Joshua generation 13

Engaging the heartbeat of heaven

Father has begun this new move with a loud shout! There is going to be a major shift in the Body of Christ as The Remnant Rises… The Remnant is rising, being birthed, in the throes of labor, when she arises, she will be set apart from Church & Christology and will be set up on The Mountain as a Glorious Fire to burn and consume creation. 

She will be hated and despised by Church People and Denominationals as well as several Nondenominationals. Some will even be killed for their faith, but when they are birthed in their fullness, the hermits will return to The Mountain, from the deserts and wildernesses.

There will be a mass resurrection of the dead into The Mountain, and the Serpent Princes will crawl back into the Earth, and some will die on their thrones, and some will be publicly brought low and laid before their victims. Spirit Filled Christians are not necessarily part of this Remnant. I see their exclusion being a personal choice

God is going to restore the DNA of Those Who Answer His Call back to Adam before sin (the things that damage DNA are sin, pollution, food and medicines as well as certain substances scientists are bringing into this realm, some things even reprogram it). I see light shining into the darkness of the Double Helix and some receiving a 3rd DNA cord of brilliant living light. 

The Justice of God begins as the Ekklesia Rises… God will reveal truth about many things that we think we know, but He is saying, “I will lead you into ALL (I see all Capitalized as a tall building) Truth, and you shall be made free of lies that hold you to the Earth and the Old Creature System.”

I am also seeing some Mature Sons of God are cleaning out several Tall Mountains in preparation for The Remnant to occupy. I hear, “Holiness is no longer optional, Heaven is not off limits, Super user Access to My Server is coming”

 He explained that “My Server” has a 3 fold meaning as does “Superuser”. He went on, “While these are computer terms, they mean 3 different things. 

1 – A Superuser has complete access to a system and a Server contains everything in that system and gives access to the users based on their level of Authorization. 

2 – A Superuser must be a Server (Servant of God) first. The users of God’s Power have limited measure and access. The Superuser will have unlimited accessYet he shall be under authority of Father. 

3 – Superusers can change ANYTHING in the system they see fit. The Great Server is the Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth. My Remnant shall be My Superusers with full access to My Server.”

He finally said this: “Count the cost, weigh your heart in this matter. Some in My Remnant will not die as mere men do. That, in itself, is a great cost, but they have full access to Heaven. 

Our Father does not favor 1 man over another (respecter of persons) but gives all the same opportunity to have the same access. Seek Ye First the Kingdom of Heaven and It’s Righteousness (not your own self-righteousness) and all things shall be added unto you.

On the morning of February 9, as I spent time in worship, I heard the Lord say: “I am now releasing a company of prophets who have been through the fire and carry the arrows of fire in their hands, to bring a great realignment in the Church.”

I saw the Lord positioning these prophets, who have been through the fire, these ones who have allowed the Lord to do a deep work in their hearts and souls and who really carry His heart. 

These ones have been through an incredible testing in this season, an incredible time of purification and pruning and now the Lord is releasing them into places of greater favour.

I saw the Lord hand them arrows of fire and as I looked at their mouths, I could see their mouths like normal, but at the same time, I could see a than ever before personally and corporately.

The arrows of fire in their hands were the words that the Lord had given them. These words were words of purity, they were words burning with His love, but also SHARP. They were carrying revelation of the Word of God that was going to SEVER and SHIFT. It was going to SEPARATE.

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).

The Lord is raising these prophets up who are so devoted to His heart, they live in a place of such deep revelation of His love. They live in a place of such yieldedness to Jesus and have now received a greater igniting by the Holy Spirit of TRUTH.

They are moving out in this season with an UNCOMPROMISED word from the Lord. They are moving out with the word of the Lord that not only IGNITES, but it PURIFIES and PURGES. Of taking more ground than ever before personally and corporately.

The Lord is about to expose the lies in the body of Christ. The Lord is about to expose the false truths. The Lord is about to expose the areas of mixture, the areas of contamination where the pure flow has been tainted.

The word of the Lord is going to come through these prophets with encouragement, love, and strong conviction of alignment. THE BURNING REVELATION OF HIS LOVE UPON THESE WORDS IS IGNITING REPENTANCE ON A DEEPER LEVEL

As the Lord is raising up these prophets in this season, they are releasing what the Lord is saying, and these arrows were sent speedily to bring a greater alignment in the body of Christ to Jesus.

I saw the eyes of the Lord looking in the body of Christ right now and I saw a HUGE TARGET and written across the target were the words “MIXTURE and COMPROMISE”. The Lord is targeting these issues right now.

As these prophets release the words they have received from His heart, there is going to be a mighty wave of repentance (Metanoia) that is going to be seen moving through the Church. 

His people will be awakened to lies they have believed, deep areas of unbelief and hunger and passion ignited for JESUS like never before.

There was such a deep sense of the Lord preparing His bride. Such a deep sense of the Lord working deeply upon His Bride.  “It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.” (Revelation 19:8)

These prophets are coming empowered and full of His love and His Word, and as they speak, a PLUMBLINE is being released to the Church.

God is using their words as a PLUMBLINE to see if there are any areas out of alignment in individual lives and in the body of Christ. It’s a beautiful thing, as the Lord is correcting those misalignments and bringing them back into alignment.

The message of returning to Jesus and the first love and the returning to the Word of God will be sounded loud and clear this year. This is a year of great returning, it’s a year of great breakthrough, and it’s a year of great harvest.

We are going to take ground like we never have before this year, but as the momentum increases, the Lord is rooting out mixture, compromise and lies.

He is setting His people on fire with His love, like never before. He is igniting a passion within the hearts of His people for HIM, first and foremost. A passion to hear His voice! A new depth of intimacy and clarity in hearing His heart. A greater hunger for TRUTH, His TRUTH.

We are moving into greater demonstrations of victory, increase, breakthrough and double portions like we have never seen. The momentum and acceleration is increasing, and He wants His people ready!

These prophets are coming with the words that will be like a plumbline igniting a deeper repentance in the Church, and a deeper returning to Jesus as the first love. It’s a great pruning, why? For greater fruitfulness, greater life, greater maturity.

We are not going backwards. We are going forwards, and we are at a crucial moment of taking more ground than ever before personally and corporately.

Son feel My heart for the people who are my sons but who don’t know it.   Many have been invited to participate in the Joshua Generation but there is a lack of urgency and a reticence to really believe that they are truly My sons.   Son call forth their sonship release a sound that will focus My people to their destiny

So many have crossed over into the new land but are still waiting at Gilgal not believing they are ready. The time of preparation is over the time to rise up is now, this is the Kairos moment to accept the responsibility of the sonship and fulfil My mandate to be the pioneers who will occupy the governmental positions within My kingdom. 

I am not calling you to be explorers but pioneers who establish in your Jerusalem and Judea first.  I am releasing the heavenly mandates and blueprints for embassies of heaven in New Zealand this is My priority, beach heads of heaven must be established in new order Ecclesia.

Nonconformity is not enough; full restoration is My desire. Don’t come out of the old and not embrace the challenges of the new.  Don’t be forerunners who only stay in Jerusalem and go no further.  There are many more religious strongholds to knock down and their cities to possess.

Son inspire sonship by presenting a true demonstration of a son who has recovered his restored birthright not just his inheritance. Your birthright is the responsibility for dominion through ascension.  

Ascension is not just crossing beyond the veil but becoming mature sons positioned upon their thrones seated in rest and responsibility. There are many who have crossed but they do not know their identity, position or full authority. 

The assemblies and councils of heaven awaits those who will accept their invitation to participate not just observe.   There are too many observer’s watching and waiting for others and not enough willing to take responsibility to lay the deep foundations necessary.

The reproach has been removed already now accept your new name and new identity and come take your seated position of heavenly governmental authority.

I extend my spirit to New Zealand and call forth Zealandia to spiritually arise from the deep.   I call forth to all those covered by the veils of men to step out of darkness into the light of the truth of God’s love. 

I call for the 4 angels of transformation to go before me to prepare the way to sound the trumpet call that the voice of the true God will be heard.

I call for the winds of change to blow powerfully to begin the new season where the true God is revealed exploding the myths of men with the love bombs of heaven.   I call for the eyes of the blind to be opened by the brightness of your rising. 

I call for the revealing of veils of men to deconstruct the false images of the nature and character of God. I call for the high places to come down and all the speculations and lofty things be demolished along with the DIY religious idols.

I call for the idolatry of the book to be exposed and the relationship with the living letters to begin. Let the true government of New Zealand come forth and let the pioneers emerge from the explorers to take up their governmental positions in the heavenlies and on the earth.

I made a case based on the precepts statutes and laws of God for the winds of change to blow powerfully like a cyclonic force of heaven shaking the very foundations of the idolatrous and demonic doctrinal systems that pervert twist and obscure the true reality of who God is.

Son, I honor and support your case and I call the 70 to ratify My judgment.   Son I will go before you and I will prepare the way of the Lord for people to follow as they come out of the wilderness into their inheritance.

I call for the enactments of the laws of religious freedom, jubilee, depth of the Father’s heart and for new foundations and for restoration.   I call for the exoduses to begin as the sound of heaven increases in intensity

I blow the silver trumpet to release a new sound and urgent call to the Joshua Generation to arise and come forth from under the mountains of men.  I call for the enactments of the laws of religious freedom, jubilee, depth of the Father’s heart and for new foundations and for restoration.  

I call for the exoduses to begin as the sound of heaven increases in intensity. I blow the silver trumpet to release a new sound and urgent call to the Joshua Generation to arise and come forth from under the mountains of men. 

Let the veils of religion be removed to reveal the truth of the scandal that has distorted the very character and nature of God who is love as expressed within Father Son and Spirit into GOD the angry archer the disciplinarian to be feared and hidden from.

I call for the forerunners to cast off their veils and their restrains and come out from beneath the coverings of men into the glorious freedom of their sonship.

I call for the forerunners to receive their mandates and blueprints to lay the foundations of the new orderLet the sons of God arise into the fullness of their destinies and take their places within heaven’s government

The light of My forerunners is rising from the below the horizon where they have been in preparation for a new day. Arise and shine in the love that you have been basking in and release its radiance

Son let the brilliance of love’s light explode over New Zealand as the love bombs of My true nature and character penetrate the veils of lies perpetrated in the name of religion. Son let the amazing love that you have now experienced be expressed in the light of your glorious sonship. 

Joshua Generation Declaration

I call your spirit to attention. Spirit listen as a true son. I call forth your identity as the Joshua generation the order of Melchizedek. I call forth your destiny to manifest God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. I call forth your destiny to fill the earth with God’s glory. 

I call forth your identity, destiny & authority as Lords to administer God’s rule on earth as it is in heaven. I call forth your identity, destiny & authority as Kings to have charge over God’s heavenly courts. I call forth your identity, destiny & authority as Sons to stand in God’s presence & be displayed on the earth

I call forth your identity, destiny & authority as Sons of God to answer the groan of creation and restore to it to original condition & purpose. I call forth the Joshua generation to rise up & take possession of their inheritance 

Romans 8:19-21 For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God.

Romans 8:19 Our lives now represent the one event every creature anticipates withheld breath, standing on tiptoe as it were to witness the unveiling of the sons of God. Can you hear the drum-roll? 

Romans 8:20 Every creature suffered abuse through Adam’s fall; they were discarded like a squeezed-out orange. Creation did not volunteer to fall prey to the effect of the fall. 21 Yet within this stark setting, hope prevails. All creation knows that the glorious liberty of the sons of God sets the stage for their own release from decay.

Romans 8:22 We sense the universal agony and pain recorded in history until this very moment. 23 We ourselves feel the grief echo of their groaning within us while we are ready to embrace the original blueprint also of our physical stature to the full consequence of sonship. 

Romans 8:23 What we already now participate in as first fruits of the spirit will bloom into a full gathering of the harvest 24 For what we already experience confirms our hope and continues to fuel our expectation for what we still cannot see. In the final visible completeness of the harvest, hope has fulfilled its function.

Rom 8:27 He who scrutinizes the heart understands the intention of the spirit. His intercession for the saints is consistent with the blue-print purpose of God. 28 Meanwhile we know that the love of God causes everything to mutually contribute to our advantage. His Master Plan is announced in our original identity. 

Rom 8:29 He pre-designed and engineered us from the start to be jointly fashioned in the same mould and image of his son according to the exact blueprint of his thought. We see the original and intended pattern of our lives preserved in his Son. He is the firstborn from the same womb that reveals our genesis. He confirms that we are the invention of God.

Rom 8:30 Jesus reveals that we preexisted in God; he defines us. He justified us and also glorified us. He redeemed our innocence and restored the glory we lost in Adam. 31 All these things point to one conclusion; God is for us! Who can prevail against us?

Rom 8:32 The gift of his son is the irrefutable evidence of God’s heart towards us. He held nothing in reserve; but freely and undeservedly gave everything we could ever wish to have; this is what our joint sonship is all about.

Rom 8:33 God has identified us, who can disqualify us? His word is our origin. No-one can point a finger; he declared us innocent. 34 What further ground can there possibly be to condemn mankind? 

Rom 8:34 In his death he faced our judgment; in his resurrection he reveals our righteousness; the implications cannot be undone! He now occupies the highest seat of authority as the executive of our redemption in the throne room of God.

A new revelation of identity will spring forth from the security of the uniting of hearts and minds in the end of independenceAn unveiling of a new reality and your true destiny hidden in the darkness.  As you step out of the darkness of the cloud into the true light of My person you can never be the same again. 

I will call you mine and you will know what it is to be accepted. From acceptance will flow inheritance and your true position within My heavenly courts and thrones.

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