Living sacrifices 3-1

Hi this is part three of the living sacrifice module and we going to start again with a very similar exercise that we have done  over the last couple weeks. I want to encourage you to consider the open heaven that we are in and we operated in and as were engaging the open heaven I will encourage you to to think about your spirit being engaged in the realms of heaven your soul being here and then interchanging where your soul is engaged, so we can continuly dwell in the realms of heaven living in dual realms we are going to practice shifting the focus of our conscious mind to join our spirit. We are just going to engage that. so I encourage you to think about Jesus .think about that open door. by faith either take a step through that veil to engage Jesus, if you’re not already there. If you are there in the realm of the spirit just begin to think about Jesus by the open door and engage with him. so by faith engage Jesus with your conscious mind. we have to get our imagination active, it see is first of all to perceive, to be aware, just a faint, slight, dim, weak picture or awareness. Jesus is always waiting by the open door to engage us.

So just present yourself to Jesus who is our high priest as a living sacrifice. And as our spirit and soul is connected to Jesus there, just consciously choose to shift the consciousness of your soul back into this earth realm. Step out with your soul and stay there in the realm of your spirit.

Now just keep your eyes closed. and Jesus will just communicate to you in the spirit, but you will receive that revelation back here consciously. Now just practice shifting your soul’s consciousness back by thinking of Jesus and engage with your spirit in the open door. Just repeat by shifting one place to the other but being and sensing the connection you have in the realm of the spirit.

 That is a little exercise that we can continually do just continually practice that exercise being conscious of your spirit can remain in that realm and your soul can connect wherever your spirit is just by thought and just by engaging.

now living sacrifices, we have been looking at the living sacrifice process. looking at living sacrifice process this is a short module that we are going to do., it is the preparation for the intimate relationship and the resultant transformation that it brings so we can mature as sons of God. we have to continue to go through a process of transformation. if we present ourselves as living sacrifices then our high priest will begin to prepare us and change us and transform us. we are going to discover there are places of fire in the realms of heaven and we can learn to engage those fiery places. There is the fire of God’s love but they’ll bring heavenly transformation. so the purpose of being a living sacrifice is worship. choosing to fulfil his will which is my agreed destiny. when I surrender and yield to that as a living sacrifice then I can begin to be transformed into that image to outwork it. Jesus was the ultimate and perfect example of the living sacrifice by choosing daily to only do what he saw the father doing that was his life. Living where he only did what he saw the father doing in relationship, surrendered to that as a living sacrifice but growing in wisdom and stature with God and man. so the living sacrifice process is to help equip us to mature relationally and governmentally they go hand-in-hand you can do one without the other need to learn to embrace both we begin as disciples who mature to become bond servants stewards eventually friends who engage in intimacy beyond the veil there is a process. all of us when we first got to know Jesus entered into a discipleship process as we began to mature there were questions are whether we had the right to do our own thing and a lot of us decided we wanted to surrender to become a bond servant. And in the Bible that’s when they had to  Pearce their ear as a sign that they did not want to go free. They did not want free will.  and when were in that place where God entrusts us he’s gives us stewarding duties. But he doesn’t want us to remain a steward. and Jesus talked to his disciples and said I don’t want you to remain as servants I want you to be my friends and friends engage in a deeper intimacy beyond the veil and that’s where God is calling us to engage as his children. Zechariah 3:7 is a description of that process thus says the Lord of hosts if you will walk in my ways and if you will perform my laws then you will also govern my house and have charge of my courts and I will grant you free access among these who are standing here. so there is a process of learning to walk in his ways here eventually becoming friends that unveils our position seated in the heavenly realms where we begin to perform the things he called us to do, in lordship and then we begin to govern the house and have charge of the courts in kingship and eventually operating in the assemblies and councils of God having more responsibility as sons, we mature in sonship. Being living sacrifices helps us to surrender to this process of maturing and as we grow we will become more governmental through the relationship that we have.

We have this diagram of the different courts of heaven. and we start off having access to the mobile court, the accusations. we then can engage the court of war or strategy, engage the court of angels and that gives us access to operate in lordship on our mountains and our thrones. but there are other levels of courts and authority that God wants to bring us into that we need to mature to be able to have access and to be trained and to use the court of chancellors  and the court of scribes and the other courts there described. God has always had a plan and purpose for each of our lives. from God’s perspective he is always known that plan and purpose he wants us to come into a cognitive understanding of that plan and purpose. Being a living sacrifice enables us to do that. to engage those plans we need to engage and surrender to God’s thoughts by becoming living sacrifices. It is the thoughts of God that he has about us, that as we engage intimately with him will be unveiled and revealed so that we can just surrender and come into agreement with. A living sacrifice surrenders their own plans and purposes to a higher cause. That cause is our destiny as sons for creation. Our purpose is to bring creation back into a restored relationship with God through our sonship. The thoughts of God toward us today are totally in tune with what was written on our scroll before the foundation of the world and what we agreed to for this realm in the spirit with our spirit. And we can re-engage with those thoughts so they become cognitively available to us to come into agreement with. but destiny is not fate it does require our choice .we have a choice of engaging our destiny or not. we have a choice to agree with God and pursue our destiny or not. now the more we come into an intimacy of relationship the easier it is to come into agreement with that destiny because we know the heart of God. God’s heart for us God’s heart for creation we begin to respond out of God’s heart. We begin to outwork his heart in a relational way but also in a governmental way. So we serve God as sons not slaves. religion produces slaves, relationship produces sons. If our identity is linked to a spirit of slavery we may seek to serve God because of wrong motives. And part of the process is to uncover those wrong motives. Whether we are operating out of duty, out of fear looking for position looking for promotion looking for recognition. all those things can be the things in our soul, that our soul will be looking for. how can we be sure of our motives? well being a living sacrifice brings our motives into the light because we allow God to unveil those things for us so that we can be transformed and changed. so how can we be sure? by presenting ourselves to God daily, surrendering to the process of transformation. transformation deals with our motives and our attitudes our heart. it deals with our unmet needs our un healed wounds and our unresolved issues. and there may be many of those things that we know about and there may be many  of those things that we are unaware of . but when we are being opened for the motives of our heart to be revealed , then  they will come to the surface so they can be transformed. we cooperate with that process specifically by daily giving God permission to transform us to search us. Hebrews 4:12 and Romans 12:1,2 go well together. for the word of God which is Jesus, is  living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword for the piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit of both joints and marrow and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. so when we engage in intimacy with that living Word that truth, as Jesus our high priest and we surrender as living sacrifices he begins to unveil those things. Division of soul and spirit joints and marrow thoughts and intentions of the heart. verse 13 says and there is no creature hidden from his sight. all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of him with whom we have to do. this living Word of God Jesus can see these things that may be hidden from our sight but there not hidden from him. and if we allow him he will bring them into view so we can see those things and then come into agreement with surrendering them. Hebrews 4:12 in the mirror Bible says this- the message God spoke to us is in Christ is the most living giving life-giving and dynamic influence in us, cutting like a surgeon’s scalpel sharper than a soldier sword piercing to the deepest core of human  conscience to the dividing of soul and spirit ending the dominance of the self sense realm and its neutralising effect upon the human spirit. in this way a person spirit is free to become the ruling influence again in the thoughts and intentions of their heart. so again looking at our motives. and this living relationship with this living Word Jesus himself is life-giving and dynamic to deal with those things in our life. the scrutiny of this word detects every possible disease discerning the bodies deepest secrets where joint bone marrow meet. the moment we cease from our own efforts to justify ourselves by yielding to the integrity of the message that announces the success of the cross. God’s word is triggered into action. so as we embrace this cross, as we embrace being crucified with him. as we embrace the fact that when he was crucified we was crucified with him. as we embrace that reality it opens up and detects and reveals those deepest things in our lives. so that then the truth of the living Word of God as revealed through Jesus is empowering us to be changed and transformed. God’s words, what God spoke to us in sonship, the incarnation through Jesus radiates his image and likeness in our redeemed innocence. the word powerfully penetrates and impacts our whole being body soul and spirit .remember this is not just talking about the written Bible, this is talking about our relationship with the incarnational word of God Jesus himself who dwells with us in us in relationship Hebrews 413 the entire person is thoroughly exposed to his scrutinising gaze every creature’s original form is on record in the word, in who we are within God himself, revealing God’s resolve to display his image and likeness in human form. he wants to reveal us as his sons so the world can see God through us. so presenting ourselves as living sacrifices is to deal with our desires motives the attitudes of our heart in regard to worshipping and serving God. daily declaring ourselves as living sacrifices by faith, presents our desire to be transformed and mature to God. and he will take us at the desire and our willingness to declare and present ourselves and begin to outwork that process through us .sacrifices were usually prepared and presented in very specific ways .you can find out this in the Bible but there are other ways you can see that. sacrifices were prepared by a priest to be presented to God. sacrifices were presented on an altar. sacrifices need fire to consume them to make a form of smoke or incense of them.  And the whole purpose of being a sacrifice was that we would be an acceptable offering to God . now we are acceptable to him in Christ but he wants, as we present ourselves to conform us to that image so that were not conformed to anything, that mould that the world shaped us in.  there is no longer an earthly priesthood which is why  we need to do this in the realms of heaven. we are all kings and priests we all have access to Jesus our high priest. and when we present ourselves as living sacrifices he takes us and he begins to prepare us so that we can be this offering to God . so where are the altars for living sacrifices? there is no earthly altar, because there is no earthly tabernacle. in the Tabernacle and the temple in the heavenly realms is where there are altars for presenting ourselves. on the macro scale of the Tabernacle is the pattern of the heavens itself . outer court, inner court, holy of holies. But also on the microscale the Tabernacle is an actual spiritual dimensional place, where we can engage through, coming through the veil, coming through the way the truth and the life- Jesus to have access into the very intimate places within the realms of heaven and to present ourselves for transformation there. This  is a picture of the out-of-court there are various things there, the brazen lavor which was a mirror surface that you could look into or be  cleansed as you saw an image of yourself. There is the table of show bread talking about the living word. but as you partaking of that and communion and taking the body and blood of Jesus. the golden candlestick representing (? the Holy Spirit) but the light and the Menorah of the seven spirits of God then the altar of incense for praise worship where we surrender ourselves and yield ourselves. the veil is removed then the Ark of the covenant of God’s presence on the four faces of God where we can step into that presence is open for us. so there is a process of entering in through the veils and all the realms of heaven operate in this way. we have this realm, the earth realm operating in light and darkness , the kingdom of the earth. and we have the realm of the kingdom of his government, the kingdom of God where we can come into through the veil and engage bringing the light where we then operate through the way and we can engage that.

now beyond that you have to go through the fiery sword and cherub. so that’s why the enemy has got no access beyond the realm of the kingdom of God, that is where the mobile court is convened. That is  why he has no  access to any of the other courts, but we do. but we have to go through a process of fire ourselves, which is the process of transformation to enable us to mature into those realms so we can then go beyond the realm of the kingdom of heaven into the heaven heavens, perfection and eternity.

So the sacrificial lamb was prepared by the priest. Exodus 29:16 talks about that and you shall kill the ram you shall cut the ram in pieces and wash its entrails and legs and put them with its pieces and its head. so there was a whole process that was preparation and this is symbolic  for us. first of all they slit the lamb throat, it was dead. Now we have already been crucified with Christ. so we are surrendering and reckoning ourselves to that. Applying it effectively to our lives. the blood was drained .so there was a an initial process and this is where we surrender and yield. then they skinned it, and they split it open, washed its inner organs, they split open the backbone to reveal the marrow, special knife for  doing that. Chopped off its head, cut off its legs. now all these things are symbols for transformation now when we first started doing this people thought it was really gory this is a symbol. I am not literally going to have my throat slit because I am already dead. and this is a living sacrifice not a dead one. so I’m not literally gonna be skinned physically I’m not literally going to be split open and washed. but this is symbolic of the process of transformation that I can go through to eventually come into another level of maturity where I am transformed into his image and I can find and outwork his will and my destiny. so skinned, what does it mean to be skinned ?  now I go into detail  in the transformation series. So I am not gonna go into detail I’m just going to give you enough for you to realise what the process is about. so all our coping mechanisms defence mechanisms protection mechanisms that we have built up around our lives are going to be removed , like the skins that we’ve covered ourselves in. some of those things maybe our self-righteousness and things where we covered ourselves in our own works. we will discover that their dead works and they need to be stripped away. we cannot come in our own righteousness.we come because he has made us righteous .  all the layers of trauma that may be around our lives can be removed. skinned clothed or baptised in the father-son and holy spirit so it’s not just that we have skins removed. when those skins are removed it enables us to be truly skinned or clothed in the father-son and spirit in the full armour of righteousness light and God. Now the head chopped off. Now the head is about government rule or authority. So it is surrendering our choices our rights and our decision-making to him who is our head. we become connected to the head, who is Jesus Luke  22:42 yet not my will but yours be done. and this is what were saying,  I am not going to create in my own mind in my own choices to do things my way. But I am going to yield and surrender my choices my government my authority my rule, he is gonna be on the throne of my life. and then he is going to teach me to rule. because he places his government on me, but he is the head. so literally  this is the process of him being the head of our lives. John 4:34 my food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work. and this was Jesus’ sustenance, everything was about the will of God and his willingness to surrender to only do the will of God .John 5:30 I can do nothing of my own initiative as I hear I judge and my judgement is just, because I do not seek my own will but the will of him who sent me. being a living sacrifice is doing exactly that. not seeking my own will but the will of him who sent me. and as he sent Jesus so he has sent us into this world.

 Ephesians 4: 15 speaking the truth in love we are to grow up in all aspects into him who is the head even Christ. and this is the process , as we come into this relationship of love an unveiling of the truth will bring us into growing up into this position of Christ being our head.

 Isaiah 9:6 for a child will be born to us a son will be given to us and the government will be rest on his shoulders now if he is the head we are the shoulders and he wants to place his government on us, but only in relationship to him being the head. not me doing the governmental things my own way, outside of love and relationship.

 Matthew 11:29 take my yoke upon you and learn from me because I’m gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls .so everything about this being a living sacrifices to bring us into this place where we are yoked to him where  we are  learning what it means to have a gentle and humble heart. and we will find all the activity of our soul to receive something to validate itself will fall away when we are realising that all the validation the significance the acceptance everything comes in relationship with the father.25:27

 now seek first the kingdom God’s rule in you and your dominion in the world. it is putting that as the priority. as we allow God to rule in us he gives us dominion in our world in the our life. as we seek his righteousness his way of being the fruit of the spirit his way doing the power of the spirit we will not do this in independence. we are under authority and we exercise authority because were connected correctly to the head. we confidently expect God to add all we need if we accept that promise to put him first then he will add everything we need. and we can hold him to that. but we need to be in that place of surrender as a living sacrifice for that work in our lives.

 and then being slit open all the inward parts cleansed Psalm 139:23 search me of God and know my heart try me put me on trial and know my anxious thoughts verse 24 and see if there be any hurtful wicked or idolatrous way in me and lead me in the everlasting way- this is my destiny. that everlasting way that has been prepared for me before the foundation of the world. I need my inner parts cleansed so that I can operate in the purity of heart. it’s the pure in heart who will truly have this intimate relationship with God. so inward motives, the trading floors of our lives are all revealed. I am not going to go into that in detail  because I  have done it before, but I would encourage you to revisit it. hidden trauma triggers get revealed because there are things that are hidden in our lives because of trauma patterns of thinking and behaviour that actually get revealed when we allow Jesus as our high priest to open us up and unveil our hearts. all iniquity, those bents to particular behaviours get revealed. all idolatry is revealed.

 the backbone split open revealing the bone and the marrow. Genetic, epigenetic impurities trigger switches will be revealed and cleansed and purified through this process of being a living sacrifice, embrace it.

 our legs chopped off- symbolic of the surrendered walk, an obedient walk, again yielding only doing what we see the father doing. 1John 2:6 the one who says he abides in him- Jesus, ought himself to walk in the same manner as he walked. that is walking with a gentle and humble heart, but walking in authority, walking is in sonship. Galatians 220 I’ve been crucified with Christ it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me and the life which I now live in the flesh which is this living life, being a living sacrifice, I live by faith of the son of God who loved me and gave himself up for me. and I love him and I give myself up for him and I need to love the world and give myself up for the whole cosmos. that’s my role as a son. So now we walk by faith and not by sight. Jesus only did what he saw the father doing John 519 this means relationship with the father and the son leads to purpose and action and prospering and fulfilling and out working our destiny’s. John 14:10 do not believe that I’m in the father and the father’s in me. this is the I am of John 14. where I am you may be also in this intimate relationship. the words that I say to you I do not speak of my own initiative, but the father abiding in me does his works. and this is the awesomeness of this relationship, where we begin to find this intimacy that means we cooperate and walk together and work these things out. Jesus is the only way we can do this. so Romans 12:1 I urge you brethren by the mercies of God present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice acceptable to God which is your spiritual service of worship and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. and this is the key. it is only by our minds being renewed that we actually think the way he thinks about us and the way he thinks about the world, that then we will be changed and transformed because as a man thinks in his heart so is he. the only way we are going to prove what the will of God is, which is good acceptable and perfect is to have our minds renewed to come into agreement with God’s thoughts. that is true repentance, it’s the renewing of our minds- met annoyed- with mind- that’s what literally it means. when we agree with the thoughts of God about us, we are transformed. when we agree with the truth of God’s thoughts about us, the lies from the world begin to fall away. because the truth that we know will set us free. renewing of our minds deals with how we are programmed. we may be programed by nature by nurture by trauma or we can be programmed by our destiny and who God has created us to be and the amazing thoughts that he has about us . proverbs 23:7 as a man thinks in his heart so is he. our thinking is not just about our mind, but programming the cells of our whole body good or bad. and our bodies can be programmed by bad things that have happened to us, which is why we need to be healed and made whole, or by good things that actually bring our whole body soul and spirit together into unity. our thinking creates our reality. the question is, which reality are we living from? renewing of our minds deals with how we create our reality or the truth of how we live. so how are we living? what reality are we living in? if our minds are not renewed we will be creating our reality from our previous experiences and beliefs. So we will keep getting what we always got. because our reality will be shaped by what we already believe. but our reality can be framed from lies and not truth. that’s where most people live, your framing your life from the lies that you believe about yourself, rather than the truth that God believes about you. Frans Detroit made this quote- I’m often overwhelmed at the magnitude of our eternal Genesis the thought of eternity that indwells us. if our finite minds could invent technology that captures fleeting fragile moments in a timeframe with such precision and intention to detail , how vast is the eternal sphere we come from. how excellent the logic of the logos that was face-to-face with God before Time was and gave birth to us. you are God’s idea. so the living sacrifice transformation is to come back to God’s idea. it changes us here as we live free in this realm. were not held by all those things which are from the past. living sacrifice transformation also gives us access to the dimensional realms of heaven as we mature and grow. living sacrifice transformation gives us the authority to manifest heaven on earth through our lives by being seated in heavenly realms and being a gateway of heaven into the earth. again another France was Detroit quote about Hebrews 4:12 soul realm sources it’s wisdom from information gathered and interpreted to the senses and is filtered through the familiar avenues of our cultural historical personal references and that’s mostly how we lived. we’ve lived through the wisdom that the soul has received from the world around us. and then that becomes the framework that we live in and that constrains us to live within what we already believe. this is where confirmation bias works. but there is another source supreme and so significant when one’s ears begin to hear the whispers of the spirit to spirit resonance. the logic of a thought incarnate inside of you and knowing that you are known  entirely even from before Time was and that you are loved unconditionally and very intentionally. this understanding cuts like a two-edged sword to the division of soul and spirit ending the dominance of the sense realm its neutralizing effect upon the human spirit. this is why it’s so important that we surrender and yield to this being a living sacrifice and allow the living Word of God to change and transform us and bring us back to the conformity of that pattern that was formed of us before creation itself .in this way man’s spirit is free to become the ruling influence again and the thoughts and intentions of  the heart. as sons we have access to I aM. what is now and what was before there was anything other than God, we have access to that eternal heart, to that amazing relationship. we can engage the eternal aspects of our identity and destiny which will reshape how we feel in this present realm. the heart of God outside of time and space is accessible to us in Christ, the veil is torn, he’s opened up this way. our eternal home and the dance of God’s love is true intimacy and true identity. that’s what we discover when we begin to re-engage in this amazing intimate relationship and be surrounded by the dance of God’s love, for us in that amazing place. God’s thoughts about us are constant within his heart. He doesn’t change his thoughts. he has always thought the same about you. But  we need to access his heart outside of time and space limitations ,which  needs to be done spiritually. it is more difficult to do it in a cognitive way, but it will eventually become cognitive as our spirit releases that to us. as sons we have access to the I am of God, where it is continually now. Now that is something, it so difficult to describe and I’ve experienced it, being in the continual now. it is a non-linear way of experiencing. and our minds need rewiring to connect to it, but it is possible. accessing the thoughts of God’s continual conversation about us, that he is continually having because it’s all now. we have a restored relationship with love’s very essence, restored spiritual memory, but we may need some deconstruction before this becomes cognitive. some of the frameworks which shape our believes will need deconstruction by this truth which will shake the very foundations of those structures within our minds, so we can truly embrace the amazing thoughts that God has for each of us. our spirit moves us and directs us and our soul agrees and cooperates once it is separated and reintegrating. and this is all the process of transformation as living sacrifices that we can go through. we can become reconnected with who we were as pre-existing spirit beings. reconnected to creation as it was before it came into bondage to corruption.37:28

 that will motivate us to participate in its restoration, when we reconnect to it. we have access into the four faces of God into the Yoda hey vav hey of his name into the what is within the realms of the Ark of the presence of God. we can step into that amazing name. and we have this eternal path, this is the ancient path that we can walk back into what was –was, before there was. and walk that back into what is. and walk that out in what will be, so were continually bringing the beginning and the end together. as we walk this out day by day step-by-step, we have access to be continually in all those places, so that were continually flow from what was, what is, once we are free from the limitations and tethering to the earth and were free from the limitations of linear thinking we can be multidimensional beings functioning in multiple realms of heaven because we are reconnected to who we always were. we find through rest allow his thoughts to envelop us in the womb of his heart. this is such a wonderful place to be in the womb of his heart in that place where all those amazing thoughts created us, and we can re-engage with him in his heart and those thoughts and find this deep love that he has for us. we begin to feel this frequency of love vibrating in our spirit and it will begin to bring order to bring reconnection to bring this energy of love to restore us into our sonship. the father desires to reveal his heart to our spirit once again. the father desires to reveal his amazing thoughts about us, lets listen to him as he unveils the hidden mysteries of our destiny. let’s listen to him let’s listen to him when he begins to prepare us as a living sacrifice, let him reveal how special you are to him . let him show you your true identity,. Let him show you your true purpose. let what was transform what is to release what will be. begin to resonate with our scroll of destiny that will bring an alignment an agreement between heaven and earth. scrolls of Revelation is like his thoughts .are we talking about engaging the scroll finding our scroll finding our destiny scroll, it is the revelation of his thoughts about us scrolls revealing who we are scrolls revealing are redemptive gift and purpose the scrolls revealing our true identity scrolls revealing our true destiny scrolls revealing who we can be scrolls revealing what we can do. the limitations removed. our two DNA strands represent body and soul and they carry the record of our mothers and fathers generational line. in the order of Melchizedek has no generational record .so what is gonna change our physical DNA? the third light strand which carries the record of our eternal image and purpose, which carries encoded in light in that frequency of light the ability to reconnect us. and as we take on the body and blood of Jesus we connect to the light within that strand that will unveil and reveal at a deeper level of transformation within even in our DNA- that which God is place within us .our destiny scroll encoded in light begins to release desire into our heart and transform and conform us to our eternal image. our scroll is open day by day to direct our path. Psalm  119: 105 it is the light to my path it is the living Word of God now think of this as Jesus a relationship rather than a book. the living Word of God which is active God spoke in eternity and that can activate us because it’s vibrating within our scroll our scroll can be engaged in many places in the scroll room at the Ark in God’s heart our scroll was a prefus or an overview a blueprint that alines our life and directs the desires of our heart then we engage with the nine strands of God’s DNA and that gets added to our identity and we are joined to the Lord and one spirit with him we begin to take on 12 strands of DNA. now there not physical DNA strand in the same way but they are strands of light strands of Revelation strands of truth that represent who we are encoded within him that gets revealed. we grow in maturity as we become whole and become conformed to our eternal image. this occurs as we step into him and were baptised into him. so it is a relational thing. as we stand on the fire stones and we embrace again the revelation of our sonship 12 different levels as we stand on the dancefloor and have the DNA of God intwined and dance with us.42:51

 again the circle of the dance where we are covered and surrounded by and encoded with that light .we are skined with his nature and character and armour as we engage his heart in eternity. All these things are possible for us to engage. our scroll has our governmental position encoded within it, with the nine attributes of government revealed in God’s precepts. precepts statutes laws ordinances mantles weapons scrolls discoveries commissioning into our sonship. the roles and responsibilities that we have within our destiny. as we begin to engage the deeper levels of Revelation within the realms of heaven within the strands of God’s DNA within the light that is revealed through the fire stones. all this becomes the sacrificial process of transformation that we embrace as we surrender to it. our scroll enables us to recognise and resonate with all things that are part of our destiny. including the relationships the task the quest the trials the mandates the ministry positions and the callings. but not the suffering that has taken place because of living in a broken world. we do not agree and our soul does not contain negative things .God had no negative things when he spoke about us. that’s why when we re-engage with his thoughts it begins to transform and change us and heal us and make us whole. the affirmations of who he says we are. the affirmations of what he is called us to be and do. so we need to engage with the scroll. re-engage with that scroll. re-engage with the heart of God in eternity.

now I am going to encourage you to just again activate this and while we are activating this we can again just shift the focus of our spirit, as we’ve been practising doing. we shift that focus and we re-engage our spirit with the very Spirit of God within the heart of God in eternity. and in this activation that’s really what we are going to look to do. We are going to look to re-engage with the heart of God in eternity. and were going to engage because heaven is open. encourage you just to shift your thinking to engage with Jesus that open door shift your consciousness to engage with Jesus.

 Jesus is always waiting for us .again present yourself as a living sacrifice to Jesus our high priest. set the desire of your heart on your destiny scroll and the vast some of his amazing thoughts about you. just begin to think about it and meditate round it and just let Jesus as the living Word of God just let him take you back into the very heart of God .just let him begin to lead you back to God’s heart. to take you back into that place where you were formed within his very womb. take you through the veils. take you onto that ancient path. taking you back, where you can be cocoon within the circle of the dance within his heart. Don’t try and figure it out . just let the father begin to reveal his true essence of love to you. let the father reveal his heart of love how special you are the very apple of his eye and just be in the conversation of his heart. hear his thoughts about you. Let him unveil who you always meant to be. where you can sense your eternal identity and destiny. where the father wants to reveal a deeper revelation of his names to you as a son .just be enveloped in the circle of the dance you you you you

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