Joshua generation 7

Becoming the Joshua Generation. May 2010 prophesy Mike Bryant. I have seen your heart. A change is coming and you cannot stop it, so be strong in My Spirit and the things I have shown you. Prepare for the future and know that the harvest you long for is near. Ascend to where I am, where you are seated. A door will open for you. Prepare for the future ask of Me and I will show you.

July 2010 conference heart changed. August 2010 40 day fast – 21 nights burning fire. Day 19 trance – Ian Clayton. 87 heavenly encounters & visions. Mostly first-person face to face encounters. Visitations to heaven.

Quantum physics lesson. I saw how the spiritual & physical dimensions interact & are connected through a quantum realm. Zero-point energy, Light creative & created. I experienced the greater speed of light – timeline. God revealed string theory – grace as the vibrating power of the voice of creation that remains in everything – Eph 4:6 over all, through all & in all. Different dimensions – heavens, earth & under the earth. God revealed the importance of frequency, resonance, harmony.

I saw creation spoken into existence. I visited another solar system. I saw the first creation before Satan’s fall. I saw when there was no absence of light. I had revelation of the loss of frequency bandwidth at fall, flood, Babel = loss abilities. I experienced the harmony of the senses of heaven. Everything has color, frequency, sound, fragrance, emotions.

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