Preparing for your destiny

Our spirit came out of eternity; it came from the very essence of God. When every person dies their spirit goes back to God. The question is where our soul goes when it dies.

And there are different beliefs systems people have. Most people believe if the soul is not saved, the spirit and soul go to hell and experience God or the devil eternally tormenting them forever and ever. Some believe the soul is separated from the spirit and it goes to hell where they experience conscious eternal torment, others believe the soul sleeps. Some people believe that the soul goes to a place like a hospital, where they are ministered to because of the shock of not living for God.

God is a consuming fire, the fire of God purifies and transforms our soul, every human being will have to go through that fire, but as believers we can experience that fire now. It is the fire of God’s holiness, because his essence is imparted in it, and our spirit welcomes it, we can feel the presence of God in it, and it transforms our soul as he heals the pain in our soul.

The fire of God heals the memory of sin in our soul. Our soul cannot deal with the realization of sin in it when we see it through God’s eyes. We get glimpses of it, but it is too much to deal with if we focus on it, so we shutter, apply the blood, repent, renounce, receive healing and cleansing to remove the pain. The fire of God does not punish and torment people, they may weep and gnash their teeth realizing they wasted their life, but they are not in conscious torment from God, the torment is the result of seeing sin and it is damaging effects in our lives and those we have affected.

We create our own torment; we destroy ourselves by yielding to sin and walking the path of the knowledge of good and evil, and allowing evil spirits to live in our soul and body.

The fire of God can incinerate a person’s flesh, but this fire does not burn physically the soul. It is the light of God, that reveals the truth and reality, but some people do not want to see it, or can’t handle it and refuse to come to it because they are set to do their own will and are frustrated because it will not come to pass or are tormented being filled with demonic spirits-thoughts and feeling.

There are fallen angles who left their first estate who co-habited with women on the earth and produced giants and are locked up in a prison called tartarus in the center of the earth, and are tormented not by God, but because they cannot do anything. A devil would rather live in a pig and kill it, than be locked up in a prison.

I do not know what will happen to the devil and his angels yet. But the letters they put in the bible in the New Testament were written to the people who lived in that time and were all fulfilled in the generation they were written to.

You have to understand the Hebrew culture, the words in Hebrew and Greek and what they meant to the people, the symbolism, the mark of the beast, all the people these letters of the New Testament were written to, understood what they meant or asked the ones who did.

They didn’t have a New Testament, just letters that were passed around. Hebrew people had a Hebrew mind set, Greeks had a Greek mindset, and those mindsets were totally different. The bible was translated from Latin and those who translated it had a different mindset which was religious.

The great tribulation has already taken place in 70 A.D. The falling away has already taken place; these letters were not written to us, but to churches at that time.

History has a way of repeating itself. But we are in the time of the restoration; Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the father until the restoration of all things, that will come through the sons, so there may be some things prophesied in the Old Testament that have not been fulfilled yet. We have more revelation available to us now than any time in the history of the world.

People think they know God because they study the bible. To know God is to experience him, to encounter him where he becomes just as real as the natural world we live in, where you are changed into his image.

We are becoming like him in his divine nature and beginning to do the same things that Jesus did, because he had an intimate relationship with God where he would see what the father was doing and do the same thing and speak what he was hearing the Father was speaking.

When we come into that same intimacy then he can show us what the apostles were thinking and feeling and what they were saying when they wrote the epistles, or gospels. We do not personally know them unless we meet them, which God is opening up the door to when we are enabled to enter into the heavenly dimension, they live in. When people argue about the bible, it reveals a spirit that is anti-Christ.

I know nothing, but I have an open spirit and am learning, I know God’s voice because I know his nature, and he imparts himself in what he says to me, I experience God in what he says, it feeds my spirit and brings me closer to him.

Most people I cannot even talk to because their words are not filled with the Spirit of God, they manifest a spirit not like Jesus. A lot of what Jesus said was directed to the religious leaders, he was trying to shock them, and knew they would not hear him, because they wanted to kill him and he didn’t want them to end up in Gehenna, the garbage dump outside of Jerusalem, when the temple was destroyed. They died horrible deaths. And then the church went into the dark ages a few hundred years later.

 But it is the presence of God that transforms us into His image. We cannot change ourselves; we must enter the kingdom realm where we are changed. The mind, emotions and the essence of God is transferred into us. We open ourselves to God and receive him into our being. He interpenetrates us.

We have a free will, Satan’s spirit is set against God, there is no openness in it to God, but angels radiate God because their spirit is open to God, and they spend time in his presence. We are unique because we are trans-dimensional, we have a spirit and body. Our soul receives from the spirit realm and the physical realm.

The only thing I know for sure is that there are a group of people whose spirits are made perfect, and their spirit and soul are in the cloud of witness and a part of the government of God and are actively involved in the establishment of God’s government upon the earth and want to trade into our lives, so that we can fulfill our destiny. Their focus is on what is taking place on the earth and have sown their lives into it, they want to pass the baton or mantle they carried, and some of their angels are working with us.

When our spirit entered our body, the soul was produced, we were born a human being, but our spirit was born into a dark place, because our soul and body are in a fallen condition.

Now when a spirit enters the body it is very much alive and has spiritual senses, but these senses begin to be shut down, unless the child is born again through receiving the D. N. A- of God in it. My son was raised by his mother who was a prophet, and he can hear and see in the spirit better than I can, because his mother always encouraged him, that the things he was seeing and hearing was from God.

When a child is raised by parents who have heavenly encounters and who are continually filled with the Spirit and led by the Spirit, then those children can live from the inside out and not experience the things from the world that damage our soul.

But most of us have lived from the outside in and have got our identity from the world, and all our spiritual senses have been shut down, and we must learn how to develop them from the inside out.

We must learn how to hear in the spirit, see in the spirit, talk in the spirit, live in the spirit and walk in the spirit and this takes practice.

Our identity has come from the outside in, instead of the inside out. God wants to restore our identity and our authority, so we can fulfill our destiny. We need a revelation of the rulership mandate that we have been given by God to bring God’s Kingdom from heaven to earth to manifest it.

Our destiny came from eternity and will return to eternity but there is a whole journey and a pathway along the way that we must learn how to follow. God has predestined a destiny for us, the things we are to walk in have been written in a book or a scroll.  And God is calling us to the intersection where our past and our future come together.

God is calling us to the intersection where our present and our future come together it is called convergence, where heaven meets earth. Where we realize at this present moment we are in the perfect will of God, we are living and doing exactly what we have been ordained to do. Where the intercession of heaven becomes manifest on the earth, where who we are in heaven becomes a manifestation on the earth.

God is calling us back to our heavenly destiny. To the mandate of the things that God has called us to do.

He is bringing us back into the original purpose we had before the foundation of the world. There is a sound, a frequency, a vibration or energy that is coming out of heaven and we are coming into tune with it.

Whenever God sees a shadow on earth that is reflecting him, he fills it with himself. When Solomon built the Temple, and they started to sacrifice in that Temple, the glory cloud filled the temple. Because the Temple was a pattern of what was in heaven on earth, and God filled it. When our lives start to become that pattern, God starts to fill them, and the things of God increase in us.

We need to have that overshadowing of the Spirit. When we come into cooperation with him, we come into alignment and agreement with him.

We have that scroll that has come out of eternity and it carries a decree and a commission from God, the purpose and the provision for our destiny.

When our spirit came into our body the scroll of our destiny became part of our spirits. And we lost that because our spirit was not connected with God, but it is still there in our spirits.

Matthew 6:10 says your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, God wants us connected with our destiny to bring heaven to earth. We cast out devils and heal the sick and do lots of stuff but that is not our destiny. This is just the outworking of it and practical things, but our destiny is something more than that.

Our destiny is a calling, it is administering heaven on earth, this is what Adam was called to do and we are called to do the same thing.

We can engage with God intimately and from that place of engagement we can bring out the authority of the King into the earth so that we start manifesting heaven to earth like Jesus did. When Jesus came all the stuff of the enemy got challenged. Sickness got challenged as he brought healing; bondage got challenged as he brought deliverance. All the things of nature got challenged because he brought a higher authority. Heaven has a higher authority than earth. If we have access and operate from the heavenly realms, we can change things here on earth. But we need to access it and we need to bring change to the earth.

Psalm 24:7 lift up your head oh ye Gates this is talking about being lifted up to a place of authority and then we become a gateway from heaven to earth.

We need to learn how we get lifted up, how we become gates so that the King of glory can manifest here in this earth through us. We are supposed to manifest his glory on the earth.

We are called to intimacy, to know the Lord, to know Him as a loving father, and ourselves as beloved sons. Knowing the Lord speaks of intimacy or oneness, where the Lord’s thoughts and feelings become our thoughts and feelings, his responses become our responses, so that we become a perfect reflection of Him on the earth.

From this place of intimacy, we will allow God to transform and change our lives, so that he will remove from us everything that is a hindrance or a stumbling block, so that we can enter our full inheritance.

The kingdom of God is within us, as the Holy Spirit reveals the principles of the kingdom, we can start walking in them. Once we are enabled to have the kingdom manifested in us, then it can be manifested through us, so that we begin to shine as lights in the world. We can begin to shine with the glory of God and start manifesting just like Jesus did, the rule of heaven on earth.

To have an investiture (to rule), the next thing before you have an enthronement there is a succession.

If we are going to be invested with the authority of the kingdom, then we must dethrone the things that are ruling in our lives, our old self, our soul, me, myself and I.

There is no place for me, myself and I ruling if we want to see the kingdom of God flowing through our life. We cannot get in the way of it, or we will spoil it, we will block it, that is why the old man needs to be dethroned in the life that we are currently living on the earth.

Therefore, nature which has been programmed into us through our human D.N.A. from our past generations needs to be restored and renewed.

Nurture-environmental programming that we have had in our life, our upbringing, the things around us needs to be restored and renewed.

Trauma, which is experiential programming, the things that have programmed our lives, so that we respond in particular ways needs reprogramming.

Nature-D.N.A.programming, Nurture-environmental programming, Trauma- experiential programming., needs to be Restored to our original eternal condition. Who we are in eternity.

In eternity we are seated with Christ in heavenly places, we are one integral spirit.

In the time realm we became a living soul, which is losing its individuality as our soul comes into conformity to our spirit.

We need to be transformed and restored to our original condition.

We see Jesus knocking at the door of our spirit, wanting to come in and occupy the seat of government in our lives.

Everything happens in the kingdom from the inside out.

If we try and change ourselves from the outside in, then we will be trying to change ourselves in ourselves. The flesh cannot change the flesh, it will just manifest in a different way. We need to allow God to change us from the inside out, therefore we need to learn how to surrender, to surrender ourselves, to surrender to the presence of God on the inside so that the presence of God on the inside flows through our life transforming us.

In our spirit there are different senses, or different actions of the spirit that we need to let the glory of God flow through and activate. It is the Holy Spirit coming through those gates, those doorways or senses in our spirit that will come out into our soul. And as they come out into our soul, they will hit blockages and opposition, the things which have blocked all our gates in our soul, because things have come from the outside in.

The things that we have seen, smelt and heard, tasted, and touched in the natural realm will have affected our soul. And if we try and change them by the things we see, hear, taste and touch from the outside all we will be doing is reinforcing what they are- Operations of the old self.

But if we allow the Spirit of God to flow through us, the presence of God to flow through us, because he loves us, then we can be changed. We can be transformed as we allow God to actually do it.

We have spiritual gates that have to do with fellowship, the presence of God in us. Learning how to identify and know God by the experience of who he is causes us to learn how to fellowship and trust him in that place.

The other gateways have to do with revelatory things where God reveals himself through us. We see things of his kingdom, we hear his voice, we see what he is doing. He gives us visions and dreams and revelations of what he wants to do. Without the first the second really doesn’t function.

What are our spirit gateways?

Fear of God- within us is the all-seeing, all-knowing God. He comes to live in us, and we must prepare that habitation for him to dwell. The all-consuming fire of God is on the inside of us. God wants us to know that awesomeness of his presence.

Reverence is the sense of honoring and respecting God, so that we would do nothing that would bring his name into disrespect or dishonor.

Prayer is a two-way relationship of communication where the Spirit of God, where the mind of Christ, where the heart of the father is flowing through us in a relationship. And that relationship is two-way communication. This is why praying in tongues is so important. It is our spirit praying and communicating with God and we can do that without ceasing as we train it.

Hope-that sense where visions and dreams and opportunities are flowing. God shows us his will for our lives.

Faith- harmony, concord, understanding, knowing, where we come together in agreement with God. When he starts to flow through that, when he starts to show us what he wants us to do, we start to operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the power of God that flows through us. Which leads to the fullness of the Spirit, the seven spirits of God upon us.

Revelation- inspiration, light, council, wisdom flow through this gateway.

We need to activate these senses; they don’t automatically switch on. We need to be hungry and thirsty, desiring them to be enhanced.

Intuition- those gut feelings, instincts that we get, the Holy Spirit revealing his heart to us flowing on the inside.

And we have a heavenly gate, the first love gateway in our spirit where we have connection to the heavenly realms, and a consciousness of what is going on in heaven.

We can have all these things working but without worship it doesn’t mean anything.

Worship is just not singing songs; worship is a state of complete obedience to God. It is surrendering and coming into total submission to the will of God for our lives daily.

Based on all the other things flowing they lead us to saying God I choose to surrender myself to you.

We need to build our spirit, if we are going to connect with God, those spiritual senses need to be exercised and they need to grow.

Just like we would go to a gym to exercise our physical muscles. We need to exercise our spiritual senses, the spiritual things that we have on the inside. These gates need to be opened and flowing. The life of God needs to be flowing through them.

We cannot do this without some effort. No one gets big muscles without effort. It takes effort to get our spiritual senses functioning properly. We cannot do it by just wishing. We must engage.

We give God first love, first place and priority. It will not work unless we give God the right of having first place in our lives. Then through praying in tongues and waiting on the lord, all the other things will work.

If we don’t give God first place, then all these other things will be a struggle. We have to give God the priority of our lives, to build our spirit.

Mark 12:30 you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul with all your mind and with all your strength.

There is no room for half-heartedness. It is all or nothing, it is all, or it doesn’t work. This is why God wants all of us. He wants us to surrender ourselves to him.

Jeremiah 29:13 – you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart.

Well, if we think that it would be nice to know God sometime, we won’t find him. We must pursue him; he is a lover that wants to be pursued. He wants us to pursue Him with all our heart.

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