Destiny Identity 12

Individual inheritance. Identity, redemptive gift and destiny.

Who am I – my identity.

How am I made – redemptive gift.

What am I made for – destiny or birthright

Rom 8:28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

Do you know His purpose or destiny for your life?

Have you accepted His call?

Jer 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.” 

Psa 139:16 Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book (scroll) were all written The days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them. 17 How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! 

Our spirit and God is disconnected.

We start out as slaves rejected and disconnected from sonship.

Most of us come from generations of slaves.

Our destiny is obscured, forgotten and lost. 

Orphans, rejected, expelled, sold into slavery in garden.  Redeemed from slavery on the cross. Bought back from slavery given a home and a family.

What is the Father’s unfulfilled purpose?  World dominion to bring blessing to every family. 

Destiny is to fulfil God’s purpose. Adam to Noah to Abraham to Isaac to Jacob to Joseph. Moses to Joshua to Gideon to Samuel to David to Solomon. Jesus to Apostles to church to us. So many have missed out and have received no inheritance.

So many have lost their destiny. Satan, Adam and Eve, Cain, Esau, Jacob Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Moses, Saul Solomon, Jeroboam, Judah, Sanhedrin. How do you know if yours is lost? Examples of how and what was lost. Often a generational root your spirit can recognize.

What was lost and how was it lost? What sin, rebellion, iniquity was involved?  Feel surge, churning emotion, indicative of conviction. Spirit communicates recent memory of loss – family line or our own lives. More serious generational issues: loss of right to posses destiny; no memory.

Permanently lost destiny. Job 18:17 Memory of him perishes from the earth, And he has no name abroad. Ps 9:6 The enemy has come to an end in perpetual ruins, And You have uprooted the cities; The very memory of them has perished.

Isa 26:14 The dead will not live, the departed spirits will not rise; Therefore, You have punished and destroyed them, And You have wiped out all remembrance of them. God has designed generational blessings to be released. Iniquity gives enemy legal rights.

Destiny should lead to legacy. Matt 26:13 Truly I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be spoken of in memory of her. Legacy a facet of destiny: God’s thoughts wrapped up with the event and the memory of the event. Wilberforce’s destiny: slavery issue. Legacy: no civil war, no apartheid etc.    

Individuals with no conscious memory or concept of destiny or legacy. Self-absorbed in trivial self-gratification, in material possessions, position, power etc. People, trying to be fulfilled in living only for the present, have lost contact with their destinies.

Adam and Eve – sin misses the full point. Children, growing the population, taking the garden to the world, to bring dominion. No evidence they pursued it before sin. No excuse of ignorance: they had the preloaded software within their spirits. They could have unpacked their destiny in the cool of the day relationship with God. God in relationship listening to their plans, questions, resources etc. 

Seemed to make no progress. Why? Because things were so good? Many see possessing destiny as means to get to a better place because they are not happy where they are. Motivated by pain of the present. Adam and Eve: no pain, no problems, economic or health – so good, no drive. They had no vision to see the better beyond the good to obtain the best.

Esau-Gen 25:27 …Esau became a skillful hunter, a man of the field… 32 Esau said, “Behold, I am about to die; so, of what use then is the birthright to me?” 34 Thus Esau despised his birthright. Esau impressed with His own soul, power, ability, that he despised the blessings and need of God and spiritual dimensions of his life. Despised it and lost it.

Hallmark of ‘real’ men – “religion is for the weak.” Real men don’t need crutches they do it through their own strength, confident in own ability to make it. Great achievements but will never be totally fulfilled. Attitude cost them their destiny. 

Jacob-Gen 35:1 Then God said to Jacob, “Arise, go up to Bethel and live there…” Gen 28:12 He had a dream, and behold, a ladder was set on the earth with its top reaching to heaven; and behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. 17 He was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.”

Gen 35:10 God said to him, “Your name is Jacob; You shall no longer be called Jacob, But Israel shall be your name.” Thus, He called him Israel. 11 God also said to him, “I am God Almighty; Be fruitful and multiply; A nation and a company of nations shall come from you, And kings shall come forth from you. 

Gen 35:16 Then they journeyed from Bethel; and when there was still some distance to go to Ephrath, Rachel began to give birth and she suffered severe labor. 19 So Rachel died and was buried on the way to Ephrath (that is, Bethlehem). 21 Then Israel journeyed on… Gen 35:22 It came about while Israel was dwelling in that land, that Reuben went and lay with Bilhah his father’s concubine, and Israel heard of it.

Bethel was an earth/heaven angelic gate experience, remarkable land. Jacob: tragic loss – why? He looked at the economy of Bethel: not a good place for cattle and sheep. Instead of selling his livestock, he decided to leave.

Destiny was at Bethel. What did God want to give him at the angelic gateway?  Rather than change profession he left his destiny. He has continual family issues. Lost his destiny as it was assigned to a specific place or land.

Gen 47:9 few and miserable (unpleasant) have been the years of my life, nor have they attained the years that my fathers lived during the days of their lives.” Egypt – few and miserable are the days of my life – what a waste. Slavery in Egypt was his legacy.

Missed it because he didn’t want to radically change His lifestyle. Who would he have been if he had stayed under an open heaven? The family destiny was also tied to that place Family suffered the consequences.

Reuben, firstborn, lost destiny because of lust for father’s mistresses. Simeon and Levi lost destiny as their sister Dinah was raped and they made a covenant to commit genocide later – lost blessings, leadership, Misguided family loyalty. 

Loyalty a good characteristic, but not to wrong things, churches, people etc.  Misguided family loyalty. David incest – daughter covered it up. Many people stay loyal to organization etc., that God is not loyal to – and lose their destiny. 

Exod 2:11 Now it came about in those days, when Moses had grown up, that he went out to his brethren and looked on their hard labors; and he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his brethren. 12 So he looked this way and that, and when he saw there was no one around, he struck down the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. 

Exod 2:13 He went out the next day, and behold, two Hebrews were fighting with each other; and he said to the offender, “Why are you striking your companion?” 14 But he said, “Who made you a prince or a judge over us? Are you intending to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?” 

Moses – destiny to lead Israel into the promise land. What went wrong? Moses orphan, rejected at birth. Moses rejected by his own people. Moses runs from his destiny. God calls Moses back to his destiny.

Moses tries to get out of his destiny by making excuses to God. Moses was insecure and had low self-esteem. Moses had the blessing and favor of God – power and authority. Moses wanted the favor of the people.

Moses was angry at the persistent devaluing of his office and authority by a people with a spirit of slavery.  Blamed him for problems and wanted to go back to Egypt. Moses struck the rock, disobeyed God. Moses forfeits the right to enter Promised Land: he saw but could not enter.

He had no respect in the eyes of people and in order try to get honor of people he stuck the rock in anger.  Issue is people using the anointing to do kingdom work but use it to produce favor with people. Dangerous temptation. Insecurity, need for man’s approval.

Moses used his authority and power to legitimize himself. Moses lost his power and did no more miracles. Moses lost his full destiny because of his insecurity.

Jesus faced the same temptation. Battle in Jerusalem, fight over His legitimacy.  Challenge to prove himself by His miracles. He refused to use God’s power to legitimize himself. 

Judah as a nation lost land. 70 years in Babylon because they took no care of land, their inheritance. Sabbath rest every 7th year (God promised double in year 6). Not trust in God’s provision – abused the land, had it taken away.

Don’t pursue investing in our destiny we can lose it. Condition of my spirit, soul and body is important: sleeping, eating, resting getting the times and seasons in sync. If we don’t care for ourselves – form of abuse. Blessings to us and future generations is diminished.

Babylonian captivity 70 years – Daniel gets permission to be free to return. Destiny of Judah in the land, but majority chose to stay in Babylon – lost value for destiny. The cost of leaving slavery is often high. POW camp: clothes, homes, food provided for safety, stability… but it is still a prison. 

Jews in time. Jesus’ destiny was to restore the kingdom of God on earth. Religious leaders on behalf of the nation rejected their king and forfeited their destiny. Why? What were the issues?

Monetization of religion – Jesus hated it. After Babylon, developed money-making system seen in gospels – pay for prayer. Money exchange tables, pay temple tax with temple money, no other currency and charge premium – racket. QC scam. Only priests could validate offerings as being worthy to be sacrificed. Disqualified it so you had to buy from them at a high rate – racket.

Generated enormous income through corruption and were therefore unwilling to submit to the King. Same today people find security invested financially, security of a job – unwilling to leave it to follow destiny. 2 friends in Cornwall both lost destinies tied to job – tied cottages.

Can’t serve God and money. Conviction vs finances – stay where the money is and lose your destiny. Abraham had to leave family and security to follow the promise. If you are not prepared to follow your destiny, God will give it someone who is.

Lost destinies and inheritance. Adam and Eve – good, enemy of best. Cain – hard hearted, rebellious. Esau – humanism. Jacob – financial convenience. Reuben – sexual sin. Simeon and Levi – revenge, loyalty. 

Moses – insecurity. Saul – unbelief, passivity. Solomon – hardness of heart. Jeroboam – following father’s example. Judah – not looking after inheritance. Sanhedrin – putting money and power before destiny. All traded their destiny away.

Moses lost a portion of his destiny. Did he get it back? – No. Who did take the people in? – Joshua. Whose destiny did he use? – Moses’ portion. God is raising up a Joshua generation so He can release lost destinies, mantles and legacies upon them.

What happens to lost destinies? Vision in heaven. I was engulfed in flames. I was given a large staff with golden headpiece. I went to the heights of Prov 8 and met with wisdom. Prov 8:1 Does not wisdom call… 2 On top of the heights beside the way, Where the paths meet, she takes her stand; Beside the gates, at the opening to the city, At the entrance of the doors, she cries out:

I was taken to 2nd door, it opened, and I walked into a place of flames. I went to a huge door guarded by a balroc-like creature. I slammed the staff into the ground. Door opened and I went into Satan’s trophy room.

Destinies are displayed as trophies. Lost mantles are displayed as trophies. Anointings forfeited through sin are displayed as trophies. Family inheritances, the legacies that belong to you are trophies there. Mandate to recover and restore our family destinies and legacies. 

Memory of our family inheritance may have been stolen and lost. Sins of the fathers may be visited on 3rd and 4th generation. But we can remove all legal rights and recover our family legacies and destinies. We can stop the cycle of robbery. Get back what has been robbed from us.

Father, I thank you that you love me and that your kingdom is based on righteousness and justice. By faith I step into the heavenly court of accusation I stand on my own behalf and on behalf of my generational line. I face my accusers, and I accept and agree that I and my forefathers and mothers have wrongly traded away my destiny.

I accept that I and they have followed the pathway of the knowledge of good and evil. I accept that I and they have been influenced and motivated by earthly, natural and demonic wisdom. I stand here representing myself and my forefathers, identifying with them. 

I repent of and renounce all false trading for myself and my forefathers. I receive the judgment of God and His declaration – I am justified and made righteous through my advocate, Jesus. I release the judgment of God against my adversaries and accusers. I receive a mandate to have my destiny and legacy restored.

I receive the authority to access Satan’s trophy room and take back what has been robbed from me. I step back into this realm with the authority to fulfil my destiny. I choose to be identified as your son with the capacity for the fullness of my legacy to be restored to me.

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