Joshua generation 1

I have entitled this series the Joshua generation, becoming the Joshua generation and the Joshua generation as sons of God. And as opposed to the Moses generation who stayed in the wilderness and didn’t cross over into their inheritance.

The Joshua generation crossed over and there was only a few of them like Joshua and Caleb, and that was the Joshua generation, and they were in their 80’s but they were men and women of faith because there was only the men died in the wilderness not the ladies. Because it was the men of war age of 20 years and up which are held responsible so there was a whole load of ladies went into the Joshua generation.

The next generation they brought in with them, were not young people either. There were young people but there were of the age up to 59 because anyone under 20 they could be 19 years old when they didn’t cross and then they went around for 40 years, then they will be 59. So, the eldest were 59 and the youngest could have been zero. And that was a whole generation, a United generation of people and I think that’s a thing God is really saying this is not about age group. It’s about people coming together in their sonship and in the relationship they have with God.

So, the Joshua generation are those who inherit their sonship and the inheritance that brings. So to do that you have to come out of the wilderness, you can’t keep going around the wilderness and not cross because if you don’t crossover you’re not going to receive everything that God has promised for every one of us.

So that means that crossover for us is the Jordan River which was between the wilderness and the promised land was in flood and the Jordan represents the veil between heaven and earth and years ago we use to sing about crossing the Jordan as when you die. You don’t have to die to go into the realms of heaven beyond the veil now. Because Jesus has opened up the veil and we can go in.

So, to get our supernatural inheritance we need to go into the realms of heaven where we are seated with Christ in heavenly places. We know that scripture (Ephesians 2:6) but actually do we experience it? God is calling his sons to come back to him into relationship and back into where we were created. So, an open heaven is a well-known term, people talk about an open heaven, they talk about heaven being open, about heaven invading earth. Bill Johnson and bethel and people like that are all talking about heaven come into the earth and a lot of it is well- God will you come down.

When I used to ask God that, eventually he reminded me that he has already come down in Jesus and he went back into heaven and opened heaven and invited us to come there. Not just keep inviting him to come here, so we are called to go into that realm. People are calling for a revival and calling to God to rend the heavens and come down, he has already done that and actually he wants us to go into the realms of heaven. It isn’t one way traffic when you hear the stories in the Bible there was a two-way flow, of the angelic realm coming up and down and you’ll see people went up and down as well.

God does send his presence, the Holy Spirit comes, the angels come with us, the cloud witnesses around us all the time, seven spirits of God. He has opened up heaven, it means we can enter beyond the veil and engage him there. There are three different places where you can engage God. God’s presence is with us because he promises where ever  two or three are gathered, he is there in the midst. So he is right here with us. We might not be able to see him with our physical eyes, but we can obviously engage him often with our spirit with our senses and he will sometimes make himself known in ways which touch our physical body and sometimes people shake sometimes people get hot sometimes people flutter their eyelids and things when the presence of God comes. But he is also inside of us.

So, if he is living within us, we can also engage him there. And that’s a spiritual realm, we can’t see with our natural eyes and it’s a spiritual dimension, as is our soul. We can’t see our soul, but we know we have emotions we know we have a mind we know we have a will but we can’t see them physically. There is a realm that God can engage us in on the inside. But also, we can engage him where he is in the realms of heaven.

So, heavens open, we can go there, and we can enter that realm and when we enter that realm, we can experience the dynamic of heaven which is the glory of God and God’s glorious presence and as sons there’s both intimacy and relationship in that realm. And also, responsibility because we have responsibility as sons.

All way through the Bible there are stories of people who encountered heaven, gone into heaven without dying and examples of that would be Enoch who walked with God. So, if he was walking with God where was he walking with God? Not on the physical earth.  Adam walked with God on the physical earth before he fell into sin and Adam walked with God in the spiritual realms before he fell into sin, but Enoch walked with God and one day he was walking with God, and he didn’t come back, and he is still there in that realm because it said he was not. That is one person who had engaged heaven and actually didn’t come back one day from there. And then you have Jacob who was at Bethel, and he had this vision, and he saw an open heaven and he saw a latter going from earth to heaven. Not a latter coming from heaven to earth which is interesting because you would think that latter would come down but actually it goes up. So if it goes up then it’s intended that  we would go up it but also the angels can come up and down.

 and it says the Lord is standing in the doorway of that open heaven and why would he be standing there.7:41 waiting to engage us so Jacob engage that he called that Bethel he called it the house of God and a gateway of heaven. and that was something which he was invited to engage and then you have Moses and Joshua and the 70 elders. If  you read  in the Exodus they went into heaven and they have a meal in heaven with God. you wont hear that in most sunday school stories but it is in Exodus you can read it Moses went up into the mountain and god met him on top of the mountain , but God actually took him into the realms of heaven and gave him the tablets which was in the form of a sapphire Cube and he gave him, what we know as the law but it was way more than the 10 Commandments. it was how we would interact between God and man. Now of course because they decided to make a golden calf Moses smashed  it and then he wrote or chiselled on stone the 10 Commandments but it was way more than that originally before Moses smashed it up. so there’s an example of many people who when into heaven together at the same time. some say they didn’t  come back, but I think they did personally. now Elijah was another who was taken into heaven on a fiery whirlwind. and he didn’t die and he came back when he met Jesus as did Moses on the mount of transfiguration so Jesus engaged with dead people. They are not really dead they are alive in the spirit. so a lot of people have a problem with that, you can’t talk to dead people . they are not dead there are alive . can we engage with them? Of course you can. because the angelic realm is open for us and the cloud witnesses as their called in Hebrews 12 are surrounding us and sometimes they make themselves known and you can go into the realms in heaven and you can meet them there and I’ve met lots of them there now I don’t try and do it unless I got a mandate from God to go and  talk to one of them but often they come and find me out. And there is a court room in heaven, because there are many courts in heaven which is called the court of the upright and that’s where the men in white linen they are called and you see them all over the scriptures and engaging. the difference between the angelic beings and the men in white linen who are the spirits of the righteous made perfect it says in Hebrews is that they eat. and they ate with Moses and they ate with Abraham. There was men in white lined that came and met with Abraham they ate with him they were men in white linen.  they were not angels as such there’s a huge difference between people who have died and their spirits are in that realm and angels who are created spirit beings but we can engage. Elijah did  and he engaged there and  he engages here just like he did with Jesus Jesus says in in John one  that he would have open heaven over his life and angels would be ascending and descending around him. and they did angels were around him, his whole life they announced his birth they announced to Mary that she was gonna give birth and she came into agreement with that. she did they announced his birth they were with him in the wilderness there with him in the Garden of Gethsemane there with him around the cross they came and released him from the tomb along with the men in white linen both of them were there in the story so the supernatural realm for us is something that is open and available for us to engage with and as Jesus did that then the next person who did that was Paul. And paul had said he when into the third heaven and he saw things and heard things which were inexpressibly and couldn’t declare them all and about  14 years later from that encounter he started writing letters to the churches. So it took him 14 years to assimilate all the things that he saw so he could put them down in a  way people can understand. That is how he was able to write Ephesians Romans and these wonderful letters with truth because he got that truth from the heavenly encounter with God because it isn’t in the old Testament and his version of the old Testament and his view of the old Testament was completely changed by his engaging heaven so heaven was very much open and Paul went there and paul came back and of course John did. in Revelation 3 is talking about him looking into heaven in a vision and in Revelation 4 it says behold a door standing open in heaven and I was in the spirit and I heard a voice saying,  come up here and he went up there and engaged and he shares the vision and the encounters he had some of them were the throne of God and what was going on around the throne of God and the seven spirits of God before the throne and the four living creatures, the lion, the ox the eagle the man. Quite a vivid description of God’s throne and various aspects of heaven and then he was shown lots of visions of what was to come and those visions mostly have been fulfilled. so all those things indicate that heaven is open for us. because if John and Paul and Jesus and Elijah. and Jesus when he was talking to Nicodemus said, there is only one who has come from heaven and can go into heaven that’s me basically, and  I’m in heaven John 3:13 if you read in the literal translation or in the amplified version  it talks about who has his home in heaven now ongoing present tense so Jesus was on earth but also his spirit was in heaven. and that’s how he was able to see what the father was doing. That is how he was able to know what the father was saying because he was continually in  contact of relationship with it and if you think for us God is in us so he promises never to leave us or forsake us. he  is with us and we are in him so if he is in heaven then also we are in heaven and we need to understand and connect with that in a reality rather than it just being theoretical. because I’m in him he is in us an open heaven really and the fact that heaven has been open for all those people. Enoch, Jacob Moses Joshua seventy elders Elijah Jesus Paul John and many many other people throughout the course of history and people have engaged heaven, people had supernatural experiences heaven is open but we have to learn to engage there and go there and and not just engage and go there for fun. But to take our responsibility as sons and to begin to govern and rule  and establish God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven and years ago I would have used to think well God did all the stuff in heaven while I get to do some of the stuff on earth but as I matured and God is taking me there and now I can go into that realm and I can live in that realm all the time I discovered but isn’t just God who does the establishing things in heaven, we do. As God sons we have authority in that realm if we learn to be seated with him in heavenly places and use the authority to bring God’s kingdom.

 so Hebrews 619 says this  we have as anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil.15;52

 so Jesus is that hope and he has entered within the veil and actually has torn the veil open verse 20 says where Jesus is entered as a forerunner for us. what does a forerunner do? He goes before and makes a way for others to come afterwards now the traditional understanding of that is you have to die before you get to go. We’ll that isn’t true that something that religious systems put on to limit what we can do now Jesus did this having become a high priest forever according to the order of melchezidec so if Jesus is the high priest forever and we have access through him then he becomes the door of that access. And he said that in John 10 I’m the door of the sheep you going in and out and find pasture and as a high priest he is opened up that door for us according to the order of melchezedec  which is a royal priesthood and the royal priesthood operates in heaven and on earth which is all good so Hebrews 1019 says therefore brethren since we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus. so we need to have confidence which means we need to believe that we can enter. Because if you don’t believe you can enter then you are somewhat dependent on a supernatural experience which may or may not happen. and lots of people have involuntary encounters and visions and trances and things like that which are good but they don’t know how to do it themselves. and my first encounters with heaven were like that. I was taken there and I couldn’t go back which was really frustrating when it happened. so I had to then learn how to go back and it says we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus by a new and living way not a dead way a living way which he inaugurated for us through the veil that his his flesh and since we have a great high priest over the house of God let us draw near with sincere heart full of assurance of faith. goes on so we can always engage by faith. and a lot of people say to me, I am only engaging by faith, as if that is such a bad thing. if we don’t engage by faith we don’t engage. because God only rewards those who come to him in faith. So we have to believe otherwise you can’t enter. but some people think, are looking for a full-blown Technicolor epic Hollywood production vision and going into heaven and when that happens is wonderful but some people just have perception they know they are there. they know what’s going on but they don’t get necessary the full Hollywood production and we all are different when it comes to our ways of engaging God and heaven and I wouldn’t want to put a limit on which way everyone engages God and engages heaven. in other words it becomes a pattern, a formula and it isn’t, it is a relationship. we have to enter that relationship and then God will open up that way for us to encounter. Now I have learned to engage every way. I can see with my eyes I can see with the eyes of my heart I can see with the eyes of my spirit. Now I couldn’t do any of that before until God took me on a journey to open up those aspects of my ability to see. And the reality is every one of those ways of seeing is in my head. You are in my head right now as an image. that’s your light being reflected off you is captured by my eye and eventually go through a lens and through up the optic nerve and into my brain and my brain is learn to interpret those electrical impulses as your image, while I am seeing with my natural eyes. and if you speak while I am here in the rain how am i hearing that well that noise is just waves of pressure in the air which my ear captures and translates through a few bones until the audio nerve takes it to my brain and I’ve learned to interpret those electrical impulses as sounds and if it’s a language that I’ve learned then I understand it. if you were to speak any other language other than English, I might have a bit of trouble understanding what you said, because I might hear the sounds, but I wouldn’t know how to interpret it. because I have  not learnt. everything that we have in terms of let’s say you have a vision  or you have a picture or prophetic picture that comes from God where does that happen? in the same place in your head .you  see it with the eyes of your heart, with your imagination and a lot of people frown on the imagination as if it’s a bad thing when that’s the screen that gods given to see things, everything. and a lot of children who see amazing things and they see angels and they have angelic friends there are discourage from that because they are told that’s a figment of your imagination, you are making it up. well there not making it up. there just seeing with a different set of eyes than we did because we got trained out of seeing with those eyes. because we were taught in school to focus on what is rational what we can read what we can write what we can add up and multiply and all those things and then were not taught to be creative and most children, ater they have been to school for about three years lose most of their creative abilities because we don’t put value on it and God wants us to value our imagination. When albert Einstein  who was one of the greatest minds ever, he said this he said logic will take you from a to b, but imagination can take you anywhere. In his great scientific principle e equals m.c.  squared. Energy equals matter times the speed of light came to him while he was lying in a meadow and he described it as the thoughts of God dancing in his mind because it came as a revelation to his imagination and he did not in any way dismiss imagination. in fact he said logic is given to us by God but imagination beats logic any day because logic is something that we use from what we know imagination can be things we don’t know. so our imagination is really important when we come to engage God. Because that’s the screen we learn to see from. and my spirit can pass information to me from the spiritual dynamics and the spiritual realms around us, so that I also have a stream of information coming spiritually into my mind, and I have learned  to interpret it. most people don’t learn to interpret it so all that information is just shredded and lost. even though the spirit is given us information all the time but we’ve never learned to tune in. and  this room is full of signals. there is a radio signals there is TV signals. we can’t see them with our natural eyes but if you have a tuner you can tune into that frequency and then you can hear or see. and it is the same with our own mind, we have to learn to tune into the right frequency. so I learned to see things in the spiritual realm and I learned the ability to turn it on and off. because when I first started to see it all, it was really really distracting because seeing peoples angels and seeing all the things that are going on and seeing actually the colours that people were exhibiting. People call them  in certain circles auras . but you can determine and see the light that is in people. and you can see the light that is given off people and  the atmosphere around people. but you have to learn to tune in to see it and everyone can learn to see it but you have to practice and I practised and I was messing around practising really . and I was sort of thinking . I had my  eyes closed and I was looking at the front, i was at the back of our  home and the musicians were tuning up and doing a sound check, and all the stuff That musicians do and I was just thinking. I wonder if I can see them with my eyes shut. So I was like looking, closed my eyes and was looking and opening my eyes then I got sort of this vauge impression of the image that I am looking at, just burned intomy eyes  and all of a sudden, I like closed my eyes  and I could see all these things. Angels, all this atmosphere, all this stuff. So my eyes are closed, I open my eyes and I could still see it.  because what I learned to do and what this did was show me that my spirit can see in that realm. the eyes of my heart my imagination can also see that image but I also can see that image with my eyes open. now not saying that that’s an image which is superimposed over the top of you.  What I am saying is my spirit can give me information  what’s here so I know and I can describe it to you in the form of an image , because it is.  it’s information.25:59

 so it is like my spirit saying well there is these four angels in this room and one is in each corner. and actually one over here has a big axe and actually they do because I already invited them to be here.  and I can see that through my eyes of my spirit. Now if I close my eyes then I can also see it with my imagination, but I don’t need to.  So most of what I do when I go into heaven every day and I go there with my soul, my spirit is always there. I have learned to live in that realm and connect to this realm instantly. Which is called quantum entanglement. quantum mechanics explains a lot of the spiritual dynamics that go on. and very interesting when you see things like that and Jesus used quantum, an understanding of quantum phenomena to walk through people and disappear and turned water into wine and change things, they were not magic  he did not have a Harry Potter magic wand  that he waved.  he knew how to control the vibrational frequency of things. so in the vibrational frequency he was able to change his physical structure to go in and out of phase. and quantum tunnelling is the technical term for that .and they once were doing an experiment and they fired photons light particles at a lead screen . now it’s impossible naturally that anything is detected on the other side of the lead screen but they detected photon particles on the other side so what they discovered were photon particles can be in this dimension or in another dimension and if there in another dimension when they hit the screen they don’t hit the screen, they come out on the other side quantum tunnelling that’s how Jesus walked through people when they were trying to throw him over the cliff.  And we can be quantumly entangled with our soul and spirit. so our spirit can be in the realm of heaven where Jesus was, when he was seeing what the father was doing and living in that realm and totally connected to this realm so that heaven can flow to earth through us. now I couldn’t do any of that stuff when I first set off on my journey. not even knowing i was on a journey many years ago. but as I had various encounters and God opened my understanding of my heart then I learned to live that way. so now it is a lifestyle. And now I live in multiple dimensions in the realms of heaven because I got set free from linearity. because we get stuck in linear thinking but you don’t have to have linear thinking because God doesn’t have linear thinking. and he’s all now so when you engage in God you can engage in the now. what was, what is, and what will be, all now and that gives you some really good insight into something, if you learn how to connect with that so essentially Jesus our great high priest said basically come up here and live from this realm where you are seated with authority and bring that realm to here because you now are a gateway of heaven.  and your house of God so God dwells in us that means we have access where he is which is pretty cool and then when you look at certain things Hebrews 1218 for you have not come to a mountain that can be touched. this is talking about the old covenant mountain where Moses went up to meet with God and the people couldn’t touch that. because Moses went as their mediator and the Moses generation still use mediators to go and ask God things because then God uses mediators to tell them what God is saying. that really isn’t what God wants for us. he doesn’t want us to be covered by other people’s coverings. we are free to engage God ourselves without having to go through anybody else because Jesus is the mediator of the new covenant which means heavens open and we don’t need another mediator so anyone who has got a pastor or a prophet or apostle happens to be on the top of the hierarchy of their structure, tough luck. because you have to go through them. And it  is not easy to go through others . so I would encourage you to think about that. so we can’t come and touch that mountain because that was an old covenant, an old way and an old generation. and the Moses generation died in the wilderness having never entered into the fullness of their promise. now I don’t want anyone to die in the wilderness which is why I’m calling people to come out and to cross over into another dimension of their relationship with God.  but it says in Hebrews 1222 but you have come. so this is something that is already available to us you have come to Mount Zion. now heaven and the heavenly realms is based on a system of mountains and mountains are places of authority spheres of government and God’s throne is on a mountain called Mount Zion and we have mountains in the heavenly realms that are places where we are seated in authority in the heavenly realms. but most people never realise that, so they are there and there angels are there looking after the place, waiting for us to come. Doing alot for us actually. a lot of what goes on in the kingdom before we engage heaven is down to that angel, actually using the position of authority that belongs to us to engineer the kingdom around our lives and bring us into deeper things in God. because they are ministering spirits according to Hebrews 1 after those who are heirs of salvation so they want us to have the fullness of our inheritance and that caretaker angel who is on everyone’s throne on their mountain is doing a really good job for most of us. but when we learn to go there ourselves that angel becomes a help to us when were seated there and when I first got enthroned in heaven and I was given a sector and a Crown and given a mantle of authority I was so thrilled, I never even bothered to look  around. what the throne look like what that was behind it and so I was there, what do I do from here. So I sort of worked out  a few things and doing what Jesus did and doing what the father did and calling things that be not as if they are, and making declarations and sending  angels out and I was having good fun practising and having fun learning and then one day when I started to take other people into that realm and opened up a door for them to go there to their mountains, I started looking around and I looked around and this big angel behind my throne. And I thought who are you  and he said  I’m the angel assigned to you, told me his name. I’ve always been here, and I just never bothered to see. What are you doing, well I am here to  give you the reference points of what you need to do. I wish I had know that six months before. Now I have had a lot of da moments in heaven and a lot of moments where God is looked at me with a very knowing look which means ? but we can come to Mount Zion we can go there and to the city of the living God which is another description of how mount zion is seen. and there is a city there and there are halls and rooms and throne rooms and there is the Tabernacle and there’s a temple and there is all the things  that are described in Isaiah 6 and Hebrews and other places .they’re all there and there are many thrones in heaven that God sits on. Revelation 4:5 throne’s, whenever I go there I’m on my face before God, casting my crown before him in awe and wonder of the lightnings and the thunder and the four living creatures and all that amazing things around the throne. when I go to the throne of grace totally different, I’m on his lap seated in his arms in a  place of security where I can rest and let him work on my behalf what I surrender. I can also go to the throne room in Isaiah 6 of the temple which is about bringing the glory of heaven to earth and the seraphim are there and the altars there and the coals of the altar and you can be refined and purified and then you get assignments. just like God says to Isaiah who will go for us and Isaiah says,here am I send me. having  a little bit of fire time that prepared for that. now we can go to all those places they’re all open and available to us. then there is the throne which is by the river of fire which is described in Daniel were a throne is coming out and that’s where were seated next  to him and that’s where Christ is seated next to the father and were seated with him there.  And that’s another place.  and then there’s the mercy seat in the Tabernacle where presence of God is and the four living creatures and four faces of God and you can engage him there. and that is just a few places and there’s loads of other places where we can engage heaven and engage the authority of God and the presence of God and the love of God and then you can go  into the father’s garden and enjoy intimacy and a lot of people want the authority but there not prepared to go through the intimacy, so they try and govern out of their own heart. a lot of people want to soak in intimacy and don’t want authority, we need both because there is a responsibility that comes with sonship to be joint heirs with Christ to answer creation’s grown and see a restoration of all things  come about through us because it says in Romans eight that the whole of creation will be set free into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. so if we don’t know  our glory we don’t know our identity we don’t know our position of authority, then there’s no restoration and God isn’t gonna do it for us. I asked God to do so many things in the past and because he is so gracious and loving and full of mercy he did a lot of it and then one day I was asking and he said no. what do you mean no? you can’t say no to me. I am praying and reality was, what he was saying was, it is time you grew up and mature because you have authority to do all these things that you are asking me to do. and a few times I slipped back into that and he would give me a bit of a reminder, no I’m not doing this for you any more. I’m teaching you how to do this as my son  because  what does a son do, when he comes into the family business? he is taught all about the family business by the father and given a position of authority. and we have the same. so we can come to the heavenly Jerusalem and to the myriads of angels and there are myriad’s of angels thousands upon thousands and tens of thousands and millions and billions and trillions of them out there. because there was an angel assigned to every star that God created. that’s all a lot. and a third of them messed up. but we still got two thirds majority when it comes to the angelic realm so we have a lot on our side and Jesus said to the father could give him 12 legions of angels to be at his disposal and they were because they minister to him in the wilderness and they minister to him in the Garden of Gethsemane, there open. so we can come and engage the angelic realm. in spite of many people saying you can’t talk to angels and you can’t tell angels what to do and it’s like why not. they are ministering spirits. they got paul out of prison they got peter out of prison. read acts, the  whole of acts is full of angelic engagements. They didn’t seem to have a problem with it. because it was just the norm for them. now we have it taught out of us. so no you can’t worship angels. Of course not who would want to worship angels. We don’t worship angels, we  worship Jesus. but angels are assigned to us and they are very very helpful and if we don’t get to engage with them we will miss out on a lot of support and help in what we’re doing and we can assign angels to go out for us we can assign to go out with messages. I have sent angels out  and they have engaged with people and have had testimonies of that engagement and you can do weird things . I was sat on my mountain on a throne one day, doing some things and Jesus turns up and that was the only time he turned up there, other than when he invested me with authority and gave me a crown and everything. While I was siting on the throne  He said I want you to release a blue light. I am at a stage then, when I don’t question things. before I would have wanted to know everything about that blue light. What wavelength it was , where it was gonna go. What it was gonna do. How do you release a blue light from heaven? You say I release a blue light. That is all I said. And I sensed a blue light  come out, I had a stone on the crown , had 12 stones on the crown one of the blue ones just seemed to let out blue light.  And that was it.  two weeks later friend of mine who is an Anglican vicar basically said to me as we were going to have a meeting says, do you know  anything about blue lights? Because I got these dancing blue lights around me  and I have had testimonies after testimony around the world of people who were engaging with blue lights. that blue light was sent out from heaven and when you send something out into the atmosphere it stays, it doesn’t just disappear so people can still engage with that blue light. and people did, and people would then testify because a lot of people who have  supernatural experiences and heavenly experiences there are little bit afraid to talk about it to others because they think people are think they’re a bit weird. you might think I am really weird but I think im really normal personally .but if you were in a traditional church and you tell your pastor that this blue light came into your room at night and was hovering over your bed they be looking at you as if you are taken some LSD or something. but in reality is like that blue light has affirmed to people a call from God and when they heard me say becaue I testified a few times. Hay I sent out a blue light. they were like I’ve been called. God has called me and it was a call to people to come into their sonship come into their governmental positions in heaven and i probably had 30 to 40 testimonies of people who specifically said that blue light. For some it was like a blue orb some it  was like blue rays of light come into their room and all I did was say from heaven I release a blue light. it don’t have to be complicated. I didn’t have to work out a lot I just said it and when you say things from a position of authority in heaven as a son of God, heaven responds. the angelic realm responds. I have  sent out angels with blue scrolls and when you have a mandate to do something in heaven you just have to say it. God call things that be not as if they are, so I said let there be a blue light and there was. so we have the authority to do those things, but  we have to learn. so we can touch and engage with the angelic realm. there is nothing to be fearful of in fact it is the opposite they bring a sense of security and engagement and when I first met the two angels that are assigned to me and are around me. then I began to interact with them. because Jesus introduced them to me originally. so I asked them what they were called and I then began to talk to them and assign them. 43:49

 I assign them to do some very interesting things and sometimes some pretty mundane things like God find me a parking space and  I’m never short of  a parking space because I expect that’s what they do they minister to us and for us and on our behalf. so I I had this engagement and one of my angels is a white winged horse  and when I was ministering to people sometimes this angel would come and he would have on his back  swords and bows and Chests and Gold and all sorts of things to give away to people. When I use to do a lot of ministering, I don’t do that so much now because I want to teach people to get it for themselves rather than do it for them. but one day a guy we run a rehabilitation centre and we run a day centre for disadvantaged people we deal with some times a hundred  people every day and feed and clothe them.  one of the guys who was on our therapeutic community which is a  rehabilitation unit, he came to me on a Sunday, I don’t believe all this stuff.  That is okay , if I can see an angel then I will believe it, okay. Well leave it to me , come back next week  and tell me if anything happened during the week. so okay what  do I do? so I spoke to my angel and said will you go and visit him? so i left it at that. So he comes back next week,and comes up to me, and I said let me tell you what happened, so you will know that this wasn’t just something that happened but this was something directly. so I told him that this white winged horse  had visited him in a dream and he said, how did  you know that. Because  I sent him to answer  your request

45:34 so this is just normal me we have testily every day and every week every Sunday at home of angels be involved in our lives and many times I lost things and angels go find a lot of my khakis one day can find them anywhere I looked everywhere then in a now then I last resort I sent in a find now is the first because I that success in the area and literally (two minutes later I went back to the exact place that I look and there were my keys beginning to think that they actually hide them in the first place jazzers the one you we several times that my wife lost a stone and a confined as it was a nice engaging repugnant lost the stone from it without assets in the angel that and she found it right in the middle of our kitchen worktop there and see angels are there to minister for us and to us and there are there interested in our lives and so we can engage them, semi-testing is of that of how when you do something position government and sonship then things change friend of mine and this was last Christmas they see send a parcel to a relative and by the end of January the past arrived so she checked the post office and a supply-side we can say is lost this was not right my I have the son of God I have favour with God this is right that you when in heaven 22 call and she presented a case before the court and the judge gave a verdict God being on our side and she decreed that verdict the next day the parcel arrived no months late the next day and then her father-in-law heard her to tell that story and it’ll I sent apostle six months ago and it was lost I’ve never had it delivered so he went did the same thing the next day parcel gets so these things are just supernaturally normal when you live in a relationship with God and you got favour and blessing and sonship and is just as interested in the small things of our lives and using the things we tend to think the world God is so big and so great news that there God in us he is with us is around us and were with him so he’s interested even in the small things so we can engage with myriad we can engage with the supernatural we can go into heaven and we don’t have to die together and it says this in verse 23 to the general assembly the church of the firstborn rolled in heaven so there’s almost people who are deaf there I in heaven and we can engage with them to the cloud of witnesses which says in Hebrews 12 around us so we don’t have to be fearful of these things you know you go to your pastor the Baptist Church and telling that you spoke to Jacob will something and it because your necromancer plurality as they can in that is a everyone who dies physically and they are believers in Jesus and up with him in that realm and they become part of the plan witnesses who desire to cheer us on and encourage us to get the job done they’ve invested into us because they want to see the last lap fulfil because we think of a way a relay race 400 meter relay race you when the first guy runs the race passes the go home he stops and watches the next one in the next one told the race finished in at all during the long and so the men my in that plan witnesses are involved another version of that is the spirit of the righteous late because that’s who they are there those who are made righteous in Christ and therefore have access into that realm and of course we can engage with God who is the judge of all so we can engage him in the courts of heaven as our judge is fantastic to engage the core of heaven because the court is always read in our favour we have the judges on our site we have Jesus is our anchor we have the plan witnesses who are witnesses for us we have the user comes what you Bible says that the devil is the accuser of the Rev A9 or are familiar spirits can accuse us but we have to refrain that now the great thing when you go if you don’t have to argue your own case and say that your innocent because actually we are otherwise they wouldn’t be accusing us the accuser’s on the basis of legal rights so we done something wrong and we’ve not confessed it then they can come and use us and divesting do say guilty as the father the judge says not guilty just great and you heard it says you have authority against this thing to stop it afflicting you were affecting you will doing anything negative in your life so the whole system of the heavenly court is ours to use to deal with accusations also to make cases to get things the promises of God released is any promise of God belongs to ask God presented the courts a you promised and on the basis of those promises we can get a verdict on our favour, have so it’s great to be able to engage with Jesus because he is now the mediator of the new covenant the old covenant you couldn’t touch and engage God in the new covenant heaven is open that door to the father the relationship with Jesus makes the availability for us to engage got open because Jesus align the door Jesus also said I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father but through me so Jesus is the only way please made that way veils everybody it’s not close is open we just have to come through the right door I did say that people try and get in another door and their classes robbers and thieves and they try new things and another way because the devil is described as a liar and a thief and a robber and a destroyer because the devil wants to destroy us and Jesus was give us eternal life and he wants to give us an abundant overflowing life of joy and peace and love and acceptance and affirmation and encouragement and all the things that he wants to give us we all try and do ourselves through the DIY method DIY religion DIY everything self-esteem self-worth everything cell cell cell cell and get worn out and weary doing things ourselves and work anyway because most. We do ends up the damage when we engage with Jesus she will do that for us and just like when Jesus was on earth heaven open then the father speaks in heaven and says you are my beloved son and we please you need anything at that point as it to do what he does is to do with the fact that is love and the father lost his son guess what were always children whether we know it or not God loves us God is including us in him whether we know it or not we can get to know when we get to know it it opens up this realm of intimacy and personal encounter and experience with God so that we can enjoy being sons of God and we go after anything we don’t have to do anything to deserve it we receive it is a free gift is is a really good deal they give up all the DIY stuff try do it yourself and you receive it free know when you receive it free and opens up a beautiful relationship where we can find our true identity because when we look at things like sin and sin which anything all about things people do but actually single redeeming and most translations of the English Bible in the valuable work busting there translate that the is a sensible sense that is the sin and the seniors are loss of identity it’s a negation of the image that we were created as sons and we got we are and now we try and get it all back by doing all the things for ourselves because we were offered the DIY method humanism do it yourself and no one is diet themselves and got anything good because ultimately it just leads to negativity words when we receive the tree of life and follow that path it comes as a wonderful free gift so we can engage these things we can come to Jesus we can come to heaven we can have us fullness of experience as sons of God so in a sense the mandate when I go to places to engage twin heaven and earth and open portals open up heaven and I like to do that and one of the things that God does when I go is to open up two-way engagement sometimes that means heaven and Jesus engage with us and also means we can go there engage with him so therefore angels the come with me in their orders of angels are not individual ones there are individuals you can find an entity gate of them but they’re all order to this for orders in their there engaging in this generation to help the Joshua generation coming to their sonship and this forum and their transformation the angel called transformation the helps to change and transform our lives and bring us into wholeness and peace and joy and love and that angel stands over you and the angel tonight has a really be acts when the angel comes with an axe it’s to separate us from the change that keep us restricted in any way in our lives and all you to do is by faith engage that angel and let it chop off that chain the other angels on the other side is called the winds of change and if you need a new season in your life and you need things to be accelerated and increased the winds of change will engage with that over on my right that sound of many waters which is the voice of the law that vibrational frequency of his voice which will bring us into agreement I’m so you Wanna know what your destiny is in you Wanna know who you are what your identity is in engage that angel and then the other one in the right left us aside use it never that refiner’s fire and good get hot time but that refiner’s fire is to purify and refine makers whole and bring healing and restoration to us see in religious Christian circles and in other religious circles the fire of God or the fire is seen as a negative thing like destruction hell is like that God is a consuming fire the wrath of God is never poured out on people it’s only pulldown those things are hindering people coming into the fullness of sonship but we have this picture of God that religion is painted that it is angry God and his this angry God is waiting for us to get wrong so we can pounce on us and give us a big be in with a stick that is and what God is like God is love everything God does is an expression of love so the fire of God is do a demonstration of his loving purifying us and getting rid of all the revelation our lives as a hindrance to us knowing who we are so we can embrace that angel without fear of being destroyed because there is no distraction with God there’s life so that embrace that and often when these four angel can sometimes all living creatures to because they love looking at our engagements so you may find you engage Lionel the oxo people so I spent a couple of minutes just doing our encourage you so you do that will close your eyes and just relax and begin to picture one of those angels can see it with your eyes then engage by faith as if you believe it’s here that you only have to engage in cell engage that I want something chopped off my life which is a hindrance want something consumed in my life which is holding me back on why hear the voice of God affirming and calling me into my destiny or on a new season of change and transformation in my life so let’s just couple of minutes just disengage that but this does come into that place of peace and rest and as these angels are here in this realm coming from heaven to be here and if you connect with them then they can go with you if you Wanna live a life is part the Joshua generation come into your full inheritance they can be very helpful in our lives gather corporately particularly so let’s encourage you just by faith just reach out with your spirit and engage in one of those angels anyone you feel particular tool drawn to you can engage with may find that easier may not find easy we practice you and your you have angels assigned to you you know not and I would encourage you to get do that most of the time they stand behind us because they never want to detract us looking into space and single for ourselves so there was usually behind us but by faith just. And say what you name they do have names and they have a particular foreign is if you can engage in can see in that way find out what they look like different things and a very helpful in our lives good ozone okay your gonna very nice blue top honours also are likely who is my favourite, but when we and when we first begin to engage with the angelic realm in may feel awkward it may seem strange but it becomes easier and you’ll find when you engage in the courts heaven one of the courts of the courts of angels and their angels were there waiting to come on the assignments with you and when you given mandates by God given things to do but God angels love to be involved us sometimes when we speak with the voice of God then they respond anyway because they recognise the authority of God’s voice and they spring into action because when we step into the name of God into the fourth place on line the obstacle and we are standing in his name in the name of Jesus just become Mr Carolina people put on the end of their prayers when actually means being in his name and carrying the power of attorney of having that authority to speak on his that so what we were engaging that I saw the line and Eagles right here and I to little more about all was a call for establishing heaven on earth because it’s great when we go to heaven but heaven needs to be manifested on earth and God is wanting to establish in places around New Zealand places around the world and this is a heaven beachheads of heaven on the earth it’s easier of God’s people coming together around heavenly blueprint who will establish heaven on earth and will take the ground and begin to expand it because there is no end to the increase of his government and peace which is what it says in Isaiah chapter 9 that means that peace shall on literally means nothing missing and nothing broker so think of all that is missing all is broken in your life and start decreeing and declaring and expanding a piece because God wants to bring the restoration and everything and there’s a lot that is missing and broken around the world and as his children we have been given authority to begin to call the restoration of all things everything is been robbed from us everything that has been stolen everything the broken or missing every broken relationship Sally broken things in our lives so much hurt so much pain so much lack of identity not knowing who we are struggling for that looking for that other people and getting her as a lead is down they disappoint us all those things God wants to bring healing wholeness wants to bring health to our lives spirit soul body the whole thing that is what the restoration of all things we and it goes way beyond that into the soul of the created order being restored back to original condition not just what was before and messed it up what would have been of the animist jewellery way way that has God wants to restore us

their nights nine stages of ascension that we will come into in sonship still engage those things today by coming into a deeper relationship with God so there’s so much you know you can do any and engage there’s a friend of mine come over, and he has written books that hearing the voice of God is a great guy he said this evangelicalism which is a form of Christianity which is majored on the Bible has a 500 year old history of making Christianity may be a rational and theological understanding about God and that I anyone wants it’s like who wants to have a theory about God when you can meet God face-to-face rather than an actual ongoing personal experiential encounter with that is what the Christian life is supposed to be not I like using the word Christian as it carries with it such a negative connotation as it carries with it all the doom and gloom an angry God, I’m up some of God am a believer in Jesus is like Christianity is been hijacked by religion because it was never ever intended to be a religion but a relationship a description us being like him in relationship as his children as sons of God so I really don’t like that evangelical view of things any more a living encounter with the living God theology pain any day now I was stone know about in a book even the Bible is a Bible storybook is a book that introduces us into relationship with God still about God cannot be contained within above how could he possibly is infinite even the things Jesus did if there are be written down it says now why would we follow to contain books them so the Bible is a wonderful introduction into relationship with God but I don’t relate to God’s will but only to face-to-face every day and I do go if I allows many years ago when I was chasing my wife was the and I was at university Cyrano there is. Thousand things she would like and had to me it will be really strangers every day in the morning I got a letter and I started speaking to my wife this letter what you think to speaking to me a 30-year-old letter whatever when you here were God is saying the same thing why try speak to me through a book well actually I’m here I’m real and actually in you and you can engage me neither the Bible is a Bible in a in its original language is great in English is not so good a lot of the time because it’s mistranslated quite a lot but it carries with it an introduction into relationship with Jesus and when we have a relationship with Jesus and then the father Holy Spirit I want that living real relationship every day I don’t want theology or doctrine on a living relationship with a real person father-son and spirit note so although I’m I carried were the bodies available regarding teaching and things you I don’t need God to speak 33 verse in the Bible I have a conversation with every day any time any time any place because is always with me I was with him so mistaken Mr Kohl is a term used for these type of experiences and some people have a problem with that because they think will always all new AGL we are all so style stay away from that’s that you well then every look to what the word means and right throughout Christian history there have been people who had first-hand encounters with God which is what Mr is so one definition Webster’s dictionary defines it as the belief that direct knowledge of God spiritual truth and ultimate reality can be obtained through subjective experience such as intuition inside well that must describe all of us because that’s the only way we do engage with God and as he turns up in front you as you see with your naturalised then I would duck that me again just God spoke to him when he was going through this whole process of engaging with God rather than engaging with God justly Bible he said this you can trust my voice in your heart more the contrast the reason theology of your mind and I think that’s a a positive statement because it’s talking about relationship so mystic is someone who is it direct experience of God will hope you all this can do that and many mystics of thinking intelligent have a good grasp of the concept of infinity and transcendence I knew myself categories come from a very scientific background neither biochemist your I had been brought up to test things and I know this is true because this is a real experience in relationship is not a figment of my imagination yes mothers are seeing any fear cannot come God is perfect love who God is cast out fear and the senior that is they can be deceived so in reality they believe that the devil has more power to deceive them thing God does to speak to them well if that’s what they believe then probably that’s what the has faith is a very powerful thing but that isn’t the truth God has more power than the devil there not equal the union God is almighty all powerful and the creator of all things including the devil and all the fallen angels there is only quality about any fact Jesus said that there under our feet as well the problem is we don’t go high enough in the rounds are heaven for them to be under of the sower always fighting them hand-to-hand here waste of time be over them and put them in the right place under your authority so you will note sometimes you can cast out Demons and people and things like that happens but when we talk people to live in a place of sonship and authority Demons just can stay they go you know when people don’t know their authority then they can easily be full which is why we need to know God when I was talking to God about all these things I said to him well if I no longer legally bound by all these doctrines and theologies and the word of God is not to be trusted as the infinite Nigel everything is not everything is in the Bible you know if there if I only use the things in the Bible I will be teaching you the laptop and we will never projector we will never electric lights and we would mean in this room so everything is in the Bible and we have no problem with all those things like that because aeroplanes everything else as soon as it comes to some supernatural thing that more Western where is it says the Bible well actually most of the time you can find it but you just not taught that that’s real or truthful is in their most of the time but there are some things in our how could you possibly contain God within eight what 1200 pages are so those ridiculous but people get trapped into that belief with this evangelical thing it it’s not in the word brother you mustn’t believe it and that just as a limitation of the truth so how is talking to God about this possible okay what online can I used that way and judge whether things are good or bad right or wrong you will not he said simply love I am love therefore everything that is of love is of me including the fact that we love our children of love after that is an expression of him we may not know it but that’s what inspires love there is no love in the world without God’s love and God who is love so when we look at everything with love that is an expression of God so someone tells me to hate somebody I know that is got if someone tells me not to forgive somebody that is God because that is love so long as the plumber love is that thing we used to measure whether everything is God will not and you read one Corinthians 13 about love that is not selfish love is not possible yet love is kind there is generous is like is really obvious that that’s what we measure God with an everything that is of love is of God including people who don’t yet know God still expressing who God is because were all made in God’s image just lost sight of it and God wants Russell outside of it so we really can have the relationship and then our love gets turbocharge as we actually get loved so we can love freely we’ve received Jesus said freely give so we’ve not received an awful lot we modelled the lot to give that’s why we get weary and heavy laden with the DIY life rather than the life which comes got when I was first being drawn towards a deeper relationship with God not actually got and any might estimate or a and I never came to finish anything group the people because I just want to you draw out what you dear of the body change that here so just draw out and I end up going down some rabbit trail going somewhere because your spirit wants to hear it but psalm 42,000 says this because to deep at the sound of your thoughts and I love waterfalls up in the essence from big waterfalls I felt the power of stand I when you get close to Victoria Falls we get close to Niagara Falls all aggressive falls it’s like your whole being vibrates and in the sound of a waterfall is the highest sounds and the lowest sounds and God is calling out from heaven and is calling to ask and is calling us deeper and deeper into relationship if that Revelation 115 says his voice is like the sound of many waters why that’s why the angel is called the sound of many waters because it’s a representation of his voice now the whole of creation is held together by the frequency of his voice longer go into the scientific principle behind that but I could and the reality is that the truth now God is calling us all deeper he wants us all to come deeper into relationship with him the more we know him the more we know ourselves you cannot know yourself a part of God and that’s why would a relationship with God people are just driving to find who they really are and most the time are looking for affirmation so that other people and because people that stand again are God never lets us down never hurts us may feel like that sometimes we put the pressure on been a bit stubborn and anything anyone here be like calls biology (say that so God is released us out of heaven and that sound has been wooing calling people drawing people to come to the point where they crossover into a new dimension of relationship and enter into the heavens and live in the fullness of sonship and the spirit that spiritual inheritance in God night been on a journey or my I know was a journey but God has been drawing God is been wooing God’s because me and I come from the Methodism brethren that now if I was God I would have chosen the to do this job because God chooses the listings to confound the wise I look at my background and look at a I never even heard of the Holy Spirit in the Methodist Church in and sending on the Brethren church you will quite anti-anything of the supernatural and I was in those places and God called me and as a child I have a strong fear of public speaking or even reading out loud so to call somebody who has that can they can all a sense of God chooses those things that prove its him and not the person so i.e. eventually when I was about 1670 people kept asking me to speak up again Chris was about 12 suffer for years Isordil usual teenage thing 1.1 One in the other and now struggling to the book of the normal Christian life which was the slight I don’t have to struggle to live so eventually ice heard myself saying yes when someone asked me to speak of horrified but when I when I outwork that insane after that actually wrote the fear over my life and the fear was rooted into a story of what happened in my childhood created a trauma that hindered me speaking I and God had chosen me and my destiny to do that so the devil uses all sorts of things in our lives to rob us of our destiny and if I had overcome that and it was my spirit because me say yes my soul was screaming now but my spirit overrule for that instant it says the flesh wrestled against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh until we are to surrender and yields give up and stop fighting and then you become so spirit function together which is for me a whole journey the story but where I was brought up in a small town in the very bottom of England in Cornwall there was not even any baptism of water is I was christened as a child in the Methodist Church when I was about 16 I read in the Bible about being baptised as a believer so I went to the Minister said I wanted baptised so we don’t do that you sprinkle your christened so said was not good enough so the okay blog and go somewhere else I went well I was the Brethren church but what baptised me on we can do that okay right not be put off so when Stan subject 12 years 12 miles of road and they baptised me and within three years with the baptistery after because I I’m a forerunner I celebrate things open for other people become and then either blessing to baptise my mother baptised the older people because I wonder give up be put off by someone thing when the Bible suggests so you can imagine if there is no baptism water baptism of the spirit was way out so I read a book when I was about in my 20s and called 9 o’clock in the morning and it was a book by a couple from America and in that it was in the 50s and 60s and they have that will let them act is in the spirit and they were talking about all this weird stuff like speaking in tongues prophesy. Surrendered thing wow and then I looking my Bible and is in their any times I read about that stuff and didn’t see it but now I saw it so I was into the people in the Brethren church and I said what is baptism in the spirit speaking terms and again this little booklet tons is of the devil cycle when using that way the Bible so a pursuit of get baptised in the spirit I found a few good books the convinced me that actually it was very very true and should be for me but in only one baptised in the spirit so I did everything the book said and English anywhere and black people can see was doing because I say same in our backwards in terms of a sales was aware I went for everyone of the nothing one day when I knew I’d not seen for 20 years and since school in the are in the air force it came back home was married and he did that eyes the spirit how was like his is easy was not easy for me after this the three years and in the anaesthetic God right as it not asking again so you need to do this or I mean that I was I was really annoyed and it was because I was in the Brethren church at I was teaching all the euthanised youth ministry will the children’s ministry teaching about the that spirit as this from their baptised in the spirit starts speaking can’t before I did I John know was testing my patience of towers in the small group we are worshipping together with my with my friend he sneaked up behind any police academy and literally it was like that we love Paula heaven into and I was just absolutely overwhelmed with the love of God and because at that point I was pretty much logical and analytical be a scientist and he taught that when you I was so a package of things rather dealing with this package the way mentally and without ever leaving them emotionally not thing to do I thought it was a great package that will on now was all over the swell we can do doing have special the okay you so basically I got baptised in the Holy Spirit it totally changed my whole life but I had to fight. And some of that is you’re looking my Christian life look at my parents my mum was a Christian really wasn’t really going to mount on it that wasn’t generational line not that your supplier destiny everyone of us is got destiny God is calling us your with a destiny to fulfil a longer give up on it something in the wouldn’t let it go and no matter what the obstacles are opposition I was gonna go for it and also just before I dance they don’t care whether anyone’s been there before all whether anyone approves or disapproves they see something they can quite tenacious when it comes the things of God but had to be succumbing from a biochemistry background logical analytical left brained noncreative and so I would describe myself my did quite often very Bible-based but I was hungry for a biblical reality that’s why do at that point time I read the Bible I saw things in I didn’t see my normal life and online why not why not see healing Jesus did miracles while singing so okay and I listen to a song by bank Irish bank you to I still found looking for select singing with tons of angels in the mountains and it us to family looking for a my soul spirit resonate I knew that to be more there had to be more Wanna read the Bible I could see there was more and yet it wasn’t normal in my circles there was none of it until I decided on get some and I just continue to see God and engage God so my journey is taking the whole ahead knowledge to having heart experience I now know that I know that I now in my life I is a theory some knowing about God and reading about in above to actually knowing him and face-to-face mean him having a personal intimate relationship with him which was real and his real and can be real for any of us so I went doing things for God you do a good steward of what God was calling me to do to do things with it tell you it’s a lot better doing things with God and doing things for him and try things by doing it and using all the doings of our life to give us identity because when you can do anything you lost and God doesn’t want us to do things he wants us to be and when we know we are in our identity as God’s children then everything just flows another we don’t have to try and prove the or it or deserve it guy go through the religious rituals and everything else because it comes free in relationship so I went of slavery to sonship you I was a slave I didn’t know I was I had no idea identity as a son and I thought like a slave so I kept going to godlike a sleigh and pleading with God asking God please God will you give me this when you do this and I felt like that was only thing I knew but as I discovered a relationship with God I know sonship is a completely different ballgame you I have to plead with God everything I know you will give me everything I need is my dad and his a good dad is not earthly daddy was about rubbish that caused me 30 odd years of struggle with relationship with the father God because my dad was a not there emotionally eventually not there at all never communicate with me never told me love me never did anything with the I struggled with father when I became a Christian I talk to Jesus because I knew he died for me I talk to the Lord as he why guess there’s a whole different God as being the Lord the father away never really saw in the Bible visible to me because father no way God took me on a journey from being a orphan to being adopted into a family and knowing God is my dad and I really struggled with that and 1000 small group and first I ever saw an angel and I glimpse this in the ceiling looking at in worship and these arms come Ramey might and hug me physically is a physical touch I wouldn’t care my well-to-do room of embrace by the love of God that that began to challenge my emotions and what I felt like when I thought about father and I was the first step and then and children my first Elvis was very forward you walk and talk and you was one and use 18 months and you told but to me looked at the mindset you thrones literally emotionally I just rose night told right after all the time but in this thing it was like God was saying you have a problem it’s like you deal with it I sculpt and friends I have suppressed proudly and I asked them to help me with this issue about father so they said what you to forgive and to give you that so what for because I I just did can see what it was as I was emotionally all packaged up so they try to me and Labour and I saw this picture and in this picture is me as a little boy to a three years old and sat on my dad’s me and restore with motile shorts I can your members it was a real picture we have in our the but as I saw this picture God’s love dropped into my spirit that was eight homes it was a sham it never happen in real life and all the sun my emotions just broke angry like my whole relationship with the father was been at home share live shows to forgive up to that point it was like again visitors writing to do now I gave him because I felt will be done and I chose to do it from the reality of the emotions and and that broke something and all of a sudden I went to see my dad strange family and I might not is taught us long talk to his big told them I love you like telling against everything you ever done is to demand the post to do his dad about in him when he was six years old he had no role model so in one sense I blame him understood in a sense he wrecked my life in my dominant to be did blood gave him and I restore relationship with him as much as was possible his side before my side I was totally open and then one day that two years later I’m leading a group in a in where we are now in Devon and and teaching mid we in preparation the Steiner church planting a church and there. Worshipping an outside of those occasions when you see yourself and thing is that me on the floor absolutely ways cry because although I felt angry before I never cried and now about 45 minutes I just try to the was no tears left I fried I screamed I wailed everything at pains in the relationship but I didn’t have what release that working people watching the signal to do interfere the so I basically 45 minutes later I’m absolutely just try now I get feeling as light as a wonderful the looking at these site was going on so okay God is doing some stuff that you do that within another year or so I was in a worship setting sex obviously play this wonderful note and it just like sword and my spirit was licensed close and literally I spirit when up on that note I ended up in heaven first, never been in heaven and I was on the father’s knee and he bounced me around and it was not homes we had an hour of wonderful restoration of what the father should be playing with a son so God totally restored it and I was an amazing thing and when I first went into heaven and I when in Devon in 2010 in a whole series of encounters on a fast I encountered Jesus encounter the Holy Spirit at amazing times with them all sorts of things happen and Jesus comes up one day he looks at me says you have a father with us and not must argue I forgive my dad that is love so look down as if you start masses garden the heart so is a G1 to be psalm you please the father then comes the father is not an old Father Christmas guy with a white beard a we get these pictures in some schoolbooks of what the father’s light is not is a vibrant loving dad he constantly and he looks me in the eye a says I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I over and over again every time he said it did of this father the got was totally free to go deeper and deeper into intimacy with the father that all that did was bring from minus a hundred on the father scale to 0 never been fathered in my life then the father started to father me so couldn’t be a son unless he brought that fatherhood into my life so he took me on amazing trips together we went all walk together is shared things with me he showed things the very first time I knew that I do garden in my own heart I was engage with him and I was in this law place and it was this little swing on tree branch of the tree sit in the swing me and I can see this patch of grass and this is no bench that we would sit on the bench working on the swing what they said will you know where this is unthinkable isn’t this is still secret place we got inherently made for us so that this is in the garden of your heart I thought I know God in my heart issued do narrow as I while no wonder it’s the small another do but then I then discovered that the garden that God gave Adam and Eve were they were told to tend and cultivate the garden the back garden after they messed up became an internal that within our soul and is a film our local the shack and it describes an error the soul with his deep pain and you sometimes if we haven’t had a healing in our heart it can be these wounded areas in our hearts like and God can lead us in the shack and heal us well for me I’ve had a lot of healing and stuff side in our shack without the garden but it was a pretty small garden then I discovered like this garden and it was my Garden so I could created and I planted all sorts of things in their and then I would take seeds a testimony and I would plan, the river of life flows into that garden but the river of life is just a trickle because I never actually opened the gate to that the river of life loading at that point in time to know the 47 says that under the threshold of the door there is a trickle of the river of life and that trickle brings all the fruit of the spirit into our lives and the gifts of the spirit and amazing things but warned you open that gate which is called a first Love gate and you see a flow of the right will eventually I have a flood going through my garden and its like the Amazon River flowing through me and I going in there sometimes in line then sometimes I follow back and go back into heaven and engage it there so at this point in time I discovered I could take some water from this little trickle was low in the industry with of ministry so take some water my plants the seed of a testimony yours or encounter I had high-speed to it and it produces a tree full of through so go back to that fruit I can it I go back into the experience and it gets deeper and deeper and I can give that rule away to other people and they shall eat it in that can inspire their experience so this whole relationship with farmers just the blossom until he was able to take back into his heart in eternity outside time and space which is the most amazing place to be it’s where you were created as a desire in his heart and way start to think about you were all those wonderful thoughts about you are there and then one day someone show you my mind because I love being in his heart can go there cognitive me with my mind as I couldn’t cope with the nonlinearity of so I got that sorted that another story but this was an amazing counter and there and the father shows me that his mind and I thought get all these lights’s like the neurons of God firing will either talk I going now in the the conversation between father-son and spirit has gone on forever and is always going on it’s all that I here my name I hear echoes of the revelation of who I am and then God says the show you how I engage with people of great get this glimpse which completely blows my mind and I get this glimpse and God says love life you if you’ve ever seen the film Bruce Almighty and this film Bruce mighty Bruce Almighty given to job God job for a day and is likely love all the bits worry does the soliciting up girls dresses and stuff I bounded supernatural start and then use all the voices of all the prayers and all things were voice of the poison I do with my things and I had a wild basically God is connected everyone is ever lived never will live currently has 108 billion people but the God that everyone who will in that’s growing by two or 300,000 every day so there’s a lot and God is connected every single one of those thoughts every second or microsecond and every time we make a thought and a decision and every stupid one we may God’s desire is to bring good he wants to bring good out of the wrong and good decisions we may he doesn’t want to punish us or make us feel ashamed or to cause us to see those thoughts and realise that the RS my life that he wants to redeem everyone like were God loves us that much that he wants good and everything in our lives and we are always try do DIY stuff gets in trouble and is always try get out of this trouble by bringing something it and even the back things he wants to redeem them so good is Romans eight all things work together to get those love God actually and those adult of God either the God is us is not based on whether we love him, whether he loves us he loves us it says in Romans that he loved us when we were enemies as a when we didn’t that care for him at Oyster loved us and he died for us in that state brings into relationship with so I was there are my I come at this encounter and I see the world you I look at people I’m annoyed because they make stupid decisions time I satellite the whole you will people change I could not make judgements anybody as I could see how God everybody at change my whole view of the world because I now saw the world through the eyes of love held transformation of my soul being because now I can see what the father saw when he looks people because when he loves each of us he sees a child he sees a relationship that he wants to have with us and he is saddened when we go enter into that relationship is not angry he just longs for each of us to know him as Father the only way we can do that is to accept what Jesus did because Jesus died are death the Bible says the wages of sin no the wages of not knowing your identity is you die but the gift that God wants to give us is life in abundance that God’s desire for us that we would come into that relationship and have a restore identity and know we are as his children so he does everything he can to help us so Jesus is here right now here to engage with you if you don’t know him if you’ve never made that personal decision Wanna know God then all you have to do is turn him both right basically open up that door that is there say that the coming come into my life our meet you to simple as that he enters in we get a relationship with him then we can begin to learn we are in relationship him because we need to have a relationship father if we can be sons of God God is why to raise up generation who enter into the fullness of their inheritance on earth in heaven in their own spirit soul and body so that we can completely demonstrate to the world what God is really like not this angry God waiting to punish them and waiting to bring misery on them and eternal torment and damnation that isn’t God that’s the religious image that has been created by the PR men of the devil has he done really good job in painting God you wrong way because that is what God is like God loves us he loves a summerhouse who was willing to die for us when we did love and still loves us enough to care about everything that happens to us in our life and although we may not know is with us and he just wants us to discover that engage so yet well okay one when we decree victory the angel be responsible that engage but we need to know the authority that we have a sons and the specific mandates and authorisation we have to do that I cannot decree victory in Idaho Iceland because I got no authority nice and I can decree victory in my life I can decree victory in my family because they are spheres of government I have I can read victory in our church is atmosphere of authority within the church so I need to know my identity as a son but I need to know the position of authority that I carry and what authority I have inserted spheres I don’t have authority in your life but you do so you have authority in your circumstances in your circle of stances where you stand and all the stuff that goes round you the storms of life that come with Jesus and the storms of life come to Wembley the wise man builds his house on the rocks when the storms come that and collapse so I can live in the eye of the storm because I live in a place of rest is when God when I open my first Love gate and I invite God into my life every day in the river of living water flows in just comes and embraces me why do that I am in a place of rest and peace and trust because God loves me and I know God is only not good things for me so I trust that dental a place of peace and rest and the storms go around I live completely oblivious to their effect and if something I need to stop because Jesus still the storm sometimes I can say peace be still and stop stuck around and you your okay will year people are taught you can talk to the What is talk to angels did Jesus talk to angels did Jesus have angels ministered to yes so we are called to do everything Jesus did so we can do that now there offended in the slightest if we asked them to do something or we put on assignment that’s what their therefore there are ministering spirits on behalf of those who are heirs of salvation sitting Hebrews chapter 1 so were supposed to interact with the same way God us now comes down worship us but they do have an assignment some of them are directly assigned as our guardian angel some of them are assigned to our mandates in the things were called to do our destiny so that they help us know the thing to do in all this you must do on the other side of the veil because if you are trying have victory here and the enemies over you in the atmosphere then you’re under and it’s really hard to our victory when you’re not about the enemy so that’s why we need to know our position in heaven where were seated with Christ on a throne in heavenly places you Ephesians 2 verse six that’s where were seated then we come from the heavenly perspective when I look at when I’m in a in a mess here it looks like I’m in a whole and everything is black and that can be terribly disorientating when I look from heaven looks a little lax back so I look at the problem it’s huge when I looked in heaven is small because I can see from heaven the authority and power to bring changes into any situation in my life to align my life with God’s kingdom in God’s will for me now created is talk to you don’t worship angels you don’t pray to angels you talk to angels you assign angels and sometimes you listen to them because God sends angels as messengers and we shouldn’t be afraid of the angelic messenger because God said angels would I will messengers that’s what Mary met Gabriel came as a messenger to say I want to overshadow you so that you can bear the Messiah so she can is like can people angels are not listening to you well we would be pickle but actually ultimately she did listen to the angel she said so it be according to your word and then she was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit and Jesus was planted within our to then be born as the son of God so that angels involved in so much we missed because religious things they don’t talk to you and atmosphere and therefore were afraid we only to be afraid yet you definitely you can

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