step downward spiral.

1. We are affected by faults in parental activity.

2. We receive parental faults such as disappointments, discouragement, grief, rejection or insecurity.

3. We develop unmet needs and coping mechanisms.

4. We move into the fear of receiving love comfort and admonition from others.

5. We develop a closed heart 6. We take on an independent, self-reliant attitude.

7. We start controlling our relationships.

8. Our relationships become superficial.

9. We develop an ungodly belief that says no one will be there to meet our needs.

10. We begin to live life like a spiritual orphan.

11. We begin chasing after counterfeit affections.

12. We begin to daily battle a stronghold of oppression.

Depending on individual circumstances we may have extreme or mild symptoms.

We are separated from God and our spirits are darkened.

Our souls have unmet needs and an emptiness or void that must be filled.

We seek counterfeit affections.

Passions – addictions – food, alcohol, drugs, sex, pornography, escapism – comforts for our needy hearts.

Possessions – security in materialism.

Performance – perfectionism, doing things to prove or feel better about ourselves. 

People meeting our needs as substitutes for God – be people pleasers or abusers.

Places needing somewhere better to be happy – wanderlust looking for home.

Position – Striving for acceptance, approval especially significant others, Praise of man.

Power – control life and our own destiny by controlling: emotions, people, circumstances so as to never be hurt or disappointed.

How do we get out of this bondage?

Transformation series.

Healing from our wounds.

Surrender our defenses.

Redeemed, reconciled, restored.

Open our hearts to God as our Father receive His adoption, acceptance and affirmation.

Forgive & Release.

Own it.

Confess it.


Renounce it.

Attack Familiars.

Meditate Truth.

Positive Confession.



Restoration Wholeness Peace.

Court Order Divorce mandate.

Nothing can replace Father God.

Father God wants us to truly know our identity as His sons.

He wants us to renounce our slavery & orphan mentalities.

He wants us to receive our security and acceptance from Him.

Do I think like a son or a slave?

Do I act like a son or a slave?

Do I identify with slavery or sonship?

Do I know my identity as a son?

Do I know my royal identity as a son of the King?

Do I have the spirit of sonship?

Desire an intimate relationship with God where trust develops.

Pursue Him – ask, seek, knock.

Give Him our first love.

Give Him our priority time.

You will know Him and feel His great love for you. 

God desires to father us.

God desires that we know we are truly loved as individuals. 

We all have different love languages. 

Love languages may correspond to our different gift types or unmet needs. 


Quality time.

Words of affirmation.

Physical affection.

Acts of service.

May be different from our natural relationships.

Quality time is my spiritual love language. 

Father God sharing revelation with me of His heart, mind, purpose, word that makes me feel loved, valued appreciated, Fathered.

Him speaking to me does it for me. 

Books, films, words, visions, impressions, concepts, ideas, directly when He answers my questions. 

He relates to me according to my gift. 

I am unique, special and He Fathers me according to my destiny uniquely.

Gal 4:1 Now what I mean is that as long as the inheritor (heir) is a child and underage, he does not differ from a slave, although he is the master of all the estate; 2 But he is under guardians and administrators or trustees until the date fixed by his father.

Gal 4:6 And because you [really] are [His] sons, God has sent the [Holy] Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, Abba (Daddy)! Father! 7 Therefore, you are no longer a slave (bond servant) but a son; and if a son, then [it follows that you are] an heir by the aid of God, through Christ.

John 15:15 No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.

Slaves – Servants – Bond servants – Stewards – Friends – Lords – Kings – Sons.

Sonship is the end goal, the destination of our destiny because it was our beginning.

This is the journey we are all on.

Son you must return to the source that is Me you came from Me the eternal Spirit and you must return to ME. 

Eternity was your beginning and you are at home here. 

Our spirit starts separated orphaned from God from soul and body and from its home which is heaven.

Spirit is orphaned & Soul has a slave mindset or mentality. 

Disunity disharmony, division is always Satan’s goal as he was the first Orphan Spirit.

Transformation Restored, Renewed to the original.

Born Again Resurrected.

Spirit  asleep TO GOD Spirit  Fountain Living Water.







Manifest Presence of God GLORY.

Spirit asleep TO GOD.

Hurt Pain Rejection Insecurity Fear Disappointment Guilt Shame. 

Gen 2 it is not good for man to be alone physically because relationship is key to reflect heaven on earth. 

Joined reunited, reconciled restored to him in relationship.

This is why unity is so important.

Acts they were one mind, one heart, one accord.

1 Cor 6:17 But the person who is united (joined) to the Lord becomes one spirit with Him.

Opening first love gate and soul and body gates is so important it establishes reconnection between the Father and our Spirit Soul and Body.  

Back to original eternal relationship Father and son.

Our spirit will be orphaned unless it finds home in the Father and heaven. 

Rev 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come into him and will dine with him, and he with Me. 

Will you open that door today?

Will you become joined reconnected to God today?

Distant separated from God.

Open the door to the source of life.

Drink the living water that is Christ.

Let the river of life flow in your spirit.

Feel the love, joy & peace.

Jump into that river of living water.

Let the energy of the source of life flow in you and through becoming rivers of living water.

The atmosphere of heaven is the breath of Life. 

Glory is the oxygen of heaven. 

Follow the river of life from your spirit back to its source: throne of grace, tree of life, Father’s heavenly garden.

Meet with the father today.

Isa 66:1 Thus says the Lord, Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool. Where then is a house you could build for Me  And where is a place that I may rest? 2 “For My hand made all these things, Thus all these things came into being,” declares the Lord. “But to this one I will look, To him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word.

Rev 21: 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them.

Healed Father wounds but not Fathered.

I am your Father l am your Father you are my son .

I am therefore you are. 

Pathway or bridge to sonship.

Pathway rulership through yielding surrendering through way truth life heavenly tabernacle.

Pathway of relationship through the river of life to the garden of God.

Lost birthright & inheritance.

Adam & Eve, Good the enemy of best.

Cain – hard hearted.

Esau – humanism.

Jacob – Bethel.

Reuben sexual sin.

Simeon & Levi revenge. 

Moses Insecurity Saul Solomon Jeroboam Judah.

Ruth inheritance secured.

Wash yourself.

Anoint yourself.

Put on your best garment.

Go to the threshing floor.

Wait for God’s timing.


Know you have a future & a hope.

Garden, Inheritance, Future.

Worship to gain revelation (access God’s presence in heavenly realms.

Embrace and activate God’s directives.

Frequently review & evaluate vision.

Surround yourself with right connections & associations. 

Be willing to obey even if it is unusual.

Don’t let obstacles stop you reaching your destination.

Establish the watchman strategy for your inheritance – stewardship.

Your spirit longs for MY presence in the realm of the spirit for you are spirit and this is your true home.

Come home son come home son.

Come and spend time with Me and l will truly be your Father.   

Spirit, light, love, fire = God.

Everything is made of spiritual material and God is in everything Eph 4:6.

Sonship Fathering.

7 redemptive gifts why am I wired this way? 

What is will of God for my life?

Spirit, Soul, Body Gates activated.

Live in dual realms spirit and soul in full cooperation. 

2 pathways- Rulership and Relationship 

There is a tutoring program that develops through the building of trust or faith in life’s trials, this is where our training takes place. 

We have real relationship where the solid foundations are laid to build upon. Wise man builds on rock Matt 7. 

How does God father us? Through real life experiences.

Know God understand dual nature love and consuming fire?

Bond slave attitude is worthy of being trusted with stewardship friendship Lordship and kingship there are the attributes of a true son. 

How did God father a nation?

7 principles of parenting.

Gal 4:4 Now I say, as long as the heir is a child, he does not differ at all from a slave although he is owner of everything, 2 but he is under guardians and managers until the date set by the father. 3 So also we, while we were children, were held in bondage under the elemental things of the world. 4 But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, 5 so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. 6 Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!”

Gal 4:7 Therefore you are no longer a slave, but a son; and if a son, then an heir through God. 8 However at that time, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those which by nature are no gods. 9 But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how is it that you turn back again to the weak and worthless elemental things, to which you desire to be enslaved all over again?  

Rom 8:14 For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. 15 For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!” 16 The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him.

Rom 8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us. 19 For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God.

Rom 8:28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. 29 For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; 30 and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified. 31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?

Rom 8:33 Who will bring a charge against God’s elect? God is the one who justifies; 34 who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us. 35 Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 37 But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. 

Rom 8:38 For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

1 Cor 6:17 joined reunited, reconciled restored revived.  Oneness of heart, mind, Love the Lord with all your heart. Luke 19. Acts together one accord, mind etc. Why unity is so important. Gen 2 it is not good for man to be alone physically because relationship is key to reflect heaven on earth.  

Inheritance- family business. Adam to Noah to Abraham to Isaac to Jacob to Joseph to Moses to Joshua to Gideon to Samuel to David to Solomon to Kings to Jesus to Apostles to disciples to church.

Covenants Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, US.

Orphans rejected expelled sold into slavery in garden. 

Redeemed from slavery on the cross.

Bought back from slavery given a home and a family.

What is the Fathers buisness?

World dominion to bring blessing to every family.

Gift Characteristics Comments Foundational Principle.

1 Prophet (Red).

Moody, Articulate, Passionate, Generous, Intense, Keen sense of justice, Loves the underdog, Creative, Judgmental, Extreme.

The redemptive gift of the Prophet is very different from the gift of prophesying. While prophets understand the future through revelation, those with the redemptive gift of Prophet understand the future through use of Biblical principles.


2 Servant (Orange).

Diligent, No enemies, Joyous, Helpful, Alert, Hospitable, High spiritual authority, Low self-image, impeccably honest, Team player, Prone to the victim spirit.

God gives the redemptive gift of Servant the highest level of spiritual authority because they can be trusted to use it for the Kingdom instead of for themselves. However, until the Servant sees himself as God sees him, that gift of spiritual authority remains underutilized.


3 Teacher (Yellow).

Loyal, Humorous, Late, Wordy, Accurate, Thorough, Patient, Safe, Detailed, A saver not a thrower, Slow tempered.

The Teacher carries a double portion of the priestly mantle. He or she is skilled in healing the emotionally and spiritually wounded who have been alienated from God.


4 Exhorter (Green).

People person, Obsessive compulsive verbal expressive, High energy, In motion, Loves change, Dramatic, Melodramatic, Superb teacher, Natural leader, Fun, Funny, Late, Real late.

While the Exhorter is the most spontaneously relational of all the gifts, his real strength is revealing the nature of God. The Exhorter has an unparalleled ability to see God in scripture and to cause us to see our world differently because we have a bigger perspective of God.

Sowing & Reaping.

5 Giver (Blue).

Private, Intuitive, Insightful, Cautious, Chameleon, Good listener, Very independent, Impulsive, Stable, Contradictory, Frugal, Unpredictable, Multifaceted, Devoid of shame, Family focused.

The gift of Giving has the amazing ability to adapt to almost any situation without being changed at all. While they seem to fit in well, they typically retain all their core values rather than embrace the values of the community around them. Stewardship.

6 Ruler (Indigo).

Busy, real busy, thinks big, on time, reliable, leader, fearless, not easily swayed, visionary, team builder, multi-tasks easily, reads people well.

The Ruler has the highest ability to get maximum effectiveness out of a labor pool. God has graced them with a combination of love and wisdom that enables the mature ruler to accomplish extraordinary things with a team that appears to be highly inadequate.


7 Mercy (Violet).

Intuitive, Intuitive, Intuitive, Safe, Sensitive, Loves beauty, Defines the ambiance, No enemies, Works hard, Hugely compliant, Stubborn in the nicest sort of way.

The gift of Mercy is dramatically different than the previous six gifts. The Mercy hears God with his heart while others tend to hear God with their mind. God uses the gift of Mercy to bring the spiritual climate into right alignment through the blessing of presence.




Prophet (Red).


Servant (Orange).


Teacher (Yellow).


Exhorter (Green).


Giver (Blue).


Ruler (Indigo).


Mercy (Violet).

Jehovah Jireh – Gen. 22:14 (Provides).


Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name.

Father forgive them (Luke 23:24).

Ephesus Belt of truth.

Firmament, Heaven, waters divided (the atmosphere).

Bronze Laver.

Jehovah Rapha – Ex. 15:22-26 (Heals).


Your Kingdom come.

Today you will be with me in paradise (Luke 23:43).


Breastplate of righteousness.

Earth, Seas, Plants:  grass, herbs, fruit trees (dry land & plant life).

Table of Showbread.

Jehovah Nissi – Ex. 17:14-16 (Banner).


Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Here is your mother (John 19:27).


Feet fitted with readiness coming from the Gospel of Peace.

Sun, Moon, Planets & Stars.

Golden Lampstand.

Jehovah Shalom – Judges 6:11-24 (Peace).


Give us this day our daily bread.

Why have You forsaken me? (Matt. 27:46)

Thyatira Shield of Faith.

Sea creatures (Leviathan), Birds.

Altar of Incense.

Jehovah Rohi – Ps. 23 (Shepherd).


Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.

I am thirsty (John 19:28).


Helmet of Salvation.

Animals, Bugs & Man (Dominion).

Ark of the Covenant.

Jehovah Tsidkenu – Jer. 23:6 (Righteousness).


Lead us not into temptation.

It is finished (John 19:30).


Sword of the Spirit.

Rest (fulfilment) Mercy Seat.

Jehovah Shammah – Ezek. 48:35 (Present).


Deliver us from the evil one.

Into Your hands I commit my spirit (uke 23:46).


All kinds of prayers & requests.

There seems to be a distinct difference between the manifestation gifts (1 Corinthians), the redemptive gifts (Romans 12- prophet, servant, teacher, exhorter, giver, ruler, & mercy), and the ministry gifts in which we walk out our other gifts (Ephesians 4).

The redemptive gifts are possibly received at conception, rather than salvation. (It is one of God’s mysteries as to when we truly receive a redemptive gift. The Bible does not make clear the exact timing. See Jeremiah 1:5 for indication of initial gifting.) The gifts tend to shape our personality and the way we may then receive one or more of the manifestation gifts. A redemptive gift is the grace of God woven into who we are; that by His Spirit we are made right with God and able to honour Him with who He has made us to be. 

There are certain common behavioral characteristics that are used to help determine the redemptive gifts (Primary and Secondary) of an individual. Although certain traits such as compassion may come easily for some gifts, we are cautioned not to use our gift as an excuse for not growing. We are all called to walk out the fruit of the Spirit whether it comes naturally or not. The redemptive gift teaching developed a connection with the many lists of 7’s in the Bible  (7 things Christ said on the cross, 7 days of creation, 7 pieces of furniture in the tabernacle).

1: Prophet.

Behavioral Characteristics:

-Sees things in black & white.

-Simplistic worldview – must make sense of everything.

-Able to assess situations quickly and discern whether good or bad.

-Takes initiative, likes new things.

-Goes against the status quo.

-Does not maintain well running organization – will quit, improve it, or change it.

-Always has an opinion and is willing to express it.

Judges others compulsively.

-Bold, knows no fear.

– Not intimidated by the unknown.

-Extraordinarily generous – impulsive/unwise.

-Shifts gears quickly – large range of emotion.

-Visionary – need to know where they are going.

– Fiercely competitive.

– Gives full disclosure – exposes weakness, compulsion for honesty & integrity.

– Very hard on self.

– Out of sight out of mind.

– Passion for excellence.

Principle: Design.

Design is the art of weaving principles together in order to produce change. Principle can be defined as a universal non-optional cause and effect relationship. The principle of design is foundational to all the other principles. God has called the prophet to study principles (to look at problems and opportunities) and assemble them into sets that produce results.


The passion of the Prophet is to once again have the opportunity to take themselves and others to the outer limits of excellence with God. Showing the picture of God so dynamic and real that it moves people out of the comfort they are experiencing and into a journey that will bring them to fulfilment of what God created them to be.

3 Types of Principles of Design for Prophet to Study:

Man to Matter.

Man to Man (Most Overlooked and Weakest Area Human Relationships). Man to the Spirit Realm. 


Behavioural Characteristics:

– Sees needs and meets them – often external or environmental needs.

– Very few enemies – considered to be a safe person.

– Inability to accept excellence in work, to affirm self, or receive affirmation from others.

– Extends honor to others.

– Sees potential/best in others.

– Has a fierce anger that seldom occurs but usually revolves around loyalty.

– Save stuff though not always organized about it. 

– If immature can become an enabler – mature servant learns to empower.

– Attracts dishonor, especially in home, and usually does not resist.

– Very competitive in games or sports.

– May tend to make excuses for children.

– Purity of motives – like no other gift; never counting up what’s owed.

– Integrity/honesty/simplicity.

– Joyful.

– Obedience comes easily.

– Tends toward victimization/exploitation by others.

– Difficulty saying no – has a strong desire to please others.

Principle: Authority.

– God gives more spiritual authority to Servants than other gifts because they don’t want it they are not infected with the empire-building germ like the other gifts.

– The servant’s prayers for leaders carry more weight than other gifts.

– Highest level of authority over the Death Spirit in Spiritual warfare (in a premature demonic attack) because God trusts the Servant to do only what He has asked them to do.

– Authority over land (restoration of ecology).


The servant walks in holiness in their own life. They are willing to embrace a high calling of holiness and bring a sense of purity and cleanliness. When the servant hears truth spoken it resonates deeply.

The servant has the tenacity to reach out to the wounded and hurt (not limited to, but especially in family situations). The servant can be the ultimate life giver, finding fulfilment in being a life-giver to allow others to do their work; they provide cleansing and authority to others. There is a deep desire to empower others to achieve their best.

Joseph, Jesus’ father was an example of absolute obedience. He did what God asked of him regarding Mary and Jesus every time. God used him to protect them. Joseph had life giving obedience and was highly trusted.

3: Teacher.

Behavioural Characteristics:

-Need to validate truth.

– Doesn’t receive or reject new ideas or people right away.

– Safe person emotionally – can listen to brokenness and sin and not be rejecting.

– Makes new decisions slowly.

– Deep family loyalty.

– Tend to be poor at returning borrowed items.

– Difficult time returning phone calls.

– Typically, late.

– Difficulty handling money.

-Usually resists using human illustrations.

– Unwillingness to begin a process until they can see the end of the process.

– Tends to be a fearful person.

– Great sense of humor.

Usually, the last to speak in a group.

– Tend not to overreact or jump the gun.

– A very patient person, slow tempered.

– Likes to save things.

Principle: Responsibility.

The teacher is to walk in responsibility in every area of their life. Their highest responsibility is to worship God. They must make worship a lifestyle, that they would anticipate and enjoy being with God. If the teacher is carnal they will be selectively responsible and unwilling to impose responsibility on others. The teacher would rather work hard at persuading people to change rather than confront.

Birthright/Blessing: Intimacy.

The teacher must know who they are as they incrementally walk out God’s will and then reveal the manifest presence of God to the rest of the body of Christ. The Lord wants to be present in the life of the teacher having them experience and celebrate Him.


Behavioural Characteristics:

– Party looking for a place to happen.

– Instant rapport with strangers.

– Highly relational.

– Has ability to understand and relate well to others.

– Able to move easily from small talk to sharing the gospel.

– Able to maintain relationship although may solidly disagree with other party. 

– Can have loud argument without alienation of another person.

– Master communicator.

– Flexible – able to abandon a plan easily.

– Visionary.

– Seeks the approval of others.

– Dramatic and often melodramatic.

– Natural leader.

– High energy person.

– Obsessive compulsive verbal expressive.

– Loves change.

– Governs by persuasion rather than principle.

Principle: Sowing & Reaping.

The exhorter must embrace pain and suffering. The most difficult area for the exhorter is to suffer rejection. They must confront sin and be willing to face rejection from within the community. They must incarnate truth and earned authority through pain and suffering. The exhorter is able to be a world changer for Christ when they embrace the principle.

Birthright/Blessing: Know God personally and experientially (Gideon), take time away from people to know God and have His authority. The body of Christ is dependent upon the exhorter becoming all God created them to be; God has called the exhorter to be a world changer!


Behavioural Characteristics:

– Most diverse/adaptable/flexible of all gifts.

– Very independent.

– Designed not to be needy – does not look to others for help.

– Can look at a problem and find own solution.

– Can’t be hustled – must accrue money before can give. 

– Able to relate to wide range of people.

– Sensitive to manipulation of others toward spouse or family.

– Private in own life – protective of reputation of self, spouse, and family.

– Delegates spiritual warfare.

– Non-confrontational by nature – wait for opportunity to get best out of situation, won’t knock down hurdles.

– Immense heart for evangelism but does everything just short of sharing the gospel overtly.

– Nurturer to family – facilitate family environment.

– Intuitive.

– Concerned about safety, cautious.

– Is without shame – does not have shameful view of self.

– Can be very impulsive.

– Insightful.

– Not a big risk-taker.

– Good listener.

Principle: Stewardship.

God doesn’t want 10% of the giver’s finance/assets – not of the abundance or extra that they have; God wants all of it to establish relationship and to accrue generational blessing to pass on to others. Money is not the issue, it’s about their relationship with God. Example in Job 31:16: Job has an incredible relationship with God, is a steward of his money and assets. He walked in high justice, holiness and ethical behaviour in all that he did.


The blessing for the giver is a generational anointing: The giver has the authority to release a generational blessing into their family line and community and be a life-giver through blessing (not just money). The giver is to have a generational worldview– think long term. Abraham received authority from God and passed it on. He changed the world and was considered a friend of God. Blessings come in the context of being dependent and in relationship with God.


Behavioral Characteristics:

– Great under pressure- thrive with it, and expects others to be effective under it as well.

– Empire builders – designed to look at things and want to make them bigger.

– Own their problems and do not have a welfare mentality.

– Skilled at time management.

– Not into details.

– Immature ruler may allow for casual ethics where the end may justify the means. 

– Big on loyalty – more important than competence of co-workers.

– Don’t like to be micro-managed.

– Not in to blame – will figure out how to fix a problem and move on. – Implementer – Take vision, break it down into pieces, and implement it.

– Nearly impossible to get ruler to partner with others unless loyalty is built.

– Great at using imperfect people – draws the best out of people.

– Tendency to be task oriented and omit nurture.

– Expert in dealing with people and projects.

– Will not choose to place self on a team unless they are wanted/have the loyalty of others.

– Innate ability to measure character.

– Able to stand alone on an issue of principle or integrity.

Principle: Freedom.

The ruler is to go from bondage to obedience to freedom. The difference between the three is the amount of willpower. Rulers have the tendency to be focused on task and do what’s required and not walk in freedom. They must walk in spiritual freedom. Like the giver, they are good at making things happen in the natural but God wants dependence upon Him. The ruler is to be first of all righteous.


Generational freedom from sin- central piece of blessing The ruler possesses a high level of spiritual authority and is called to earn authority in the heavens and release it to the generations. There is an immense authority given to the ruler: How does the ruler accrue spiritual authority to pass it on? By honoring God and going beyond obedience. This is evidenced in David, a man after God’s own heart. The ruler is to release generational blessings into the world and spiritual realm (must learn to not only do the tasks but honor the Lord). Noah was an example of releasing blessing. The ruler must seek God to find out what He has called them to do and then honor Him in walking it out. No one has the spiritual dominion that the ruler has.


Behavioural Characteristics:

– No or few enemies – finds common ground with just about everyone.

– Safe place for wounded people – easily confided in.

– Tend to be non-judgmental.

– Able to pick out people who are troubled and see through facades.

– Has only 1 or 2 close intimate friends but many acquaintances.

– Craves intimacy and needs physical touch – this need can often lead to sexual impurity.

– Slow in making life transitions because it takes a while to disengage emotionally.

– Connects with the heart of God – difficulty explaining why feel God is directing in a certain way.

– Very intuitive when it comes to following God’s lead.

– Dislikes confrontation – natural tendency is to nurture and protect people from harm.

– If immature can be indecisive, not wanting to step on toes.

– Tendency to be exploited and become a victim because unwilling to confront even a predator.

– Fierce anger but usually only surfaces around loyalty – known to take up offense for another.

-Drawn into spiritual warfare when another who they care for is being spiritually attacked.

– Strong predisposition to worship – moves more easily into presence of God than the other gifts.

– Loves Beauty.

– Stubborn in the nicest sort of way.

By design the Mercy is able to engage spirit to Spirit with God. They are able to go there more easily more often. This is the highest fulfilment for the mercy.


The mercy must find fulfilment in God and impart that blessing to others. As the Mercy is sanctified they sanctify their environment (time, people, place) and are able to transform the sinful into the holy.

Individual inheritance. 

Identity, Redemptive Gift & Destiny.

Who am I – my identity.

How am I made – redemptive gift.

What am I made for – destiny or birthright.

Rom 8:29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. It is my destiny to be His son.

Journey from slavery of childhood & infancy to the maturity of sonship Where are we on that journey?

Do I feel, think, act like a son?


General characteristics that show the difference in behavior between someone with a spirit of slavery and someone with a spirit of sonship. 

The root issues are in the heart. 

A spirit of slavery is often the product of both poor nurture and unresolved woundedness, but it can be generational.

Heart of a Slave/Orphan Category Heart of a son.

See God as Master IMAGE OF GOD See God as a loving Father. 

Independent / Self-reliant DEPENDENCY Interdependent / Acknowledges Need Live by the Love of Law.

THEOLOGY Live by the Law of Love.

Insecure / Lack peace. 

SECURITY Rest and Peace.

Strive for the praise, approval, and acceptance of man.

NEED FOR APPROVAL Totally accepted in God’s love and justified by grace.

A need for personal achievement as you seek to impress God and others, or no motivation to serve at all.


Service that is motivated by a deep gratitude for being unconditionally loved and accepted by God.

Duty and earning God’s favor or no motivation at all.


Pleasure and delight.

“Must” be holy to have God’s favor, thus increasing a sense of shame and guilt.

MOTIVE FOR PURITY “Want to” be holy; do not want Anything to hinder intimate relationship with God.

Heart of a Slave/Orphan Category Heart of a son.

Self-rejection from comparing yourself to others.

SELF-IMAGE Positive and affirmed because you know you have such value to God.

Seek comfort in counterfeit affections: addictions, compulsions, escapism, busyness hyper-religious activity.


Seek times of quietness and solitude to rest in the father’s presence and love.

Competition, rivalry, and jealousy toward others’ success and position.


Humility and unity as you value others and are able to rejoice in their blessings and success.

Accusation and exposure in order to make yourself look good by making others look bad.


Love covers as you seek to restore Others in a spirit of love and gentleness.

See authority as a source of pain; distrustful toward them and lack a heart attitude of submission.


Respectful, honoring; you see them as ministers of God for good in your life.

Difficulty receiving admonition; you must be right so you easily get your feelings hurt and close your spirit to discipline.


See the receiving of admonition as a blessing and need in your life so that your faults and weaknesses are exposed and put to death.

Heart of a Slave/Orphan Category Heart of a son.

Guarded and conditional; based upon others’ performance as you seek to get your own needs met.


Open, patient, and affectionate as you lay your life and agendas down in Order to meet the needs of others Conditional & Distant SENSE OF GOD’S PRESENSE Close & Intimate.

Bondage CONDITION   Liberty.

Feel like a Servant/Slave POSITION. 

Feel like a Son/Daughter.

Spiritual ambition; the earnest desire for some spiritual achievement and distinction and the willingness to strive for it; a desire to be seen and counted among the mature.

VISION To daily experience the Father’s unconditional love and acceptance and then be sent as a representative of His love to family and others.

No choice. 

Fight for what you can get!

The Response to Pain.

– Runs from pain – Seeks to avoid problems – Sees the cost of failure.

– Embraces pain strategically – Sees opportunities in problems – Sees the benefit of failure.

The Perspective on Work.

– Obeys orders – Looks at the right way to do a job – Consider consequences.

– Solves problems – Looks for a better way to do a job – Sees possibilities.

The Use of Resource.

– Sees cost – Wants to receive from those who have – Cares for himself.

– Sees value – Wants to know how they got there – Understands social responsibility.

The Nature of Their Relationships.

– Talks about self – Expects more from others than from self – Extends honor upwards.

– Talks about his team – Personally raises the bar – Extends honor downward.

The View of the Future.

– Looks for immediate gain – Seeks comfort – Wants to be liked now.

– Sows into the future – Seeks fulfilment – Will let history be his judge.

The Exercise of Power.

– Is disloyal when he succeeds – Gives favors – Seeks supernatural for self.

– Initiates sharing success – Shows favor – Use the supernatural for others.

Check list to identify demonic strongholds & mindsets.

That are defended & empowered by familiar spirits.

Resulting in behavior patterns.

Downward spiral to an orphan heart.

12 Steps of progressive behavior.

This has shaped us & blocks our destiny.

Humans are designed to be survivors.

Develop coping mechanisms.

Develop protection mechanisms.

These are the layers, walls or skins that apparently keep us safe.

They become behavioral blind self-prisons.

They are stumbling blocks to our destiny.

How does a slavery mentality or an orphan heart form?

Nature – Generationally genetically.

Nurture – upbringing, parental & relational influences – programming by words, attitudes & treatment. 

Traumatic events.

12 step downward spiral.

1. We are affected by faults in parental activity.

2. We receive parental faults such as disappointments, discouragement, grief, rejection or insecurity.

3. We develop unmet needs and coping mechanisms.

4. We move into the fear of receiving love comfort and admonition from others.

5. We develop a closed heart 6. We take on an independent, self-reliant attitude.

7. We start controlling our relationships.

8. Our relationships become superficial.

9. We develop an ungodly belief that says no one will be there to meet our needs.

10. We begin to live life like a spiritual orphan.

11. We begin chasing after counterfeit affections.

12. We begin to daily battle a stronghold of oppression.

Depending on individual circumstances we may have extreme or mild symptoms.

We are separated from God and our spirits are darkened.

Our souls have unmet needs and an emptiness or void that must be filled.

We seek counterfeit affections.

Passions, Possessions, Performance, People, Places, Position, Power.

Passions – addictions – food, alcohol, drugs, sex, pornography, escapism – comforts for our needy hearts.

Possessions – security in materialism.

Performance – perfectionism, doing things to prove or feel better about ourselves. 

People meeting our needs as substitutes for God – be people pleasers or abusers.

Places needing somewhere better to be happy – wanderlust looking for home.

Position – Striving for acceptance, approval especially significant others, Praise of man.

Power – control life and our own destiny by controlling emotions, people, circumstances so as to never be hurt or disappointed.

How do we get out of this bondage?

Transformation series.

Healing from our wounds.

Surrender our defenses.

Redeemed, reconciled, restored.

Open our hearts to God as our Father receive His adoption, acceptance and affirmation.

Forgive & Release.

Own it.

Confess it.


Renounce it.

Attack Familiars.

Meditate Truth.

Positive Confession.



Restoration Wholeness Peace.

Court Order Divorce mandate.

Nothing can replace Father God.

Father God wants us to truly know our identity as His sons.

He wants us to renounce our slavery & orphan mentalities.

He wants us to receive our security and acceptance from Him.

Do I think like a son or a slave?

Do I act like a son or a slave?

Do I identify with slavery or sonship?

Do I know my identity as a son?

Do I know my royal identity as a son of the King?

Do I have the spirit of sonship?

Desire an intimate relationship with God where trust develops.

Pursue Him – ask, seek, knock.

Give Him our first love.

Give Him our priority time.

You will know Him and feel His great love for you. 

God desires to father us.

God desires that we know we are truly loved as individuals. 

We all have different love languages. 

Love languages may correspond to our different gift types or unmet needs. 


Quality time.

Words of affirmation.

Physical affection.

Acts of service.

May be different from our natural relationships.

Quality time is my spiritual love language. 

Father God sharing revelation with me of His heart, mind, purpose, word that makes me feel loved, valued appreciated, Fathered.

Him speaking to me does it for me. 

Books, films, words, visions, impressions, concepts, ideas, directly when He answers my questions. 

He relates to me according to my gift. 

I am unique, special and He Fathers me according to my destiny uniquely.

Gal 4:1 Now what I mean is that as long as the inheritor (heir) is a child and underage, he does not differ from a slave, although he is the master of all the estate; 2 But he is under guardians and administrators or trustees until the date fixed by his father.

Gal 4:6 And because you [really] are [His] sons, God has sent the [Holy] Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, Abba (Daddy)! Father! 7 Therefore, you are no longer a slave (bond servant) but a son; and if a son, then [it follows that you are] an heir by the aid of God, through Christ.

John 15:15 No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.

Slaves – Servants – Bond servants – Stewards – Friends – Lords – Kings – Sons.

Sonship is the end goal, the destination of our destiny because it was our beginning.

This is the journey we are all on.

Son you must return to the source that is Me you came from Me the eternal Spirit and you must return to ME. 

Eternity was your beginning and you are at home here. 

Our spirit starts separated orphaned from God from soul and body and from its home which is heaven.

Spirit is orphaned & Soul has a slave mindset or mentality. 

Disunity disharmony, division is always Satan’s goal as he was the first Orphan Spirit.

Soul Mind Emotions Will. 

Natural Needs Damage.

Body Flesh.







Transformation Restored, Renewed to the original.

Born Again Resurrected.

Spirit asleep TO GOD Spirit Fountain Living Water.







Manifest Presence of God GLORY.

Spirit asleep TO GOD.

Hurt Pain Rejection Insecurity Fear Disappointment Guilt Shame. 

Gen 2 it is not good for man to be alone physically because relationship is key to reflect heaven on earth. 

Joined reunited, reconciled restored to him in relationship.

This is why unity is so important.

Acts they were one mind, one heart, one accord.

1 Cor 6:17 But the person who is united (joined) to the Lord becomes one spirit with Him.

Opening first love gate and soul and body gates is so important it establishes reconnection between the Father and our Spirit Soul & Body.  

Back to original eternal relationship Father and son.

Our spirit will be orphaned unless it finds home in the Father & heaven.

Rev 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come into him and will dine with him, and he with Me. 

Will you open that door today?

Will you become joined reconnected to God today?

Distant separated from God.

Open the door to the source of life.

Drink the living water that is Christ.

Let the river of life flow in your spirit.

Feel the love, joy & peace.

Jump into that river of living water.

Let the energy of the source of life flow in you and through becoming rivers of living water.

The atmosphere of heaven is the breath of Life. 

Glory is the oxygen of heaven. 

Follow the river of life from your spirit back to its source: throne of grace, tree of life, Father’s heavenly garden.

Meet with the father today.

Isa 66:1 Thus says the Lord, Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool. Where then is a house you could build for Me  And where is a place that I may rest? 2 “For My hand made all these things, Thus all these things came into being,” declares the Lord. “But to this one I will look, To him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word.

Rev 21: 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them.

Healed Father wounds but not Fathered.

I am your Father l am your Father you are my son .

I am therefore you are. 

Pathway or bridge to sonship.

Pathway rulership through yielding surrendering through way truth life heavenly tabernacle.

Pathway relationship through the river of life to the garden of God.

Lost birthright & inheritance.

Adam & Eve Good enemy of best.

Cain – hard hearted.

Esau – humanism.

Jacob – Bethel.

Reuben sexual sin.

Simeon & Levi revenge. 

Moses Insecurity Saul Solomon Jeroboam Judah.

Ruth inheritance secured.

Wash yourself.

Anoint yourself.

Put on your best garment.

Go to the threshing floor.

Wait for God’s timing.


Know you have a future & a hope.

Garden, Inheritance, Future.

Worship to gain revelation (access God’s presence in heavenly realms.

Embrace and activate God’s directives.

Frequently review & evaluate vision.

Surround yourself with right connections & associations. 

Be willing to obey even if it is unusual.

Don’t let obstacles stop you reaching your destination.

Establish the watchman strategy for your inheritance – stewardship.

Your spirit longs for MY presence in the realm of the spirit for you are spirit and this is your true home.

Come home son come home son.

Come and spend time with Me and l will truly be your Father.   

Spirit, light, love = God.

Everything is made of spiritual material and God is in everything Eph 4:6.

Sonship Fathering.

7 redemptive gifts why am I wired this way? 

What is will of God for my life?

Spirit Soul Body Gates activated.

Live in dual realms spirit and soul in full cooperation. 

2 pathways Rulership Relationship. 

There is a tutoring program that develops through the building of trust or faith in life’s trials this is where our training takes place. 

We have real relationship where the solid foundations are laid to build upon e.g. wise man builds on rock Matt 7. 

How does God father us? Through real life experiences.

Know God understand dual nature love and consuming fire?

Bond slave attitude is worthy of being trusted with stewardship friendship Lordship and kingship there are the attributes of a true son. 

How did God father a nation?

7 principles of parenting.

Gal 4:4 Now I say, as long as the heir is a child, he does not differ at all from a slave although he is owner of everything, 2 but he is under guardians and managers until the date set by the father. 3 So also we, while we were children, were held in bondage under the elemental things of the world. 4 But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, 5 so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. 6 Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!”

Gal 4:7 Therefore you are no longer a slave, but a son; and if a son, then an heir through God. 8 However at that time, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those which by nature are no gods. 9 But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how is it that you turn back again to the weak and worthless elemental things, to which you desire to be enslaved all over again?  

Rom 8:14 For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. 15 For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!” 16 The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him.

Rom 8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us. 19 For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God.

Rom 8:28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. 29 For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; 30 and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified. 31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?

Rom 8:33 Who will bring a charge against God’s elect? God is the one who justifies; 34 who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us. 35 Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 37 But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. 

Rom 8:38 For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

1 Cor 6:17 joined reunited, reconciled restored revived.  Oneness of heart Mind, Love Lord with all Luke 19 therefore Acts together one accord, mind etc.  why unity is so important. Gen 2 it is not good for man to be alone physically because relationship is key to reflect heaven on earth.  

Inheritance family business Adam to Noah to Abraham to Isaac to Jacob to Joseph to Moses to Joshua to Gideon to Samuel to David to Solomon to Kings to Jesus to Apostles to disciples to church.

Covenants Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, US.

Orphans rejected expelled sold into slavery in garden. 

Redeemed from slavery on the cross.

Bought back from slavery given a home and a family.

What is the Fathers business?

World dominion to bring blessing to every family.

Gift Characteristics Comments Foundational Principle.

1 Prophet (Red).

Moody, Articulate, Passionate, Generous, Intense, Keen sense of justice, Loves the underdog, Creative, Judgmental, Extreme.

The redemptive gift of the Prophet is very different from the gift of prophesying. While prophets understand the future through revelation, those with the redemptive gift of Prophet understand the future through use of Biblical principles.


2 Servant (Orange).

Diligent, No enemies, Joyous, Helpful, Alert, Hospitable, High spiritual authority, Low self-image, impeccably honest, Team player, Prone to the victim spirit.

God gives the redemptive gift of Servant the highest level of spiritual authority because they can be trusted to use it for the Kingdom instead of for themselves. However, until the Servant sees himself as God sees him, that gift of spiritual authority remains underutilized.


3 Teacher (Yellow).

Loyal, Humorous, Late, Wordy, Accurate, Thorough, Patient, Safe, Detailed, A saver not a thrower, Slow tempered.

The Teacher carries a double portion of the priestly mantle. He or she is skilled in healing the emotionally and spiritually wounded who have been alienated from God.


4 Exhorter (Green).

People person, Obsessive compulsive verbal expressive, High energy, In motion, Loves change, Dramatic, Melodramatic, Superb teacher, Natural leader, Fun, Funny, Late, Real late.

While the Exhorter is the most spontaneously relational of all the gifts, his real strength is revealing the nature of God. The Exhorter has an unparalleled ability to see God in scripture and to cause us to see our world differently because we have a bigger perspective of God.

Sowing & Reaping.

5 Giver (Blue).

Private, Intuitive, Insightful, Cautious, Chameleon, Good listener, Very independent, Impulsive, Stable, Contradictory, Frugal, Unpredictable, Multifaceted, Devoid of shame, Family focused.

The gift of Giving has the amazing ability to adapt to almost any situation without being changed at all. While they seem to fit in well, they typically retain all their core values rather than embrace the values of the community around them. Stewardship.

6 Ruler (Indigo).

Busy, Real busy, thinks big, on time, Reliable, Leader, Fearless, not easily swayed, Visionary, Team builder, multi-tasks easily, Reads people well.

The Ruler has the highest ability to get maximum effectiveness out of a labor pool. God has graced them with a combination of love and wisdom that enables the mature ruler to accomplish extraordinary things with a team that appears to be highly inadequate.


7 Mercy (Violet).

Intuitive, Intuitive, Intuitive, Safe, Sensitive, loves beauty, Defines the ambiance, No enemies, Works hard, hugely compliant, Stubborn in the nicest sort of way.

The gift of Mercy is dramatically different than the previous six gifts. The Mercy hears God with his heart while others tend to hear God with their mind. God uses the gift of Mercy to bring the spiritual climate into right alignment through the blessing of presence.




Prophet (Red).


Servant (Orange).


Teacher (Yellow).


Exhorter (Green).


Giver (Blue).


Ruler (Indigo).


Mercy (Violet).

Jehovah Jireh – Gen. 22:14 (Provides).


Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name.

Father forgive them (Luke 23:24).

Ephesus Belt of truth.

Firmament, Heaven, waters divided (the atmosphere).

Bronze Laver.

Jehovah Rapha – Ex. 15:22-26 (Heals).


Your Kingdom come.

Today you will be with me in paradise (Luke 23:43).


Breastplate of righteousness.

Earth, Seas, Plants:  grass, herbs, fruit trees (dry land & plant life).

Table of Showbread.

Jehovah Nissi – Ex. 17:14-16 (Banner).


Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Here is your mother (John 19:27).


Feet fitted with readiness coming from the Gospel of Peace.

Sun, Moon, Planets & Stars.

Golden Lampstand.

Jehovah Shalom – Judges 6:11-24 (Peace).


Give us this day our daily bread.

Why have You forsaken me? (Matt. 27:46).

Thyatira Shield of Faith.

Sea creatures (Leviathan), Birds.

Altar of Incense.

Jehovah Rohi – Ps. 23 (Shepherd).


Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.

I am thirsty (John 19:28)


Helmet of Salvation.

Animals, Bugs & Man (Dominion).

Ark of the Covenant.

Jehovah Tsidkenu – Jer. 23:6 (Righteousness).


Lead us not into temptation.

It is finished (John 19:30).


Sword of the Spirit.

Rest (fulfilment) Mercy Seat.

Jehovah Shammah – Ezek. 48:35 (Present).


Deliver us from the evil one.

Into Your hands I commit my spirit (uke 23:46).


All kinds of prayers & requests.

There seems to be a distinct difference between the manifestation gifts (1 Corinthians), the redemptive gifts (Romans 12- prophet, servant, teacher, exhorter, giver, ruler, & mercy), and the ministry gifts in which we walk out our other gifts (Ephesians 4).

The redemptive gifts are possibly received at conception, rather than salvation. (It is one of God’s mysteries as to when we truly receive a redemptive gift. The Bible does not make clear the exact timing. See Jeremiah 1:5 for indication of initial gifting.) The gifts tend to shape our personality and the way we may then receive one or more of the manifestation gifts. A redemptive gift is the grace of God woven into who we are; that by His Spirit we are made right with God and able to honour Him with who He has made us to be. 

There are certain common behavioral characteristics that are used to help determine the redemptive gifts (Primary and Secondary) of an individual. Although certain traits such as compassion may come easily for some gifts, we are cautioned not to use our gift as an excuse for not growing. We are all called to walk out the fruit of the Spirit whether it comes naturally or not. The redemptive gift teaching developed a connection with the many lists of 7’s in the Bible  (7 things Christ said on the cross, 7 days of creation, 7 pieces of furniture in the tabernacle).

1: Prophet.

Behavioral Characteristics:

-Sees things in black & white.

-Simplistic worldview – must make sense of everything.

-Able to assess situations quickly and discern whether good or bad.

-Takes initiative, likes new things.

-Goes against the status quo.

-Does not maintain well running organization – will quit, improve it, or change it

-Always has an opinion and is willing to express it.

Judges’ others compulsively.

-Bold, knows no fear.

– Not intimidated by the unknown.

-Extraordinarily generous – impulsive/unwise.

-Shifts gears quickly – large range of emotion.

-Visionary – need to know where they are going.

– Fiercely competitive.

– Gives full disclosure – exposes weakness, compulsion for honesty & integrity.

– Very hard on self.

– Out of sight out of mind.

– Passion for excellence.

Principle: Design.

Design is the art of weaving principles together in order to produce change. Principle can be defined as a universal non-optional cause and effect relationship. The principle of design is foundational to all the other principles. God has called the prophet to study principles (to look at problems and opportunities) and assemble them into sets that produce results.


 The passion of the Prophet is to once again have the opportunity to take themselves and others to the outer limits of excellence with God. Showing the picture of God so dynamic and real that it moves people out of the comfort they are experiencing and into a journey that will bring them to fulfilment of what God created them to be.

3 Types of Principles of Design for Prophet to Study:

Man to Matter.

Man to Man (Most Overlooked and Weakest Area Human Relationships) Man to the Spirit Realm. 


Behavioral Characteristics:

– Sees needs and meets them – often external or environmental needs.

– Very few enemies – considered to be a safe person.

– Inability to accept excellence in work, to affirm self, or receive affirmation from others.

– Extends honor to others.

– Sees potential/best in others.

– Has a fierce anger that seldom occurs but usually revolves around loyalty.

– Save stuff though not always organized about it. 

– If immature can become an enabler – mature servant learns to empower.

– Attracts dishonor, especially in home, and usually does not resist.

– Very competitive in games or sports.

– May tend to make excuses for children.

– Purity of motives – like no other gift; never counting up what’s owed.

– Integrity/honesty/simplicity.

– Joyful.

– Obedience comes easily.

– Tends toward victimization/exploitation by others.

– Difficulty saying no – has a strong desire to please others.

Principle: Authority.

– God gives more spiritual authority to Servants than other gifts because they don’t want it they are not infected with the empire-building germ like the other gifts.

– The servant’s prayers for leaders carry more weight than other gifts.

– Highest level of authority over the Death Spirit in Spiritual warfare (in a premature demonic attack) because God trusts the Servant to do only what He has asked them to do.

– Authority over land (restoration of ecology).


 The servant walks in holiness in their own life. They are willing to embrace a high calling of holiness and bring a sense of purity and cleanliness. When the servant hears truth spoken it resonates deeply.

The servant has the tenacity to reach out to the wounded and hurt (not limited to, but especially in family situations). The servant can be the ultimate life giver, finding fulfilment in being a life-giver to allow others to do their work; they provide cleansing and authority to others. There is a deep desire to empower others to achieve their best.

Joseph, Jesus’ father was an example of absolute obedience. He did what God asked of him regarding Mary and Jesus every time. God used him to protect them. Joseph had life giving obedience and was highly trusted.

3: Teacher.

Behavioral Characteristics:

-Need to validate truth.

– Doesn’t receive or reject new ideas or people right away.

– Safe person emotionally – can listen to brokenness and sin and not be rejecting.

– Makes new decisions slowly.

– Deep family loyalty.

– Tend to be poor at returning borrowed items.

– Difficult time returning phone calls.

– Typically, late.

– Difficulty handling money.

-Usually resists using human illustrations.

– Unwillingness to begin a process until they can see the end of the process.

– Tends to be a fearful person.

– Great sense of humor.

Usually, the last to speak in a group.

– Tend not to overreact or jump the gun.

– A very patient person, slow tempered.

– Likes to save things.

Principle: Responsibility.

 The teacher is to walk in responsibility in every area of their life. Their highest responsibility is to worship God. They must make worship a lifestyle, that they would anticipate and enjoy being with God. If the teacher is carnal they will be selectively responsible and unwilling to impose responsibility on others. The teacher would rather work hard at persuading people to change rather than confront.

Birthright/Blessing: Intimacy.

The teacher must know who they are as they incrementally walk out God’s will and then reveal the manifest presence of God to the rest of the body of Christ. The Lord wants to be present in the life of the teacher having them experience and celebrate Him.


Behavioral Characteristics:

– Party looking for a place to happen.

– Instant rapport with strangers.

– Highly relational.

– Has ability to understand and relate well to others.

– Able to move easily from small talk to sharing the gospel.

– Able to maintain relationship although may solidly disagree with other party. 

– Can have loud argument without alienation of another person.

– Master communicator.

– Flexible – able to abandon a plan easily.

– Visionary.

– Seeks the approval of others.

– Dramatic and often melodramatic.

– Natural leader.

– High energy person.

– Obsessive compulsive verbal expressive.

– Loves change.

– Governs by persuasion rather than principle.

Principle: Sowing & Reaping.

The exhorter must embrace pain and suffering. The most difficult area for the exhorter is to suffer rejection. They must confront sin and be willing to face rejection from within the community. They must incarnate truth and earned authority through pain and suffering. The exhorter is able to be a world changer for Christ when they embrace the principle.

Birthright/Blessing: Know God personally and experientially (Gideon), take time away from people to know God and have His authority. The body of Christ is dependent upon the exhorter becoming all God created them to be; God has called the exhorter to be a world changer!


Behavioral Characteristics:

– Most diverse/adaptable/flexible of all gifts.

– Very independent.

– Designed not to be needy – does not look to others for help.

– Can look at a problem and find own solution.

– Can’t be hustled – must accrue money before can give. 

– Able to relate to wide range of people.

– Sensitive to manipulation of others toward spouse or family.

– Private in own life – protective of reputation of self, spouse, and family.

– Delegates spiritual warfare.

– Non-confrontational by nature – wait for opportunity to get best out of situation, won’t knock down hurdles.

– Immense heart for evangelism but does everything just short of sharing the gospel overtly.

– Nurturer to family – facilitate family environment.

– Intuitive.

– Concerned about safety, cautious.

– Is without shame – does not have shameful view of self.

– Can be very impulsive.

– Insightful.

– Not a big risk-taker.

– Good listener.

Principle: Stewardship.

God doesn’t want 10% of the giver’s finance/assets – not of the abundance or extra that they have; God wants all of it to establish relationship and to accrue generational blessing to pass on to others. Money is not the issue, it’s about their relationship with God. Example in Job 31:16: Job has an incredible relationship with God, is a steward of his money and assets. He walked in high justice, holiness and ethical behavior in all that he did.


The blessing for the giver is a generational anointing: The giver has the authority to release a generational blessing into their family line and community and be a life-giver through blessing (not just money). The giver is to have a generational worldview– think long term. Abraham received authority from God and passed it on. He changed the world and was considered a friend of God. Blessings come in the context of being dependent and in relationship with God.


Behavioral Characteristics:

– Great under pressure- thrive with it, and expects others to be effective under it as well.

– Empire builders – designed to look at things and want to make them bigger.

– Own their problems and do not have a welfare mentality.

– Skilled at time management

– Not into details.

– Immature ruler may allow for casual ethics where the end may justify the means. 

– Big on loyalty – more important than competence of co-workers.

– Don’t like to be micro-managed.

– Not in to blame – will figure out how to fix a problem and move on – Implementer – Take vision, break it down into pieces, and implement it.

– Nearly impossible to get ruler to partner with others unless loyalty is built.

– Great at using imperfect people – draws the best out of people.

– Tendency to be task oriented and omit nurture.

– Expert in dealing with people and projects.

– Will not choose to place self on a team unless they are wanted/have the loyalty of others.

– Innate ability to measure character.

– Able to stand alone on an issue of principle or integrity.

Principle: Freedom.

The ruler is to go from bondage to obedience to freedom. The difference between the three is the amount of willpower. Rulers have the tendency to be focused on task and do what’s required and not walk in freedom. They must walk in spiritual freedom. Like the giver, they are good at making things happen in the natural but God wants dependence upon Him. The ruler is to be first of all righteous.


Generational freedom from sin- central piece of blessing The ruler possesses a high level of spiritual authority and is called to earn authority in the heavens and release it to the generations. There is an immense authority given to the ruler: How does the ruler accrue spiritual authority to pass it on? By honoring God and going beyond obedience. This is evidenced in David, a man after God’s own heart. The ruler is to release generational blessings into the world and spiritual realm (must learn to not only do the tasks but honor the Lord). Noah was an example of releasing blessing. The ruler must seek God to find out what He has called them to do and then honor Him in walking it out. No one has the spiritual dominion that the ruler has.


Behavioral Characteristics:

– No or few enemies – finds common ground with just about everyone.

– Safe place for wounded people – easily confided in.

– Tend to be non-judgmental.

– Able to pick out people who are troubled and see through facades.

– Has only 1 or 2 close intimate friends but many acquaintances.

– Craves intimacy and needs physical touch – this need can often lead to sexual impurity.

– Slow in making life transitions because it takes a while to disengage emotionally.

– Connects with the heart of God – difficulty explaining why feel God is directing in a certain way.

– Very intuitive when it comes to following God’s lead.

– Dislikes confrontation – natural tendency is to nurture and protect people from harm.

– If immature can be indecisive, not wanting to step on toes.

– Tendency to be exploited and become a victim because unwilling to confront even a predator.

– Fierce anger but usually only surfaces around loyalty – known to take up offense for another.

-Drawn into spiritual warfare when another who they care for is being spiritually attacked.

– Strong predisposition to worship – moves more easily into presence of God than the other gifts.

– Loves Beauty.

– Stubborn in the nicest sort of way.

By design the Mercy is able to engage spirit to Spirit with God. They are able to go there more easily more often. This is the highest fulfilment for the mercy.


The mercy must find fulfilment in God and impart that blessing to others. As the Mercy is sanctified they sanctify their environment (time, people, place) and are able to transform the sinful into the holy.

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