Joshua generation 6

Becoming the Joshua Generation.

Psa 42:7 Deep calls to deep at the sound of Your waterfalls;

Rev 1:15 His voice was like the sound of many waters.

The deep things of God are calling to the deep within us. God has released a sound from heaven like a waterfall. I have been draw on a journey by that sound.

Becoming the Joshua Generation. Journey of increasing intimacy. Journey of increasing experiential encounters. Journey from the left to the right side. Journey from earth to heaven. Journey many stepping stones.

Becoming the Joshua Generation. Journey from head knowledge to heart experience. Journey from knowing about God to knowing Him face to face. Journey from doing things for God to doing things with Him. Journey from slavery to sonship. 

Becoming the Joshua Generation. Journey from the wilderness to the inheritance of the promised land. Journey from being a good steward to a friend to a trusted son. Journey from asking God to come from heaven to going to heaven and being a gateway for heaven to flow down. 

Becoming the Joshua Generation. Journey from seeing His works to knowing His ways. Zech 3 1-7 Journey walking in His ways to standing in His presence. Journey from experiencing His presence to standing in His glory. Journey from vision to visitation to dual realm habitation. 

Becoming the Joshua Generation. Journey from reading a book about a person to engaging the person face to face. Journey from reading about God in His word to living with Him. Journey of letting go of the old which was good to embrace the new and experiencing more than I could imagine. Journey from learning to see in the spirit to living in the spirit.

Becoming the Joshua Generation. Journey from visiting the house of God to being a house of God. Journey from my eyes not seeing to having new revelation, deeper intimacy and personal experience. Now my eyes have seen my ears have heard and my heart is like a garden of delights where I daily fellowship face to face with God.

Becoming the Joshua Generation. Hearing God’s voice, visions etc. Seeing in the spirit. Spirit travel, heavenly encounters. May seem easy as I describe them but… Long journey of discovery. Forerunner to open the door for others. I have had to persevere & overcome my disadvantages to be in the place of rest.

Becoming the Joshua Generation. Methodist & Brethren background. Strong fear of public speaking or even reading out loud. No baptism in water. No baptism in Spirit. No real Christian heritage. Destiny from God calling me. 

Always believed in God went to Sunday School. Aged 12 September 1970 personal commitment didn’t feel anything. Fire insurance – I believed, no doubts. Inquisitive interest in the bible. No experience or real emotions. 

Baptism in Spirit – Revival pursuit. Privileged to be involved in 6 distinct outpourings of the Holy Spirit. 1993 Cornwall. 1994 Devon – Toronto. 1995 Brazil – gold fillings teeth. 1996 Brownsville Pensacola Florida. 2008 Devon – Lakeland. 2011 Devon Kingdom Explosion.

18 years biochemistry background. Logical analytical. Left brained noncreative. Word based. Hunger & desire for biblical reality. I still hadn’t found what I was looking for.

My journey to living in the spirit. 1990 egg sandwich vision – power. 1993-5 visionary experiences & encounters. Involuntary experiences in the anointing. Visions of climbing a mountain. No grid of reference for what I saw. 

2002 Bible as a Filing cabinet. Highlights but not personal foundational revelation. Joshua 1:8 – Meditate in the word. Word became living, alive and a personal experience to engage and discern the thoughts of God in my mind. Personal conversational relationship with God.

2005 a conference – visual meditation. Opening the eyes of my heart. Seeing with my imagination. Entering into the word by experience. Participating in the word that became living and active at a new level. 

2008 ROC conference– God has seen your heart – Healing anointing, break addictions increase in signs & wonders. Increase the prophetic revelation of pictures and visions. September 2008 first heavenly encounter.

River of fire with a throne above it. 9 steps – fire stones I saw at sub-atomic level. Risers were swirling with grace & faith. Stepped on it I became one – love, joy, peace etc. I saw the throne & the feet of God. I saw thrones going off into the distance. Looking for my throne, saw only a few occupied. Found my name & sat down next to God.

Saw an oval screen vision of our dimension. High-definition 3D multicolored. Reverse image in dull grey. I saw a portal open & God’s glory poured out. I was taken down to see 3 demonic creatures. I saw that they blocked off the flow of glory and the portal closed. I had an experience, but I could not repeat it. Continue to meditate – became hungry more.

May 2010 prophesy Mike Bryant. I have seen your heart. A change is coming and you cannot stop it, so be strong in My Spirit and the things I have shown you. Prepare for the future and know that the harvest you long for is near. Ascend to where I am, where you are seated. A door will open for you. Prepare for the future ask of Me and I will show you. Envelope – read every day for 7 weeks.

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