Governmental sonship 2

Our desire is to help facilitate the children of God as the Joshua generation to function in their governmental positions as sons of God. This governmental function is according to our cherubic nature within the Order of Melchizedek. We need to take our place within the order of Melchizedek as sons within YHVH. We govern within the power of His name, being a conduit of heaven into the earth as gateways. Man, Lion, Ox, Eagle. Priest, King, Oracle, Legislator.

To function in a governmental sonship position, we need our identity as sons to come from the Father. We need a cardio gnosis, face to face, heart to heart, knowing the desires of the Father’s heart. Governmental sonship is reflecting the Father’s heart.

Matt 6:10 ‘Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.’ We need to receive mandates and blueprints as authorizations to administer heavenly government into the earth to only outwork the Father’s heart desires.

Zech 3:7 “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘If you will walk in My ways and if you will perform My service, then you will also govern My house and also have charge of My courts, and I will grant you free access among these who are standing here.’”

How will we govern and have charge? Using our mandated governmental position of sonship. We all need mandates and blueprints to clarify what the Father is doing. They help us know the – what, how, where and when of God’s will in heaven so we can establish it on earth. Know God’s heart – to know why.

Eph 2:20 having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone, 21 in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, 22 in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit. In him you are co-constructed together as God’s permanent spiritual residence. You are God’s address!

We are heaven on earth; as ambassadors we need blueprints to build embassies of heaven.

Hab 2:2 Then the Lord answered me and said, “Record the vision And inscribe it on tablets, that the one who reads it may run.”

Psa 139:16 And in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me.

There are many different mandates. There are many different blueprints. There are daily mandates that will reveal our destiny progressively. We need to seek the Father’s heart daily. There are specific time limited mandates. There are ongoing mandates. There are heavenly mandates. There are earthly mandates. We have a general sonship mandate that has never changed.

Gen 1:28 God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule…”

This mandate applies to all of us and forms the basis of our earthly outworking of the kingdom. We are blessed by God so we can expect Him to empower us to succeed and prosper to the highest level. If you have a mandate for a project, ministry, ecclesia, embassy of heaven, ARC, hubs, you will also need a blueprint to establish it.

Mountains are the mandated governmental spheres of authority that are attached to the blueprints. These reveal specific areas of authority or mandates that the blueprint has.

What do we do with a mandate?

Carry it in our heart to shape our desires and motivations and give us authorized authority. Engage God for a heavenly governmental perspective. Be seated in our position on our throne and use it to rule. Use the mandated authority to seek for a blueprint or a strategy that clarifies its outworking. Use it to frame our day by administrating it from our mountain throne. Use it to inform our creative decrees and declarations.

What do we do with a blueprint?

Carry it in our heart to shape our desires and motivations. Seek a strategy to develop it. Establish foundational government around it. Let God build using the plan to guide us and motivate us. Use it to reveal our sphere of jurisdiction, to give ongoing guidance, direction, boundaries, as a plumb line. Use a blueprint as our plan for directing strategy. Use it to draw others who resonate and become the living stones to participate in it.

Hab 2:2 Then the Lord answered me and said, “Record the vision and inscribe it on tablets, that the one who reads it may run. 3 “For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay.

Patience is vital, do not try to get ahead of God’s timing but don’t lag behind either. Do you have a mandate to establish something on earth as it is in heaven? Do you have a blueprint to build from? How clear is your blueprint? Could you explain it simply so that anyone would be able to understand it? How do you develop an initial concept to a point where people can resonate with it?

Prov 8:12 “I, Wisdom, dwell with Prudence, And I find knowledge and discretion. 14 “Counsel is mine and sound wisdom; I am understanding, power is mine. 15 “By me kings reign, And rulers decree justice.16 “By me princes rule, and nobles, All who judge rightly.

I engaged Prudence and she gave me 7 gifts. God said that the 7 gifts will enable you to navigate the dimensions that are to be opened. Sextant, Compass, Logbooks, Maps, Instruments for wind (Sound) and Waves (light) and the trumpet to herald the call. I engaged Prudence and her gifts to help me navigate the realms of heaven to higher levels of experience and deeper levels of revelation and open the revelation of the 12 High Chancellors’ Houses and engage the Council of 70.

Son, I am calling you to new level of governmental authority. It is time to come near to Me and the heights of Wisdom will be opened. l have given you the strategic instruments to plot the course ahead. My scroll has a large ship on it that was at anchor but is now moving. Prudence will partner with you to create the protocols that will open the doors and release my people into their positions of true heavenly authority.

Proverbs 9:1-3 Wisdom has built her house, She has hewn out her seven pillars; She has prepared her food, she has mixed her wine; She has also set her table; She has sent out her maidens, she calls from the tops of the heights of the city: Wisdom’s Handmaidens- Glory, Holiness, Truth, Excellence, Faith, Life, Promise. Each of these angelic orders are designed to help us when establishing heaven on earth with the characteristics that reflect God’s precepts, character and nature. I desired to engage, so I pursued Wisdom and Prudence for help. Jesus said “Dear brother, we are coheirs and you have My yoke upon you, so walk with Me in discipleship; let Me show you some things that we are responsible for”. We walked to Wisdom’s heights, and I engaged the First Pillar of wisdom. See here are Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding and the angels that are their representatives. To develop a mandate into a blueprint you need all three as the governmental foundation of authority. The three form a window for Wise Counsel to function and for a blueprint to receive a seal of approval. When a blueprint is brought here, creativity is released and a pattern forms from a vision so that our creativity can be written and expressed.

The essence of the 7 spirits function here within these 7 pillars. The first pillar is the foundation of Wisdom that is the key to Knowledge and Understanding. The second pillar is Knowledge that is the key to Understanding and Counsel. The third pillar is Understanding which is the key to Counsel and Strength. Governmental Sonship. The fourth pillar’s foundation is Counsel which is key to Strength and the Spirit of the Lord. The fifth pillar’s foundation is Strength that is the key to the Spirit of the Lord and the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord. The sixth pillar’s foundation is the Spirit of the Lord which is the key to the Fear of the Lord and Wisdom. The seventh pillar’s foundation is the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord which is the key to Wisdom and Knowledge. This is another covenant circle where the beginning and the end are continuously flowing. Opening heavenly windows or portals. S

The windows that open heaven into the earth are the 7 combinations of the 7 spirits of God that are accessed through the 7 pillars of Wisdom’s heights. Each foundational three come into agreement with a fourth to open a window of manifestation. The 7 pillars of Wisdom can be used to facilitate a process. This becomes a pathway for producing any type of legislation. It is much the same way an architect designs and creates a blueprint that has to be presented to and approved by the planning commission before anything else can legitimately be done. Governmental Sonship. The 7 Pillars of Wisdom are halls and within each of the pillars there are dimensional spaces for developing and preparing legislation of court cases and developing blueprints for authorization etc. These operations were first given by direct revelation from Wisdom. Protocols are ways of operating; use them as principles not rules.

Step into the pillar. Engage with who greets you. Respond to their questions, they may ask how they can help you. Present your request for help to develop your initial concept of an ecclesia blueprint.

Pillar 1 – Operations. Conceptualize the revelation; design a blueprint. It is here that we “brainstorm” and develop the main body of a blueprint. Vision statements, identity, purpose, function, mountain spheres may be revealed.

Pillar 2 – Administration. Request the assignment of support, personnel and resources in relation to the blueprint or assignment. Angels, cloud of witnesses, Wisdom’s handmaidens etc.

Pillar 3 Justice/Judicial Protocols. His judgment releases justice that brings order – this is a process/ procedure that calls for and releases judicial protocols, benches, heavenly structure or order.

Pillar 4 Seals/Authorization. Operations of authorization – the application of the necessary seals of authorization. This enables the next stages to begin once the preliminary authorization is agreed.

Pillar 5 Jurisdiction. Revelation of the authority regarding the sphere of influence of a blueprint. Physical area or region etc.

Pillar 6 Hall of Records. Documentation for the proposal written into the records within this process Governmental Sonship.

Pillar 7 Reformation. They measure and outwork the results of proposed legislation in relation to other blueprints and the bigger picture of restoration.

So our Blueprint goes from “Proposal” or “Executable Theory” to “Executable Outline” Governmental Sonship. The now-developed blueprint is presented at the Court of Chancellors for authorization; if it is verified and sealed that now allows us to proceed. Engage the Court of Scribes and receive a statute book for the blueprint for other legislation,

There are steps like Jacob’s ladder leading up to heaven. There is a door standing open in heaven. Walk up those steps to the door. Shift the focus of your soul to join your spirit. Now step through the veil into the kingdom realm. Jesus is standing in the doorway. Present yourself to Jesus, your High Priest, as a living sacrifice. Let Him take you by the hand and lead you to receive a mandate or blueprint or clarify it. Engage the Arc or court. You stand before the arc of His presence. You seek His will and purpose. Open your heart and let Him write and reveal your destiny, your mandate. Receive a mandate today for a position, areas, cities, regions, nations etc. To receive blueprints for new order ecclesia and cities of refuge. Engage Wisdom’s heights. Engage Wisdom’s pillars. Present your scroll. Walk through the 7 pillars and engage if you feel led to. This can be over a period where development takes place. Engage the Chancellors’ Court. Present your scroll. Engage the Scribes’ Court. Present your scroll. Engage the Court of Angels. Present your scroll. Jesus is standing in the doorway. Present yourself to Jesus, your High Priest, as a living sacrifice. Let Him take you by the hand and lead you to receive a mandate or blueprint or clarify it. Engage the Arc or court. Let the frequency of the Father’s voice within the intention of the music penetrate your mind.

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