Living sacrifices 8

This is the last part of this living sacrifice module session eight. being a living sacrifice is about engaging the process of preparation that enables intimate relationship with God as Father and son. and results in transformation so we can mature as sons. God loves us and accepts us but he wants us to become like him. so there is a process that we need to go through. there are heavenly places where we can engage God’s loving presence for heavenly as well as earthly transformation and sometimes things happen on earth are provocations for us to change and they highlight things in our lives that need to change. but we can also be proactive and engaging God face-to-face. engaging the different aspects of the Tabernacle and different things like that to enable us to be changed and transformed in that realm so we can move forward in our sonship. Romans 12 one therefore I urge you brethren by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice acceptable to God which is your spiritual service of worship and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind so that you may prove what the will of God is that which is good acceptable and perfect and that is the destiny that has been agreed together with God for us to fulfil and outwork his willl and his purpose through who we are as his sons. just let’s say here that God’s will and purpose is not the bad things that happened to us. Our destiny our scroll did not agree to all the negative things that may have happened as a result of living in this world. but God is able to transform and bring good out all those things that he didn’t want us to go through them. his will is perfect, his will good his will is acceptable. our destiny is to fulfil his will, to bring his kingdom, to establish sonship in creation.

 so in the mirror Bible Romans 12 one says live consistent with who you really are . and this is the key to the whole process of being a sacrifice is that we lay down who we may think we are, we lay down who we may have been created to be in this realm by this world and we embrace who we really are from his perspective. we really embrace the truth of who he created us to be. who we are from his thoughts that amazing reality that is within him that is wanting to be expressed through us. inspired by the lovingkindness of God and this is the key. its God’s lovingkindness that enables us to find out who we really are. it’s not, he is not a harsh God, he is not a punishing God. he does disciple us he does chastise us but that is to bring us into the revelation of who we truly are. because he it’s his lovingkindness .God is love, he can never be anything other than love. everything he does is an expression of love . my brothers the most practical expression of worship is to make your bodies available to him as a living sacrifice this pleases him more than any religious routine. and being a living sacrifice is to remove us from the religious routine. to remove us from anything that we may have been involved in that limits who we really are, but gives us our identity from what we do rather than out of the relationship with our father. he desires to find visible individual expression in your person. so God is within us God is created us in his image, he is created us in his likeness and he engages this physical world through us. and he wants in co-heirs ship to establish his kingdom on earth as it is in heaven through us. but there are things we need to go through. do not allow current religious tradition to mould you into its pattern of reasoning. and you could say anything that is molded us whether it be religious tradition culture our upbringing our nature nurture trauma anything that is affected us and shaped us needs to be dealt with so that we can only be expressing who he wants us to be. like an inspired artist give attention to the detail of God’s desire to find expression in you. become acquainted with perfection, the reality of looking at him face-to-face, to accommodate yourself to the delight and good pleasure of him who will transform your thoughts afresh from within. when we are looking to have our minds renewed, our thoughts transformed, it’s not gonna happen by trying to focus on trying to believe something. when I first started to try and renew my mind I get some Scripture and I write it out and I would pin it up and I confess it day after day, trying to believe it. now I need to experience it, to believe it. because all I was doing was meditating learning Scripture but actually it wasn’t transforming me because I wasn’t engaging it. I was using it as a methodology rather than embracing the reality of that in a personal encounter with it. when you encounter the truth of the word in Jesus the living Word then that were transforms you. it is the word that we know by experience that brings freedom to our lives. so we need to engage the truth in relationship to be transformed. he is within us and he wants to outwork that transformation inside out. so that then we engage the world in that way .

so engaging the Tabernacle and the different objects within it contribute to the process of being living sacrifice. engaging the Ark of God’s presence within the holy of holies opens up a new level of sonship governmentally. embracing Yoda hey vav hey his name, stepping into that. the four faces of God the as the order of Melchizedek this is the governmental perspective. so when we have gone through and are continuing to go through the process of engaging the outer court year and coming into the holy of holies, it is so we will come to that place of relationship, transformation, so we can operate according to the four faces of God, the order of Melchizedek in his name and this is the transition point if you like at the end of looking at being living sacrifices to then taking up our position of governmental authority within the realms of heaven finding what were mandated to do how to legislate how to administrate the kingdom in heaven so it can manifest on earth through us as a gateway so we are going to look at the Tabernacle but particularly today the holy of holies and here we have this diagram written in 1919 which talks about the heavenly Tabernacle which is the broader picture of the whole of heaven and how the heavens are presented the actual Tabernacle on earth and the Tabernacle of man but there’s also the heavenly Tabernacle which is the actual thing that the earthly one was was patterned after . and we have hear the expression of that with the veils open that we can go through the veil of the way the truth the life and engage the Ark. The place where God and us connect and form an arc of agreement that opens up the manifestation of the portal which brings the eternal now into the what is so that we can then begin to outwork what will be and align it with God’s heart from eternity this is our access point to the very heart of God. so the Tabernacle and the outer court inner court holy of holies is a pattern and it’s a but also a fractal image of the heavenly realms themselves. the veils between the areas were known in the temple as the way the truth and the life. so when Jesus talked about it, he wasn’t talking about and a conceptual thing he was talking about something that they related to and he was then relating it to their lives in a completely different way. because most of them honestly couldn’t access the veils of through the way the truth and the life. they could  only go into the court, they couldn’t go in because they weren’t priests. now were all royal priests and we can access. and these veils represent levels of maturity that do give us access into different places and in different things to engage within the realms of heaven. now as we enter in, the process of being a living sacrifice enables God to begin to transform us. so Hebrews 412 talks about three different aspects of transformation. for the word of God, it is not talking about the Bible but talking about Jesus and our relationship to what he speaks to us. because he doesn’t stop speaking, he is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword. so we want to engage the living active voice of God. Jesus said my sheep will hear my voice. so we need to continue to hear his voice relationally so that when he speaks it is like life to us. but it is also sharper than any two-edged sword piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit. so part of being a living sacrifice is embracing the separation of soul and spirit and its reintegration. both of joints and marrow, it goes down to the source within us of life, within the marrow the blood, which takes our DNA and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart and to actually show us the motivations of our own heart whether self-motivated or their actually coming out of the motivation of God’s heart. so there is this process we can go through by embracing going through the outer court inner court holy of holies to embrace this transformation that Jesus as the living Word can enable us as our high priest to prepare that sacrifice. to prepare it so that we can serve with a clean pure heart . that we can serve with correct motives. that we can serve with our spirit and soul in wholeness and our DNA purified according to the order of Melchizedek where we are not any longer operating out of the generational line that’s come through Adam but now that we are new creation in Christ. that we now take on the DNA of God and that DNA and that light transform us into the image that we been conformed predestined to be conformed to. so three levels of deeper transformation, is like going through the veils . the outer court dividing soul and spirit, the kingdom of God and how we embrace that area in the realms of heaven is when we begin to come into a sense of purity the authority we have there on our mountains in the realm of the kingdom of God begins to manifest and we start to operate in lordship. inner court, the thoughts and intentions of the heart, the kingdom of heaven. when we begin to take up a kingly position because our hearts are aligned with his heart, purified and refined and made whole. the holy of holies, the bone and marrow, the DNA, engaging heaven itself . engaging the access point through the Ark into the eternal now to have our DNA transformed. and embrace the transformation that brings us out of the genealogy of Adam into the genealogy of Jesus . so we enter into the holy place in the heavenly Tabernacle in surrender we engage Jesus our high priest who begins to prepare us. now we know as we looked at the sacrifice this throat was cut the blood drained. so Jesus is done this for us, he’s taken our death. so were not coming to die we already associate with his death and resurrection and ascension and that’s why were seated in heavenly places and engaging this process. But what it really represents is saying, I deny myself take up the cross follow him embracing being co-crucified and co-resurrected and co-ascended. so we are yielding and that the process of embracing what Jesus is already done for us. stripped off all the skin totally naked transparent our flesh exposed before him. no self-righteousness no defence mechanisms coping mechanisms. now we use a concept called Johari window in our therapeutic community and it’s a concept to change. and when we are engaging here we want the revelation of the truth Jesus to unveil things which we may not know.  so there are four windows within this concept. there’s the revealed self the things we know about ourselves. and we need to come and surrender those things because we may have things we know about ourselves that need changing. And there is the hidden self, there the things that we know about ourselves but we don’t anyone else to know. sometimes the including God and so we come asking him to strip off all those coverings that hide who we really are so that he can begin to change and transform that himself so that actually we are willing to reveal it to him and to others. then there is the blind self. then there’s the area of our lives that we do not know we cannot see were not consciously aware of. other people may be and God sometimes uses other people to bring these things to the light. but he can also speak into that blind self areas, were surrendered and open. search my heart oh God. and then there is the true self. this is the reality of who we were made to be in God. so that this whole thing becomes an open window. so where we can actually know who we truly are. not conformed to a religious pattern, a worldly pattern but to an eternal pattern. as we embrace this process we can allow God and be proactive about seeking for the unveiling and revealing of the things in our lives which are perhaps conforming us to the wrong mould. and there are things that have shaped us, our nurture our environmental programming, the way we been brought up. the things that are said to us. things that have been done to us. the things that may not have been said to us. Trauma experiential programming things that have happened to us in a traumatic way that have actually affecting how we believe, what we believe, how we see ourselves and we may hold that trauma within the cells of our body. that trauma itself can continue to affect us if we do not be cleansed healed and made whole. and Nature, DNA programming both genetic and epigenetic. factors which actually are triggers but not just affect what we look like but actually sometimes reflect our behaviours.17:02

 Sometimes the triggers to our behaviours are within our DNA material and all of these things can be transformed as we allow God to’s openness up to engage in the three levels of transformation so soul tries to draw from the outside in because that was the only source it new the soul in control blocks the flow of the spirit from inside out dethrone the of soul self the old life if you like is a key for encounter in heaven and being transformed and this is being the part of the living sacrifice process this is the amplified version of Hebrews 412 for the word of God that speaks is alive and full of power making active operative energising and effective it is sharper than any two-edged sword penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life soul and the immortal spirit and of joints and marrow the deepest parts of our nature exposing and sifting and analysing judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart and this is what we are surrendering to if we present ourselves to our high priest for him to engage in this and to actually practically begin to outwork this process of transformation in our lives because we are desiring it we we are actively pursuing it is the mirror Bible the message God spoke to us in Christ is the most life-giving and dynamic influence in us cutting like a surgeon’s scalpel sharper than a soldier sword piercing to the deepest core of human conscience to the dividing soul and spirit Inc ending the dominance of the sense realm and its neutralising effect upon the human spirit in this way a person spirit is free to become the ruling influence again in the thoughts and intentions of the heart the scrutiny of this word detects every possible disease discerning the body’s deeper secrets where joint marrow bone marrow meet the moment we cease from our own efforts to justify ourselves by yielding to the integrity of the message that announces the success of the cross God’s word is triggered into action what God spoke to us in sonship the incarnation and continues to speak to us because this is not a passing this is a present ongoing relational reality radiates his image and likeness in our redeemed innocence and this is the process of being a living sacrifice so we can truly begin to radiate the light of who we truly are this word powerfully penetrates an impact our whole being body soul and spirit Hebrews 413 the entire person is thoroughly exposed to his scrutinising gaze and this is what we do when we present ourselves as a living sacrifice we are exposing ourselves to his scrutinising gaze every creatures original form is on record in the word now were not talking about the Bible were talking about the living Word Jesus and the living letters of the word and who he spoke us into being revealing God’s resolve to display his image and likeness in human form his desire is to display sons on the earth and creation itself is waiting for us to display our sonship to radiate the glory of our sonship to bring freedom to creation set it free from its bondage to decay your body is split open down to the backbone revealing the marrow open for God to reveal our inward parts emotions heart our subconscious mind our spirit needs to be separated from our soul ties that that perhaps been in place and then the thoughts and motives of the heart reveal and restored to the truth so our hearts are aligned with his heart our thoughts are an expression of his thoughts this is intimacy where we are sons in coownership cocreator ship and I use this Scripture a lot when I went through this process will every day when I went into the Tabernacle one of embrace presenting myself as a living sacrifice I would decree this search me of God Psalm hundred 3923 search me thoroughly oh God and know my heart try me another was put me on trial and know my anxious thoughts and see if there be any hurtful way in me that word hurtful in Hebrew can mean wicked it can mean idolatrous it can mean anything iniquitous anything in me that’s going to damage who I am and lead me in the everlasting way the everlasting way of course is the way of our destiny is the way that comes out of God’s eternal heart that’s what I Wanna live and so I’m willing to be proactive about asking him to search me when he does mustn’t find what he reveals don’t fight and argue and trying get yourself out of the situation because we need to know the love of God and therefore whatever gets revealed he still loves us the matter what we’ve done the matter what was done with us no matter what when on in our generational lines he has called us for a time such as this he is wanting to transform us you to beautify us to prepare us that we can truly be in identity and the position and the authority we have in sonship revealed to the so as we embrace transformation as living sacrifices opens up different levels of revelation and maturity of governmental authority is proportional to the maturity level when we engage the Ark on the four faces of God what we do there will be proportional to that level of maturity and our knowledge of our identity and our security in knowing who he created us to be and therefore not coming out of self Zechariah 37 that’s left the Lord hosts if you are walk in my ways if you perform my service then you also govern my house had also have charge of my courts and I will grant you free access among these who are standing here is a process is the process of maturity is the process of entering in is living sacrifice to be transformed so that we will have positions of authority because we’ve allowed the transformation to take place so we have the heavens and we have the Tabernacle and we can see this represents the process of entering in the different levels of authority as we mature so we walk in his ways in this realm kingdom of as a servant a steward a friend but God wants of course to take us into another level of relationship so the veil of the way is open we can come through that veil through the outer court through the veil through the where the cross and enter into the rounds are heaven and we begin to function there in lordship we then begin to learn how to to perform is service which is a priestly function the priestly function was performing the service of God and in particular ways now course for us that’s now out working are mandates and destiny to govern rule house keep charge of the things that God is calling us to do in that lordship role and then as we embrace transformation we been we access that veil the truth the inner court figuratively engaging in the kingdom of heaven having charge of the courts operating in kingship and as we continue to mature we go through the veil of the life into the holy holy is engaging the Ark of the presence of God stepping into the four faces functioning in kingship in sonship having charge of the courts will also having free access to standing God’s presence within the heaven heavens in the higher realms of the courts of heaven into the assemblies and councils of God and taking place taking part within things in decision-making things are heaven this is a process that we can pursue as living sacrifices to embrace our sonship be proactive about it pursue it don’t just let it happen engage it the blood of Jesus is always on the mercy seat covering the Ark so we can come with confidence to engage the Ark of God’s presence our spirit needs to resonate and harmony with the contents of the Ark the things in the Ark of the description them are symbolic of things that we need to learn how to engage when I first started to engage this this is what I did every day are one it to come and engage God their children that he would reveal is will his word his heart releases authority so I can actually outwork that daily and fulfil my mandates on a daily basis only do what I saw the father doing I came here to see what the father was doing and that was the initial level that I had when I was operating in the realm of the kingdom of God in lordship I could still access into this place but I can access only at a level that was commensurate with my authority and with my maturity and I had three levels of engagement with this Ark as I mature initially as looking for mandates as a Lord engaging with the contents of the Ark then having charge of the house the courts the king engaging with the four faces of God see when I first went into now I didn’t see the four faces of God I was looking to engage with the contents what that meant but as I went through that maturity then I was able to see the four faces and then I went beyond that with free access to step into the four faces engage within the name of God engaging the heart of God himself outside of time and space access into the eternal now and this were my steps of maturity you may well be able to engage all of them as we go through it but for me this was a process it took me a year or or more actually of engaging the Ark daily to learn how to get access to learn how to discern what the father was doing to know is hard to have him reveal and right on my heart unveiling my destiny day after day and taking up the authority that which brought life the symbol of the sceptre or Aarons rather but so we have the Ark with the the mercy seat in the covering cherub and and I still when I first went into that realm Easter look at it is if will I am come into looking and engaging with that other cherubim if you like to produce an arc because we know the covering cherub in left his post and it was like is a vacancy here so I used to going figuratively stand engaging with the Ark essentially reaching out if you like with my the arms to form that are point so that the manifestation of God’s presence would open up and unveil but I was looking into the Ark at that point looking at the man the pot of manner the tablets and Aarons rather and I was really focusing on this every day you Wanna do your well not my will yours be done I want you to write on the tablets of my heart I want to receive the authority I need to fulfil your will today and embrace that so every day I would engage that the manner the bread of life is the will of God John 432 he said to them I have food to eat you do not know about he was talking about the sustenance that came out heaven John 434 Jesus said to them I foolishly the will of who sent me and accomplishes work though I was looking to eat that manner symbolically of the will of God and thus enabling to enable me to outwork that and to accomplish his work John 627 do not work for the food which perishes but the food which enjoys to eternal life so there is a sense where when we are fulfilling God’s will and purpose it nourishes us it sustains us it brings life to us and empowerment to us and then the tablets the living active word of God Jesus himself speaking writing figuratively on our hearts is put his law and his thoughts within us so is writing it within is unveiling it revealing it so that we can embrace it so we can embrace our destiny daily as he unveils because only need to do what I need to do today John Jeremiah 3133 I will put my law within them and on their heart I will write it I will be they garden they shall be my people this is talking of the new covenant which we are in and now is a wineskin of that new covenant we can have our hearts enlightened revealed as we embrace the Ark to what are mandates on a daily basis which reveals our scroll and our destiny so we can see what the father’s doing daily Aarons rock the God’s authority the anointing and power that’s in due to us as sons to fulfil his will and purpose just like the spirit of the sovereign Lord was upon Jesus just let the seven spirits of God were around Jesus they are also around us so that we can see God’s kingdom come his well done on earth as it is in heaven that we administrate kingdom government using the authority and symbol of our mountain thrones of the sceptre equipped to do it now when I used to come to the Ark I never really thought about Jesus will something manifesting their cos I was just focus on what was in the Ark but actually when I have access to the kingdom of heaven and when I was then functioning in kingship all that changed and as I then came and embrace the Ark it wasn’t like the person of God I was engaging that was manifesting it was like the four faces of God was manifesting the lion the ox the Eagle and the man literally I began to engage them I was always drawn to the Eagle to start with that was always the case that I was drawing but the faces are not just static their continually revolving more things around so is what sometimes it’s quite difficult to focus on one but as I first engaged I was drawn to the Eagle and eventually to the lion the ox and the man as I again learn to understand the function of each of those what they meant how when I engaged it related to that aspect in my own life learning to function in the government of God is as the lion the the legislation love the Eagle that the oracles as the ox and as a priest as a man now I should started with the priestly role but I didn’t know I could I associated the priestly role with something that was very palatable me so I avoided it now should have embraced it first because when you access as a priest you get access into the deeper things of God and then the other things come out of the perspective that you engage when you get the heart of God you going to eternity until I engage the priestly function that I have I never actually skip went beyond observing and looking at and engaging with the Linux Eagle I never stepped into it but as soon as I embrace that priestly function and I really took on my sonship and I went through the process that took me into accessing the holy holy is in line maturity then I found that I could stepping so to start with you I would look into the Tabernacle look into the Ark of God and I would looking as a priest and then I would begin to administrate out as a king I would looking in the prophetic the ox the oracles and and I would look to legislate out in the apostolic so there is in in our rhythm Yoda hey vav hey which is a representation of the name of God is the rhythm of life when you listen to someone breathing in actually sounds like Yoda hey vav hey because God breathed into Adam and Alan grieved out and then he needed to breed back in is like it’s a continual rhythm of life I breathe in breathe out I breathing I breathe out I engage in I administrate out I engage in I administrate out this this is how we can function in the four faces of God as the order of Melchizedek when we look to engage the Ark of the presence of God and looking and stepping so I would come to the Ark to look into what the father’s doing I began to look into the four faces of God look into the name of God engage with Yoda hey vav hey sometimes I would sing it sometimes I would just resonate with with the words themselves with the living letters that engage with the lion the ox the Eagle and the man kingly the prophetic the apostolic the priestly as the order of Melchizedek and this is where the order of Melchizedek kicks in when I began to realise what the function of the four faces were how they function within this in within the veil and how we need to function according to their ourselves Hebrews 619 this hope we have an anchor of the soul hope which boasts sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil Jesus is entered for us and of course he is called us to enter where Jesus is entered as a forerunner for us a forerunner goes ahead so that those behind can follow now this course is been put off until physical death Jesus entered when he died so that we have to die before we enter but actually is made us alive is not dead is resurrected and we are resurrected with him therefore we have access having become a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek Jesus is that high priest and he has invited us to function according to this order that he is in and we are in because were in him Hebrews 714 this Melchizedek king of Salem priest of our most I got that’s a king and a priest the heavenly king and a priest was first of all by translation of his name the King of righteousness then also the king of Salem which is the King of peace without father without mother without genealogy so this is not something we’re going to get through an earthly genealogy because only earthly priest could come through the order of our to be functioning as Prince and only a high priestly function to come through particular family line so that the lights the whole tribe had access to become priests only certain ones within that tribe of the order of Aaron could be high priest’s so this was the genealogy was talking about you have to come through a particular earthly genealogy where is now were coming through a heavenly genealogy were after the order of Melchizedek because Jesus is we are new creations of a new order having neither beginning of days no end of life but made like the son of God he remains a priest perpetually so we are all sons of God and therefore we can be perpetually operating in priesthood but in a heavenly sense not an earthly sense we don’t have an earthly validation for this this is because we are sons of God and we have born from above from the heavenly perspective and we are of that order because we are in Christ your of Melchizedek a heavenly order only the tribe of Levi and the family of Aaron could be priest libraries therefore Jesus and those who are his family cannot be priest this side of the veil is that there are no earthly priest today is removed it’s obsolete in is ended with the old covenant earthly old earthly order was corrupted and made obsolete as they were of their father the devil genealogy now you can look at one Jesus said to the priests and high priest and that those that it of the religious orders of his day and he challenge them to where they said there were Abraham’s children he called them the father they were there father was the devil that was not just a slur it was the truth they were something that was represented from the wrong line of came that was have infiltrated and corrupted the priesthood so both priestly and kingly order therefore a royal priesthood as no human genealogy therefore transformation all levels is essential so we can live forever perpetually not affected by the death that may come through our genealogy our line healed restored made whole like a son of God there is an ascension to 9 levels of confirmation that will be the process necessary to engage the nine strands of God’s DNA we can do this on the fire stones that we looked at before engaging with the dancefloor and the DNA strands of God the light the process of maturity into relationship with God all this is part of being living sacrifices the order will be priestly mediators for creation to restore the earth to its original heavenly position by bringing heaven to earth in the form of the kingdom of God the order will be kingly therefore governmental and legislative to affairs of the nations the order as access to the deeper mysteries of treasures of God and to the resources of the heavens Treasury through the revelation of the Sapphire cube on the Sapphire pavement throne in regards to heavenly trading is so much that the order of Melchizedek opens up for us the order reflects the four faces of God as you have access to the holy holy is in the revelation of the covering cherub this new order engages heaven where the kingly priestly functions to release heavenly apostolic blueprints into the the prophetic and apostolic form a foundation of the word of God and the government of God as a reflection on earth on what is been released into heaven and this is how this works we bring a heavenly alignment priestly and kingly and unearthly agreement of apostolic and prophetic oracles legislation so that we can see a manifestation of heaven on earth a reflection of heaven on earth in the government of God actually the mountain of the house of the Lord the pyramid of the new Jerusalem manifesting on earth but reflecting heavens government this is what this is about this is why there are four faces is whether four faces on the pyramid of the new Jerusalem that’s why the foundations of those new Jerusalem is 12 stones 12 gemstones by what man is trying to do is find a heavenly blueprint and then copy on earth and place the apostles prophets apostles on top of that mountain and therefore cover the shadow of that blueprint on earth could when you shine the light on something it produces a shadow and God wants that shadow on earth but he wants it to be a reflection of heaven not a copy and when you copy heaven you trying be like God but when you reflect heaven here is the blueprint you have the light shining on the blueprint this forms a shadow then the government of that is a bottom up foundational government not a top-down covering government therefore everything can actually be releasing people to engage that shadow and engage God themselves without having to go through the mediator of a of a covering of man no old priestly old covenant system here this is a new order of Melchizedek and this is out works so we look into the manifest presence of an glory of God we see the will and purpose of God’s real as we will resonate or align ourselves to his will our hearts desires draw us towards his will and our destiny we receive our mandate to rule this is something we can do every day this is something we can become as we can engage this continually but it takes focus we have to practice we have to engage we have to learn to resonate to align ourselves and we have to be living sacrifices and continually being purified and refined and transformed to mature into this process we begin to frame our world from the mandate we receive see most of us are framing our world from what we already know rather than a mandate has come out of the heart of God which is our actual destiny we become a representation of the four faces of God on earth actually connecting heaven and earth as if heaven and earth are in complete overlap and that’s what they are in us a royal priesthood and Oracle the legislator brings heaven and earth into agreement we act as kings and priests we speak prophetically administer apostolic me that’s who we are as the order of Melchizedek to manifest heaven on earth as a gateway of heaven on earth through our lives the function of the priest one beer 29 you are a chosen race will priest a holy nation people from God’s own possession so you may proclaim the excellences of him who is called you out of darkness into his marvellous light as a sense where when were engaging in in the rounds are heaven were engaging in this marvellous light which is a revelation of creative light and not created light one revelation 16 and he has made us to be a kingdom priests to his God and Father to him be the glory and dominion forever and ever he is made us he’s given us this Revelation 510 you’ve made then to be a kingdom a priest to Argyll and they will rain upon the earth so this is the heavenly and the earthly coming together in government revelation of 1115 the kingdom of the world is become the kingdom of our Lord and his Christ and will rain he will rain forever and ever and of course when he reigns we rain so this is bringing heaven’s reign and heavens government heaven’s kingdom in heaven is will to earth in bringing earth into alignment in heaven and that is our function as royal priests as living sacrifices that royal priesthood the function of the priest as to go in within the veil to look out from within the veil to reveal within without think about that you have to go within to reveal what’s within you reveal it without so it’s manifested in outward way Matthew 610 that’s the kingdom of God your will be done your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven we need to go within to engage it and so that can be manifested administration as a priest around the Ark of the presence of God the are built with heavenly wisdom and purpose the Ark is a superconductor energy goal the energy that that portals that open the connection with the seven spirits of God and and heaven the artforms two points seat of the earth that we can engage in and we can enter that portal we can access that the the original Ark was when the two cherubim came in the blood came open that portal when the high priest began to engage the name of God and open that portal and he was transferred for that portal to deal with sin that went into the foundation stone of creation in which the blood was there from the slain before the foundation of the world now we symbolically now can also access through that portal when we engage the Ark and the the mercy seat with the blood of Jesus we can access that portal stepping into it and going back into the eternal now to engage the heart of God that’s a priestly function to bring the administration of heaven to see the glory of God in your everything is to function the four faces of God those governmental perspective line Oxy, father-son and spirit 3 x 3 cause nine there is for the will of man there is no fullness of government because the fullness of government is God 93 man equals 12 that’s why there are 12 heart stones on high priest breath but that’s what they were 12 tribes that’s why there were 12 foundation stone to the new Jerusalem that’s why were 12 apostles this whole purpose is to bring man and God into the fullness of governmental unity as co-heirs and co-creators so nine stones covered the body of Lucifer as the covering cherub nine skins of the father three the son through the spirit body soul and spirit equals 12 always things you are symbolic of our union with God this mystic union of intimacy where we become one spirit with him whoever is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him this for dimensional realm in the queue that we are are part of when we are engaging with father-son and spirit opens up a whole different dimensional realm height about the depth of our calling in Christ three dimensions of government opens the door to the fourth dimension of government the wheel within the wheel within the wheel always things are are things we can begin to learn to engage it and we will when we begin to go into the rounds are heaven in a more deeper way 12 stones in the breastplate nine stones and things body God created into contain that truth to reveal the truth God is created us with the revelation knowledge within our scroll and the light strand in our DNA encoded with everything were supposed to be that that light has to be revealed in us to be transforming the rest of our physical and spiritual maker as a priest and the breastplate the administration of those stones there were in scribe inside with the letter the name of the tribes so very creative thing the light from the booming the burning through the letters in the stone revealed the absolute truth it revealed truth this was the revealer of truth and these are stones which represent the revealing of truth we can engage with them to the administration of our priest as to bring completion to the father’s God now that the sun may sound like heresy but it’s the reality of us being sons he’s chosen to limit what he does to include us within it in relation to creation not talking about God in eternity God father-son and spirit in the circle of the dance the paraparesis of their relationship we can add nothing to do that but were called to be participate in it and you experience it and be sons of God in coownership in this man becomes one with the family of God in heaven in God and in the full function of God Yoda hey vav hey that we now stand in his name and the name of God Yoda hey vav hey the name of Jesus yes you are has man in the centre of it we are the representation of co-heirs sonship in relationship with him God said eternity in the heart please yes is 311 he is made everything appropriate it’s time he is also said eternity in their heart yet so that man will not find out the work which God is done from the beginning even to the end and God desires us to come into eternity to engage in the reality of his beginning and the end not in our own DIY method but in the sonship that is called us to give have access into that realm we need to open our hearts the our heart become an open gateway this is functional and operational the high priest transfigured by the glory portal in the middle of Yoda hey vav hey yo patient vav hey in God the function was to be in God Jesus taught the veil so we could be in him so we need to surrender self to be able to step outside of time when I tried to engage outside of time with my mind initially I could not fathom it was beyond and I so struggled so I began to engage with my spirit and as my mind got deconstructed and renew then my spirit and my mind my soul my consciousness could begin to engage outside of time it took time for that to take place that deconstruction which made me in able to operate in a non-linear way was all part of this maturing process so we engage in what is the Yoda hey vav hey of his presence when we step into it we have access to what was was before there was and then we can engage in the heart of God and then walk this out as the covenant that we are in the blood of Jesus is the centre of the new covenant we stand in the what is in the mercy seat with the blood of Jesus is a permanent record enables us to be within Yoda hey vav hey so that we can walk out what will be an create history every day our choices and what we do creates reality it becomes history but when were engage with what was was in eternity and that eternal now we want what will be to be in alignment with that the only way that takes place is when we stand in what is in God in him and we administrate out of the order of Melchizedek the four faces and function of God to bring what will be in alignment with what was his eye what is effectively is eternal desire and will and purpose we can step into that we can live and move and have our being in Christ acts 1728 sets up government of God so God can empower it to function when we live and move in him we can go to and fro in the earth carrying the government in apostolic and prophetic sense we can go up and down into that realm but we can go backward it into that eternal now and therefore we can establish what will be so it it’s an alignment with God’s heart in what was so we can have access we can go up and we can go down and that means we can also go down under the earth figuratively because we have access we can go to and fro in and out we can also go backwards into the eternal now and we can begin to produce what will be which will be going forwards by creating what will be so that becomes the history we are history makers we are history creators therefore we need to administrate and access all these realms and be comfortable going in and out up and down into different dimensions out into different dimensions being in and administrating out all these things are part of our sonship we have access by being in Yoda hey vav hey being in him Yoda hey shin vav hey in the what is it so vital we establish what is in heaven so and heaven can be manifested on earth and God’s heart in eternity will actually be manifested through us as gateways of heaven into the earth so go up and down before to and fro backwards and forwards time exist to restrict sin to restrict the lost image to within this age so in the ages to come things will be different eternity is in our hearts is no time is no sin therefore we have access to the very heart of God whether is no time and the sin therefore that experience can radically change and transform us and as living sacrifices we need to embrace that transformation we going into Christ into eternity so the eternity can open up around us and therefore we can deal with every accusation in our life from an eternal perspective we can deal with every accusation against creation have an eternal perspective we are not standing in what is trying to administrate out of our own understanding and have our own minds of our own experience but were administrate out of the very heart of God to bring good out of every situation to release blessing to release Adam the love of God mercy and grace this is the empowerment we have to function the desire is the key that unlocks the realm of God and destiny for us do we desire that we set the desire of our heart it is our heart pure enough to have that desire that’s where our hearts need to be refined and purified not my will so we surrender to bring glory to the father and we surrender to bring our glory to creation in sonship desire builds life to materialise what you look at what you focus on will begin to form desire in your heart so let’s look at his face it will shift the affections of the object you look at that’s what desire does when you desire something you shift your heart to your affection on and you need it you want it and when we keep looking into the face of God and seeing in the mirror of his face reflected back we are it shifts our affections it shifts our desire that we won’t be who he created us to be we fix our eyes and a new object until an object fills our desire with his image let’s keep looking and our destiny let’s keep looking at his face to see reflected back that desire that image that he has of us that will transform us into that image so we won’t be conformed to the world that we will have our minds renewed and we carry that desire in our heart see everything through what’s in our heart and that’s what we minister and what’s in our heart or is it are is a mixture were other thoughts and intentions are motives of the heart of the selfish the self-centred they God sent and as we go through this process it changes the desires of our heart to align with his desire and that’s what we begin to see only what we see the father doing here we have no heavenly government authority outside of what’s in our hearts and if our heart is mixed and that’s why are authority is limited we need a pure heart to see truly what’s reflected when we look into the face of God not the distorted image Hebrews 10 seven then I said behold I have come in the scroll the book it’s written of me to do your will of God this is talking about Jesus looking his destiny but we will have a scroll of a book this been written about us individually we need to look into that into his well for us that that becomes a desirable heart as he writes that every day as we present our heart to him he was 1016 this is the covenant that I will make with their master those days we are in the after those dates says the Lord I will put my laws upon their heart and on their mind I will write them and this is what we looking to engage with every day and he will unveil our destiny to us by writing it on heart and that heart will draw us towards it our destiny scroll gets revealed and unveiled to our hearts daily as we embrace the Ark desires of our hearts get transformed then we have the raw the sceptre psalm 45 six your throne of God is forever and ever a sceptre of uprightness is the sceptre of your kingdom that’s how we need to rule without rightness with righteousness with justice with love with mercy with grace because we know his heart so Yoda hey vav hey in the Hebrew have those living letters the Yoda is a symbol of the handing out power figuratively ownership represents the father the hay represents gentleness means behold to show will reveal represent about the spirit of vav signifies a nail papal hook conveys the meaning of being nailed together and the hay the last day divine breath revelation light represents God’s creative power the living Word Jesus the son and when you engage in that yoked a bar they were stepping into that and we are embracing it and the point that we connect is when Jesus represented us on the cross he took our place and we in him were crucified and we in him were resurrected and we in him were ascended to the place where were seated in heavenly places in English therefore from right to left behold the nail behold the hand all behold the male hand the cross which embodies our co-crucifixion co-resurrection co-ascension is where we stand that is our access point we stand in the fullness of the power of the cross in him so we can administrate as sons of God from that place and fulfil our destiny we look into the manifest presence of the glory of God we see the will and purpose of God for our lives we resonate align ourselves to his will our hearts desires draw us towards his will and our destiny we receive that mandate to rule this is why we engage the Ark this is why we can come daily present ourselves as a living sacrifice so we can receive that perfect will therefore we can worship we can come into obedience an agreement with that mandate our destiny to rule that day we begin to frame our world from the mandate we received we become representations of the four faces of God on the earth we act as kings and priests we speak prophetically is this is what it’s all about that’s why it’s worth reiterating it and going over and embracing it so we can experience it so we step into the manifest presence in glory of God we now in his name Yoda hey sin vav hey a power of attorney to act on his behalf being in him in him being omnipresent and eternal we have access into what was before there was his heart in eternity the eternal now we step outside of time and space into that place the womb of his creative thoughts there is no sin therefore we can learn to see from an eternal perspective from the beginning if you like his heart is desire we see the end from the beginning we see ourselves in his eternal perspective like being constructed from the desires of his heart frame it is thought spoken into existence pre-existing spirit beings involved in creation connected to creation we feel our eternal identity and can become what we see and feel we can then choose to act from this revelation to frame our lives the bread our lives in this realm Adam that we are experiencing and administrating from that realm the see heaven manifested on the earth we see the end from the beginning we can call things are be not as if they are we can align ourselves with his will and purpose our destiny we can decree and declare prophesy what will be from what was and what is to change what will be to reflect what was this is the whole purpose of this looking at this eternal pathway bring this alignment between heaven and earth the kingly and priestly establish on the earth the apostolic prophetic be a reflection of heaven on earth be a reflection and outworking of the new Jerusalem on our mountain of house the Lord raised up this alignment with heaven and earth that is in us when we corporately come together engaging beginning to open the everlasting doors to pour out heavens blessing onto the earth so let’s engage the Tabernacle that engage the Ark again today in encounter this begin to experience that present yourself have this attitude of being a living sacrifice be proactive about surrendering and as you embrace these things day by day you finally begin to change and transform so you go through the veil engage that by desire and outwork that so that we can see God’s kingdom God’s will God’s purpose outworked so again you we have this open heaven we have an opportunity engaging this open heaven so I encourage you to close your eyes begin to shift your focus and attention desire being where your spirit is in heaven into that realm engaging spirit and soul as you consciously this realm member you’re going through the cross to the place of exchanging old your receiving line you receive all your embracing the present yourself as a living so if you are operating your own life and sickness then go through that realms just everything that the righteousness this righteous just everything that engagement is present yourself to him as a being a living so yield and surrender to the process of transformation change allow him to gain heart place you are veiled truth as you are allow veils change and transformation as you go through the altar as you go through the labourers go through engaging the length show you on that gate for you presence engaging focus on the you will God you in your life right scroll his will to unveil fire resonate allow him into a mandate learn to engage to open your heart to seek and one stay in that place place you you are you you are you are seeing place thing my own a place gate spirit gates revelation is just engaging the face stay there presence into you are in you can look the eyes of fire this process I can decree ordering direction government through the lion the claim vision as you saw the Eagle your spirit just lead you to engage and release what you experience you to gain rise

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