The order of Melchizedek 3

The Joshua Generation is learning to function in their governmental positions. This governmental function is according to our cherubic nature within the Order of Melchizedek.

To function in a position of governmental sonship we need our identity to come from the Father, not from what we do. We need a cardiognosis, face to face, heart to heart knowing of the desires of the Father’s heart. Governmental sonship must be a reflection of the Father’s heart.

We need to take our place within the Order of Melchizedek as sons within the name of YHVH. We govern within the power of His name as gateways for heaven to flow into the earth. It is our destiny to rule as sons, to establish and expand God’s kingdom. Our sonship gives us responsibility that flows from the intimacy of our relationship with our Father.

The functions and attributes of our sonship relate to the Order of Melchizedek Identity, Position, Authority, we are a Priest, King, Oracle, Legislator. This heavenly order represents (the four governmental faces of God-Yod Hei Vav Hei, “Lion, Ox, Eagle, Man”, “King, Oracle, Legislator, Priest”) and functions within the name of God using the power of attorney Melchizedek’s Hebrew name means “my king is righteousness “. The verb malak means to be or become king The verb sadeq means to be just or righteous.

The kingdom is based on the foundation of righteous government through the Order of Melchizedek יהוה YHVH.

Yod – as a symbol of a hand denotes power, and figuratively ownership, it is representative of the Father. Hei – represents gentleness and means behold, to show or to reveal, representative of the Holy Spirit. Vav – signifies a nail, peg, or hook. It also conveys the meaning of being nailed or bound together. Hei – divine breath, revelation, light, represents God’s creative power the living word Jesus the Son Father. Son, Spirit and Man bound together by the power of the cross. The nailed hand represents Jesus taking our place, our brokenness, lost identity and death by representing us in His death, burial, resurrection and ascension.

When we step into the manifest presence and glory of God we are in His name In Yod Hei Shin Vav Hei, with the power of attorney to act on His behalf. In Him being omnipresent and eternal we have access into what was – His heart in eternity. We become the representation of the four faces of God on earth. We begin to frame our world from the heavenly mandates we receive. We act as kings and priests. We speak as Oracles prophetically and legislate apostolically.

The purpose of the Order is to converge eternity into time through the agreement of the heavenly royal priesthood. Our function is to establish that agreement in the physical realm of creation through the Oracle and Legislator foundational function. In our cherubic nature we are the convergence of the spiritual and physical realms. The four individual functions work together in oneness in us as we represent them as mature sons. Gen 1:28 God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over… it.” We have this sonship mandate and are being conformed to the image of God and His likeness. We have responsibility for creation.

We need to know the function of the Oracle and Legislator. Eph 2:20- having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone. If we are to be mature sons of God, we need to understand what an Oracle is and what are oracles?

Oracles are found in Greek mythology and in the Bible Definition of an Oracle is a prophet or seer. An Oracle was someone who offered advice or a prophecy that was thought to have come directly from a divine source. In the Bible the oracle or prophet hears the words that God speaks and knows God’s heart intimately. Num 24:16 The oracle of him who hears the words of God, And knows the knowledge of the Most High, who sees the vision of the Almighty. An oracle was closely connected to God and released or revealed God’s words and heart to people. Massa in the Hebrew means a load, burden. The Oracle carries the weight of words that reflect the heart of the Father. Oracles are the weight or intensity of the word of the Father’s heart that we can engage in cardiognosis. Oracles Greek logion – divine reponse or utterances A divine declaration; a statement originating from God. The revelation of the heart of God expressed with meaning, feeling and weight. The oracles of God are the weight of His glory, His essence, His nature and His character expressed in words that we can connect with experience and carry the weight of as sons made in His image The role of the oracle as sons is to speak creatively from the heart of the Father. Creation will begin to respond to the authority of the frequency of our voice when we speak with the voice of God. These are the oracles I felt as Wisdom unveiled them to me: · Passion · Burning desire · Intense joy · Deep compassion.

Overwhelming love.

We must experience the depth and the weight of these oracles so we can reflect them to the world. Wisdom said “Let these oracles of the Father’s heart motivate, inspire and empower you to act in LOVE”. God loves all of His children with an intensity that few have fully experienced, but all eventually will one way or another. God directs them towards us so as Oracles we can call them out of darkness into the light of destiny

The passion of unconditional love is pure and will never stop in its pursuit of the intimacy of a restored relationship of face to face innocence with us.

Eph 1:4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, we exist holy and blameless before Him in love.

Operating in the office of Melchizedek as an Oracle we have the ability to legislate on earth the fullness of God, to see the glory of heaven’s rest manifested. Jesus was a prophet after this order: His words were spirit and life. He had the words of age enduring life that were recognized as authoritative. Jesus’ words were fulfilled and outworked on the earth. Jesus challenged His disciples to be accountable for their words as they have the power figuratively of life and death. As sons it is vital to speak from the Father’s heart and only to say what we hear Him saying. Prov 18:22- Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Our words have legislative power. Jacob operated with legislative authority which was demonstrated by gene manipulation in the sheep. God’s oracles spoken from heaven brings agreement with the earth. An Oracle carries the heart of God’s word to speak into the foundations of blueprints on earth. An Oracle speaks from heaven into the earth with the authority to establish the foundational elementary principles of God’s heart. God is looking for His sons of the Order of Melchizedek to use their voices to create history. Revealing a new order where deep is calling us deeper to unlock the mysteries of heaven into the earth. Looking into the eternal mysteries and speaking them into existence. We are to dictate to the earth what will be by exercising dominion to change and order the times, seasons and boundaries. Mature sons are to speak what is in the eternal now from within the four faces of God in heaven to create what will be on the earth. Oracles have the ability to connect with the power that holds all creation in place: the strings of energy (His grace); which is zero-point energy. Use the creative power of words to frame appearance, to name things That mandates structure and formation Energy particles that form the substance of all matter will respond to the Oracles creatively.

Strings are the building blocks of all matter and can be formed into a framework for visible manifestation by our conscious choices. Our words have the creative ability to call for what we see that the Father is doing by being around His glory and looking into His heart. Those frameworks are the essence of creation; to reveal the life or thoughts of the Father’s heart into manifestation. We give voice or direction, using our ability to creatively use the framework that will bring life. Adam was God’s voice in this domain; he spoke the animal’s names and framed their existence. The energy or frequency of our words is designed to form or transform matter. The Oracle has the function as a mouthpiece of God, understanding the responsibility of sonship to name and frame and create an atmosphere for it to materialize into the natural realm. We have responsibility for our words. We must make sure that our words are not idle: worthless and earthly. Framing the restoration of all things to return to Eden and enable man’s garden to fill the earth. The kingdom of God must fill the earth with the glory of our sonship. The mountain of the house of the Lord raised up. The sons of God manifested on the earth and setting creation free from its bondage to corruption. We have authority or dominion over every physical thing on the earth to change the framework so it resembles what it was in the beginning; to be restored to God’s original intention. A king and priest is a heavenly office that empowers an earthly function. This forms a shadow of heaven on earth so heaven can occupy that shadow. Apostles and Prophets or Oracles and Legislators are not the 5-fold ministry, which is an earthly equipping function not a foundational governmental one. In the old covenant, there were three anointed ministries that formed a full government- Prophets, Priests and Kings. In the new covenant we are all anointed but there is a fourth factor in the Order of Melchizedek: The Apostle or legislator, the eagle face. Three form government and the fourth opens a window for that government to manifest. The apostolic or legislative function is to carry the heart of the governmental message and legislate for its release into the earth. The function of the legislator is to establish and administrate the foundations on earth as it is in heaven. This is not a hierarchical covering as it has been perverted to be but laying the foundation of the oracles of God’s heart into the earth. Apostolic legislative governmental authority is a mantle, not a mountain of authority over people. The Legislator’s role is to establish the blueprints of heaven on the earth, to call people to those blueprints, not to themselves. They carry blueprints in their hearts and release that frequency. They form a reflection of heaven on the foundation of legislative government on the earth. To fulfil the mandate of sonship on the earth by bringing government foundationally. They do not provide coverings over people but provide support and empowerment to people. They reveal the blueprint and empower people to become living stones of that blueprint. This is an environment where God’s children can outwork their destinies and be empowered and come into the fullness of the stature of God within the blueprint. Legislating as sons is using the positions of authority we are seated in, to exercise kingdom governmental authority. We need to receive mandates to legislate with authority. We will need to make, establish and use laws to legislate decrees and declarations.

What is legislation? The process of making or enacting laws. A law or set of laws suggested by a government and made official by a parliament. All the laws that we have been given or mandated to release to fulfil our mandates.

What is it to legislate? To use authority to provide, create, prepare or rule. This will be a heavenly governmental process to facilitate the fulfilment of our mandates, the restoration of all things and answer creation’s groan for sonship. We can begin to legislate according to the position we are seated in. Eph 2:6 and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus, The advancement of the kingdom is in ever-increasing and expanding government.

Eph 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ. We are going to access these blessings (empowerments to prosper) and see them manifest on earth as they are in heaven. Legislation uses the laws or principles of the kingdom. Zech 3:7- perform my service. Keep My requirements, priestly function, keep My charge, keep or follow My instructions, outwork My covenant, using the authorization that a law or a mandate gives you.

Legislation must operate from desire, not just a religious duty. God is not looking for stewards but co-heirs. Whatever God reveals or mandates us to do must be cultivated as desire in our hearts by carrying the weight of being His oracles. Once we carry the oracles in our heart it can flow out creatively. Prov 4:23- Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life. We use the authority to frame our lives, mountains, mandates, blueprints. We rule over the circumstances, so our lives are ordered or aligned to God’s purpose. We establish everything in heaven first by receiving mandates and use that authorization with intent. Seated, enthroned, we decree, declare, call forth; assign angels; release sounds, lights, frequencies, fragrances etc.

What do we actually do to legislate? We express governmentally what we carry in our hearts. We call things into being. We decree things into occurring. We declare the reality. We assign angels to go on missions. We release heaven into the earth. We open and close doors. We use the keys of authority to lock and unlock. We bind things to the will of God and loose things from restrictions. We administer court verdicts. We extend our spirit over the areas we are responsible for when we carry those areas within our hearts. We overshadow or brood over a sphere like the Holy Spirit did over the waters or over Mary. We engage and discern in those spheres. We are gateways for the river of life to flow into those areas. It is important we carry those mandates in our heart. Cultivating God’s desires in our hearts, Brood over it and incubate it, Think about it, focus our attention on it, Meditate on what it would be like, Daydream, imagine, create reality. The legislator role carries the frequency of the message that draws people together to resonate. The role is to reveal the truth for the next generation to come together and cross over together into their inheritance. Joshua and Caleb had this oracle and legislative function. What begins to restore the paradise of Eden on earth must continue to expand until it fills the whole earth. It must start in the house and flow out of Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria to the ends of the earth, Into the earth and beyond to the whole created order. The kingdom expands out so that the solar system, 12 galaxy houses are filled from what flows from the earth. Earth is the centerpiece of everything as the expansion point for restoration of all things in the created order. The whole creation is waiting for sons to be manifested from the center. Transfiguration is a key issue for the manifestation of governmental sonship on the earth. We are the light to the world radiating the full revelation of the four faces of God: Lion, Ox, Eagle and Man, representing the Order of Melchizedek.

Let’s activate this by engaging the arc within the holy of holies of the heavenly tabernacle. Let’s engage the Ox face for deeper revelation of the oracle function. Let’s engage the Eagle face for deeper revelation of the legislative function. Steps like Jacob’s ladder leading up to heaven; start thinking about those steps and the open door. Hear the invitation to come up here. Let those steps form in your imagination and by faith walk up those steps to the door, step through the veil into the kingdom realm. Jesus is standing in the doorway. Present yourself to Jesus, your High Priest, as a living sacrifice. Ask Jesus to take you to engage the arc within the tabernacle. Let Him take you by the hand and lead you. Look into His presence. Begin to think of His name, YHVH. See His 4 faces rotating, morphing, focus on the face you are drawn to and engage.

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