Faming your life

Our desire is to help facilitate the children of God as the Joshua generation to function in their governmental positions as sons of God.

This governmental function is according to our cherubic nature within the Order of Melchizedek .To function in a governmental sonship position we need our identity as sons to come from the Father.

We need a cardio gnosis, face to face, heart to heart, knowing the desires of the Father’s heart. Governmental sonship is reflecting the Father’s heart. We need to take our place within the order of Melchizedek as sons within YHVH.

We govern within the power of His name reflecting from heaven into the earth as gateways.

All sons have a destiny to rule and frame their lives Living in dual realms involves legislating as sons for our spheres of authority (mountains).

Legislating involves receiving or making legislation or laws Legislating involves using legislation or laws to rule over our spheres and circumstances.

Framing our lives out of heaven .Gen 1:28 God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule” Gen 9:1 – Noah. Gen 12 – Abraham. Matt 28 – Jesus, This mandate applies to all of us and forms the basis of our earthly framing of the heavenly kingdom.

We are blessed by God so we can expect Him to empower us to succeed and prosper to the highest level. We can use the authorization that a law or a mandate gives us to frame our lives into alignment and agreement with the Father’s will and intention.

God’s will must become your desire, not just a religious duty. God is not looking for stewards but co-heirs and co-creators.

Whatever God reveals or mandates us to do must be cultivated as desire in our hearts so we can use it to frame our lives.

To keep our lives within the boundary of our destiny. Once we carry God’s desires in our heart they can flow out creatively.

Prov 4:23 Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life.

We use the authority to frame our lives .We rule over the circumstances so our lives are ordered or aligned to God’s will, intent and purpose .

On a daily basis I first engage in relationship with first love, baptized into the Father, Son and Spirit. I drink living water from the wells of salvation (John 4). I yoke myself to Jesus to be discipled and enter into the rest of trusting in protection, provision and direction. I surrender the seat of rest and government, the throne of my spirit, to the Father so He can father me.

I am now joined to the Lord and one spirit with Him (1 Cor 6:17). The river of life is flowing from heaven into me. I now release that flow to bring life, love, joy and peace through me into the world around me.

John 7:37-38, Ezek 47 I want the river of life to go from a trickle to a stream to a river to a torrent.

I yield and open all the gateways of my spirit, soul and body to heaven’s flow. I expand my spirit outwards in oneness with the Holy Spirit. My spirit encompasses my soul and body to create an atmosphere of the kingdom around me.

I come to a place of love, joy and peace living loved, loving living and living loving. I know that I am living loved which is unconditional and I am at rest. I am thankful, full of gratitude, and strengthened by the joy of the Lord -loving living. I am at peace, living loving, in forgiveness towards everyone I extend and expand that atmosphere outwards to my spheres of influence.

There is no end to the increase of His government and of peace (Isa 9). I extend it around my home, family and mountain spheres of influence Ecclesia, area, region.

When I engage the temple or the ARC my focus is on the will of God for me today – His mandate. Father, reveal your will for me today. Father, my desire is to come into agreement, resonate and be in harmony with your will today.

My food is to do Your will, Father. I choose to take that manna into my heart as my source of supply for this day. Father, l open my heart to You. Father, write and unveil Your desires, my destiny, on my heart Father, unveil the revelation of my destiny that the desires of my heart will draw me towards, so l will see Your purposes around me. Father, I surrender my day to align my will with Your will.

I bring this…? to You; now give me specific revelation of anything I need to know. Father, I bring my mountain (personal, church, a person, etc.), that which l carry within my heart to You. Show me Your perspective.

We must carry something in our heart to have the authority to release life into it or administrate or legislate it.

There is a huge difference in the levels of authority we can operate in. If you carry a person in your heart, you can release forgiveness, blessing and life. You can interact with the angelic realm to create circumstances conducive to their salvation or destiny.

They always have the right to choose. When you are given a specific mandate for a non-human situation you can legislate and administrate that with a different level of authority.

You can call, command, create, direct, proclaim and declare. You can assign the ordinances of heaven. You can align things dimensionally.

Receiving a daily mandate. I open my heart to receive Your mandate for today. Show me what You are doing today. Show me what I am authorized to do today. I receive that mandate and take it into my heart. I value it, cherish it and surrender to it.

Prov 4:20 My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings. 21 Do not let them depart from your sight; Keep them in the midst of your heart. 22 For they are life to those who find them And health to all their body. 23 Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life.

Cultivating desire in my heart. Brood, incubate it. Think about it, focus your attention on it. I meditate on what it would be like. Daydream, imagine creatively. I am creating an expectation, a hope. I find out about it in the Bible or research history. I could look at others’ lives that model it. I want it, I need it and I must have it. I will do whatever it takes to have it.  I am willing to pay the cost for it.

Father, I choose to receive the revelation of Your heart, Your thoughts into my spirit. Show me what does it look like, feel like, to manifest this today? Show me how this will outwork and help me fulfil my destiny. I choose to brood over my life… my mountain… Blueprint… Ecclesia… ? to incubate it in my heart.

Father, let my desires become fulfilled as a tree of life to me. Focus on being in Him, in His name, in His authority, seeing from His perspective in Yod Hei Shin Vav Hei – see yourself in Him.

Father, I choose to step into You, to look out at my day and my circumstances from Your heavenly perspective. I look out through the Lion’s eyes (or ox, eagle, man) to see things and administer things from the kingly, oracle, legislator and priestly function.

I speak kingly order into my life. I speak from the oracles of God’s heart, and I decree the revelation. We can use our destiny scroll blueprint, a specific mandate and our Ketubah to frame our lives. To form the boundaries of our reality. What we believe that gives us our frame of reference.

We can create our daily reality by framing it with our thoughts and words .The frame is not a restriction but an expanding, flexible boundary that keeps us within the will and purpose of Father and our destiny. We are creative as sons to paint in whichever style we wish in alignment with the subject matter agreed.

The frame gives a safe and secure place to paint the picture in our imagination. The frame is our destiny, God’s heart of love expressed in His will and purpose. We are given creative authority as to style and materials but not subject. We can paint the picture or fulfil the mandate creatively in whatever style and technique we desire. We are uniquely made, and our creative art should be an expression of who we are.

He has made creation for us to manage and rule creatively as His sons. We need to be free to be ourselves, to creatively express framing our lives within our destiny. I frame each day to succeed with the Favour and blessing of God around me. I am in full faith for all I need to fulfil my mandated purpose.

Time is framed to contract and expand around me to enable me to complete the work God has assigned me. I am never too busy to do all that He desires to do through me. I have all the resources necessary available to me to enable me to subdue, solve and overcome every obstacle and hindrance the enemy seeks to put in my way.

I frame my day and my night so that I have all the rest my soul and body need whilst my spirit is active in the heavenly realms.

I am continually connected to heaven’s creative light source that operates at a speed faster than created light. Everything is therefore always available to know first or before in heaven. Therefore, I am able to have everything that I am going to need, ready and waiting whenever I need it. So as a gateway of heaven on the earth it can flow through me. 7 spirits of God are actively releasing wisdom, knowledge, understanding, counsel, strength and authority from a high and superior realm into my life. I am not subject to circumstances. I am the head and not the tail; circumstances change to enable me to live in rest and peace and fulfil my daily mandates from God. As I seek first His kingdom in righteousness, I have a full expectation that He will add all that I need.

I AM THAT I AM lives in me, enabling me to succeed from the perspective of God’s heart in eternity. As I engage with the eternal and align myself in what is, I will create what will be; and be a history maker, to make the beginning and end align to complete the circle of the ancient pathway.

I stand in eternity where there are no limitations to filter the light of truth that becomes my true reality. I have the revelation of His will and purpose encoded in creative light. I am in the light matrix of His creative thoughts and words, that is the true fabric and essence of who I am. I am all I need to be and possess all I need to have to be blessed and prosperous. So that at all times in all circumstances I will have all grace, God’s divine enabling power to meet all my needs and enable me to do all the God-works prepared for me, to bring glory and honor to God.

I have a full expectation of succeeding each day as my day is subject to my rule and it is not left to chance. I align my life with my scroll of destiny – and not my generational history – by being a living sacrifice. I will be fulfilled, satisfied, content and filled with love, joy and peace. I live according to my eternal identity and fully embrace my destiny in God’s kingdom. I am the answer to creation’s groan as a manifested son of God. I expect Jesus as my high priest after the order of Melchizedek to prepare me to serve Him as I yield and surrender to His perfect will for my life each day. I accept the responsibility of sonship and my roles within His heavenly and earthly kingdom. He is my head and I accept the responsibility of His government upon my shoulders. I daily decree and declare: “Here I am, send me.” I open my heart to God daily that He would write on the tablets of my heart and unveil and reveal His will for me.

So that the desires of my heart would be aligned with His desires and so direct, guide and draw me towards my destiny each day. I stand daily in God’s heart in eternity that my spirit will be programmed by His thoughts about me. I live not subject to time and not too busy, rushed or stressed. My expectation is that time bends, expands or contracts to my will through my creative conscious choice. I have all that I need to fulfil all that am called to do today. What happens when things go wrong to you or those around you that is out of your control?

Guard your heart; stay in the eye of the storm. Do not deny your emotions. Acknowledge and deal with them. Forgive and release. Seek for a heavenly and eternal now perspective. What is God doing to bring good out of the situation(s)? What opportunity is there to cooperate with that process? Seek for a mandate to help deal with the situation. Remember it is not your responsibility to fix every problem. Remember you are not a victim, you are an overcomer, so legislate to subdue and rule. Decree and declare transformation and call things into being. Every problem is an opportunity to learn and mature. Do not get into denial. Be real, honest and transparent. Be proactive and positive. There may be court cases to be done. There may Lie busting to do. Do not be enemy-and-problem-focused: stay in rest.

When we stay in rest, yoked to Jesus, surrendered to the Father’s heart, we have the authority to frame our lives. We have the authority as sons to frame our lives and circumstances into alignment with God’s eternal now perspective.

Steps like Jacob’s ladder leading up to heaven; start thinking about those steps and the open door. Hear the invitation to come up here. Let those steps form in your imagination and by faith walk up those steps to the door; step through the veil into the kingdom realm.

Jesus is standing in the doorway. Surrender your will. Not my will but yours. Let Him take you by the hand. You stand before the arc of His presence. You seek His will and purpose. Open your heart and let Him write and reveal your destiny, your mandate. Receive your mandate today Yod Hei Vav Hei. Focus on the 4 faces: lion, ox, eagle, man. Step into the 4 faces. Access in Him to the timeline. Walk back into eternity. We can stand in what was. Our spiritual consciousness. Engage the heart of God. Experience the revelational reality of who you are. Let the vast sum of His thoughts surround you. See your eternal pattern and identity. Look forward. Let your spirit be filled and absorb the reality of the beginning of your day. Stand at the beginning and let your spirit decree and declare the end. Walk back into what is. Spiritually empowered and mandated for your day.

Now take the truth from what was to your mountain and legislate it. Take your place on your throne. Let your spirit release its authority. Angelic canopy recognizes your mandate. Rest has dominion over chaos. Begin to decree and declare the rule of God. Call forth the transformation. Call forth the Favor, blessing and provision. Frame your life by decreeing your destiny. Still the storms: decree peace. Use the keys of the kingdom to unlock situations. We need to take authority to change situations around us. Call things that be not as if they are.


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